Samantha Rye and the Magic Girl High


‘Sam…Sam! Are you awake? How do you fall asleep sitting on your knees like that?’

‘Huh? Oh, hey Clem. I wasn’t sleeping, I was astral projecting myself to the World Tree to talk to Iggy. She says hi, by the way.’

‘The avatar of the World Tree knows my name?’

‘Obviously. She is tied to all living things. I’m also pretty sure she has a link to my point of view and a serious voyeur problem…Anyway, what do you need?’

‘Oh, Right! I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to pick up my weapon. And then we could go get some breakfast somewhere in the market...and go shopping for clothes, and maybe some jewelry.’

‘Clem…I’m not getting a dress.’

‘Oh come on! You’re a princess and you only own one dress, and you've only worn it once!’

‘And I almost died in that dress. Dresses are dangerous. Not as dangerous as capes, but still…And I don’t do jewelry. My ears aren’t even pierced. Jewelry is too distracting and loud. You know what, now that I think of it, you and jewelry have a lot in common.’

It was at this point that she made and obnoxious throat noise and attempted to make her eyes look like a lost puppy dog's. Her eyes began to water, but I suspect that was more because of her sockets drying out from not blinking.

‘Fine. But only because I’m curious as to what weapon you decided to order and I want to check out the barracks. And I’m not getting a dress.’


‘It’s so pretty!’


‘The weaving is so intricate. And I love how the little metal studs accent well with the color of the stained leather. I bet you could knock a man off his feet with this.’



‘It’s a whip.’


‘Have you ever even used a whip in combat before? It’s practically useless. Honestly, what was your plan if I never showed up? It’s not even magical.’

‘Well, I figured since you and Roxanne are going to be doing all of the fighting, I could be the Mascot or something.’

‘Honestly, I don’t know who's worse, you or Blue? I guess you at least could act serious when you were at the school. Why don’t you channel that more often?’

‘Blue? One of the Fairybond students that you talked to before you left?’

‘Ya, you and she have a lot in common, although she would probably smoosh your head like a grape if you ever got into a fight.’

‘She is that strong?’

‘She took on a Troll one on one while we tried to find out how to kill it. She’s a loon but her defensive skills are formidable.’

‘Ho ho ho. I just had an idea.’


‘What? You don’t even know what my idea is!’

‘Last scheme I followed you through got me crowned as princess. I don’t think I have the patience for another one of your shenanigans.’

‘Hey! That scheme also saved my father from assassination. Just trust me, this is going to be good.’


‘Sammy! Oh, I mean…Princess Sammy! I miissssed yoooooouuuuuu!’

Two days had passed since Clem had come up with some scheme to aid us in winning the tournament. She had left the next day to head back to the school. I had volunteered to go with her, but she said she was pretty sure I would burn it to the ground if I came. She wasn’t wrong.

Rox and I stood at the barracks in the area where the Fairybond train and Clem and Blue had just arrived in a carriage pulled by those weird four-legged raptor things. Blue proceeded to fall face-first out of the vehicle and then hop back up and give me a bear hug, lifting me off the ground. Her grip was as tight as ever and I swear I saw a tinge of jealousy from Rox.

‘Uh. Easy Blue. I swear your passage of time is messed up. It’s still only been a week since I left.’

Clem stepped out of the carriage with a wide grin on her face. It seemed like whatever plan she had was coming together.

‘Alright, it looks like almost everyone is here. Where is Fauna?’

We looked around confused for a second when a woman in her early twenties walked into the field. She had tight, wavy, yellow hair that came down to her shoulders. She was average height but very skinny and her brown doe eyes were too big for her face. She had a headband with two small horns coming off of it as well as a very green skirt and blouse combo that just screamed that she was a Fairybond.

‘Ya’ll lookin’ for lil' ol’ me?’

‘Good timing, Fauna! Now that everyone is here, let’s get started!’

‘Ok, Clem. So explain to us what we need two Fairybond for? And why did you need to go all the way to the school just to get Blue?’

‘Because, look!’

Clem stood side by side with Blue. I stood in silence for a few seconds and then blinked a few times, hoping the dead facial expression I was giving would move things along.

‘We are the same height and almost the same build! You even mentioned earlier that we had similar pep! So, since you also regularly point out that my combat ability is lacking, we will have dear Marina here stand-in for me in the fights!’

‘No, that’s crazy. You guys may be close, but not that close. And, isn’t that a bit risky? If we get caught, won’t we be disqualified or something?’

Rox had her hand on her chin like she was seriously considering it.

‘No, this is actually within the rules. You can’t be disqualified. They just take the edge away if you get caught. We should expect the other teams to be doing the same.’

‘So if we get caught, then Blue just gets sidelined and Clem just has to fight again? But isn’t Clem a national figure? I think people will notice even if we put a wig on Blue and dress her up.’

‘Aww, don’t you worry your little head, sweetheart. That’s where Ah come in.’

The doe-eyed girl spoke as she conjured a golden pan flute into her hands. With a few random toots, a swirl of energy distorted the air around Blue and began to twist. After a few seconds, she now looked like an identical copy of Clem except for the school uniform.

‘Ah, so illusion magic. How long can it hold?’

‘As long as Ahm within’ sight, suga’.’

‘Hmm, so how many illusions can you hold at the same time?’

‘Depens on tha complexity, but Ahm fairly confident Ah can hold up ta three solid illusions out ah combat. Why? want me ta change yah hairstyle or somethin’?’

‘Naw, just trying to understand the toolbox. Can you do full invisibility?’

‘Fraid not, honey. Ah can make things look different, but no big changes. Hence needin’ someone who looks close ta tha princess.’

‘Got it. How about size change?’

‘Aww, does someone have a problem with bein’ fun-sized? Ah think you’re just adorable.’

‘What? No. I mean, being taller would be nice, but an illusion isn’t going to change that. But being shorter or taller might affect my opponent’s ability to judge my attacks.’

‘Just messin’. That’s actually mah general utility. Ah can alter tha size of somethin’ up ta twenty-five percent both ways.’

‘Got it. I’ll send you a sheet with accompanying effects and signs. We will practice here with you for the next week. Find three Fairybond who aren’t afraid to get beaten up or cause a little pain to the princesses. And Blue, take some time learning how to stop being your bubbly obnoxious self and be more like her bubbly obnoxious self.’

‘Oh, so the lil’ firecracka is a strategist?’

The three other girls looked at me and then at the yellow-haired girl. They then looked at each other and laughed.

‘You have no idea. Sammy here is a bundle of surprises. She killed Miss Victoria and cut off Miss Iron’s arm before they could stop her.’

‘And she killed a Quicksilverback in thirty seconds with no backup.’

‘And she saved the King while killing a Quillion, again with no backup.’

The girls all laughed as they recounted my deeds. I couldn’t help but feel a swelling of pride at my many accomplishments. I was a little miffed at the mention of only cutting off Miss Iron’s arm, but I would rectify that next time we met.

‘And didn’t you say that you even killed the Revenant Hive Queen in your last life? Ya, she's amazing.’

All laughter stopped like someone had pressed a mute button. I felt my cheeks flush red as the looks on the other girl’s faces went from jovial to sheer shock. Clem was still cooing in admiration, completely oblivious to the bomb she had just dropped on the group. I sighed in exasperation.

‘Clem, I thought we talked about keeping that whole thing secret.’

Blue had a smug smile on her now Clem looking face.

‘It looks like you’ve regained some more of your memories. I guess that explains how you knew the Troll’s weakness at first sight.’

‘Ya, I’ll tell you more about it later. And Clem, zip it about my past.’

‘What? I didn’t even say anything about the prophet thing!’


‘Wait, ya mean this lil’ bit here is the prophet?’

‘That’s it. Your sleeping on the floor tonight!’


‘You don’t have your own bed yet? The servants should have gotten you that on day one?’

‘Except it seems like someone keeps telling them it isn’t necessary.’

With that, the group broke into another fit of laughter as Clem pouted and I scowled.


We walked through the crowd and towards the arena where we were to be fighting. With a week’s practice, we had gotten our coordination down. I had even managed to slip away and go on a Revenant hunt with a few of the Fairybond. It didn’t amount to much, but Mana is Mana. Every little bit helps.

‘Come on, Sam! Please don’t keep ignoring meeeee!’

‘Shut up, non-Clem. You’re not even the one I’m still mad at. Keep it up and I’ll stop talking to you too.’


Rox clutched her new spear that was custom ordered from Miss Cinder. That blacksmith was a lifesaver. Non-Clem held her heater shield and mace combo, but I had instructed her to not use fairy magic unless absolutely necessary. Her newly upgraded mace should be more than enough.

I looked down at my sword. All four red lights were lit up and fully charged. I was clad in my black and red huntress outfit and itching for a good fight. A quick glance to my right revealed Doey, our hidden Fairybond, cloaked and ready to toot on her pipes when the signal was given.

We walked past some guards through a tunnel and out into the center Colosseum. We were joined by five other groups, all clad in odd assortments of weapons and armor. We stood in our place as the announcer started.

‘Welcome all, to the first royal battle! Where the noble families of each country show off their strength and, once and for all, will show us who is the strongest country in all the world! Are you ready?!’

I couldn’t help but feel a slight tweak of excitement as the crowd cheered. I gripped my hilt tighter and a slight smirk escaped my face. My heart began to race. Maybe today, I’d have a good fight. Sure, the whole thing was probably going to blow up into some sort of epic political backstab, but I would still get to fight first…probably.

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