Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 113

Chapter 112: Extra 1: Zerg Planet Follow-Up (Gu Zhenqiuzhen)

—The time and space where the Zerg planet is located

The moment Ruan Yu gave the bomb, the explosion sounded from hundreds of meters underground.

Weak waves are superimposed into shock waves, and the huge sound can be heard almost half the planet. The elastic stress wave caused severe damage to the rock layer, and expanded the original cracks in the rock mass at the bottom of the nest hundreds of meters. Soon after, it gradually attenuated into a compressive stress wave, and then attenuated into a seismic wave.

“Be careful!”



The soldiers near the mother’s house were looking for a safe bunker in such a violent impact, and the sister flower’s mecha became a good shelter barrier.

Gu Zhen groaned, the impact of his mental power materialization caused him a lot of damage.

Rianyi wanted to ask if he was okay, but seeing his solemn expression, the words reached his lips, and he finally took them back.

Fortunately, there was only one sudden explosion, and the follow-up battle looked quite big, but in fact there was no second wave, which was fine.

Gu Zhen remembered the person he met underground.

Is this what you do? he thinks.

The zerg’s sense of smell is so sensitive that it can transport bombs into the mother’s house without being detected. How did she do it?

The distance with the main force is close, Xiao Sang can stably connect to the main network, and transmit the income of several of them in the lair.

No one is afraid of death, they rushed towards the mother’s house, just to kill enough hateful bugs here, so that the frontline soldiers have more life.

They stared at the ground with burning eyes, silently clenching the weapons in their hands, waiting for a deadly battle with the Zerg that emerged later.

The core members are looking for the real secret in the mother’s house.

Gu Zhen glanced at Xiao Sang, after he removed his mental power, the whole person seemed much weaker.

Xiao Sang was surprised: “What’s wrong?”

Gu Zhen: “I have an intuition that she solved the female worm.”

The intuition of psychic people is generally very accurate, especially Gu Zhen, he is a famous crow-mouthed, because he only speaks bad words but not good words, and all predictions that fail to make him famous since he was a child .

This is the first time Gu Zhen has said good or bad.

Xiao Sang does not believe: “She is just a person.”

Gu Zhen was silent: “Maybe not?”

He didn’t know how to describe this feeling, but anyway, he felt that the woman was not simple.

Alienation? Coercion? Or is it the awe-inspiring feedback from the moment when the spiritual power is approaching her?

Gu Zhen had never felt this way before. The duration was short, and the fleeting feeling made him doubt himself, and he became uncertain.

This is normal. In the mother’s house, delusions, discomfort, tension, and death have a great impact on a spiritual person, and mistakes are inevitable.

Gu Zhen looked at the ground that was covered by the sand and gravel. Below it was a ground fissure. There were countless Zerg and only one female insect.

Everyone is ready to kill the higher Zerg here.

Even if they can’t be killed, they have to be seriously injured.

The howl of the female insect was drowned out by the loud explosion, and the higher Zerg sensed the danger of the female insect and immediately flew away from their position.


The walls were freshly charred and bloodstained and hung with charred meat, sticky.

A higher Zerg frowned, stretched out his legs and touched it, his face instantly turned black and turned to look at the two at the door.

They quickly exchanged opinions, knowing that this is the flesh and blood of the female worm.

The three Zerg are crazy, even the one that has just been born and has not accumulated strength, is frantically following the other, like a headless fly, trying to catch the last message of the mother insect , find its place.

Lower and less intelligent Zerg couldn’t get here, they were at the intersection and the upper floor, panicked, and when they saw the figure of the higher Zerg, they hurriedly chased after them.

The lair was already crumbling, and the rampage of the higher Zerg caused all the key support points to be destroyed, the floor shattered, the ceiling (also the floor) fell down, and it was half buried in a short time.

They didn’t care, and after they found nothing, they set their sights on the distant ground.

Definitely there! It was the vile and inferior creatures who took away their mother!

On the ground, Gu Zhen’s ears moved, and he said alertly: “Come!”

This is a battle and a battle to the death.

But for some reason, afterward, Gu Zhen felt that the casualties were wrong. Especially in the later stage of his battle with the higher Zerg, the insect did not know why, but its strength declined extremely quickly.

It’s like, suddenly tired and out of energy.

The polluter’s mental power is stronger than him, how could it decline so fast? !

Gu really couldn’t believe it, his first reaction was that the bug showed weakness and had a conspiracy. However, until he used his remaining mental power to let go, the polluter, who should have been slightly injured, stopped all movements in a daze, and stood there like that, motionless.

One person slashed at him with the determination to die.

Gu Zhen watched him die in front of him.

Even the person who killed the polluter was stunned: “What’s going on? Have I fallen into a fantasy? Damn, am I dead?”

The polluter can invade the brains of interstellar intelligent creatures, perform manipulation and change memory for a certain period of time, of course, it is extremely simple to destroy their brains.

I have never heard of it, polluters are so easy to kill.

Gu Zhen frowned and walked towards the fallen polluter.

With an ugly face, he used the last trace of mental power to probe the other party’s still-dead brain, and what he got was a broken fragmented memory and a surprising news.

“It, the ability suddenly disappeared.”

The inexhaustible power, as if destroying the world, suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the other high-level Zerg on the scene was also beheaded by its opponent at the same time. Thanks to the powerful recovery ability, the high-level Zerg who fell on the ground did not die immediately. Very at a loss, do not understand what happened.

At the same time, after passing through an unknown number of time and space, Ruan Yu on the other side attributed the fragments to the silver tail star.

That is the energy that should not be here, that the Zerg should not get.

There are still many bugs without wisdom. It is not difficult to deal with them.

Gu Zhen: “So, why?”

After taking control of the scene, digging down to the mother’s nest, and finding that the mother worm disappeared without a trace, Gu Zhen once again raised the same question as when he was on the ground.


What the **** is going on?

The laboratory where the system fetched the cheap bomb.

“Hey, did you get feedback on the test item that was thrown out?”

“I saw the notification, it seems that I brought something back.”

“Yes, it’s quite fast. It seems that the mastery of this power of space has improved a bit. When can I copy the Galaxy Gate, that’s really perfect.”

When they arrived at the location, they impatiently looked at the objects from another world in this closed room.

“What the **** is my mother doing?”

“An ugly bug.”

“yue—I’m going to suffocate, turn off the smell and ventilation, don’t leak a single bit, thank you.”

“Wait a minute, there seems to be a black line on its abdomen, how come this thing looks familiar to me…”

A humanoid was running next to me.

“I’m familiar with this! Hastily this thing is a space-time rift! Where did you find it? It’s so small that I can’t see it when I pass by.”

“My God, isn’t it? Made a fortune?”

“Awesome! A half-formed defective product can be exchanged for such a good experimental material!! Hurry up, go to divide the space-time rift! My Galaxy Gate is closer!”

The one who rushed over quickly hugged his thigh: “Please, please give me some points!”

This one kicked: “No, I’m not enough myself! It’s a DIY work I threw out in exchange for it! I don’t!”

Later, in this laboratory, it was especially popular to throw out the gadgets, defective products, and waste products that did not meet expectations (but they were completely usable) for secondary use.

A little price, a little requirement, and a lot of luck.

Gu Zhen thought about it for nearly 20 years, and when his spiritual power continued to strengthen and break through to a higher level, he finally knew the truth that had puzzled him for so long.

“I see.”

He caught the strange feeling from a long time ago, and connected it before and after.

People from another world, that woman is not a senior, she is not from this world, so she is so special!

“Travel through time and space? But with such technology, why…”

Why not come and grab the energy?

Her target is the female worm too? Did she take the female worm away?

Fortunately, what they are doing is to eliminate the Zerg, as long as it can be concluded that the female insect will not appear again, then it will be fine.

Xiao Sang Lianyi and Gu Zhen formed a fixed team. When they saw the captain laughing like a madman, they looked at each other.

The cake in Xiao Sang’s hand was placed on the table.

They’re here to celebrate the captain’s birthday today, so they just took a vacation.

Ripple tentatively said: “Are you crazy?”

Others: “…”

Is there such a temptation?

Ripple said that he was also innocent: “Otherwise?”

Gu Zhen looked at Ripple and the others and shook his head: “No, I just, suddenly wanted to understand something.”

The woman is a visitor from another world, for the mother bug, or other things related to the mother bug.

The power loss of the higher zerg happened after she and the mother worm perished together – no, it is likely that she left this world, but she did not necessarily die – after that, there was a process, a kind of transition.

Gu Zhen can speculate that she is related to the source of the power of the higher Zerg, and it is likely that she caused the disappearance of the power of the Zerg.

So, when the polluter sees her, she will say she is a fellow.

Because their source of power is the same.

Ruan Yu turned into an energy body and found that she had a cause and effect that did not break. She dragged the line along the way, and finally came to this familiar interstellar world.

“Ah…” She scratched her hair, the silver blue was touched by her, and the energy was shining.

It was here.

Ruan Yu still remembers everything she encountered here, the horrific bugs, the debris that dragged her, the interstellar creatures she encountered, and the children who lied to say that she was a senior…

“I don’t know if the Zerg here has been solved.”

She muttered, walking forward step by step, every time she fell, the appearance of energy condensation stabilized, and finally turned into a real interstellar humanoid.

Only a head of light blue with silvery long hair does not match the image she once appeared on Planet 27.

666 was not here, so I brought a new host, and still took the star-making route. According to the letter it sent back, Ruan Yu learned that the host was very good, motivated and active, and would not take 666 Turn in.

Ruan Yu laughed.

Walking to this street, Ruan Yu stood in front of a stall, looking at the soft cotton candy, thinking about how to make money.

“Which one do you want? Today is my birthday and I am inviting ten passers-by to eat. Will the lady give me this chance?”

A male voice rang in his ear, Ruan Yu turned his head to look, and saw a man with a straight body.

“This,” Ruan Yu pointed to the pink one, “Can I have two?”

Different colors and flavors, she doesn’t want to choose one.

Gu Zhen smiled: “Of course.”

The stall owner made it numbly, and I don’t know what materials are used. Anyway, it is different from what Ruan Yu ate when he was in Yinweixing, but it looks a bit similar.

Gu Zhen looked at her and walked ten meters beside Ruan Yu.

“You look like someone I know.” He said.

Ruan Yu: “Then you shouldn’t admit your mistake, I’m so good, I’m the only one in the universe.”

Gu Zhen: “…Yes.”

He looked at Ruan Yu: “Can you help me and solve my doubts?”

Ruan Yu didn’t lift his head, took a big bite of the cloud, and then answered him: “Didn’t you guess it all?”

She stood in front of the square steps, looking at the towering monument in front of her, and the lively scene in this bustling central square.

“So you guys solved it long ago.”

A commemorative event is being held here to commemorate the heroes who died in the war against the Zerg, as well as to celebrate the restoration of interstellar peace.

Gu Zhen was silent for a few seconds, then nodded: “Yes, it’s resolved.”

Ruan Yu finished eating a cloud candy, and sat on the stool next to him and watched the excitement for a while.

Gu Zhen sat quietly beside him and asked abruptly, “Are you… going to go?”

Ruan Yu shook his head: “No, I have to stay here for a while.”

Help to solve a little trouble in order to make up for this cause and effect.

Gu Zhen: “Anyway, thank you for coming.”

Ruan Yu tilted his head to look at him: “I thought you would scold me.”

Gu Zhen: “Afterwards, I had a vague feeling and learned some vague things.”

The fragments didn’t intend to have a bad impact on this time and space. If it wasn’t for the space-time rift that fell in together, the higher Zerg would not have been created.

Gu Zhen: “If the thief stole my gun and turned around to kill someone, although it’s related to me, it’s not my fault.”

Ruan Yu patted him on the shoulder: “I think you are a good person!”

She probed into Gu Zhen’s spiritual sea: “I’m almost touching that line… Yes, dear, are you interested in taking a job at my house after death? Five insurances and one housing fund, With broad prospects for development, with your talent and hard work, I believe there will be a day to take the leadership position!”

Gu Zhen’s physical condition is not very good, even an interstellar with such a developed medical treatment cannot save his deteriorating body.

The spiritual power is too strong, and the power far exceeds the physique.

Maybe it won’t be long before his body really breaks down.

Hearing the topic suddenly changed, Gu Zhen: “Huh?”

Why did you suddenly switch to job hunting?

Ruan Yu sighed: “No way, there is a lot of work at home, and manpower is needed.”

The innate system is insufficient, the main gods have long tried to find the acquired system to work part-time, but they still can’t cover the heavy workload.

Ruan Yu bit off the last bit of cloud candy.

“Come on, think about it.” Before she left, she said, “Call me if you need it. My name is Ruan Yu, and Yinwei is also fine. It’s all me.”

Her voice fell into Gu Zhen’s spiritual sea along with the mark, and he immediately knew how to find Ruan Yu.

Gu Zhen laughed, accidentally broke his breath, hammered his chest and coughed dryly for a while.

Ruan Yu caught a good reserve of the Lord God, and his mood became much better.

“It’s not for nothing,” she thought.

When Gu Zhen became a system, he was fully aware of what the truth was, and he didn’t even drop the details.

I also took the time to look through the information about a laboratory here in the origin space, and found the records of the female worm on the 27th planet.

After reading it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As Ruan Yu expected, Gu Zhen was really strong. When she was promoted to the main god, she went to 666 for gambling money.

“I’m willing to admit defeat! I’ll say he can.” Ruan Yu ruthlessly took 666’s energy blocks.

666I want to cry without tears.

Qiangong watched her trouble and smiled helplessly.

666: “He has become the main god, and I’m just a small system just at level 6. It’s not fair!”

Ruan Yu: “The brain is different, and the factory settings are different. This is normal.”

666: “Is Infinite so powerful? This can be promoted to the Lord God? I’m going too! I’ll apply for a switch to Infinite!”

Ruan Yu didn’t believe it: “Don’t make trouble, you’re not suitable there.”

666 turned around and ran away: “I’m going!”

Ruan Yu: “…”

Later, 666 ended the first unlimited tour and ran to Ruan Yu crying.

“The wife is horrible!”

Ruan Yu said perfunctorily: “I said it’s not suitable for you.”

666: “I don’t believe it anymore, I’m going to find Gu Zhen for a summary of my experience!”

It turned around again and ran to grab Gu Zhen.

Ruan Yu: “Hey—”

Then you really want to give up, don’t you give up?

There is nothing difficult in this world, as long as you are willing to give up, dear!

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