Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 3: Heart to Heart

After sucking up all the 'evidence,' I laid on the tatami mat for a few minutes until I heard the door open. I quickly stood up and faced the tatami room door as the footsteps got closer.

"Kou? Are you here?"

Hinata said as she opened the door to the tatami room. When she saw my face, she froze.

"Look, Hinata! Don't run away; just hear me out! Please!"

She didn't say anything, but neither did she make any move to leave.

"I'm sorry I screamed at you. That was just me venting my anger at the village and myself. You did nothing wrong... but I meant the parts about you not telling Naruto how you feel and me not being able to promise that I won't... leave him to you."

I decided not to mention fucking him in case it set her off again.

"I apologise for taking my anger out on you, but I really want to have a conversation about you and Naruto since he is coming back today..., and some of the things I'm going to say may be hard for you to hear, but I really think you need to hear them. I think you need to understand these things, and as your friend, I can't sit by and lie to you about myself or Naruto."

At the very least, I have to get her to understand how most boys work. She still didn't leave, so I took that as a good sign and sat back down on the tatami floor. I gestured for her to sit down in front of me. She slowly and quietly did so.

"Deep Breath... Hinata, what do you really want to do when Naruto returns? And be honest with yourself."

She took a few seconds before responding.

"...I-I want to t-t-tell him how I f-f-feel..."

"But will you?"

She took even longer to respond to that.


She quietly trailed off with that and looked down at the tatami mat. I gently grasped her hands with my own. She looked back up into my eyes.

"Why not?"

I could see new tears forming in her already reddened eyes. I rubbed my thumbs slowly on her hands.

"Shhh! It's okay. No need to get upset. I won't tell anyone what you tell me, and I won't try to use anything you say to hurt your feelings."

I gave her a small smile and held her hands a little tighter.

"I-I-It's ju-just th-that I don-don't want him to re-reject me."

Her expression brightened up before she continued with:

"I love him! I have for years!"

Then it clouded up again.

"But I do-don't know if he lo-lo-loves me. If I ask him and he says he doesn't, I'll be hea-heartbroken. Bu-but if I never find out if he does or doesn't, I can keep thin-thinking, 'maybe he does love me.'"

Okay. Now I knew what I was dealing with. She'd rather live with the chance of Naruto loving her than the certainty of him not.

"Okay. I understand. I'm about to say some things, Hinata. Promise me you'll listen to what I say and not run away. You can cry if you want, but please try to understand me. Okay?"

She nodded. I had to be careful with what I said next. I had to be honest but not cruel.

"Okay... Let's leave love out of this for now... I know you love him but hear me out. Okay?"

I kept saying 'Okay' to show I listened to her and understood what she said. Hopefully, she believed me.

"Most people don't fall in love with each other simultaneously. Maybe some do, but most don't. Most people start off by dating people they are attracted to, and they fall for the other person at some point. And when they do fall in love with the person they are dating, they don't tell them until they are sure the other person feels the same way. Do you understand?"

She nodded again. Her eyes were watering, but she wasn't bawling or getting up to storm away.

"Now, when I say 'people they are attracted to', I mean people they believe are good-looking and people whose personality they like. Some people have such good personalities the other person doesn't care how they look, and some people look so good the other person doesn't care about their personality. But for most people, it's a mix of both."

I knew I wasn't the best person to give dating or love advice, but as a very sexual person who has been 'the other woman' plenty of times, I know how relationships can fall apart.

Most people can be attracted to someone's personality more than their looks, but if they are not sexually attracted to them whatsoever, eventually, they look elsewhere.

I've had men who married people they thought were extremely hot, but they realised they hated their wives' personalities as the relationship went on. And I've seen men who genuinely loved their wives' personalities but were no longer sexually attracted to them. Many fucked me and, after it was done, broke down crying with guilt and told their wives what had happened.

"But if you don't give Naruto a chance to see your personality, he won't fall in love with you, and if you don't show off your sex appeal, he won't be able to lust after you. And sometimes, if you try to make one of those things happen, the other will occur independently."

And then, we came to the hard part.

"Deep Breathe... And if he doesn't love you, it's not the end of the world. It will hurt, but you can decide what you want to do once you know. Find someone else to love, slut around, or live without dating or fucking anyone. Whatever makes you happy and feel fulfilled. Also, once you find out if he doesn't love you, you can focus on being friends without worrying about 'what might have been.' I'm not in love with anyone."

I didn't think I knew what 'being in love meant, but after Sasuke, I worked out what it didn't mean.

"But I have plenty of people I love. And plenty of people I fuck. Sometimes there is a crossover between the two groups, and sometimes, not. Some people I fuck I don't care for in any way, and, if I'm being honest, I just use them to make myself feel good."

I believed she understood what I said. So I decided to address the main issue finally.

"Do you care if Naruto has sex with someone other than you?"

I thought I knew the answer already, but I had to ask to get her in the right mindset.

"Of-of-course I do!"

"What if he already has?"

The cold truth was neither of us knew if he had or hadn't. It had been three years since either of us last saw him.

"Th-then I'll know he do-doesn't love me! He lo-loves so-someone else!"

"Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean you love them. As I said, most people have sex long before they do."

"No, you didn't."

"Er... When I said 'dating', I assumed that you realised that included having sex... I suppose some people don't have sex until marriage, but they are in the minority. Most people fuck the people they date. It's true most people don't have as much casual sex as I do, but most have the occasional one-night-stand and sex with their boyfriends or girlfriends regularly."


I started to think that Hinata thought only sluts had sex before marriage.

"Hinata, did you seriously think that having sex with Naruto before marriage would make you a slut?"

She nodded furiously.

"Now listen here, I see no problem with being a slut. But a slut is someone who has a lot of casual sex with many people. Having a lot of sex with someone you care about or having the odd one-night stand does not make someone a slut. I'm proud of being a slut, so you know I wouldn't lie about how you earned the title."

I smiled at her as I said that. The poor girl must have felt ashamed every time she had a sexual thought about Naruto.

"Would you like to have sex with Naruto before marriage?"


"Be honest. You wouldn't be a slut even if you did."

She very slowly nodded her head and looked back down at the floor.

"Hey! It's okay. Look at me."

Her face came back up, tears flowed, and she squeezed my hand.

"Would you like me to help you make that happen?"


"Good. Because I think that will help you with your end goal. Listen, don't worry about Naruto loving you just yet. Just get him to date you. Don't even mention anything about love for now. He never seemed to notice you stalking him before he left, but he might be more perceptive now, so you should really stop that if you don't want to scare him."

"Wh-what if he noticed af-after he left?! Wh-What if he ha-hates me now?!"

"I doubt he noticed after he left. Even if he did, I'm sure he would have expected you to stop by now. If he has realised you used to follow him around and not say anything, and I'm sure he'd put it down to you just being a shy kid. But since we are trying to get him to see you as a potential girlfriend, that behaviour could be seen as creepy. I doubt Naruto could ever hate anyone besides the worst enemy ninja, but being creeped out by someone is different from hating them."

Hinata wasn't there when Team Seven fought Zabuza and Haku. If she were, she would have realised that Naruto Uzumaki was possibly the most caring and understanding person in the world. Then again, maybe she already knew that. She had to fall in love with him for some reason, but I decided not to ask that.

"O-Okay, yo-your pro-probably ri-right..."

"Now, I think the best thing for you to do is to come to the homecoming party I'm throwing Naruto later tonight. There will be sake there as well as music and dancing. The perfect chance to get closer to him."

I started to think it might actually be a good idea to get that dress made for her.

"I have an idea; we could have a dress made for you. Something sexy. Catch his eye. Make him see you as a woman now. Then you get to know him and show off both your personality and a bit of your amazing body. And when he starts to show interest in either, you tell him you always liked him, don't say love yet. If he seems interested, that's when you express interest in hanging out with him alone. If he calls it a date, you agree, but if he doesn't, don't call it that."

"B-B-but how d-do I know if he's in-in-interested?!"

"If he compliments your appearance or you catch him staring at you. You can spot him looking at your body with your byakugan, right?"


"And even if he doesn't try to sneak glances at your body or comment on how you look. If he shows interest in your life or seems to be having fun talking to you, then still ask to see him alone sometime, even if it's just one-on-one training. Tell him you can help him improve his taijutsu. Naruto loves to train and get stronger, so I'm sure he would say yes."

Hinata seemed to be taking what I said in and looked like she would give it a try, but then her face tensed up, and she gave me a concerned look.

"Sa-Sakura... About wh-what you said about n-not lea-leaving Nar-Naruto to m-me..."

"I stand by it. If he comes on to me, I'll fuck him. Chances are I will come on to him. But I promise you, I have no interest in dating him or marrying him. That may sound harsh to you, but at least I'm telling you. I know of girls who secretly wanted their friends' boyfriends and lied about it till they fucked them."

She looked a little sad, but she stayed with me this time and heard me out.

"By the way, Hinata, what is your opinion on Naruto not being a virgin? Now that I've explained that it doesn't necessarily mean he is in love with someone else?"

"I gu-guess i-its ok-okay as l-long as it do-doesn't me-mean he do-do-doesn't fall in lo-love wi-with m-me..."

I had a little trouble understanding her.

"Wait, so if I'm hearing you right, as long as Naruto dates and eventually falls in love with you, you are okay with him having sex with other people?"

"Ye-yes... I ju-just wa-want to be wi-with him and be-become his wi-wife. I tho-thought if he had s-s-sex with so-someone el-else that me-meant he was in lo-love with so-someone else and wo-wouldn't wa-want to ma-marry me."

I had an idea, and right then seemed like the perfect time to ask her.

"What if you, Naruto and I had a threesome?"

"Wh-what's a three-threesome?"

"Basically, it's when three people have sex at the same time. Sometimes all three fucking each other. Sometimes two of them fucking the third. It could be two men and a woman, two women and a man, three women or three men."

"Yo-You wo-would ha-have s-sex wi-with m-me?"

"If you wanted me to. Hell, I'd have sex with you right here and now if you asked. But what I mean is that if I'm with you, I could help you have sex with Naruto. And chances are I'm going to have sex with him anyway. At least this way, you are there when I do it."

"B-but yo-you a-are a gi-girl!"

"I've had sex with girls before. Sometimes with just my pussy, and sometimes with a penis that I grew using the transformation jutsu."

She started to blush hard.

"I would never have thought you'd be this unfamiliar with sex. Many ninjas use jutsus during sex—clones and transformations, especially. But back to the main topic at hand. Do you want us to have a threesome? Starting with casual sex is a good way to progress to love. Lots of people have issues NOT progressing to love. It's often known as 'catching feelings.'"

Though, starting off with a threesome is very out of the ordinary. Since Hinata never brought up Naruto falling in love with someone else but only about falling in love with and marrying her, I decided not to bring it up. If Naruto ever did confess his love to me, I'd shoot him down and not tell Hinata about it. So I saw no point in putting that worry in her head so soon.

She took a moment to think it over before answering me.

"I'd li-like that, Sakura. You know so mu-much about s-sex, and y-you cl-clearly d-do n-not wa-want to ma-marry Na-Naruto. I'm wo-worried I'd me-mess it up i-if I-I w-was o-on my o-own..."

I put both my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Okay, here's the plan. We go get you a smoking hot dress. Then we meet Naruto when he arrives back in the village. I'll flirt with him a bit, not too much, though. Then I'll take him to see Lady Tsunade and Kakashi-sensei. While I do that, you go home and get some rest and think about how I flirted and practise flirting on your own. You'll need the rest and the practice for later tonight."

She continued to nod while looking with eyes filled with determination into my own.

"Later on, we will all meet up at Ichiraku Ramen for something to eat. That's when you show up in the new dress. I'll make sure Naruto takes notice. We'll then all go get some drinks in the Shushu-ya bar. You stick close to Naruto and me. Get involved with the conversions we have."

I'll have had any serious conversations with Naruto before then. So by the time we get to his party, the discussions should be in a lighter mood.


"As the night wears on, I'll keep him with us. You just stay close to us at all times. Do anything I do. If I say anything sexual, play along. When things start to get heated, I suggest the three of us head back to my place. Then the fun begins. We'll probably fuck till the morning."


"In the morning, I'll say I have to go run an errand and say you two can stay at my place as long as you want. I'll tell Naruto just to lock the door when he leaves and give my key back the next time he sees me. That should give you too some time alone; tell him you had a great time. If you and he feel up for it, try having sex with just the two of you. Ask if you want to spend some time together alone in the future, regardless. Tell me how it went the next time we are alone."

She looked nervous but still determined.

"The next time he and I are alone, I'll ask him about you and tell you what he says. I'll also subtly let him know I'm not looking for a boyfriend but hint that you are in the market for one. Now before I forget..."

I take off my headband and pull a small piece of summoning paper from underneath the plate. I then summoned a double-ended dildo with a reasonably large penis on one end and a more average one on the other. I held it up in front of her.

"Since you clearly don't masturbate, and we are in for a lot of sex tonight, I suggest we get your hymen dealt with. I'm not sure what you have heard, but women don't always bleed or feel pain during their first time. It shouldn't bleed or hurt if you slowly stretch your hymen before tonight."

"Some people think the first time should hurt and be bloody, but I think that's bullshit, and sex should always be pleasurable. I suggest you use this on yourself now... or I grow a dick and do it for you. As well as give you some sex pointers. What do you say?"

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