Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 29: Family

Naruto and I held hands as we exited the Hokage's office building and headed towards the Huyga compound. I was getting nervous. Over the days it took for us to get back from the Sand to the Leaf, I had been fantasising about being in a relationship with both Naruto and Hinata but still being able to slut around like normal. I had gotten really excited by the prospect.

'But what if she says no?'

That single question kept playing in my mind and even kept me up at night when we made camp. I knew Naruto had gotten attached to Hinata. If she weren't involved, the deal would have been off. Regardless of how close I had gotten to Hinata since taking her virginity, I had no idea how she would respond.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Naruto spoke up.

"You as nervous as I am?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm thinking about opening the First Gate." I answered honestly.

Opening the First Gate lowered my mental and physical inhabitants in the past, allowing me to keep calm through embarrassing and stressful situations.

"Why haven't you?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe because this might be the start of a real relationship, it's a new experience for me, and I think I will remember these emotions... if this goes well."

"And if it doesn't?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I squeezed his hand.

"I'll open the First Gate as soon as possible, run away and find someone to fuck me senseless so I forget. Maybe a group of someones."

I even wondered if I was joking or not. Naruto just squeezed my hand back and said, "Well, try waiting till she has thought it over and given her answer before doing that."

I smiled and nodded as we returned to silence. We spotted Hinata talking to Neji as we reached the Huyga compound, still holding hands. They looked like they were arguing again, but it didn't look like they were as heated as the last time I saw them.

They turned to look at us. Neji looked annoyed when they saw we were holding hands, but Hinata looked happy. I took that as a good sign.

"Yo!" Naruto simply said, waving with his other hand. "Hinata, can we talk?"

"Of course, Naruto. Brother Neji, we will resume this discussion later." Hinata basically dismissed Neji.

"As you wish, Lady Hinata," Neji said through gritted teeth before storming off.

"What was that about?" I asked once Neji left.

"I'm officially withdrawing myself as a candidate for head of the Huyga Clan," Hinata said calmly, as if it was no big deal.

"What?!" I exclaimed

"Cool." Said Naruto at the same time.

I looked at him, aghast.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"What else needs to be said if that is what Hinata wants." He replied confidently.

He had me there. I was all about doing what you wanted without caring what others thought. It was all just too sudden for me. I felt responsible for what happened at the party, and this was something that couldn't be undone.

"It's fine, really. Hanabi has been the real heir for years. I'm just making it official so Father and Brother Neji can't try to use my position to attempt to control my life." Hinata explained, and I let it go. It makes sense that if she wanted to make her own decisions and act the way she wanted, she would have to lower her standing in the clan. In a way, I was privileged because I wasn't from a noble ninja clan and didn't have to worry about my actions affecting its reputation.

"So, what did you want to talk about? I heard from Brother Neji that your mission was a relative success." Hinata inquired with a few glances at our joined hands mid-conversation.

"I... think we should go discuss it in your room." I hesitantly said.

That made Hinata's expression change from curiosity to nervousness.

"Su-sure. Follow me-me." Her stutter even returned. She led us to the main house and into her room. The three of us got a few curious glances from Huyga members, but no one stopped or questioned us.

Naruto blurted out what happened when the three of us entered her room and closed the door.

"Sakura and I had sex while on the mission. We both realised we still had feelings for each other, but we wanted to keep you involved. We have a plan."

Confused, Hinata looked at me. I felt like crap, but I continued on with our proposal.

"I love him, Hinata. I tried not to, but I do. I also think I love you, but I still need to stay true to myself. So we're asking you to date both of us while letting me keep having sex with other people."

"Ohhh! That's what you meant by keeping me involved. Okay."

Naruto and I were both confused but relieved. However, I felt honour bound to ensure Hinata fully understood what she was agreeing to.

"Hinata, are you sure you understand?"

She nodded.

"Uh-ha. You and I love each other; we both love Naruto, and he loves both of us. I was hoping something like this would happen since the night of the party. And you want to keep having sex with other people. You already explained that having sex with some doesn't automatically mean you love them, and I know I love both of you, so I know it's possible Naruto loves both of us."

Hinata locally explained her reasoning. All three of us smiled.

"But I have one condition." She added. Naruto and I hastily nodded our heads.

"Naruto pays for me to get a new dress, and Sakura helps me dress and act more like her."

"Of course!" We both said at the same time. Hinata took our other hands, and the three of us stood in a circle.

"So we're really doing this?" I asked as my eyes began to water. They both nodded. "I love you both!" I shouted as I pulled them both in for a three-way hug.


After a few moments of hugging each other, I started to get really horny. I hadn't had sex with another person who wasn't my own clone in days.

"Guys, I need it bad..." I admitted to my two lovers.

"H-here? Is that okay?" Naruto asked Hinata.

"It's my room. I'm an adult. And I'm saying it's okay. That's all that should matter." Hinata said as she stepped back and dismissed her clothes. It seems that since we first saw her talking to Neji, she had already been using my summoned clothing technique. She was standing before us, wearing nothing but her headband around her neck.

I smiled at her and did the same, standing naked with only my headband around my hair and a pouch belt around my waist. I took the belt off and let it fall to the floor. We walked towards each other and hugged, making out as large breasts pressed against each other.

As we make out, we side a hand down each other's backside to start fingering each other. We moaned into each other's mouths as Nauto took all his clothes off and summoned two naked clones. One clone stood behind each of us, hugging us as they kissed our necks.

The real Naruto grabbed a chair to sit and jerked off as he watched the show.

"I'm a lucky man." We heard him say.

Each clone worked their cock into our pussies, and we both rested our foreheads against each other as we moaned, our fingers and hands interlocked.



"Me." We heard from the real Naruto.

That caused us to giggle as the clones started fucking us into each other in earnest. They grabbed our hips and really let us have it. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh filled the rooms, as did our moans and gasps.

"Sakura!! Naruto!! I love you! Please! Say it back!!!"

"We love you, Hinata!" All the Narutos and I said at once.

It was Hinata's turn to cry as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Naruto, kiss me!!!"

The clone fucking me did as she asked, and I leaned over Hinata's shoulder to make out with the one fucking her.

"Give it to them, boys!" The real Naruto commanded.

His clones started hammering into us from behind as we made out with the clone fucking the other girl. It wasn't long til I was cumming, and by her squeaks and moans, I could tell Hinata was too.

"HMNNNNNN!" As we came, the four of us screamed into our respective partner's mouths. The clones unloaded into our pussies for just as long as the real Naruto did back in the Sand, and Hinata and I felt our legs give out. When the clones popped, we collapsed into each other's arms and resumed kissing as our bodies spasmed.

It took us a bit to collect ourselves, and when we did, we heard the real Naruto cough loudly from his chair.

"Eh! Uh-hum!" He nodded to his erect and throbbing dick, standing straight up before spreading his legs wide. We crawled towards him and knelt side by side at his feet.

"Open your mouths." That is all he said, and we did. He aimed his hose at our faces and doused us with his pipping hot cum. Getting a good bit in our mouths, over our faces and tits and into our hands that we cupped below our open mouths.

We both swallowed, slurped the cum out of our palms, licked his cock clean and then turned to clean each other. When we were done, Hinata looked up at Naruto, and we hugged.

"What about you? You didn't get to fuck either one of us."

He waved his hand in dismissal.

"Naw, it's cool. I got the memories of both clones fucking you two when they popped, and I got to cum for real. Besides, I really got to go see Iruka-sensei and Pervy-Sage. I love spending time with you both, but I promised Iruka-sensei I'd catch up with him and Gr- Tsunade said I need to speak to Pervy-Sage about the- about our next mission. I'm staying with Sakura, and I'll see you tomorrow when we meet with Kurenai-sensei."

"Kurenai-sensei..." Hinata asked, confused.

"We are being folded into your team till Kakashi-sensei recovers," I explained. I suspected Naruto wanted to give us some time to talk alone, and I appreciated it. Hinata nodded and gave his cock head a final kiss.

"See you later, then." She said when she pulled back off his dick. I did the same and kissed his cock before saying goodbye. Naruto stood up from the chair, kissed us each on the forehead, dressed, and left.

Hinata and I held each other, tit to tit, as we began our talk.

"I heard you say you loved us both as we fell asleep the night of the party." I start off.

"I didn't realise that I loved you as well till after I said it; it just came out," Hinata said, stroking my cheek. Then she asked, "When did you realise you loved us?"

"I think I fell in love with you the day we fucked like rabbits in my apartment. But I didn't realise I did till Naruto asked me to join your relationship. I don't know exactly when I fell for Naruto, but I realised I did when we had sex after rescuing Gaara."

She smiled at me, and I returned one of my own. We naturally started making out again. But the moment was ruined when we heard a knocking on the door and Neji's voice.

"Hinata, we really need to talk!"

Hinata pulled away from our embrace and re-summoned her clothes. I reluctantly did the same. We moved to a respectable distance from each other and sat on the tatami mat.

"Come in, Brother Neji!" Hinata shouted.

Neji slid the door open and came inside. He gave me another glare when he spotted me.

"Lady Hinata, I understand that you are going through some... changes, but I must once again advise you to be mindful of your position as a member of the main family, even if you fully intend to renounce your status as heir officially."

Hinata sighed.

"Brother Neji, we have been through this. I do not regret my actions, but even if I did, the 'damage' was done, as they say. Everyone knows. If they don't already, they will. So, I will embrace it as I do what makes me happy: being with Naruto AND Sakura." She explained calmly.

Neji glared at me once again. I was really sick of it at that point.

"This is all your fault!" He spat at me.

Before I could respond, Hinata intervened for me.

"As you said, I am still a member of the main family, and you will treat my girlfriend with respect."

"Girlfriend?" Neji asked with growing concern. "Hinata, seriously, you being a slut is one thing, but open homosexuality is another. I say this as someone who loves you, no matter what, don't refer to any woman as your girlfriend again, especially not to your father. He might banish you to the branch family and use the curse to forbid you from speaking such words again."

Hinata was determined, but I even had second thoughts after hearing THAT.

"Neji, do you really think that could happen?" I ask, equally concerned.

Neji replied without any of his previous hostility.

"Yes, if you truly do love her, talk her out of going public with this. I apologise for even bringing the events of the party to Lord Hiashi's attention. I'll stop complaining about the MEN you are seen fucking in public, Lady Hinata, if you do."

Neji pleaded with Hinata, but she didn't have any of it.

"I have discovered who I am. I've already talked about this with Shino. We have decided to petition Lady Hokage to guarantee gay rights for the people of the village."

Neji looked conflicted.

"Then do so before you go public. And I suggest you marry into another clan. They can protect you from your father's ire if you do so." Neji looked back at me. His previous anger was gone and replaced with fear.

"You started this. You protect her. I must go." And with those few words, he left.

I grabbed Hinata by the shoulders.

"Hinata, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am." She declared without averting her eyes from mine.

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