RWBY May Cry

Chapter : Jae Cielo

Full Name: Jae Cielo (Colour inspiration: Jade, Cielo: Sky Blue)

DOB: Feb 4th

Gender: Male

Species: Demon // Classification: Unknown

Nationality: Vale

Personal Information: Born to unpleasant parents, Jae would have been unable to interact with others due to being labeled as a freak by both his parents and other people once he was put into foster care. Culminating into him eventually running away from the foster home he was constantly sent back to, now accepted into Beacon following the hard push in his entrance exams; he would strive to prove that he can be more then what people label him.

Mother: Lilli Cielo (Missing)

Father: Amon Cielo (In Prison)

Sexual Orientation: ???

Obsessions/Habits: Has a keen fascination with Grimm and notes habits when fighting them, when he gets nervous or agitated; he ends up cracking his knuckles

Strengths: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Above average skill with multiple types of weapons

Weaknesses: Has limits and can be emotional, much like Yang; he is very gungho and stubborn, meaning that he can become excited and eager when it comes to his own training and from things he gets interested in though this also extends to fights as well. He also has lingering issues regarding his abusive treatments at the hands of his family.

History/Life Story: Born to a father who desired everything from his son but simultaneously lacked any faith in him, spends his time trying to drill Jae into becoming the Huntsman that could become famous. Along with a mother who lacks the sympathy to her child's struggles with trying to please his father and enduring his training, Jae had very little chance even when he was taken away after one fight went too far and involved the police which was the catalyst to his childhood in foster care.

Demon Abilities:

Style: With the acceptance of his Demon Heritage now fully realised, Jae has been able to utilise the strange power to channel his Demonic power through his body and focus it into improving on his own ability with a variety of "Styles".

Style Change:

SwordMaster: By channeling Demonic Energy into his hands or more specifically his weapons, Jae is able to improve on them and grant additional perks to wielding them in a fight.

RoyalGuard: Jae can turn his body into a counter-focused shield by channeling his Demonic Essence throughout his body and flaring it like a mantle; by taking each hit he receives, he can accrue the kinetic energy and releasing it in one concentrated burst, however it all can only work if Jae can maintain the momentum.

Gunslinger: This Style allows Jae to improve his marksmanship and gunplay drastically, granting him the abilities to move and act more efficiently with his guns and even be able to perform trick shots; These can also include Charging Shots.

Trickster: By Focusing his Demonic power into his legs, Jae is capable of moving at incredible speeds and duping others with his quick movements....

Special Stances:

Doppelganger: This Style change was achieved when Morgan gathered the determination and will to kill his Mindscape-Self or otherwise known as Nega-Jae; The Style allows him to generate a fully physical copy of himself to assist in battle or outside of it, however it acts without sentience and only on Jae's mindset at the time of it's creation and can only stay manifested until he is damaged sufficiently or until Jae has his Aura run out.

Weapon Name: 

Rebuttal: a steel gray Vale made .50 calibre Peacemaker that resembles a large revolver but with one large barrel and one regular sized barrel for the two intensities of rounds that Jae uses.

Carmen: A slender looking silver Double Action Revolver that is part of a set called "The Twins", has an almost flawless melding of Fire/Explosive Dust that resembles flames that coats the barrel of the gun from the muzzle upward; Carmen's crystal changes colour between red and orange when the barrel is spun to indicate if it is using Incendiary shots or Explosive shots respectively.

Electra: A slender looking black Double Action Revolver that is the other half of a set called "The Twins", it has an almost flawless melding of Electric/Gravity Dust that resembles forked lightning that coats the barrel of the gun from the muzzle upward; Electra's crystal changes colour between a golden yellow and violet depending on the type of shot loaded.

Titan Claw: Saber / Primary Weapon, it resembles a typical longsword/dueling saber: it has a silver blade with a hiltguard that looked like a bird's wing coiling around the handle.

Fenrir: Spear (Beowulf Devil Arm): A slender looking spear that is a deep coal black in colour, the wrappings around where Jae holds it is a deep red and covers enough for him to hold it with both hands. The sharp pommel of the spear and the blade are both bone white; though while the pommel is short and sharp, the main blade of the spear is forearm length and slightly curved with one side being the cutting edge and the other being a sawtoothed edge.

Behemoth: Hammer (Ursa Devil Arm): A warhammer that was made with the essence of an Ursa Major. The butt of the hammer was a bone white ornament modelled after an Ursa's head and aside from the red wrappings around the handle and white head of the hammer, the remainder was a coal black with a tint of red around the hammer's head.

Vajra: Twin Katars (Deathstalker Devil Arm): A pair of wrist mounted blades that resemble the Scorpion Grimm's pincers but the middle blade is gold to resemble it's stinger.

Ripper: Twin Chainsaw Greatswords/Motorbike (Geist Devil Arm): A hybrid weapon of a motorcycle and twin chainsaw greatswords that was formed from an Alpha Geist's essence. The Bike Form resembles a black and white motorcycle with red tubing for it's fuel pipes under it's body into it's engine and the Geist's mask takes on the face of the bike itself. In Greatsword form however, both swords resemble a claymore greatsword but the inner engine work of the bike forms the hilt guard, the piping formed up the sides of the blades like veins and the tires had wrapped around the edges and segmented themselves into saw teeth.

Beleth: Guitar (Nightmare Devil Arm); A one neck, six stringed guitar made from the essence of a Night Terror. It has three thin strings for electric and three thick strings for bass; It had a pure black body with red veins running along it and a white neck with the head of the guitar resembling a mask that looked like a Nightmare's and it's singular red eye between the tuning keys.

Mezzalom: Twin Rope Knives (Lancer Devil Arm); Twin hunting knives made to resemble the hooked stingers of the Hornet Queen Grimm, they are attached by a thin cable to a pair of black bracelets strapped to Jae's wrists.

Grendel: Gauntlet/Greaves Weapon (Beringel Devil Arm); A pair of elbow length black gloves with a white bone plating on his outer forearms with a faint engraving of what looked like a silver version of the red Grimm markings and formed ridges along his knuckles, while those black boots suddenly shifted and formed a bone white guard that protected the tops of his boots all the way towards his knees like shinguards.

Nurgala: Scythe Weapon (Cenitaur Devil Arm); A large scythe made with a long curved black pole like it was made from the branch of a tree but it has red wrappings around where it is held, fixed with a bulbous green pulsing pocket near the top and tipped with a long curved mantis like blade that resembled the bladed arm from a Cenitaur.

Samael: Bow Weapon (Nevermore Devil Arm); This longbow is almost entirely black in colour with red wrappings around the grip but the very tips of the upper and the lower limb were white and sharpened like a Nevermore's talons that connect both tips to each other by a silver thread.

Hydra: Nunchaku (Sultan/ Alpha King Taijitu Devil Arm); A pair of nunchuks that are monochromatic even for a Grimm weapon, one shaft resembled the white snake and the other resembled the black snake yet both have red eyes. Each swing of them makes a hissing sound if they miss or hit something.

Seiryu: Spear/Trident Weapon (Sea Feilong Devil Arm); Seiryu resembles Fenrir in colour however that's where the resemblance stops, it is skinnier and it has a spear tip that is shaped like a dragon's head, when it's Trident form is activated, it grows two extra prongs that resemble the Sea Feilong's wings.

Erymanthos (Babingepet/Alpha Boarbatusk Devil Arm): A special case even among the Weapons Jae summons as it's true form is a giant Yo-Yo that can split into a a large round shield that block everything from waist up or down depending on how Jae holds it but cannot block his whole body. It has a black outer ring that lined the edge of the shield but it has a completely white inner circle with red veins that bend and shape an emblem of a charging Boarbatusk in the centre of the shield. The Sword counterpart is a Falx in the form of a pure white curved blade with black leather wrappings around the hilt and it resembles a carved tusk from a boar

Weapon Functions/Abilities:

Rebuttal: Rebuttal is a custom made .50 caliber Peacemaker and is able to knock large Grimm off balance and turn small Grimm into black smoke; able to use Dust Rounds for different effects, has an alternate mode that can turn into a larger hand cannon when the barrel is rotated.

Carmen: One half a pair of Double Action revolvers that was made by Nico; Thanks to the special blend of Fire and Explosive Dust, it is able to fire Incendiary shots and Explosive Shots respectively: With Gunlinger Mode, it is capable of charging shots to give the Fire shots a more powerful Blast and the Explosive shots turning lesser Grimm into fireworks. Nico's engineering and her own "Special Touch" has made the gun more durable than Rebuttal and unlike the hand cannon; both smaller revolvers were able to handle Jae's Charge Shots without risk of blowing apart.

Electra: One half of a pair of Double Action Revolvers that were made by Nico however this one was made with a blend of Electric and Gravity Dust. This makes it capable of firing Lightning shots that are capable of more penetrative power or Gravity shots that can either knock enemies off balance/knock them down, Nico's special Demonic Engineering has made it so both the Twins are capable of handling Jae's Charge Shots without the fear of breaking along with being able to put out more damage naturally.

Titan Claw: Titan Claw is a Silver Saber that is light (For Jae) enough to dart and move between enemies quickly.

Fenrir: Fenrir is a Spear created from the Essence of an Alpha Beowulf; it is a black pole arm with red wrappings and a saw toothed blade, it was made to be used as a slashing and piercing weapon and through Jae's semblance; it is able to extend and retract like it's namesake's claws.

Vajra: Vajra is a pair of katars (bladed knuckles) made with the Essence of an Alpha Deathstalker, it is the closest looking to it's originator as it has spiralling white and red along the outer blades resembling the scorpions pincers with a golden blade as it's center blade; the special ability born from his semblance allows it to extend the golden stinger as a third blade between the pincers. It is unknown if this is part of a Style or not but the Third Blade/Stinger has the ability to paralyse/debilitate an opponent by grazing them with it, causing the affected part to become numb and unable to function as well which can serve as a detainment aid more than anything else.

Behemoth: A Warhammer that was made with the Essence of an Alpha Ursa; the Hammer is Jae's primary offensive weapon against large Grimm and with enough focus put into it, he can make the small hammer grow and shrink in size: Making it around the size of a ball-peen hammer at it's smallest and a Greathammer at it's largest.

Ripper: A Pair of greatswords that was made with the Essence of an Alpha Geist; the swords become Jae's primary offensive weapon against large groups of Grimm and also his quickly favoured mode of transport: Rather then transforming into a gun alternative; this particular weapon can meld together to make a motorbike run on Jae's Aura, though not even Jae can explain how the motorcycle can split into two greatswords that can function like chainsaws and vice versa. When used in the Swordmaster Style: The saw blades spin faster to the point that they heat up and can utilise Fire Damage.

Beleth: A Guitar that was made with the Essence of Nightmare; This special weapon is one of few weapons in Jae's arsenal that can act as a Ranged Weapon, armed with six strings in total that boast different effects. The "Electric" strings of the guitar can act as the long ranged mode by firing bolts of electricity at enemies in Jae's line of sight while the close range of the "Bass" strings can create concussive waves of sound within a set radius that can knock back enemies or disrupt the ground with continuous use. Gunslinger Style: The Electric Strings can be charged for more powerful shots by shredding the strings for a more built up electrical charge while the Bass strings can become more potent with a powerful strum.

Mezzalom: These twin knives allow him to use the blades like regular daggers but by extending the cables; Jae is able to swing them outward for ranged attacks or quick traversal where his other weapons cannot. The real ability of the swords come from the piercing power of the blades as when thrown; the blades are able to penetrate most objects from wood, metal and even a person's Aura. Though while it IS able to latch on to a person's Aura, it is unable to damage a person until their Aura is damaged.

Grendel: A set of armoured boots/gloves that Jae obtained from the essence of an Elder Beringel;this weapon can increase Jae's physical strength with consecutive attacks. With the more attacks that he can land with them or when he blocks with it, it charges an energy gauge that can do one of two things, the first option allows Jae to gain a passive boost in physical strength and defense that grows with the more he absorbs, the second option allows him to store up this energy for powerful attacks such as a shockwave from a clap of his hands, a ground breaking axe kick at the cost of draining the energy down and needing to be charged back up. 

Hydra: A set of nunchaku that was obtained from the essence of a Sultan Taijitu, this close range weapon functions as his fastest melee option; being able to land dozens of hits in a matter of a second however this is to make up for it's less then stellar damage. Swordmaster Style: Similar to it's namesake, these nunchaku can multiply their heads and amplify how many blows that can connect.

Samael: A longbow that was created from the essence of an Alpha Nevermore. This is one of few long ranged weapons from Jae's arsenal and is capable of firing multiple types of arrows. Gunslinger Style: Samael is capable of firing Splinter Arrows which can blast enemies like a scattershot or transform itself into a greatbow to fire off a Ballista Arrow.

Nurgala: A Scythe created from a Centinel after it evolved into a Cenitaur, it utilises a mix of quick striking, precision and fluid movement in order to function properly. It has a thin layer of the Cenitaur's acid spit lining it's blade to give it an extra burn while attacking and factors in when utilising it's Style. Swordmaster Style: Nurgala has the ability to channel more of it's acidic touch on it's body and gives it more cutting ability plus the option to burn through solid metal but only if the blade comes into contact with anything.

Seiryu: A Trident made from a Sea Feilong's essence, due to it's moniker as the "Monarch of Storms" it gives Jae three different ways to fight with elemental attacks in both Spear form and in Trident Form: The first is by utilising powerful cutting winds with each swing to slash enemies from a distance, the second is by electrifying itself to add extra damage or to shot bolts of lightning, however the third has yet to reveal itself. Swordmaster Style: Seiryu is able to utilise the three elemental forms perpetually in this Style but the difference stems in that Swordmaster is capable of empowering the elements such as turning an air slice into a powerful wind tunnel.

Erymanthos (Boarbatusk): When put together; Erymanthos can be used like a flail or spun to attack like a combat yo-yo along with being able to perform tricks to amplify the damage. However when separated, it acts as a standard sword and shield combination; The shield segment is able to spin on Jae's arm to act as an improvised throwing weapon or to better parry attacks.

Appearance: Jae is a boy of average size and fairly slim but muscular build, his hair is in a short braid and a chestnut brown colour, he has pale skin and mellow blue eyes. He wears an outfit consisting of a light blue hoody and a white button up shirt, dark blue pants with multiple pockets for dust rounds and black dress shoes.

Semblance: Galvanisation, this Semblance allows Jae to create or "evolve" into greater objects like forming the essence of Grimm into weapons and other particular tools. The only condition for this Semblance to work successfully is that it has to be an Alpha Grimm or a sufficiently older Grimm.


Enhanced physical skills: Jae has increased strength, speed, agility, durability and stamina due to his demonic heritage and the training he had been put through by his father. Trish's sparring has been able to increase his strength and make him able to put up more of a fight due to him now fully realising his own capabilities as a Demon rather than still believing himself human.

Healing Factor: By slowing his breathing and focusing his essence into his own body; he is capable of utilising his Demon Energy to heal his body; Initially it was a weaker form during the battle at the Docks but now that he has been trained by Nico and Lady, it is capable of acting quicker and is able to heal from more hands on attacks.

Weapon Mastery: Due to the spartan training at the hands of his harsh father, he had been taught on how to use a multitude of weapons but his creative nature allows him to quickly pick up and adequately master fighting with different weapons.

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