Chapter 44: Stepping into the Unknown
Blake didn't need to be back home in Menagerie long enough to see that more was going on behind the scenes than she originally thought; With her dad grilling Sun about his connections with Blake and her mom trying to find out more about the friends she made at Beacon or more specifically to try coaxing an idea of why she left them all behind. "It's just…It's complicated, okay?"
Kali was unsure about the best way to try getting her daughter to open up to her, she was always "Daddy's little girl" after all. "Why not talk to your father about it? I'm sure he'd listen if you needed someone to talk to." She offered as a middle ground, both the elder Belladonnas had witnessed what happened on broadcast but they got the bigger picture of him thanks to Sun's motormouth and genuine appreciation for Jae as a friend.
"I don't….I'm not sure if he wants to….Not after everything that happened before." Blake mentioned as she felt her mood worsen when she remembered the last big argument with her parents before they left the White Fang. "Besides, you can always ask Sun."
Kali then decided to put her foot down; "I'm asking YOU…Blake, if you would rather not tell me then don't, though I haven't ignored that you've reacted strangely when the Albains showed up and any time we ask you about Beacon or anyone you know from there, you just shut it out…."
Blake felt the guilt twinge at her insides but ulimately decided that until she felt ready, she wanted her time to think. "I'm sorry…I just…I need more time, to get what I want to say together…At least enough to be able to fully explain why."
Kali's expression softened as she saw that Blake was still hurting from the events and decided to leave it be, she knew her daughter and if she pushed any harder about it then she'd lash out or run away. "Alright, sweetheart…But just remember that you do have people here looking out for you and we all want to see you feel comfortable enough to rely on other people." She quietly said and then kissed Blake's forehead before going off to do something else, leaving the young Belladonna alone to collect her thoughts.
"She's still not saying anything?" Ghira asked as he was standing in the hallway in his desire to not intrude, he had equally wanted to talk to Blake about everything but couldn't since he was trying to keep an eye on the White Fang and now the added concerns that Blake brought up.
"No…I think she WANTS to say something but whatever it is, it's stopping her... Maybe it's because of what happened at Beacon or maybe it's because the White Fang are out in Menagerie when Corsac and Fennec showed themselves….I feel so helpless…" Kali said with a soft tone and her ears lowered in sadness.
"Dear, you can't put a rush on things like this…We just need to give her time and a chance to recuperate, she's travelled all the way from Vale to here by boat and constantly looking over her shoulder, remember when we had to do that in the White Fang's early days? It's not exactly an easy process to recover from…I believe in her and I know that she can be strong enough to overcome it." Ghira said as he poured them both tea. "Though with that Cielo boy, her friends and Adam Taurus showing up at the Fall of Beacon…I can't really say that I blame her for being worried."
"I know…I'm just happy she's alright for now."
"We have to leave…"
There was that voice again, it kept lingering in the back of the young boy's head ever since he felt something was different during his farming work, Oscar Pine was many things but he was not going to start entertaining the voices in his head. "Look, I know you're not going away but that doesn't mean that I'm going to admit you're real."
"I can assure you, I am very much real…And whether you believe me or not is your decision but regardless of that; There is a task that is of great importance t-"
"I told you to stop it!" Oscar snapped to no one in particular before getting off of his bed. "Besides, even if I did believe you, that's a lot to accept…I mean, Leaving to go to Haven? Demons and some predetermined destiny to potentially save the world? It's nuts…"
"We are in agreement on that…I know it's no consolation that you didn't ask for this, I certainly didn't when I was chosen but it is still a responsibility that is tasked to you."
The Voice's name was Professor Ozpin; He had been Beacon's headmaster before he died and now he had been stuck in Oscar's head, explaining the responsibilities of his mission but the primary thing he put first: Get to Haven. "But…Why me? I didn't do anything to warrant getting picked, I'm not even a warrior or anyone special…I'm just some farmhand."
"All manner of people are capable of great things, you don't necessarily have to be chosen to become a Huntsman…You choose to become one." Ozpin explained as he could understand the boy's trepidation and while he did want to get back on track, he understood that he was merely a passenger for now at least. "Remember when I told you that our connection is one based on a likeminded soul? Well, it's not entirely without benefits. If you choose to accept it then I can help you tap into that potential and help you become someone truly capable of greatness."
Oscar sighed as he put a discarded book away; "It's still…A lot to take in…"
Ozpin held himself back from making a comment but ultimately decided to leave Oscar to mull it over, he needed time to process and he honestly needed to know what he was getting into.
It had taken some time and manipulation from her father but Weiss Schnee had gotten up on stage and sang for the crowds of the Atlas higher ups so that they could earn money for the "Vale Revival Charity Ball" that was so generously raised by the SDC; While it's purpose was to raise enough money to help rebuild Vale and Beacon, Weiss fully understood that all this proved to do was let the rich people of Atlas talk about their own issues.
"Money, Faunus and Mantle…I've forgotten how one tracked that people's minds are up here." Weiss thought to herself as she leaned against a railing, gazing at the picture of Beacon in all of it's glory with the plaque underneath it reading the most baseline of sympathies.
"It's beautiful…." A male's voice piqued her out of her thoughts as a boy eyed the picture from beside her though Weiss hadn't the mood to look at him. "But it's also sad…To think that such a tragedy happened to so many people there."
Weiss could feel a little of the animosity die as she now had someone who shared in the genuine upset. "Yes, it is a lovely painting…But I agree, The Fall took away so many and did so much to tarnish the peace we fought to keep." She said, keeping to the script that her father told her that she could say at the party.
"Yeah…But I also saw so many amazing people standing up to fight back, yourself included." The boy detailed as he tried to keep the conversation going. "I saw the fights that took place at the tournament and then after what happened in the finals…It was like a nightmare."
Weiss sighed as she recalled everything; Jae's cries of anguish in the arena and the entire crowd calling for his head, Blake's abdomen being bandaged up along with being told the news about Yang's arm….And the news report of Pyrrha's death when she returned to Atlas. "It was…We all did what we thought would help but I couldn't…We couldn't save everyone, friends included."
"I still can't believe Pyrrha Nikos is gone…She was such an amazing fighter and she had such a kind, pure outlook on life with her desire to protect it…A lot like you actually." The Boy elaborated; "I actually saw you on stage earlier, you were amazing…The way you fight is like a graceful dance, your singing was enough to move people to tears and it's one of the reasons why I stuck around here after…And why I'm happy to be able to talk to you like this."
"I appreciate your words, I hope you enjoy your night." Weiss said as she politely excused herself; Even though his words were nice to hear and especially so when he was actively listening to her instead of just superficially sympathising, something felt off about this and she turned to look at the boy as she left.
The boy waved at her as she got a good look at him; He was a lot taller than she was and almost as tall as Jae was, his neat blonde hair looked like it had been combed down to tame it's unruliness which would give the boy a look of boyish charm, this paired with his deep blue eyes made it easy for anyone to gaze at him but for Weiss, it felt like those eyes were like deep waters hiding something and she couldn't tell what. "Oh, I almost forgot…Try not to worry about that Demon that was at the school…Knowing what happened there, it must've run off into the mountains so it can't hurt you here...And if it does then I'll jump in to help."
Hearing that made Weiss feel like dozens of ice cold hands touched at her body, The pieces finally clicked and that was when she recognised this boy's voice; That kind, genial but passionate voice that touched on her being this pure and perfect being was that same voice that spewed vile threats to end Jae's life simply for being what he was born as. She knew this was a problem and her worst fears came to be realised as she remembered his promise.
—Back at the Fall of Beacon—
"I don't need saving…Just like I don't need you telling me who the better person is because I know who it is…And it's not you." Weiss stated with a cold expression as she gripped Myrtenaster tightly in her hand. "You who dares to insult my friends by calling them corrupted and who has the audacity to know what I want when I don't even know you!"
Jaune peered up at Weiss through his helmet while she had him pinned under a Gravity Glyph. "You're not understanding me! The longer that you allow that monster to live means that it has the greater chance to become a threat to all things good in the world! Humans will forever be at risk while that thing continues to breathe!" He yelled in a feverish rant.
"You are delusional if you think good and evil are that clear cut…A friend showed me that all too well, I can't have you threaten the life of someone I lo….Someone I deeply care about." Weiss continued to press him but noticed that his struggling was weakening her already dwindling Aura.
"In the name of my family and on my honour as a Demon Hunter, I will purge any influence of his malefic touch on any human, object and especially not on YOU!" Jaune roared as he finally slammed the flat of his sword down and broke the glyph. "I will ensure that you are cleansed of his corruptive thinking and I will promise you that to stop your purity from being tarnished any further for your own good…And if that means that I have to drag you alongside me to watch over you until the end of time…Then so be it, I will make sure no corruptive influence will get it's claws on you."
"Do you just practice being like this or is it just natural?" Weiss asked him as she summoned up her Ice Glyphs to try slowing him down but her already tiring stamina was being pushed while Jaune smashed through her Ice Walls with ease. "This guy either has a Strength Semblance or I'm running on empty with my Aura…I have to finish this quickly."
"As long as my belief stands strong, my runed sword Crocea Mors and my body will remain strong enough to kill Demons…and if you continue to hold this zealous view of that thing, I will have to destroy that false idol of your's…Starting by dragging his broken body to you and quashing it for good."
—Back in Current Time—
Weiss carefully dipped and weaved through the crowd of rich people with the same level of grace that she had been taught from a young age to gain distance and avoid being caught under the obsessive stare of the Demon Hunter that had managed to make his way into the party, this was the worst case scenario for her and there was only one person that she could talk to to permanently remove him from the premises. "Father…I need to speak with you urgently." She begrudgingly asked Jacques Schnee when he finished talking to a group of his "Friends".
"Weiss, what have I told you about talking to me while I am having a conversation with other guests? It's impolite to interrupt." Jacques reprimanded her and earned a look of subdued apology from her before he sighed; "Alright Weiss, what is it that's so important?" He asked her like she was fussing over food she didn't like.
"There's someone here who was making comments about me and they are making threats about me too, I need you to have security remove them from this party and have them barred from the premises." Weiss said as she preferred to not go into details where her father was concerned. "It's a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and he calls himself Jaune Arc."
"Arc, you said?" Jacques quizzed as he peered among the crowd and spotted the blonde in question gazing at the picture; "Ah yes…I know the boy." He admitted as he looked to Weiss. "Though I don't understand how or when you came across this boy before now but we can't just throw him out of the ball for no good reason."
Weiss felt her eyebrow twitch; "No good reason?!" She started with a raised voice but then changed to quiet down when she remembered where she was. "He just threatened to have me constantly near him whether I wanted it or not." She explained; "Back at Beacon; He was there, attacking my friends and threatening them when he told me that even if I couldn't see it, that it was for my own good with how he was going to claim me."
Jacques then waved her off like what she had said was an exaggeration; "Nonsense, The Demon Hunters are some of the most valorous and capable warriors around, on top of that; The Arc branch of this group are THE most prolific of Hunters, if I just kicked out the Leader's heir then he'd retract the marriage offer I have on you."
If being back in Atlas didn't already make Weiss feel like the same small and isolated person that she was before Beacon, the knowledge that the man who chased her down with the tenacity of a rabid animal was part of her supposed betrothal made the walls of that cage close in fast. "I-Excuse me?"
"Weiss…" The Schnee patriarch huffed as he stood as straight as he could while adjusting his clipon tie. "You can't honestly expect to inherit the Schnee Dust Company without taking a husband, can you? Imagine it; A Spinster CEO who has no love for someone at their side wouldn't be trusted to head a whole company, especially one as important and strong as the marriage between your mother and I."
Weiss had to restrain every urge and desire to call him out on his generation long hypocrisy but managed to do so by biting the inside of her lip; "Mother and her parking lot sized wine cellar would beg to differ!"
"You must understand, Weiss…This will benefit you in the long run when you inherit the Company; By having a husband from a well known family and one that has a legacy of valour at that, you will not only allow the next line of Schnees to prosper but you will also demonstrate that you have kept the family strong as it has been for all these years."
Weiss felt her nails digging into her palms as she kept her voice as even as it could be; "So are you asking me to consider him? Or are you insisting…"
"I think you'll find that Mr. Arc is a very exceptional candidate…And you should be glad that I care for you so much that I would pick someone who would fit the image of the company." Jacques stated with an underlying hint of manipulation that he used to get her singing on stage that very same night, however it appeared that another group of well-wishers showed up to talk with her father before this could get pushed further.
With the certainty that her being told was more of a formality and with the veiled threat ringing in her ears, Weiss felt her lungs start to shrink and her breathing slowly began to crescendo to the beat of the ever deafening clamour of voices around her until it finally peaked with a single callous phrase.
"Honestly, if a so called "Kingdom" could be so stupid to not protect themselves then they shouldn't be fit to stand for so long."
"SHUT UP!" Weiss finally snapped and yelled out at the insensitive woman who was halfway through drinking her glass of wine. "YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE! NONE OF YOU DO!"
"Excuse me?! How dare you raise your voice at me!" The woman snarled at her like she didn't just say what she just did yet somehow still ignorant to the fact that this was both a former student of Beacon and daughter of the host.
"You people don't even know why you're here! All you're doing is worry about your money, your looks and little things that don't matter! You talk about providing aid to Vale and Beacon yet you don't even flinch at degrading them or supporting violent psychopaths like the Arcs!" Weiss continued to argue until her arm was grabbed by Jacques.
"Weiss, that's enough! You're making a scene!" Jacque whispered harshly to her as he tried to pull her away from everyone's sight but she continued to struggle and incensed him even more. "Young lady, you are embarrassing the family!"
"I said let GO!" Weiss turned her anger and yelled at Jacques while she sharply pulled away her arm, not expecting her father to lose his grip and fell to the hard floor along with the resounding whine of her Semblance activating a Summoning Glyph in front of her.
The crowd murmured in awe as they were witness to seeing what looked like a Boarbatusk form right in front of their eyes. The very same Boar Grimm that Weiss had fought in her time at Beacon however before anyone could make a comment or look for a Huntsman…Something else began to surface as Weiss clutched her head when she felt a mind splitting pain throb at her temples.
No one had any idea about the Schnee's Semblance or it's intricacies bar Weiss, Winter and their mother; So people backed off when the Boarbatusk's skin began bubbling, reforming itself like it was ice melting into boiling water, darkening in colour until it became a coal black in colour and it's tusks began to grow in numbers along with it's size.
By the time that the first scream rang out, Weiss's white Boarbatusk had curdled itself from glacier ice into black ice and transformed itself into it's Alpha State: A Babingepet that looked no different from it's real counterpart aside from it's icy blue eyes, it began to charge at the hostile socialite with a deep roar and a stomp of it's hooves.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I won't say anything else, just leave me alone!" The woman begged as she stood in place due to the shock but she quickly fell to the ground when the sounds of gunshots pierced the echoing hall as six bullets found their way into the Alpha's head to form a perfect circle before it collapsed into smoke.
Ironwood looked spooked when he saw the summoned creature mutated in front of his eyes but his ability to act made it easier for other people to breathe once it collapsed. "That was Winter's Summoning technique...I've never seen it get misshapen or corrupted like that…I'll need to ask Ms. Schnee about this later."
"ARREST HER!" The shaken woman screamed at anyone who would hear her or more specifically at Ironwood once he holstered his gun. "Didn't you just see her summon up that monster?! She's insane, that horrid brat needs to be locked up!"
Ironwood took his moment to calm down as his Semblance deactivated and returned him to his unfocused self. "She's the only one who's been making sense around here…" He stated with a calm tone before looking to the understandably shaken Jacques; "Thanks for the invite, Jacques…You know how to make a lively par-Ms Schnee!" He started with a cordial thanks but turned to shock when he saw Weiss pass out on the ground once the Summoned Grimm dissipated.
"W-Well don't just stand there, go get a doctor!" Jacques grabbed one of the waiters and ordered him to go off and get help, he wanted to maintain his role as a father in front of everyone present but he had no reservations about reprimanding her when she woke up.
Team RNJR had managed to find an abandoned village in the middle of the forest known as Oniyuri and were currently trying to find out what had happened after Ren spoke up about certain communities attempting to expand into hopeful new cities.
"Hey Jae…Did you know anything about that kinda stuff?" Nora asked as she watched her leader lifting up a solid wall panel like it was made of plaster.
"Small parts of conversations…Back when I was a kid in Shion; Most of the things that the adults talked about was "Who let the Demon Child out?" or they would usually talk about who's husband cheated on who and where certain kids went to train for Huntsman Academies…" Jae said casually as he leaned the wall panel against a sturdier structure and began searching for supplies.
"Sounds like a real fun place…" Ruby mentioned sarcastically as she jumped down from an incomplete frame of a house. "Outside of Signal Academy, Patch was normally just…Quiet, Dad often helped me and Yang get everything we needed for classes but the village was mostly for people to settle down and stuff."
Jae nodded along as he turned up nothing and sighed in resignation. "Who knows…Maybe things could've been different if I grew up in a place like that instead of…Well, what I had…" He remarked to himself while glancing around; He couldn't help but feel like something was off and he wasn't sure why or how this feeling set in him.
"You feel it too…We're in an abandoned village that's barely put together in a part of Anima that's got more Grimm and Bandits than other villages…" The voice chimed in Jae's head as the tension was somehow louder than the trees swaying in the breeze.
"Guys…We should probably get moving…It's gonna get dark soon." Jae warned the others as he got up and started walking, his marked arm starting to ache like someone was pricking his arm with a needle.
The others seemed to agree as they moved on, Ren however seemed to be in the same situation as he could feel a disturbance coming. "Jae…You felt something earlier, didn't you?" He whispered to his friend since he didn't want to freak everyone out.
"Something doesn't feel right…But I don't know what it is…" Jae explained as he clenched and unclenched his hand nervously; "All I know is that whatever it is…it's coming…"
Their answer came soon after as a lightning fast blur of brown leapt over them and landed in the courtyard of the derelict city; Crouched in front of the four was Tyrion Callows as he had his hunting gear ready and quickly drew his weapons which came in the form of metal pincers on either arm. "I've finally managed to catch up to you, my intriguing little friends~!"
"Who are you?" Ren asked as he quickly drew Stormflower and kept both pistols trained on him, ensuring that he'd have first shot if this skittery man decided to move and attack them again.
With a lilting chuckle in his voice, Tyrion straightened up and eyed the group like he was trying to pick out the ripest fruit. "Oh, you must understand…Who I am matters not to…Well, not you." He remarked as he pointed to Ren then looked to Nora who was growling defensively with her hammer at the ready. "Or you for that matter…"
"We're not looking for a fight…So if you're just here to talk then maybe back up a little and give us some space." Jae remarked as he kept both Carmen and Electra drawn so he could use both types of ammo if it was needed, however his hand gripped tight on the handle as the stinging on his marked arm started to worsen into a harsh scratching sensation.
Tyrian looked to Jae like he had just recognised he was there and leaned in closer to get a better look. "I…Oh, actually you DO interest me a little, my young friend." He said and smirked a little as he started making more of an effort to analyse him before licking his lips. "Intriguing Aura, I must say! You certainly have an interesting flavour to your energy." He said before bursting into giggles like he had just heard the funniest joke around.
"What. Do you want?" Ruby finally spoke up as she kept her hand on Crescent Rose and something about this man made her feel more defensive once she noticed how much more invested Tyrian was getting when Jae made himself known.
Tyrian's head snapped towards Ruby and his eyes practically lit up as his laughter turned from a titter into a full on raucous laugh; "You…You really have no idea why, do you? Oh, how EXCITING this must be!"
"She asked you a question, pal…Why are you here and why are you so interested in us?" Jae reiterated the question with a more serious tone, both unnerved by Tyrian's fickle changes in mood and his rather hungry look towards him and Ruby.
"Well, my friend; I have the most welcoming of offers to make for you…" Tyrian mentioned as he kept his gaze on Jae; "My master has requested of me to meet with you as soon as I possibly could, along with that…I have been tasked with whisking away this dainty little flower." He said before looking to Ruby who then shrank back a little while Nora got in front.
"And what if neither of them want to go with you?" Nora asked as she gripped her hammer tighter, she knew that people would come after Jae for more understandable reasons though she wasn't going to sit and watch as Ruby was threatened with being taken without being told why.
"Well, my little friend…I'll just take them."
Jae walked his way over and joined Nora to help shield Ruby behind the two of them. "Okay, I think you must've missed the tone somewhere because there is no way that we're gonna let you do that." He warned as he pulled the hammer back on Carmen to keep a Fire Dust shot at the ready.
Tyrian sucked some air in through his teeth before his smile cracked into a more focused yet equally menacing smirk. "Good…" He hissed before practically vanishing.
Jae was able to turn at the right moment and blocked Tyrian's frantic claw swipes with his gun barrels before pushing him back; "Nora, join up with Ren and keep Ruby safe!" He yelled as he used his twin guns to block each of Tyrian's swings and fire back to keep the man at bay.
"Got it!" Nora yelled as she helped Ruby to her feet and got her further away while Jae and Ren aimed their guns. "Don't worry, they're both tough." She assured Ruby as she noticed the tense look on the sniper's face.
"I know but…Something about that guy feels off…" Ruby mentioned as she saw Jae holstering his guns and pushing Tyrian off of him with Beleth. "I can't just sit by and let them fight for me…I need to help!" She thought before readjusting her scythe into Sniper mode and aiming; "Nora, I can take aim on this guy while he's on the move along with Ren's shots while Jae puts the pressure on him….Follow my lead and get ready for Raijin when I give the word."
Nora nodded as she went to go join Jae and synched herself up with his moves; "Jae, I'll help keep the heat off of you! We're gonna bring the thunder~!"
"On it! Just give me a few seconds." Jae nodded as he began to strum the guitar and it began to hum with power with each string plucked; Beleth slowly began to glow a deep purple with the faster that he played and faint sparks could be seen jolting along the neck as Jae tried to speed through the charge.
Ruby was watching as Tyrian somehow was able to dip and weave in between his manic swings against Ren and Nora, though it was also confusing to see that this guy was able to avoid getting hit by her sniper shots each time like he knew where she was going to aim. "Come on, Jae….We have to make this work…."
Nora would then swing her hammer outward to make Tyrian hop backwards with a titter in his throat; "Ruby!" She yelled out to give the signal as she rushed forward to attack the man head on.
With a shared nod to each other; Ruby fired a Lightning Dust round that skimmed past Tyrian and hit Nora in the chest while Jae swung his hand down on the strings of his guitar weapon and blasted what looked like a purple lightning bolt that caught the redhead as she hit the ground in a sparking heap.
Tyrian who had no idea about their abilities simply thought this was a very, very unfortunate tag team of friendly fire started to burst out laughing and turned his focus to Ruby now that the bruiser was supposedly out of commission. "Ohohoho, you put up such a fight to stop her yet our little flower's shooting you down? I must say, you two are more interesting then I-"
The rumble of thunder could be heard as Nora got to her feet as she crackled with electricity and rushed forward with blinding speed, this along with a dark blur next to her came into focus as both Magnhild and Behemoth came swinging down on top of Tyrian while he was caught for a loop. "Ha! Not so tough now are y-huh?"
Jae had jumped in alongside Nora to help her as he switched out to use his Grimm warhammer to swing down on Tyrian while the electrically charged Nora could deal the most damage, however even that wasn't enough when he saw that Tyrian's coat had completely disintegrated under the duress, blocking both heavy hitters with a very strong looking tail sticking out of his lower back and tipped with a menacing looking scorpion tail. "Nora, back!" He yelled a warning as he saw the man swinging his tail around to try stinging them in a counter.
"Surprise~!" Tyrian said like a giddy child as he hopped backward along with the two as he stood ready with both weapon and tail poised to strike. "Honestly, I'm surprised that you hadn't expected that until now, my little friend." He teased Jae and swayed his tail like it was a finger pointing.
"He's…A Faunus?"
"Is that what this is about?! Are you attacking us for the White Fang? Or Roman Torchwick?" Ruby quizzed him as she could feel both her tension and her questions grow.
Tyrian scoffed and waved his hand dismissively as he marched to the left and right. "You think I'd be so petty as to target you for plastic soldiers and mere pawns?!" He asked before glancing to Jae and Ruby with a growing smile that bordered on psychotic. "I am here to take you for our cause and my duty remains solely to my goddess!" He added with a voice that sounded like he was deriving pleasure from stating it.
Ruby's eyes narrowed as she felt her body grow violent once she started to think about it. "Cinder…"
"I don't know what your obsession is with me...But there is no way in hell that I am gonna let you take Ruby if you're working for Cinder!" Jae growled as he felt his fist clench and a slowly burning anger start to surface.
"Working for her?" Tyrian barked out a hollow laugh before returning his own focus with a more offended expression; "Only in her wildest dreams!" He snarled before dashing forward and started swinging.
With that added animosity noticed and the fact that there was an extra threat with a scorpion tail; the three members of RNJR were pulling out all of the stops to keep Tyrian off of Ruby as they tried fighting back. Ren was able to deflect each of his claw strikes but he ended up getting struck down with a powerful underswing of his tail to knock him.
Nora kept back so she could be the last line for Ruby but she couldn't help but jump in; With the remaining amount of charge in her Semblance, she made for a volley of quick swings to try throwing Tyrian off but he had been able to slide under her on his knees and then sprang up to headbutt her in the chin.
"Guys, stay back!" Jae warned them as he summoned up his own Deathstalker Claws to match against Tyrian's wild swings; "He's after me and Ruby so he's not gonna hesitate with trying to kill you!" He warned as he clashed against the Faunus.
"You have claws like I do? Oh, you ARE interesting in more ways after all~ I think I can start calling you little brother." Tyrian remarked with an ecstatic grin on his face and made for several jabs at Jae with his tail along with the swings. "I know about your little secret, Little Brother…Now show me what else you can do!" He taunted the boy with each new thrust.
Jae knew that he had to keep things quick but while he could certainly overpower Tyrian and push him off, his attacker was still blindingly fast and each swing against him took all his focus as he blocked another strike of his tail. With a last attempt to put him off balance; Jae changed his Style into Trickster and blinked away, using his new mobility to push off of his Aura platforms to hit and run with his Gold Stinger on the claws jabbing and poking at his body before the Aura around him finally gave out in a purple mist. "That…That should do it…" He grimaced as the unnerving feeling in his arm that he felt all the way since Tyrian showed up had grown into a full on burning sensation like he was holding his arm over a fire.
Tyrian chuckled as he swayed his head; "You think that small jabs like that can stop….me?" He taunted but then tried to swing his arm and failed, he glanced down to see that his entire right arm had fallen limp and his left fell almost as quickly. "Oh…" He mumbled before Jae rushed in and then kicked Tyrian through a wall before following after him into the ruins when the Scorpion man reflexively wrapped his legs around Jae to pull him in too.
Qrow had been flying at full speed when he saw Tyrian running toward the village and as he got closer, he heard a crash of stone and saw Tyrian flying out of the ruined house; The Branwen Brother could see the mayhem that he and Ruby's group had caused but nothing could have prepared him for the sight in front of him.
Staggering out of the shadows emerged what looked like Jae but it was clear that whatever happened shattered his Aura Shield since he had a bleeding cut on his cheek along with some blood dripping from his hairline down the side of his face from one of the rocks hitting him, though it made the remaining 3/4s of RNJR feel an unnerving sense of cold dread when the light reached his face.
The boy that the three had known since Beacon took them in now sported a mouth full of fangs that glimmered with hunger and piercing gold eyes that sunk in black sclera focused squarely on the now wildly grinning Tyrian who seemed triumphant in this, but the oddest part about this whole look was that there were cracks forming around his eyes that made his pale skin resemble cracked porcelain. "I warned you…Now I'm gonna show you why Cinder should've stayed gone…" A vastly deeper voice rumbled out of Jae's throat as he lifted a hand that was tipped with black claws and pointed it directly at Tyrian.
"Hmhmhm~ I knew it…You are every bit of Demon that she said you were~"