Chapter 3: It All Comes Together
It took a few hours for everyone's bags to get to the school and longer for people to get used to being in one space, but so far it seemed to be going well. Everyone was in their nightwear sprawled out on sleeping bags and doing their own thing, keeping girls on one side and boys on the other for the most obvious of reasons; Ruby was writing to her friends back at Signal and Jae was on his own near the wall as he didn't exactly do well with large groups of people…which he tried to ignore as he was currently staring down at his arm but flinched when he heard footsteps and saw that same loud blonde girl from the auditorium. "Hellooooo~" She would say cheerfully as she wore her yellow top and shorts, Jae glanced up at her; "Oh uh…hey, you're that girl from earlier…sorry I didn't get your name before." he would say, trying to be polite; "Hey, don't sweat it buddy….Ruby was hanging out with you earlier and you two seemed to hit it off…I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister." she would say as she sat down in front of him.
"Older sister, huh? but you two don't exactly….." he would say but struggled to find the last two words but luckily Yang seemed cool about it; "Look alike? act alike? yeah, we get that a lot….Technically we're half sisters but we have the same dad around so that helps out…plus our uncle stops by sometimes too." she would say as she took stock of Jae so far; his hair was neck length and a messy dark brown, his eyes were a deep blue that almost looked…pretty and his nightwear seemed to consist of a dark red long sleeved shirt, a pair of dark sweatpants and white socks, suffice to say; Jae wasn't exactly showing himself off like most of the other guys who were shirtless, messing with each other or just trying to look cool for the girls sharing their space…but that just about made him a little more respectable for it. "It's nice to meet you….I'm Jae, I guess you could say I'm Ruby's new friend….But I'm not that good people if you get my meaning?" he would admit honestly to her and she could understand it a little, being around her sister as long as she did made her at least aware about an introverted person.
"Look you don't have to worry, I'm not exactly gonna bite….unless you want me to~" she would say with a playful smirk and a wink, causing Jae to get caught off guard by her and felt a tinge of pink heating his cheeks; "I'm kidding~ any friend of Ruby's is a friend of mine, in any case…Ruby told me you helped her out after the whole….explosion thing in the courtyard so I just wanted to say thanks for looking out for her." Yang would say as she smiled brightly; "But why exactly did you help her? Because just a warning….She's been put forward two years so I'd be careful if you try to flirt with her." she would say both as a heads up….and as her engaging her "Big Sis" mode.
"Wait….What do you mean by flirting? I was just helping out." Jae explained to her as he was a little unnerved by her suddenly intense stare on him and the fact that she thought he was flirting made him confused more then anything; "Come on, you really expect me to believe that some random guy would show up to a girl and be all nice like that." Yang would lightly nudge him as she was curious why this guy of all people had helped her out, conveniently forgetting that she had left her to hang out with her own friends.
"Because it was the right thing to do…someone like me doesn't….." he would start to say before pulling himself back from his own fluster; "Look, I saw someone who needed help after I heard that explosion so I went to go and help….just as I'm sure anyone else would." he would say to her; in all honesty, she could quickly call a guy's bluff but the way he seemed to talk about himself made it a little less likely that he was trying to get an in with a new girl at school.
"Okay, I'll believe you but I just wanted to be clear about this because Ruby has a hard time making friends with new people…." she would start to say before she heard her name and the soft padding of Ruby's feet as she paced over to her; "Yang, what are you…oh, hey Jae…you doing okay over here?" she would ask, he could almost breathe a sigh of relief as now Yang's focus was not entirely on him now, "Hey Rubes, you finished writing back to everyone?" Yang would ask as she craned her neck to gaze up at her little sister, with a small nod she explained about how she wrote another letter to their dad about how things were before looking at her and then to Jae….something seemed to click; "Yang, are you trying to grill Jae? because I told you, he's just a friend." she would say with a slightly annoyed look. "Ruby, I'm just looking out for you because some guys can take advantage and I just wanted him to know that he's got me to answer to if he makes you upset."
With an exasperated groan from Ruby and a sudden scrape of a candle, Yang's attention changed to someone else; a girl in a black nightdress and a bow was reading in candlelight; "You know her?" Yang would ask Ruby as she seemed to recognise her from the courtyard when she helped defend Ruby from Weiss's rants, "Well, then let's go meet her." Yang would say as she grabbed both Ruby AND Jae and practically dragged them over to Blake with a cheerful smile and a bouncy "Hello~!"
"So I believe you three know each other." Yang would say as she gestured to Ruby; "Yang, Jae hadn't met her then!" Ruby would growl to her in a hushed whisper, before Yang tried and failed to get the girl who named herself as Blake talking with her and the other two. Yang lamented about her being a lost cause but Ruby managed to get further by talking about her books and her inspirations of being a huntress like the stories….which then lead to the two getting into a sibling squabble; Jae decided to make small talk; "So….I'm guessing this is new for you too?" he would ask her, getting a nod in response; "I came to this side of the room to get some quiet…." she would admit; though Jae could understand it well enough: "Yeah…I'm not exactly a people person much either, it's better to have your own company sometimes...but I guess it's not so bad if you have the right people around." he would mention as he watched the two sisters argue and found it…almost wholesome before looking back to Blake: "Still, it is nice to meet you Blake…I'm Jae." he would introduce himself and got a "Likewise." from the book lover.
"What do you think you're doing?! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Weiss decided to pop up and reprimand both of them for making a ruckus before recognising the two; "Look you two, this isn't the time to be fighting!" Jae would snap back at both Weiss and Yang before Ruby followed up with "He's right, people are trying to sleep!" she would plead quietly before Weiss rounded on both her and the taller teen boy for speaking up to her; "Since when were you on my side on this?" she would snark, causing a groan from Yang and a defensive "I was always on your side!" from Ruby, Jae was starting to get tired of her attitude and even more so considering that he was getting a headache from their disputes; "What's your problem? They're both just trying to be nice to you!" Yang would stick up for both Ruby and for Jae.
"Because they're both a hazard to my health!" Weiss would snap back as Blake blew out the candle and a sharp creak of the door brought all 5 of them to attention as Glynda poked her head through the door; "It is lights out now, students….Go to your allocated corner and go to sleep! it is an early start for your first day and I'd recommend you to get a full night's rest." Glynda would say sharply, both as an announcement to everyone and more specifically to Yang and Weiss who she could hear their argument through the door.