Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 7: I Got The Job!


[Author’s Note: Bruh I kept staying up till 2 and 3 am to finish my summer work, ended up not finishing it, and realized it was due at the end of the week. At least I got a day off from the hurricane so I can write more. Sorry, I was completely focused on school and talking with friends and shit, I’ll try my best to write.]


Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff




Third POV With Ozpin’s Cocoa Mug


In the headmaster’s office of Beacon, two wily old men were sitting across from one another. Pushing up his glasses, Ozpin took a seat in his desk chair. Glancing up at Qrow while reading Madara’s given information, his expression was that of surprise.


“So, a unique semblance? You know how many semblances vary in appearance and function, and it’s surprising enough to still be called unique?”




Ozpin took a sip of his cocoa, though many students believe it to be coffee for some odd reason. “Care to describe?”


Qrow closed his eyes and thought about how to make out the weird phenomenon and cover up her chakra. 


“It gives her aura a weird vibe. With it, she can make certain constructs based on her features. A blue skeleton for defense and attack, foxes that are multi-use, and a sphere binding which I’m not sure where it comes from. She can also walk on walls due to the aura. However, she cannot use it for long, she can barely conjure up a few bones.”


Ozpin looked up from his scroll and his imported, mint chocolate, cocoa mix drink. “How interesting. I’m assuming it’ll get more powerful in the future as she trains?”


Qrow curtly nodded.


Continuing on questioning attributes vital to huntsmen, Ozpin asked about her talent and experience.


“So how talented and experienced is she for you to acknowledge that?”


“Without weapons or semblances, she’s much better than me at hand-to-hand combat, although a bit weak. I’ve also been told she’s taken on multiple similarly skilled people in the village where her clan was and won, though they often didn’t have aura.” 


The bespeckled fossil widened his eyes. “That much talent? If she had proper qualifications, she could become a top huntress after studying for maybe only a year or two. That’s amazing! Any schools she’s looking to enroll in?”


Grinning with pride, Qrow simply stated her plans, “She wants to demolish Signal’s curriculum in one years, become a huntress at Beacon in the next two years, and spend the last year becoming a huntsmen teacher while doing missions in her offtime either after school or on weekends.”


“That sounds absolutely insane, yet I can’t wait to witness it. But wouldn’t she need time to grade and plan out schedule plans?”


Taking out his flask and sipping, Qrow reminisced on their spar and Madara’s former experience. “Nah, the kid’s thinking speed is insane, plus I’m pretty sure she holds mastery over most weapons. Combine that with her experience in fighting and tactics and she’ll be good to teach even now.”


“Amazing. Where did you find her?”


Remembering the cover up story, Qrow calmly replied, “She was in an abandoned cabin outside of patch, probably abandoned from her clan and their village due to being a faunus. I took her in as my daughter.”


Spitting out his cocoa, Ozpin dropped his scroll. “Ah I see… wait, what?!”


Continuing, Ozpin asked, “You actually decided to adopt a daughter with your semblance?!”


Qrow remembered Madara’s skills and sharingan. “I’m sure she can handle my semblance. It doesn’t affect her that much, with her reflexes and decision making. Plus, she should get used to it, I’m going to be taking her out to fight the smaller variants of grimm, not those goliath class nightmares. At worst, she’ll lose all of our monopoly matches.”


Forcefully calming himself, Ozpin raised a brow. “13 and already hunting grimm? No matter how talented, hunting grimm requires strength, strength that a 13 year old does not have.”


Surprisingly, Qrow simply gave a soft smile. “I trust she can figure it out.”


While a bit manipulative and naive, Ozpin always wanted the best for his huntsmen, despite what his track record says. ‘I’m glad for you, Qrow.’


“Fine, I suppose this favor won’t cost you much. I’ll get it done. In addition, I suppose I’ll get a top notch huntress and teacher in a few years.”


“Thanks.” And with that, Qrow opened a window nearby, leapt out, and all that could be seen was a crow headed towards the Vale branded Bullheads.


Third POV Back At the Cookie Base


Taiyang sat down at the lunch table with a quickly made sandwich. “So, how ya feelin’ kiddo? School’s gonna start next week, along with the combat classes.”


Madara simply gave him a sideways glance. “Is that a real question? You know my plan, and I doubt anyone that isn’t you or Qrow will give me any trouble in combat.”


Taiyang sighed, picked up his bags, and left to pick up Yang from Signal. “I guess I should be the one to tell the teachers why they’re going to get beat.”


“Their fault for sucking.”


The door suddenly swung open, bonking Taiyang on the forehead.


“Good news, kid! I got you a teaching position and huntress sponsor from Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon, using a favor from yours truly~! Now all you gotta do is beat up some teachers.”


Taiyang picked up his dropped bag, muttering on his way out. “They’re multiplying…”


Meanwhile, Madara smiled. “Welcome back, Qrow. So, what’s poppin?”


“...’What’s poppin?’”


“I picked it up from Yang.”


“... Nevermind. You wanna do something fun?” The only reason Qrow had come back was to alert Madara, but remembering her thirst and knack for battle gave him an idea. 


Of course, Madara always enjoyed having a bit of fun. Beginning to smile, she told him to elaborate.


“Alright, I’ve got a few missions, and you’re coming with me. I suppose no one will notice a drop in Beowulf packs or Ursas.”


Then, Madara’s eyes lit up. Grabbing her Gunbai, because her requested specialized weapon was still being made by Ruby alongside Crescent Rose, she jumped onto Qrow’s shoulders. Latching onto his head with her tiny left hand, she pointed forwards with her right and shouted. “Let’s go! Right now!”


Qrow walked out, hopped a bit while leaving the door, and chuckled when Madara’s head smacked the top of the door frame.


“Okay, let’s go trash some grimm.”




“I know you did that shit on purpose, don’t fuck with me while I’m still on your shoulders.”


Third POV Back At Ozpin


Ozpin sat at his seat, dropping his paperwork in a specialized chute towards Glynda’s office. He whispered to himself, wondering why he hasn’t made a file on such an interesting bloodline semblance… or if it existed at all. 


‘No records of this clan… no traces of these eyes… a village big enough to fit a clan should be somewhat close to being a town…’


Glynda simply watched the paperwork literally go down the drain with deadpan eyes. Sighing, she left the room to finish whatever Ozpin decided not to do.


Despite their differences and work ethics, Glynda, Qrow, and Ozpin trusted each other.


‘If he’s made such a backstory, it should be for a good reason. I guess I’ll know once she comes into Beacon, but I really should have known about such a versatile semblance.’


Glasses glinting, he sat back into his seat and placed his finger tips together.


“...Damn, that’s not the wizard image I was going for. Should I bring back my cane? Maybe have snacks nearby too? I’ll ask Qrow for suggestions.”



[Author’s Note: Next chapter is when I pop out the weapon/weapons I’ve decided. I’m going to check all platforms and pick the most interesting of all the top comments, so stay tuned!]



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