Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 5: A Shinobi?


[Author’s Note: Had some sparkling water, was pretty shitty ngl. Also, I went outside for 20 minutes and got 9 big boy bug bites. 9 FUCKING BUG BITES. This is why summer sucks, but I digress. Have a good read.]


Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff




Third POV On the Couch


Qrow was sitting next to Madara, watching huntsman fights on a scroll because the TV managed to break. Must have been bad luck, courtesy of a certain someone.


Madara had recently taken to pointing out mistakes or inefficiencies in fights of hunters, while Qrow watched and sometimes took her ideas and tips. She held a chocolate chip milkshake in her free hand(Don’t ask me where she learned to make that), and was resting her overexerted body while humming to the background music. 


“So, was that amazing eye transformation the power of the Uchiha clan?”


Looking up towards Qrow, she smiled, glad he felt the same way. “How’d you know?” Though the answer was much more lackluster than she thought.


“It was the only unordinary power I’ve really seen from you and I just guessed. You confirmed it for me. Besides, only a few semblances give a drastic change in appearance, plus you didn’t even unlock your aura.”


Madara just returned to her video and her milkshake. “Ah. Oh well.”


Expecting more of a response or cover up, Qrow raised one eyebrow. “Oh well? I thought it was more of a secret, considering there isn’t any information about it anywhere.”


Decidedly not looking back up and straining her neck again, she simply stated, “I trust you. You’ll keep it a secret unless necessary. Besides, in my former village, as well as the areas around it, the eyes were famous. It’s not like knowing my powers will change anything for my opponents either. A real shinobi always keeps trump cards or knows how to think quickly and innovate.”


Qrow grinned. “Thanks kid. By the way, what are shinobi? I don’t think I’ve heard of them before.”


Thinking for a bit, she compared the answers from her past life, though she couldn’t remember who said what. “Some say shinobi are tools, a gutsy shinobi said shinobi could become heroes, but I think the reality of it is similar to hunters, albeit more political related and many shinobi target enemy villages. They use energy called chakra, a combination of physical and spiritual energies, to perform various jutsus to complete missions. Though, I think there were a few who became shinobi and couldn't manipulate chakra. They were truly powerful opponents. I can’t really remember any famous ones, though you wouldn’t recognize any.”


Qrow raised his eyebrows once again. “Chakra? Is it that weird aura you used in the fight?”


“Mm. But you can do a lot more than just more with chakra, though it doesn’t naturally empower and protect you. I guess you could say aura is passive and chakra is active.”


“Wait, chakra is different from aura? I thought the only energies on Remnant were… sorry, was aura. And you can use both energies? Besides, where did it come from and how did the kingdoms not find these villages?”


‘Why did he say ‘were’? A mistake?’ Regardless, Madara continued to answer, still pausing to sip from her milkshake, “Did I not tell you? Chakra isn’t in or from this world. *Sip* As well as me.”




“I mean, you have weird monsters born from negative emotion, supposedly gods from legends, aura which is similar to chakra, and magical dust. Is it so far-fetched that I’m from another world?” 


Madara’s face gradually twisted into bafflement and confusion. Simply put, with all the shit that goes on in Remnant, what’s surprising with more shit? She decided to continue humming.


Qrow dragged his hands down his face, getting up from the couch to make a cup of coffee. Or alcohol, he really didn’t care. 


He was obligated to report any threats to both Vale and Ozpin, but he promised Madara to never betray her. Their dynamic already felt like family and he would not betray his family. 


“Alright, I trust you won’t lie to me, but how’d you get on Remnant?”


Nonchalantly as ever, Madara sang, “~Well I died and was transmigrated here by a god to bring peace and save people~,” to the tune of her background music.


“What the fuck? You died? Are you okay? Who was that god? Is it a god from Remnant? Can y-”


Madara glared at him. “Ask questions one at a time and don’t yell. I can’t hear the video.”


Qrow’s eyebrow twitched and his expression changed from concerned to exhaustion. “Alright, I guess if you’re watching videos instead of panicking then you’re okay. Who was the god that brought you here?”


“It was two, actually. One is a legend in the shinobi world that supposedly created the energy of chakra and ninjutsus when it was actually his mom and the other is a god I don’t really know much about, besides the fact he could decide what to do with my soul. I wanted to become someone who could help people after spending time without freedom in the void and realizing how useless my plan to put the world in an infinite genjutsu illusion was with the nature of humanity.”


“How’d you get there?” Surprisingly, Qrow didn’t yell out this time.


“You don’t seem that surprised?”


This time, Madara’s eyebrow twitched. “I figured you’d do something crazy like that, maybe after something got you mad. I mean, you hit me for assuming your age.”


“ was one time.”


“Also, I trust you won’t do something like that here. I mean, you were sent here with the intention of saving people, so I trust the second coming of the cookie monster will become a hero.”


Madara’s cheeks blushed, embarrassed to be called such a disgraceful thing. She only ate 3 cookies per day. Changing the subject, she asked, “Want to see my jutsus?”


“Hell yeah, let’s go!”


“After I finish my milkshake.”


Sighing, Qrow gave her a look. “You’re making me wait with the excuse of food again?”


“... Yes.”


One Chocolate Chip Milkshake Later


Madara walked next to the tree she tossed Qrow into, if the adult sized dent was anything to go by. 


Forming the seals for a fireball, she blew out chakra with all her effort, into the hole made with her fingers… only for a yoga ball sized flame to shoot out and slowly burn the tree.


Wiping the nonexistent sweat from her forehead, she smiled towards Qrow and puffed out her chest. 


Hoping he didn’t see the disappointment in her eyes, she boasted profusely. “Not bad, huh? Yeah, I know. If I truly tried I could probably raze the forest down. I can also use lightning, earth, water, wind, and wood elements, heh.”


Of course, with her new inability to hide her expressions, Qrow caught her twitching eyebrows and sad expression. “Pfft. Hahaha! You can’t be serious! I could get a drink, walk back home, and take a nap before having to put out that fire!”


“Hey! It really was supposed to be bigger.” Bonking his sides as he ran away from the red faced faunus, still laughing. 


Somehow tripping on flat ground, she raised herself up and pouted at Qrow. “Just wait till I exercise more! I’m gonna send spikes of earth up your ass!”


Shivering, he wisely decided to stop laughing. Looking unamused, Madara simply walked back to her spot by the charred tree. “Moving on, I guess I’ll show you my Sharingan. It has three stages. The first stage is just called the Sharingan. It allows for increased perception of muscle movement and energies. Through this, Uchiha can also copy movements and jutsus. Then you obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan along with various abilities based on your desires that you can use at the cost of your eyesight. Finally, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan removes the cost.”


Madara’s eyes turned crimson, changing patterns into the ones she had known and cursed. A constant reminder of what happened to her brother. Taking Qrow’s sword from his back and transforming it into a scythe, she swiftly chopped the charred tree into various parts, using the momentum of the spinning blade to substitute her lack of strength. 


“Y’know what, maybe scythes aren’t so bad. Going on.”


Madara handed back the scythe to the slack jawed Qrow, and walked two meters away. “Close your mouth, wouldn’t want to eat a rib, would you?” Suddenly, two blue ribs shot out from around Madara, though only reaching around 3 feet towards Qrow. “Well, that was worse than expected.” 


Once again turning red faced, she simply ignored the laughing Qrow. ‘Let’s see what abilities they gave me.’


Thinking about her EMS, she found that the two abilities were the abilities to create infinite cookies… just kidding, hell no. She found that her two abilities were the same color as her Susanoo. 


The left eye’s ability was called the Inari Okami, and would send out blue, transparent foxes that could attack, protect, travel, and raise natural regeneration in the surrounding area. This sprouted from her new desire to bring back the people she threw away.


The right was called Bishamonten, and would form blue bindings in a sphere formation around one’s enemy, with strength based on how much sin they’ve accumulated. Of course sin was relative to the user, but Madara recently placed killing innocents on her list. This ability came from his desire to redeem himself from his mistakes and manipulation of innocents.


Instinctively, she knew she didn’t have enough chakra to use either, lest they come out as miniature versions and Qrow decides to laugh again. Ultimately, she just genjutsu’d Qrow the information.


“Woah, that felt weird. That kinda seems like a semblance. If you awaken a semblance, how about we’ll just say you got two. Though, do not show off ninjutsu or whatever you just did. There are powerful people in Remnant.” 


While he acted calmly, he was thinking up excuses for Ozpin, as he knew Ozpin would get her involved with the shadow war, especially with how chakra seemed to be similar to magic. At the same time, he didn’t want to tell her about magic and the relics, lest she go out to be a hero, get the maidens, relics, and wish away grimm. 


He knew she wasn’t reckless or naive enough to get involved with or manipulated by either, but he wished for Madara to experience new things on Remnant before she got involved with powers above her.


‘Madara could be just as old as me or many times over, but right now, she is 13 as well as my daughter. She has time to experience Remnant and truly understand what she wants to do about those forces before growing up. I'll tell her about magic later.’


Qrow knew it would be a hassle to deal with the little girl, but he smiled regardless. ‘We have time, don’t we? It’s not like the kingdoms will fall anytime soon.’


“Hey, let’s go get a weapon that isn’t a scythe.”


“What? Why not a scythe?”


Madara glared at Qrow, meaning that the conversation was over.


“...At least think about the huntsman school you’re going to.”


“Huntsman school? Can’t I skip grades or something and just take the huntsman exam once I hit 16? As for socializing, I could just become a teacher or something. Shouldn’t be too hard teaching.”


Sighing, Qrow looked up, wondering how the future was going to go. The worst part was that, given some much needed exercise and favors from Ozpin, she could easily become a huntress and a teacher.



[A/N: Went to get up and eat dinner in the middle of writing and found that it wasn’t 9 bites. It was 11 bites. I am calm, yes, but that does not mean I am not mad. I am fuming. Have a good day while I commit mosquito genocide. Also I actually don’t know if I should add in romance. I’m shit at romance, considering I was broken up with, asked out again, broken up with and asked out again by the same person, then ghosted. So I’m not really confident in my romance skills.]


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