Chapter : Disclaimer & Update Schedule
Good Day Reader, Orngebeard here.
I'm writing this new series but it is NOT my primary focus right now so at best I'm going to be releasing one to three chapters per week maybe more, depending on the level of interest I get from it, let's just say that for every 100 power stones I'll do a bonus chapter release, and who knows if we become popular enough I'll turn this into my primary focus.
The intent is to get this eventually serialized with a contract but that'll probably come after I've finished my commitments towards other pieces of work I hope you all will understand and be patient with releases.
Now as for the disclaimer pieces, I just want to say right now that all places and persons are works of fiction and any resemblance towards real peoples or places is purely coincidental and not to be reflected against those persons.
That also being said all events that occur or decisions made by characters within are for the purpose of entertainment only even though such actions likely will fall far from being anything close to entertaining, these are not my views but those taken from study and the belief that the actions undertaken would be the same should the events within happen for real.
I will not be responding to any comments or reviews left in response to the actions or events undertaken within and should they try to attack the character of myself as the author or any reader who leaves a positive comment will be deleted with prejudice so be forewarned, I don't care if you want to leave a bad review because you don't like the story but don't go out of your way to pick apart the entire story just because of a single possibly recurring event that you don't agree with.