Rot & Ruin

Chapter 2: 1 - Beginning with Blood






The alarm of his phone continued to blare in his ears as he groggily reached out to locate the device on the bedside to silence it.

Having found his mark he pulled the device up to his face hitting the snooze and getting his first look at what time it currently was.

"Oh, no!"

He was forced to gasp in horror!

Carter was a poor riser, one of those people who would set close to a dozen alarms in order to be able to properly rise in the morning, for the first ten or so would just be snoozed or turned off while he was still half-asleep after waking up only to fall right back into slumber.

This was that last alarm, and worse than that having seen the time, this alarm meant unless he was lucky enough to hit green lights the entire way he was going to be late for work.

In haste he shot out of bed like a stabbed rat, donning a pair of jeans and t-shirt along with one his near trademark thermal zip ups that he wore almost every single day of his life.

His mind was beginning to race already trying to come up with a good enough excuse to explain his lateness to his boss.

But just as he made his way through the front door of his condo the entire building shook with fury.

It was like there was an earthquake happening even though the city he lived in was no where near the tectonic fault lines where such an occurrence would happen.

Unsure what was going on but needing information Carter went back to his home, and pulled his phone out quickly opening up to metube to see what the local social media had to say about it, but what he found there was shocking.

Numerous tags were lighting up social media most commonly was Apocalypse, EndofDays... etc.

The front page of the site was absolutely overwhelmed with an outpouring of new videos coming in.

Tornadoes, Sunami's, Hurricanes, Volcanic eruptions.

It was like every single natural disaster had been set off across the planet all at once.

Worse still new videos had started to come in revealing signs of yet another problem, not something completely unseen in the wake of these natural disasters but looting and riots had begun breaking out among the more unruly of the people who view this series of events as truly being the end of days and had begun to loot and gather up supplies to survive.

Having seen what the news had to say Carter moved to the window getting his first glimpse of the city outside.

And what he saw there froze him in absolute terror.

Utter and complete chaos had taken over the once busy streets of his home city.

There had only just been a jitter of an earthquake and yet below he could see thousands of people running around with some running into, tackling, or pouncing on those running, causing a sea of red to stain the concrete pathways.

Even from this far away in their air, he could still see the moment when one of the people sunk their teeth into the flesh of another human being not holding back even a little as a large chunk of flesh was torn from the victim.

The scene was truly something out of a nightmare.

The sight to his eyes caused his heart to pound such that it felt like his heart was going to burst forth from his chest.

Not only were they being subjected to worldwide natural disasters but now a zombie apocalypse on top of that.

As the city fell more and more into chaos flames began to emerge as explosions were being setup one after the other making the scene truly look like one straight out of an apocalypse film.

The street overran with blood while cars crashed into one another and buildings lining the streets.

Fear was starting to grip him, as he could feel the cold icy hands of death approaching.

Afterall nobody ever really wanted to die did they?


He would fight to survive he would do his utmost to survive even in this world he had woken up to, no matter the cost!

As much as he wanted to deny that what was happening was just a sick joke or a prank on a worldwide scale he couldn't bring himself to believe that.


that was when still standing there overlooking the horror that was mounting he heard a sound, almost like he'd received a text message but even as he looked down at his phone there was nothing new there.

Even checking chirper, and Scansnap hadn't resulted in anything new.

Well aside from more reports coming in about further zombie reports coming in from all over the world, but then almost as if it was planned they stopped coming in almost entirely.

The new videos and posts were only coming in from north America now, almost as if something had happened to the rest of the world that had cut them off.

But even still the new news coming in from North America alone was bad enough, every single city was affected by this outbreak of calamity, while no official news had been provided yet by government forces indicated to the public just what in the hell was going on right now.

Having seen enough he threw his phone down to his bed and instead started to search his home for the source of the sound he'd heard before.

Completely ignoring the bloodthirsty monsters outside.

But after checking all the hardware he possessed he still could not find the source but then he noticed something, having finally calmed down there was a blinking orange dot in his vision, which followed him wherever he looked.

As he tried rubbing his eyes after focussing on the dot it changed almost like opening something with an AR headset and a message appeared before his eyes.

[You have been chosen as your districts representative in this time of change, and great upheaval.

For thousands of years your civilization has progressed under the following of science, but now is the time to see if that following was indeed correct.

Once more your species is tested, tested to see if the path that won last time, is the path you should continue to take moving forwards.

You have been chosen as the leader of your species following the scientific route your 'humanity' has already followed until now.

We look forward to your success.

As your people would say, "Let the games begin."]

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