Root Maker: Tree Cultivation

Chapter 72: Status Update – Why are there so many children?

Year 11, Day 103

Beneath endless green canopy, pink petals and endless beauty.

Root had made incredible progress. 

First of all, his forest. He had managed to expand it to great bounds and beyond- In five days, he used the majority of the Chaos Qi he got from the Kaiju Moth and turned it into Nature Qi to fuel his cultivation and his beautiful forest! The size of 247 acres seemed almost like a joke now that he had expanded so fucking much- 1,000 acres. That is, that is the rough estimation of how much his body has grown, because he has lost count of how much he has grown, but he'd add about 200 or more acres to it or so. His tree body had grown from its 1000 meters (3,280 feet) to about 1530 meters (5,019 feet in pew pew you know the rest) or so- be doesn't really know anymore while his canopy now stretched outwards over 550 meters (1,804 feet) or even more! His forest and his body were not the only things that had grown thanks to the Chaos Qi he had taken from that discount Mothra! In fact, let me show you- “It's been a while since I have looked at my status, hasn't it?” 


[Name: Root

Species: Great Spirit Forest 

Cultivation Root: Nature [Heavenly Pure Quality]

Cultivation: Path of Embodiment

Age: 111 years

Qi Realm: Pale Star Core (3rd Stage)

Special Achievements: 


[Death Conqueror]

[Contract? Deal!]

[Fate Twister]

[Two in One]

[Soul Weaver]

[What is a tree, if not a forest?]

[Lightning Strikes]

[Hanging on by a Thread]

[Space Travel? I think not!]

[Unleashed Chaos]

Daos - 

[Spirit] - 86%

[Transformation/Change] - 70%

[Nature] - 77%

[Fate/Destiny] - 55%

[Lightning] - 15%

Skills -

F RANK: [Flower Make]

F RANK: [Silk Make]

E RANK: [Hibernation]

D RANK: [Wood Make]

D RANK: [Poison Resistance]

A RANK: [Sharing is Grounding]

S RANK: [Seed Make]

S RANK: [Purification]

S RANK: [Pain Resistance]

SS RANK: [Lightning Qi Resistance]

SSS RANK: [Seedling Make] ([Generational Instinctual Knowledge (S)], [Cultivation Root Influence (S)], [Symbiosis (S)]) 

Techniques - 

A RANK: [Natural Healing]

A RANK: [Soul Pressure]

A RANK: [Cosmic Connection]

A RANK: [Tree Stride Movement]

S RANK: [Root of Knowledge]

SS RANK: [Primordial Law Qi Conversion Technique]

SS RANK: [Soul Retrieval]

SS RANK: [Great Forest Breathing Technique]

SS RANK: [Mycorrhizal Network]

Sect - Heavenly Spirit Forest Sect

Great Ancestor: Root [Pale Star Core (3rd Stage)]

Sect Master (Nature Branch Master): Leaf [Core Formation (9th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Nature Spirit (×19,996,936)

Hui Yang - Human [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Mei-Mei - Lesser Spirit [Qi Gathering (7th Stage)]

Death Branch Master: Lily [Core Formation (3rd Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Death Spirits (×12,112,652)

Bones [Foundation Formation (4th Stage)]

Earth Branch Master: Ahteus [Core Formation (4th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Earth Spirits (×12,122,670)

Goldie [Qi Gathering (7th Stage)]

Wind Branch Master: Zylph [Core Formation (3rd Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Wind Spirits (×11,131,634)

Fire Branch Master: Fiero [Core Formation (8th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Fire Spirits (×10,142,398)

Sister [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Yan Zhun [Foundation Formation (1st Stage)]

Flare [Foundation Formation (4th Stage)]

Water Branch Master: Namis [Core Formation (3rd Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Water Spirits (×10,982,244)

Spirit Branch Master - Tahsm [Core Formation (5th Stage)]

Zhu Tei - Human [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Zhun Wei - Spirit Dragon [Foundation Formation (1st Sage)]

Chaos Branch Master: Chaos [Core Formation (4th Stage)]

Joll-Ahn [Qi Gathering (1st Stage)]

Hyu Jin - Human [Qi Gathering (3rd Stage)]

Light Branch Master: Lumin [Core Formation (1st Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Light Spirits: ×11,102,803

Ice Branch Master: Freeze + Frost [Foundation Formation (5th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Ice Spirits: ×8,120,322

Demonic Branch Master: Lilith [Foundation Formation (9th Stage)]

Unnamed Demonic Ants: ×12,786,220

Scarlet [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Life Branch Master: Chrysalis [Foundation Formation (8th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Life Spirits: ×08,182,879

Devil - Demonic Beast [Qi Gathering (1st Stage)]

Basilisk - Demonic Beast [Qi Gathering (1st Stage)

Chimera - Demonic Beast [Qi Gathering (1st Stage)]

Baby - Demonic Beast [Qi Gathering (1st Stage)]

Lightning Branch Master: Thrümm [Core Formation (4th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Lightning Spirits: ×11,234

Inventory - 

SSS Rank: Tea of Heaven (Recipe)

SS Rank: Endless Waves of the Sea Artifact 

S Rank: Immortality Peach Tree Seed 

A Rank: Return Pill (Recipe)

A Rank: Emperor of the Heavens Egg 

A Rank: Tapestry of Recollection - N01

B Rank: Alchemy for Dummies (Book)

Rank D: Guide on How to Become the Cultivator that Defies Heaven, by HeavenDefier69.

Rank F: Soft Pale Golden Leaves from a Golden Qi Tree.

Rank F: A Guide for Dummies: Human Anatomy

Trash: Worthless Stone Blade>]

A lot happened in five days. 

First of all, remember that seed he gave to Chaos? Well, it finally “hatched”, growing into a beautiful pale gray and red flower, and from it his lovely grandchild was born! Chaos called their new child the name Joll-Ahn, mostly because they wanted to “name my child Jolene so they can take everyone's man, but I'll change the spelling to make it quirky because I wanna cause chaos”, and honestly? That wasn't really a bad name per say… Joll-Ahn was a beautiful being, but rather small, the size of a little flower! They were very attached to their “momma” Chaos, which was adorable. 

The next birth and the next one to become a mother was, in fact, Tahsm. He was holding the egg when it hatched, and immediately he called everyone to come and watch the miracle of birth that was happening- but before anyone could get to Root's body, the little Zhun Wei was born. Zhun Wei was about 5 feet long when he was born, with snow white and soft looking scales that looked like egg shells and were soft to the touch like the fluff of a recently born bird. Zhun Wei had these teeny tiny nubs on top of his little head that would, one day, grow into beautiful and enormous antlers that would showcase his majesty to the whole world to see! He had grown within the soul of a giant tree, so of course he would reflect some aspects of Root within his own body, and that was how his scales went from deep snow white into paler and paler colors until it began to take a greener hue as it approached the tail, the tip of the tail was completely green! This deep, beautiful bright green coloration. 

Another mother was Chrysalis- well, Chrysalis decided to make little monsters by stitching the body parts of different Demonic Beasts that were killed within the forest. Those bodies were taken to Bones, who alongside Lily and Chrysalis, managed to create four little abominations that were… weirdly adorable. 

They were Devil, Basilisk, Chimera, and Baby. 

Devil was actually a mixture of a Cowmel Demonic Beast with a Demonic Ant! The big beast turned into this powerhouse capable of carrying about 100 or more times their own weight, the power to use Demonic Qi, Earth Qi, and Water Qi too! Chrysalis named the newly created beast Devil because of the way its little antennas looked like small horns, which was weirdly adorable. Devil is able to dig into the ground like a Demonic Ant, and he can also store liquids inside himself like a Cowmel— also! Devil can actually walk over sinking sand and be completely okay, due to his incredible control over Earth Qi for being a simple 1st Stage Qi Gathering Demonic Beast. 

Basilisk was this long snake-like being. Basilisk was made from a mixture of centipedes (they were not demonic beasts, but rather normal insects… somehow?) with one of Root's many trees, but this one had fallen. Chrysalis took the trunk to Bones and together they managed to somehow change the biomass of the tree trunk into chitin and flesh- but it wasn't enough. No, Chrysalis wanted to make a messed up beast! They went to Root and asked if he could help, and well, Root would never say no to his children- unless they wanted something outrageous or stupid, of course. Root found this reptilian Demonic Beast in the desert close to the trees, and he captured it before giving it to Chrysalis! The Demonic Beast looked like a mixture between a Bearded Dragon and a Snake, because it only had two front paws and the back was simply a tail. Chrysalis took the Demonic Beast and with it, they made Basilisk! 

Now, Basilisk is a deep green tunneling snake with a thousand centipede feet the size of a human man. See the horror yet? Chrysalis, Bones, and Lily were able to somehow grant this monstrosity the ability to wield and use Nature Qi, Demonic Qi, and Earth Qi! Bones was very proud of the chitinous skeleton he had made with the samples they had from the centipedes, while Lily was proud of the eyes she had made for this beast with the help of Ahteus, making the famous paralyzing gaze the Basilisk from mythos had- Ahteus also had Namis help on making the eyes, it was a whole group project that started to involve the entire family, and it was very fun too. 

Chimera was as the name implies- a mixture of a Cowmel as the base body and several parts of other Demonic Beasts. The tail was the body of a Demonic Beast the Flareburns called “Trailblazer Demonic Slither” (a thin and very long snake-like Demonic Beast that could use Fire Qi to move really fast), the head was the head of a Demonic Ant, the wings of one of those Spider Scorpion things alongside the wings of one of the many moths that attacked recently, and to top it all off, Bones and Chrysalis attached the claws of one of those big scorpions called Giant Black Pearl Scorpions. 

With those claws, Chimera looked like it wanted to kick it up a notch. 

Regardless, Chimera can use Fire Qi, Demonic Qi, Earth Qi, Water Qi, and Poison Qi. It's a really weird and yet interesting combination of Qis that can only be used in certain body parts. 

Baby… Well, Baby could only be described as a monster. Chaos was there to help with the creation of this one, and it went very wrong when Baby was being created. All the flesh, bones, and organs that they were “playing legos with” as Chaos likes to say, simply melted into this pile of black ooze as soon as Chaos Qi was introduced into them, which was an eye opening for Root and others- it seems fleshy beings cannot cultivate Chaos Qi, huh? Well, from that pile of black ooze was born the monstrosity with a thousand eyes, a thousand mouths, and a thousand teeth- Baby! Baby was, honestly, very cute. It can use Chaos Qi to mimic the cries of the things it eats, and that's how it learned to speak with them… Chaos had fed one of the many, many Lesser Nature Spirits to it, and it had absorbed the Lesser Nature Spirit and managed to glimpse the connection Root shared with it and made their own connection to the “mother” Chrysalis. 

Two other things also happened, this time not birth related!

Root got two new achievements. [Space Travel? I think not!] And [Unleashed Chaos].

Let me show you their descriptions: 

[Space Travel? I think not!

Space Travel? I think not! - You have tried and sadly failed to bridge the gap between worlds. This complicated endeavor is being constantly and continuously tampered with by the presence of a sphere of Chaos Qi that makes connecting to the outside almost impossible! This sphere of Chaos Qi also prevents the Heavens from enacting their will as easily as they could do in the past.

+50% Control over Space Qi]

This achievement improved his understanding of Space Qi to such a degree that he was also able to understand one thing: Right now as he is, it's impossible to even dare to teleport to other worlds. He would need to breach the barrier of Chaos Qi, and thankfully he had a way: 

[Chaos Unleashed

Chaos Unleashed - You have tried to take and control Chaos Qi and somehow lived to tell the tale! You must understand that to control Chaos Qi, you don't! Spirit Qi, Void Qi, and ??? Qi are the only known types of Qi to not be as affected by Chaos Qi as other types of Qi.

+ Resistance to Chaos Qi damage]

This helped him a lot- Chaos Qi did not damage him as much as it otherwise would. His Spirit Qi had been very damaged when he started to break down Chaos Qi and convert it into Nature Qi, the process was like an explosion too, which was way less damaging than he thought it would ever be. Root was going to solemnly focus on his cultivation, but he remembered a certain boy that was soulmates with his daughter Lily… 

Time to make him not have 3 different souls anymore. 


Thank you: Dallas Meck, jean, Kaleb, underdog121, DarksoulS, Maxwell Joseph, Ether's Blessed One, Jared Tate, Sin of Sloth, Harrison Brown, Golden Mold, Yerock, Robbie, Jeremy, ry10970, Me Me, Gabriel, Jowei Lui, Brayan Reyes-Barrera, John Waddell, Tah Ma, nightmare, Arthur Stewart, Tabitha, David Falscroft, and HILLARY Tchuente for your support.

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