Romanian Eagle

Chapter 789 - proposal

Edel’s attention to the situation in Finland is here at present, although at most the first half is currently counted, and there is still the second half to watch. But where does he have so much energy to pay attention to, he still has a lot of things to pay attention to.

For example, the North African Legion, which is fighting in Tunisia, also attracted his attention. Of course, the importance of the fighting here to Romania is not as important as Italy’s attention to it.

Because Tunisia has always been a pain in the hearts of Italians. After the unification of Italy, Tunisia was the first to pay attention to. Tunisia was still in the Hussein dynasty. Its geographical location is very important to Italy. As long as Italy wins Tunisia, it can build an iron gate with Sicily in the Central Mediterranean.

In addition to the geographical location, Tunisia’s arable land is also very important to Italy. The country’s arable land has reached 9 million hectares, which is evident in the temptation of Italy, which has a small land and many people. Therefore, Italy invested a lot of energy in Tunisia, and its first colonial company was to colonize Tunisia.

Faced with Italy’s attempt, other countries are well aware of it, but France, which captured Algeria, has the same attempt on it. And France dared to do it no matter what it wanted. In 1881, France suddenly sent troops to take down Tunisia, which frustrated Italy’s intentions and severely damaged the heart of Italian colonization.

Now that he has the opportunity to get Tunisia, Mussolini, as the leader of Italy, will naturally not let go of this opportunity, especially after the Italian-Romanian coalition forces invaded Tunisia, he naturally sent a large amount of troops and materials to ensure the offensive of the army. .

However, in the case of trying to ensure the North African Army Corps, the materials it transported to the Italian troops in eastern Libya naturally fell short. Virtually reduced Italy’s power to prepare to enter Egypt to grab the fruits. In fact, Italy is also clear about this.

It’s just that this is a choice of two topics. Either no one interferes to eat Tunisia alone, or it competes with Romania for Egypt, and it is very likely that it will not be able to compete. This question is actually very easy to do, without difficulty at all.

At present, the North African Army under the command of Antonescu and Messer has arrived under Tunisia, but the French army has been organized by General Dashanliu, relying on Tunisia to stand and wait for assistance.

Facing the defensive French army, the North African Legion under the command of the two currently has no strength to gnaw off this bone, and can only wait for support from behind. In addition, in order to better siege Tunisia, the two also made a report requesting the Italian navy to join the blockade of Tunisia.

Regarding this proposal that is likely to trigger a naval war between Italy and France, I heard that there was intense discussion within Italy, but in the end, Mussolini, as the leader, decided to let the navy mobilize the main battleship to join the blockade of Tunisia. Currently, it is waiting for the French army. The response was.

It is also worth mentioning that the island of Malta has no strength at all and has attacked the route from Italy to Tripoli. After Italy’s continuous naval and air strikes on the island of Malta, the garrison air force can be regarded as exhausted. In addition, its supply fleet suffered several consecutive sea and air attacks, and also lost a lot of supplies and fuel.

Although Britain and France still have a lot of military power, they need to use many places. The western front has to confront the German army, Tunisia has to contend with the Romanian army, and the Middle East has to face the main Romanian army. So for the island of Malta, it seems to be powerless.

Even if you know that the location of this island is very critical, there is no way to change this fact, unless a big power suddenly joins them, otherwise the result will not be changed.

At present, the most likely to join is the United States. It is just that Britain and France are allowed to lobby in every possible way. The United States is not ready to move. Its President Roosevelt even privately said to the British and French envoys that the United States does not have the strength to intervene in this war. Provide various material support.

In fact, what he said is correct. The United States is still in a state of semi-mobilization. At present, only the navy can take action in the United States, but the navy alone cannot defeat the Axis camp.

As for the Army, thanks to the post-war disarmament, the US Army had only a size of more than 100,000 people before. Although it has undergone several consecutive expansions, the US Army is now worth a million, and most of them have just left. Recruits entering the barracks.

Everyone knows that there is no way to fight with recruits, at least they must be trained decently.

In addition, the United States is now reluctant to join the battlefield now. Isn’t it good to consume Britain and France first? The American people have not forgotten the final result of the last war.

Therefore, the island of Malta has become the best choice when it is not possible to choose not to give up certain locations. Besides, even if Malta was abandoned, the British still held Gibraltar firmly in their hands. As long as they mastered here, the Italian-Romanian navy could not reach the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, for Romania, there is still an important issue that needs to be resolved urgently. When I open the map again, there is a place that is very conspicuous to Romania now.

That’s right, that is the Black Sea Strait. Romania has always been tempted by this Turkish enclave in Europe. If it weren’t for the need to deal with Britain and France now, maybe Romania would do it.

In fact, after Edel became the king of Bulgaria, Turkey became extremely vigilant towards Romania and kept building various fortifications in this area of ​​Eastern Thrace.

However, the construction of the fortifications belongs to the construction of the fortifications. On the diplomatic level, Turkey is very friendly to Romania. Not only did it reject the British and French attempts to use the Black Sea Strait to engage in actions, but also took the initiative to change the navigation conditions after Romania took back Western Thrace.

And given that Turkey is so interesting, there is not much support for the proposal to seize the Black Sea Strait in Romania. (Sometimes I really don’t know why there is such a big gap between the native chickens during World War II and the native chickens now, so they were more sober during the Cold War than they are now.)

However, now that Romania is on the battlefield, the proposal for the Black Sea Strait is being talked about again. However, this time I did not intend to use military means, but to use the principle of territorial exchange, to change it, at least to ensure that Romania has a certain degree of control over the Black Sea And in private, Romania raised a complaint against Turkey. In this matter, first test Turkey’s reaction.

The result of the trial was pretty good. Turkey did not veto it all at once, and said they needed to discuss such a major matter.

Although there is an intention to delay, at least it can prove that Turkey is not killing this land without changing it. And what Romania took out for it was the Syrian area that had just been seized. Of course, it was not the whole area of ​​Syria, but the central and northern part of Syria, equivalent to two-thirds of the territory.

Of course, this is only a preliminary condition, Romania can give more chips, but Turkey needs to do more.

But before the Suez Canal is seized, Edel can still wait. If Romania seizes Suez and the Turks have not responded, then some pressure must be given.

But this is all for the future, and now we will wait for the results to come out.


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