Romanian Eagle

Chapter 711 - Aegean Drag Racing (Part 1)

While Edel prayed for the upcoming fleet, there is now full martial law in Thessaloniki Port. In the port area and the areas where you can see the details of the port in the upper part of the city, the military and police are under martial law.

In the port, due to the declaration of war with Britain and France and the blockade, no merchant ships can be seen in the port. Now only the mighty and majestic warships remain in the port. This also makes Thessaloniki port a veritable military port.

And now all the new Romanian warships are assembled in Thessaloniki port. From the earliest Mircea-class battleship to the last launch of Kurmis, the five mighty and majestic battleships lined up to fascinate everyone.

But the pig’s feet in this operation were not them, but the three Bormiku-class aircraft carriers beside them. This large fleet carrier, capable of carrying 91 carrier-based aircraft, is the protagonist this time, and now they are also docked aside.

Of course, there is no shortage of heavy cruisers in Romania. Although not comparable to other countries, Romania still has 7 ships, from the earliest Brevista class to the latest Halter class. And these seven fats are also in the port that does not fall.

As for the large number of light cruisers and destroyers in the Romanian Navy, they also pile up the port.

At the port, the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Lomodan, and the fleet commander, Admiral Nestacu, are seeing off the soldiers on the expedition.


“For Romania.”


“For the honor of the Navy.”

“Thank you”

“For the kingdom.”

Lomodan and Nestaku shook hands with the captains one by one. At the end of the team, it was Lieutenant General Midraphael, commander of the expedition, and Major General Fernandez, chief of staff of the fleet.

Needless to say, Lieutenant General Midraphael has always been trained as a successor. As for Major General Fernandez, there is something of a sudden emergence.

During the First World War, Fernandez, who had just left the military academy, could only serve as a trainee position on a warship. In the first ten years after the war, this one did not count.

It’s just that when entering the 1930s, this Fernandez began to become a naval aviation faction, constantly saying that Romania needs an aircraft carrier to defend the sea and territories. Fernandez also coincided with the occasion, just seizing the opportunity of Romania to promote the aircraft carrier, so it was logical that he became the captain of the experimental aircraft carrier.

And he also has the ability. During his tenure as captain, Fernandez not only formulated many management methods for carrier-based aircraft, but also worked out effective ways to use aircraft carriers. This is very important. Fernandez naturally served as the captain of the Bormiko aircraft carrier, and with the second ship (Seracos) and the third ship (Eugenscu) Incoming service, he further served as the commander of the aircraft carrier battle group.

As for this operation, he was actually responsible for the command, because he is the person who knows the use of aircraft carriers best, and he is also one of the main persons in charge of the plan, responsible for the aircraft carrier air strike plan.

So when Admiral Lomodan walked in front of him, he patted him on the shoulder and said. “For this expedition, the Romanian people are waiting for your good news, and I hope you can return victorious.”

Facing Lomodan, Fernandez would naturally not lose everyone’s morale. “Please rest assured, Your Excellency Minister. We will definitely meet the combat requirements for this expedition and will not disappoint the Romanian people.”

After talking with Fernandez, the two stood in front of the commander, Lieutenant General Midraphael. Unlike Fernandez, Lomodan only patted the tall lieutenant general on the shoulder.

“Remember to take the fleet out in its entirety, and bring it back in its entirety.”

And Lieutenant General Midraphael nodded vigorously, “I will.”

Needless to say, because they know Midraffa very well, this lieutenant general has become more and more stable. With him as the commander of the fleet, he can at least add a layer of insurance.

Because if there is an accident in the fleet this time, it will ruin Romania’s two decades of achievements. This is why in the First World War, both Britain and Germany will hand over the large fleet to the steady generals. Maybe he can’t help you achieve a great victory, but at least he won’t encounter a loss of loss. And this is also the key point that all countries must consider. The fleet construction may take more than ten years, but the loss can be completed in one afternoon.

After seeing off, the two admirals paid a deep respect to the soldiers who were about to leave.

“Wa” neatly lined up in return, demonstrating the well-trained naval officers and soldiers.

“Now time is running out, I won’t talk nonsense, let’s go. I am watching you set sail from behind.”

After the ceremony, Romodan looked at the captains in front of him and returned to their warships in the transport boat.

As for the two leading generals, they took the transportation boat together and boarded the flagship battleship Kurmis.

As Romania’s flagship, the Kurmis has a full load of 52,800 tons and is equipped with nine 406 mm 45x main guns. It can reach a maximum speed of 31.7 knots. It can be described as a leader among Romanian battleships. Of course, the other battleships are not bad. Except for the 380mm main gun equipped on the Mircea battleship, which was the first to start construction, the remaining four battleships are all equipped with a unified 406-caliber gun.

Some people even joked that the Romanian battleship alone was enough to cause headaches for the British Mediterranean fleet.

After the two fleet commanders boarded the warship, Midraphael, the commander of the fleet, took a look at the afterglow of the last sun in the sky and gave orders. “Order the ships to leave the port one by one in accordance with the scheduled order of going out to sea.”

Following the order of Midraffair, the destroyers serving as the cordon of the fleet left the port first, followed by light cruisers, then heavy cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers, and then various naval support ships.

And these support ships will not follow them, because their mission is to provide timely repairs for ships that may fail, and the highest speed of only 18 or 9 knots is not qualified to follow.

Any eighteenth and nineteenth verses are not qualified, so how many verses do you need to follow?

The accurate answer must not be less than 28 knots.

Such a high speed basically excludes all non-combat ships.

That’s right, the Romanian Navy’s plan this time did not consider warships below 28 knots. Because they are about to have a twelve hours and twenty-eight knots of fast racing, and all warships that fail to complete the mission within the specified time are not eligible for the next phase of the mission.

Yes, in order to cross the Aegean Sea without being noticed. The most possible way the navy came up with was to drag racing late at night, using the cover of the moonlight at a speed of 28 knots to quickly pass 600 kilometers of the Aegean waters. By daybreak, the Romanian fleet had already taken refuge in a reliable place.

For this mission, the Navy inspected and repaired all warships participating in the operation, especially the power system, which is the key to the inspection. As long as there is a trace that may cause malfunctions, they are replaced. And just replacing parts for these warships is enough for Romania to build another destroyer.

After all the ships sailed out of the port, Midrafell immediately issued the order. “Order the fleet to set the speed to 28 knots and turn on the lights at the same time, pay attention to the distance, and avoid collisions.”

Following Midraffair’s order, the ships immediately increased their speed, and the wheel assembly maintenance team stared at their respective conditions and did not dare to neglect.

On the sea, the warship with lights on is like a colorful palace in the sea, galloping all the way to the target.

In fact, there are two more ships that have also been incorporated into the fleet, but due to their speed, they can only set off one step earlier. Those are two **** aircraft carriers modified from high-speed cruise ships, the Bibak and Gilescu.

These two aircraft carriers reached nearly 30,000 tons, but because they were converted from high-speed cruise ships, they could only carry 47 fighters (not long enough to take off torpedoes and bombers). And because the speed can only reach 23 knots, the two ships were set out to sea ahead of schedule because they planned to return to the Black Sea.

Why did they find ways to include these two **** aircraft carriers? This is also the reason why there are too few Romanian aircraft carriers. Although the two ships can only carry fighter jets, two more aircraft carriers are very helpful to the plan, so the navy can only use camouflage as a method to let the two ships set off in advance.

Under the cover of night, a Romanian warship was racing in the Aegean Sea, and no one came out to take care of it.

(The Romanian Sea Force attacked, and then the submarine carried frogmen to control the civilian ship, and then all the way to the vicinity of Rhodes)

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