Romanian Eagle

Chapter 43 - Russia\\\'s response

   With the development of the situation, Austria-Hungary has become increasingly tough on the Bosnia and Herzegovina issue. The compensation requested by Serbia was also flatly rejected. This made Serbia very angry, and their dissatisfaction with Austria-Hungary was growing.

   And Russia, the largest backer behind Serbia, is now busy convening an international conference to revise the “Berlin Treaty” and agreeing to open the Black Sea Strait to Russian warships. After obtaining the support of Austria-Hungary, Izvolski went to European countries to lobby for the support of Britain, France and other countries for the Russian plan.

   While Izvolski was negotiating in France, on October 7, the Austro-Hungarian Empire officially announced the merger of the two provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina into its territory.

   At the last moment, I was still negotiating with France to amend the “Berlin Treaty”. The next moment Izvolsky, who got the news, was furious, “This is the Austro-Hungarian **** who are not trustworthy.”

   In Izvolsky’s vision, after the revision of the Berlin Treaty. Then discuss with Austria-Hungary to return the Bosnian Serb region to Serbia, so that it can be reached not only to amend the Berlin Treaty, but also to win over the most loyal brother of the Balkans. It can also allow Izvolsky to show that he can be valued before Nicholas II.

   Now everything is ruined by the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in advance. The “Berlin Treaty” has not been revised yet. Let Izvolski do something to appease Serbia. According to the temperament of Tsar Nicholas II, if he failed to achieve the set goal, he would be given up by the Czar and had to be forced to resign and leave.

   How can Izvolsky accept this. Now I can only hope that Austria-Hungary cannot smoothly annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is my only way.

   After Serbia got the news that Austria-Hungary announced its annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there was also a violent opposition. They are all angry at Austria-Hungary regardless of Serbian sentiment.

   Both the government and the military asked King Peter Karageovic to implement the plan in accordance with the previous plan. Because they all know that if Austria-Hungary successfully annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, the next step will be full of ambitions for Serbia. In the face of the already excited people, King Peter I also complied with public opinion and announced the mobilization of the army, and at the same time sought assistance from Russia.

   In St. Petersburg, Nicholas II is also holding a meeting to discuss the impact of Austria-Hungary annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Russia.

“We must support Serbia. We can send military officers to help the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina resist the annexation of Austria-Hungary and aid military supplies. We cannot agree with Austria-Hungary’s approach diplomatically.” Skye spoke his thoughts.

   After Izvolski issued his suggestions, the Prime Minister Stolypin, who is known for his calmness and pragmatism, also expressed his thoughts. “Your Majesty, we must let Serbia see Russia’s support for them. Let Austria-Hungary feel the anger of Russia being ignored.”

   The ministers also all spoke about the Balkan issue, and they must have an attitude of the right to speak in Russia. Faced with the highly unified opinion of the minister, Nicholas II ordered the dispatch of officers to help the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina resist the rule of Austria-Hungary.

   After receiving Russia’s response, a large number of Serbian soldiers in Serbia crossed the border to join the Bosnian Serb guerrillas.

   In a town called Rogatica, 30 kilometers away from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the people here are talking about what happened last night.

   “Did you know that the guns of the military camp stationed outside the town rang out all night. I hid in the house and scared me.” A fat woman told her neighbor what happened last night.

   “Who can sleep with such a big movement last night? I heard that a brave person ran near the barracks and saw a group of outsiders attacked the barracks.” The neighbor also said that he had received the news.

   In the central barracks that people are talking about, Captain Cassileudes, the commander of the Austro-Hungarian army, is also counting his losses. After the count was completed, Captain Cassileudes scolded while looking at the loss list in his hand. “Damn Serb, **** sentry.”

   After Austria-Hungary announced the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the company of Captain Cassirudes was attacked several times. However, because the attackers were only a few and were dissatisfied with the Serbian civilians annexed by Austria-Hungary, the casualties were not large.

   This attack can be judged from the technique and marksmanship that it was done by the regular army, plus the laziness of the sentry. Let the attacker touch the side of the barracks. If it weren’t for a soldier to get up and go to the toilet, their deaths and injuries would be even worse. Even so, 34 people were killed and 41 were injured, which is considered to be a reimbursement of one-third of the company.

   “Sir, we have gathered the bodies of the assailants.” A soldier came over and said to the captain that Captain Cassileus came to the open space where the corpses were placed, surrounded by soldiers.

A platoon leader, Lieutenant Derospin, told the captain’s company commander the results of his own inspection, “The company commander does not surprise you. These people have thick calluses on their hands and index fingers. They are long-trained soldiers. We are in the pockets of these people’s clothes. Here, they also found that the military map is only a Serbian version. They really have nothing to worry about.”

   “How many corpses of the assailant were found?” Captain Cassirouds asked.

   “We found 19 corpses in total. The injured should have been taken away by them but not too many.” Lieutenant Derospin answered the Captain’s question.

   After hearing the second lieutenant’s answer, Captain Cassy Luthers felt a headache. This kind of loss ratio is completely conceivable. His commander has the face of Major Goodslough nicknamed the ‘whisper’. In fact, Captain Casey Luthers had predicted very accurately.

   After returning the report of the attack to the camp, Major Goodslow roared, his saliva sprayed on his face. “You are the shame of our Austro-Hungarian soldiers. A group of assailants with only rifles rushed to your barracks to happily go wild. And you Captain Cassileudes, watched them destroy and drove away, but you did not Any way to stop it. Please tell me Captain if you are a shame to the soldiers.”

   Facing Major Goodslow’s loud voice spread throughout the camp, Captain Cassirouds could only answer with his head down. “Let the sir down.”

The captain’s answer drew another roar, “I don’t want to hear your apology. What I need is to make you an idiot. In my four companies, you’re the only one, Captain Cassirudes. My company’s company made me the best. Now roll back to your company. If there is such a comparison of casualties, I will reduce you to a soldier and brush the toilet for me every day. Get out now.”

   Captain Casey Ludds saluted Major Goodslow, who had the nickname “The Whisperer,” and walked out of the camp. Major Goodslow thought about it with the captain’s report, and passed it to his superiors. After being reported at various levels, this report of the attack was placed at the table of the Chief of Staff Conrad along with the news of the attack by many Austro-Hungarian troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

   The chief of staff saw so many attacks in a short period of time and knew that there were Serbians and Russians behind him. He did not dare to neglect to report these situations to the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph.

   “I know about this, what can your military do?” the elderly emperor asked the chief of staff.

   Conrad’s chief of staff has long had a countermeasure. “We plan to mobilize the army to carry out repeated raids on Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are not afraid of Serbia. But we must think about the Russia behind us. Russia has not recovered yet, but our Austro-Hungarian Empire is still struggling to deal with it.”

   The old emperor understood that the military is now more afraid of Russia, and there is no way. Austria-Hungary has never taken advantage of it in previous contests. The desire to ask for help from its ally, Germany, can also understand. Who makes Germany the world’s best army now?

   “It’s better to suppress it first. You can’t always ask for German assistance.” The old emperor still wanted to solve it by himself first.

   Following the order of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph, a large number of troops marched into Bosnia and Herzegovina, and fierce battles began with the guerrillas funded by Serbia and Russia.

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