Romanian Eagle

Chapter 12 - Clean up weeds

   Felaurenscu and Ilviklev didn’t know, they were seen by someone with a heart.

“Who is that person, please send it out in person. It must be very important. I have to follow up and see.” The remaining spy quietly left the bushes, went to the hidden place and mounted a horse and followed. Fortunately, the moonlight today It is not very bright to see the road clearly. I saw the carriage without chasing for a while. The spies followed the carriage into the city and saw the carriage stopped at the Russian embassy, ​​and the mysterious man walked into the embassy.

   “You said that in addition to the seven high-ranking military officers, you also saw Russians.” Millock stared at the spy in front of him and said, the spy repeated the process in detail. Milock thought for a while and said, “You take a few people to stare at the Russian embassy, ​​and by the way, you also look at the nearby British and French embassies to see if they are moving.” “Your Excellency,” the spy replied. Millock rubbed his brows and said to himself when he was gone. “More and more people are coming to the surface, and the manpower is a bit insufficient.”

  Milok soon came to the palace and told Carol I about the intervention of external forces. The old king said with a gloomy face. “Is the news confirmed?” “Yes, our spies saw it with our own eyes.” The spy leader replied, “Well, you can go down.” Millock left. “Go and call Edel here.” The old king said to Chief Adri.

Crown Prince Edel is watching the news sent by the inspection team. The inspection team has found that Viscount Millesl in charge of logistics, General Lauren Cree, commander of the seventh division, Colonel Klaus, chief of staff, and Bill, the sixth division commander. General Slow and others have evidence of corruption. “This is a large group of people.” Edel said. “No, Your Highness, this is a quarter of the high-ranking army.” General Puleshan said.

   While the crown prince was discussing with the chief of staff, Chief Adrie came, and with him was the news that the king wanted to see him, and the crown prince followed Adrie to King Carol’s study. “Father, did you have anything to do with me?” Edel asked. “Now the Russians have gone to see Ferralenscu, and I guess they have promised him something.” The old king said the news he had received. “Father, I asked the inspection team to speed up the review and get evidence of their corruption and arrest them.” Edel said. “Don’t be so troublesome.” The old king interrupted Edel, “Let the inspection team do enough evidence to convict them and send it to you immediately. I will let Miloc arrest these people” Carol I said.

   “Is my father okay?” Edel asked with a refreshing three-minded view, which is about to catch up with the authority of the East. “Edel’s evidence will be found. You have to believe in Milok’s ability. You must cut off Russia’s outstretched paw.” It seems that King Carol is very wary of Tsarist Russia. “As you wish.” Edel was not a three-year-old replied either.

   Edel, who returned to his residence, called his head of the bodyguard, and took a note to Carust. “Use a password to send it to the inspection team, and remember to find a reliable person to report it.” Chief Guard Carrust nodded seriously. When the inspection team was formed, Edel gave each team leader a set of codebooks. In case there was an emergency, he could send it to himself without revealing it. I didn’t expect it to be really used.

   Soon the inspection team received the password message, and the team leader called his confidant and whispered to him, “I need to prepare a piece of evidence immediately. I need to use it.” The confidant walked away. The next day Edel received enough evidence, and Edel took the evidence and saw King Carol. “Call Miloc here,” the old king said to Director Adri.

Soon Milo saw Carol I, “Mirlock, take this order, and go find a Bronga special dispatcher to cooperate with the people on your arrest list.” “Understand your Majesty.” Milo retired quickly. Go down. Only Carol and his son were left in the room.

   “Does Edel think his father’s actions are unreasonable.” Edel was silent. Looking at his son, Carol I, I still don’t understand Edel’s thoughts, “Before asking you to reorganize the army was to increase the prestige of the army. That’s not too tricky. You can do it slowly. Now the Russians have to cut quickly when they reach out. It’s messy. Can’t give them a chance, Romania can’t mess.” King Carol explained his motives. “Father, I understand your stand for doing this. The main reason is that I was too impatient and didn’t worry about the overall situation.” Edel admitted his mistake to his father.

  Milok took the order of King Carol and came to the headquarters of the guard division to meet General Blongat. “Is it enough for me to give you a group of people?” Brongart, who had seen the warrant, asked Millock and said. “Enough,” Milok said. Soon Millock brought out a group of people from the guard division, “You go to Lauren Cree’s house and arrest him, you go to Millesl’s house, you go to Bielslow’s house… …” Milok assigned his subordinates to arrest the high-level military officers who had gathered in secret, and Milock himself also led the team to arrest the mastermind of this time, Earl Fairrenscu.

   Count Ferlawrenscu’s house was furious today, and a large group of guardsmen and soldiers rushed in and drove everyone together. Milok looked at everything in front of him with joy. “Good morning, Earl Fernscu, I am here today for what you know.” Millock greeted the Earl with a smile on his face.

   Count Ferlawrencecu snorted coldly, and he overtook him without looking at Millock. “You’re just a Carol lackey, what’s so good about.” Millock still looked at the earl with a smile, and said to the subordinates around him. “Please invite Lord Earl to our best VIP room. We must be warm and entertaining.” “Good lord, I will arrange Earl in our best room. I believe Lord Earl is very satisfied.” Subordinates are in the word’good’ Increased the volume.

   Count Ferlawrencecu and his confidant were taken away, General Lauren Cree was taken away, Viscount Millersle was taken away, and a total of seven high-ranking army officers were taken to prison by Milok. The news spread quickly, and the nobles and big men were waiting for the outcome of the matter.

   said to the ambassador at the Russian Embassy Ilviklev. “It seems that the old lion is very vigilant and I will leave immediately.” The ambassador nodded in response. “For the sake of safety, let the martial arts museum take you in a diplomatic vehicle.” Ilviklev nodded in agreement, taking his own safety very fancy.

   Soon the special envoy left under the protection of the military attache, and the news of UU reading was sent to Milok by the spies. “You’re smart,” Milock said in prison when he got the news. “My lord, the butler of the Ferrence Curry house hired.” A sweaty spy walked over and said, “These conspirators deserve to die.” Looking at the butler’s confession, Milok snorted coldly, “I want to take it to continue the interrogation. To all their confessions.”

   As the breach opened, all the top military officials admitted to the whole thing. Only Count Ferrencecu did not speak.

  Milok looked at the scarred Fellowenscu before him. “You still don’t speak.” “There is nothing to say.” Ferralenscu knew that he was bound to die, but he didn’t want to hurt his family. “Mr. Earl, if you speak, I will apply to let your family leave Romania. Otherwise, if the servant overturns the candle and it causes a fire, it is a tragedy that no one from the Earl’s house escapes. Do you think so, Earl Ferrencecu. “Milok said with a look of regret. In the end Count Ferrencecu succumbed and said everything.

   Carol I looked at Millock’s report and asked the crown prince. “How do you think things should be dealt with?” Edel thought after a while and answered. “The mastermind was hanged, and the participants were reduced to soldiers and withdrew from the army, taking back the title and honor of the army.” Carol nodded in satisfaction, and said to Chief Adri. “According to the crown prince’s orders.”

   Soon the Romanian government charged it with embezzling military supplies, embezzling military spending, and inciting military rebellion. Sentenced to Earl Fernerscu by hanging, General Lauren Cree, and Viscount Millersl by hanging, withdrawing the title and military rank, confiscating all property, and the family was ordered to leave immediately. The other participants were demoted to soldiers and immediately retired, confiscating embezzled funds and military honors.

   After that, the crown prince’s prestige in the army skyrocketed, and no one dared to disobey Edel’s orders.

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