Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 409

Chapter 408 St. Levi Academy

The news that Levi became a life-long dictator quickly spread throughout Rome. This news caused a storm in Rome. How did Rome’s life-long dictators appear one after another.

First Sura, then Katilin, and now Livi, the Romans are almost numb.

But fortunately, Li Wei announced that it will only be five years old, which makes many Romans feel much better.

They believed Li Wei’s words because he swears in the name of the true god.

As the Pope of Rome, he can never lie in the name of the true god, so many Romans are very calm in their hearts.

Besides, what shocked them even more was the establishment of St. Levi Academy.

The true **** even demonstrated the truth of the universe to Li Wei. Li Wei wrote the book “Hadith” based on his own insight, which is simply too shocking.

It is a pity that the “Hadith” is the highest secret of the holy religion, and most people have no chance of acquiring it.

But this still makes many people full of yearning for the Hadith. What is written in the Hadith has become the most eager thing to know.

Outside Rome, a dozen carriages and nearly a hundred guards and slaves left Rome slowly.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of Rome, Caesar’s eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

This is the center of power in the Mediterranean world and the place where his dream began, but now he is driven out like a bereaved dog, and even the owner here does not bother to kill him.

Little Cato sits next to him, holding a copy of “Roma Daily” in his hand.

After reading the above message, Xiao Jiatu’s mood has been difficult to calm for a long time.

There is such a thing as the Hadith in the world, but is it true? It would be great if you could get a glimpse of its true colors.

Xiao Jiatu’s eyes were full of yearning. He glanced at Caesar and said, “Don’t look at it, we will be back one day.”

In history, they regarded each other as enemies of life and death because of their disagreement in their concepts, but now they are reduced to brothers and sisters.

“Do you really think we can come back?”

Caesar smiled with a self-deprecating look.

Xiao Jiatu thought for a while, and finally hesitated without saying a word to refute.

“If Levy retaliates against the followers of the Roman Catholic Church on a large scale, maybe we have the hope of coming back. The Romans will be dissatisfied with him, and they will support us and Pompey, but he said that he has taken all the sins of the Romans. do.”

Caesar said.

Xiao Jiatu also frowned. He felt that Li Wei’s facts were too uncomfortable.

actually said that he had taken all the sins of the Romans. Isn’t he bragging?

But thinking about his identity, he feels unlikely.

“He levied a 3% tax on pagans in various provinces. Will there be rebellions in those provinces?”

Little Cato said.

“The rebellion may not be necessary, but there will certainly be dissatisfaction. We can send people to incite them to rebellion. Let Rome be exhausted so that they will not be able to attack us.”

Caesar said softly.

“This method is really good. We should keep Rome bleeding. If Li Wei wants to be emperor, it would be better. We can send people to encourage him to be emperor, so that all the Romans will oppose him.”

Little Cato said.

No one knows the Romans better than him, at least this time they hated the emperor very much.

“I think he is unlikely to be emperor.”

Caesar said.

“Why? Didn’t he become a dictator for life? I think he has this ambition.”

Little Cato said.

“But he said that he would only stay for 5 years at most, and he swore in the name of a true god. If he wants to remain a dictator for life, no one can stop him.”

Caesar said.

“You mean he is not interested in power?”

Xiao Jiato thought for a while and said.

“No, he may be disinterested in secular power. He fought in the north and south and laid such a large country for Rome, which shows that he has a pursuit, but he is not pursuing secular power.”

“Isn’t it a secular power?”

“I don’t understand what he thinks. He is the Pope of Rome. The true God has demonstrated to him the truth of the entire universe. He must know a lot of things we don’t understand. Although he is on the surface approachable, I know he is absolutely arrogant. Guy. You see that he gave me this sword, but he drove me out of Rome and asked me to join Pompey and the others, which shows that I was not in his eyes at all.”

Caesar said angrily, “Perhaps in his eyes, Pompey and Crasu are all worth mentioning little people. He wants to step on our corpses to achieve his reputation, and then let his name shine forever. ”

Xiao Jiatu looked at Caesar in shock, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

Li Wei has done a lot of things after careful thinking, maybe he has absolute confidence in defeating Pompeo and teaming up with Crassou.

So where does this confidence come from?

Little Cato soon thought of something.

“I think we must get the “Hadith”, maybe there is really the cosmic truth he said on it.”

Little Cato said.

“You are right, there must be a great secret hidden in the Hadith, and we have to get it anyway.”

Caesar said.

Both of them have a look of desire in their eyes, and they must have recorded earth-shattering secrets. It would be great if they could have a look.

What makes them distressed is that the true gods are frequently manifested, what are the Roman gods doing?

Are the gods of Rome really false gods as stated in the “Sacred Book”?



Outside the Vatican, Emilia reluctantly watched the carriages pulling her beloved objects out of the Vatican, and then gave Li Wei a bitter look.

“Why did you choose this place as the address of St. Levy’s College?”

Li Wei smiled bitterly: “Isn’t this a safe place? Don’t worry, we will choose another place nearby to build the school. When it is completed, we will move back.”

Li Wei picked and picked, and finally chose the address of the academy in the Vatican.

Dragon City is actually pretty good, but he needs to teach the students, so there is no time to travel back and forth, so he can only choose Rome.

After all, the Vatican has the best security protection, so you don’t have to worry about spies.

But this is only temporary, considering the special significance of the Vatican, he still intends to use this as his own papal palace.

As long as the new school is completed, the students will be moved there.

Hearing this, Emilia gave him a satisfied glance.

“Father, what is the “Hadith”? Does it really record the truth of Yu’ao?”

Xiao Liwei asked curiously.

Hearing this, the girls raised their ears.

For this question, few Romans are not interested.

“That’s right, the mystery of the universe is recorded above. It’s a pity that I only understood a little, not all of it.”

Li Wei smiled.

Everyone is fascinated, and the true **** personally demonstrates the mystery of the universe to Li Wei. What a great honor this is.

“The mysteries of the universe are recorded above, and those mysteries are extremely powerful. Gunpowder comes from above. In addition, we can deduce many powerful weapons from above. Some can fly into the sky, and some can dive into the sea. Some can fly thousands of miles away from Rome, and some can even destroy Rome.”

Li Wei asked.

Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

There is such a terrible thing!

“Father, can I study with them?”

Little Liwei said with bright eyes.

“That’s good, but you’d better learn it again in a few years. The above is too important. If it leaks out, the consequences will be serious.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

“So good.”

Xiao Li Weixin said with joy.

At this time, Emilia suddenly said, “Levy, you can’t compare favorably with one another, and Apius has to learn too.”

“He is still too young, wait until he is 20 years old. Let him learn Latin, mathematics, and history first. These are also the basis of those knowledge.”

Li Wei said.

“So good.”

Emilia said with a smile.

“What about Portia?”

Sibel asked quickly.

“She doesn’t need to learn these things.”

Li Wei rolled his eyes.

“So good.”

Hibel said, it’s useless for Bosia to learn these things anyway, it’s better to find her a good husband.

It’s just that there are not many people who can be worthy of Portia right now. The boys in their family like Anius are desperately pursuing her.

As for that nasty little Krasu, now he has become a bereavement dog, hiding in Asia and dare not come back, no way is worthy of Portia.

“Levy, do you think Pompeo and Crassou will come back for trial?”

Hibel asked.

“How is this possible? They will never come back for trial.”

Li Wei smiled.

Hibel’s eyes lit up and she immediately asked, “Then how do you plan to punish them? Personally lead troops to fight them?”

“Yes, I do have this plan. But after I have arranged things in Rome, it will be a few years later. At that time, I plan to come on an Alexander-style expedition. Not only will I defeat them, but I will also defeat Par Tia, to conquer India, I want to make my achievements more than anyone else.”

Li Wei said.

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded. They never thought that Li Wei’s ambition was so magnificent.

“Actually, you have already surpassed Alexander.”

Emilia said.

“I know, but I hope to exceed it indisputably.”

Li Wei said.

Emilia shook her head, man, how could she be so aggressive.

She doesn’t want Li Wei to go so far away. God knows what will happen along the way.



Although many people are paying close attention to it, St. Levi Academy was only quietly established.

There are no grand ceremonies, except for Li Wei, only some veterans and bishops attended.

The number of students is small, there are only more than 100, male and female, all of whom are orphans from Longcheng School. Li Wei selected a group of students who studied best.

It’s not that he wants to pick more students, but that he doesn’t have the energy to teach them.

For these students, many people have both envy and regret in their eyes. Although they will learn many mysteries, they will lose their personal freedom for a long time.

Just a few months later, Pompeo and the others returned news.

They refused to return to Rome for trial, and condemned Levy’s practice of becoming a lifelong dictator.

Pompeo announced that they would form the Senate to fight against Rome.

“What should we do? Shall we send troops to attack them? They are now conquering provinces that disobey them. I heard that the Parthians are on their side.”

Lycias said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about them, we need to train a new army.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

Pompeo’s performance was a bit unexpected, so they caught up with technology so quickly, he felt that he needed to make a big move.

“The new army?”

Lucias said suspiciously.

“Yes, a brand new army, the strongest army in the world. It can easily defeat all enemies. No one is its opponent. No matter how much land Pompey and the others occupy, it is useless.”

Li Wei said confidently.

Lucias couldn’t help but open his mouth wide. Although Li Wei spoke very loudly, he still believed his words.

Because he has said this before, and all those words have been realized.

“How long will it take to build this army?”

“Three years. UU reading www.uukā”

Li Wei said.

Mainly because he is not sure how long it will take to produce weapons, plus training, he should be able to complete it in three years.

“In the past three years, I will do my job in Rome, and then expedition to the East again. This time, I will never come back unless I reach India.”

Li Wei said.

“I am willing to follow Mianxia to the east.”

There was desire and admiration in Lysias’ eyes.

Li Wei was very satisfied with the look of Lycias. He said, “No, you can stay in Rome. I will bring Getta and Belieus on the expedition.”

Lucias looked at Li Wei in a daze. He heard the total trust from Li Wei’s words, which moved him very much.

“By the way, when we came back from Britain last time, those British people rebelled again. It’s time to teach them an impressive lesson.”

A sharp light flashed in Li Wei’s eyes, “I order you to lead 8 Roman legions, plus forty thousand Gaul and German soldiers, can you bring Britain to me?”

“no problem.”

Lucias’ eyes lit up and said quickly.

The fighting power of the Britons, he knows, it is completely a group of five scums, so there is absolutely no problem with such a large number of troops to defeat Britain.

The two discussed some details, and Lucias left here.

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