Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

Chapter 55 : Late Night Meeting

The night was deep, and all around was quiet. In a secluded courtyard within the palace, a small house's light still glowed.

Suddenly, the window of the small house was pushed open, and a dark figure cautiously poked its head out, scanning the surroundings like a black cat. With a swift movement, it leaped out of the window, prowling stealthily through the courtyard, overgrown with weeds and trees.

After a thorough search, the shadow leaped onto the roof, carefully peering around the tiled eaves, its movements stealthy and furtive. To an unknowing observer, it might seem like a thief had infiltrated the palace.

Confirming there were no threatening individuals nearby or in the distance, the stealthy figure, EeDeChi, jumped down from the roof and swiftly entered the house.

Inside, Barrett, Sean, and Stella sat around a square table made of oak, their gazes fixed on an invitation card with crimson and gold trimmings. Beside the invitation, an antique bronze oil lamp flickered dimly.

"It's confirmed. There's no one monitoring us outside. Let's proceed with the meeting now. Stella, can you set up a magic alert?" EeDeChi locked the window behind her and asked quietly.

"I... I only know a 1st-tier magic rope alert spell," Stella replied nervously, rubbing her hands together anxiously.

"In that case, never mind."

EeDeChi pulled out the last wooden chair beside the table and sat down. She was well aware that Ainz Ooal Gown had once used an unprecedentedly powerful magic to slaughter several tens of thousands of soldiers, rendering 1st-tier magic akin to a child's toy bow and arrow in his presence.

On the table lay an intricately crafted invitation card, detailing every task EeDeChi had undertaken at the Adventurer's Guild: mission descriptions, rewards, employer names—all meticulously listed without omission.

In an era where information exchange was not straightforward, organizations like the Adventurer's Guild couldn't possibly centralize information on adventurers from all corners. The invitation, with such detailed information, almost explicitly stated, "I have the capability and the means to know everything about you."

"Captain, didn't you say 'the enemy is in the light, and we are in the shadow'? But that demon lord seems to know almost everything about us," Barrett frowned.


EeDeChi, unusually not countering Barrett's words. She picked up the crimson invitation from the table, furrowing her brows as she read through its contents once more, before letting out a long exhale.

"Why fear? Even if it's the Red Wedding, I dare to attend!"

"What it's that?" Sean asked curiously. Facing the sudden invitation from the Demon Lord, the young archer was terribly afraid, but to maintain his composure in front of Stella, he forced himself to stay calm.

"Captain, are you seriously considering attending this banquet? In my opinion, we should skedaddle," Barrett suggested.

"Why back down? Once you start hesitating, you've lost the mental game. As long as we stay resolute, solutions will outnumber difficulties!" EeDeChi slammed her hand on the table with a loud "bang," startling the already nervous Stella.

"The invitation says tomorrow at noon, right? We'll wait at the gates of the palace castle, and someone will come to escort us. Are you going? Does anyone want to come with me?" EeDeChi scanned the three adventurers at the table with a stern tone.

"I just remembered, Uncle asked me to buy spices today, and I forgot the purple nutmeg! Stella also needs her twin sister, so I must go out to the street tomorrow and buy them all!" Sean clapped his hands together, glancing over EeDeChi's head as if struck by sudden realization.

"You don't even know what purple nutmeg looks like! Besides, you're from the Baharuth; those shady merchants will definitely rip you off! I'm going with you tomorrow," Barrett declared firmly, locking eyes with Sean.

"I..." Stella hesitated for a moment, opened her mouth to say something, but seemed to struggle to find the right words, fiddling nervously with her Gaia pendant and lowering her head.

Seeing her teammates' reactions, EeDeChi felt her anger rising. She cleared her throat loudly, lips parting as she began to lecture loudly:

"At this moment, some adventurers encounter difficulties and choose to take detours, fearing mishaps and shirking responsibility. How can they do their job well? Our adventurers, in times of difficulty, must see the light, uphold justice, and enhance our courage.

"The people of this world are suffering, and we have a responsibility to rescue them. We must strive and fight hard! Having a strong sense of mission and responsibility is the prerequisite for fulfilling any role or task. Comrades who engage in combat with monsters face complex tasks, harsh conditions, and poor treatment, thus requiring an even stronger sense of mission and responsibility!

"A strong sense of mission propels entrepreneurial drive. Only with a strong sense of mission can one overcome various difficulties and relentlessly pursue defined goals. Responsibility is the minimum requirement for adventurers; occupying a position necessitates strategizing for the employer who has paid in coins.

"To establish a strong sense of mission and responsibility, we must overcome and correct tendencies such as some adventurers' fear of battling the Demon King. They avoid becoming heroes and try every means to evade and escape. This 'gilded consciousness' is evident in their temporary viewpoints.

"The more difficult the situation, the more it tests the strength of heroes and the crucial moments of adventurers' courage. There is a psychological term called 'ostrich mentality,' a behavior of escaping reality, shifting blame, and deceiving oneself, which is also avoiding facing difficulties and solving problems. Like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, it blinds itself to feel safe.

"In our adventurer team, there are also some 'ostrich-style' adventurers: some abandon tasks when faced with sudden problems, saying 'it's not my responsibility,' attempting to draw clear boundaries and evade responsibility; some comrades treat the Demon King as a 'ferocious beast,' afraid to accept combat demands, fearing injury, and even deliberately concealing their adventurer identity.

"Difficulties are like springs; they weaken if you are strong and strengthen if you are weak. The Demon King is not frightening; what is frightening is the 'ostrich mentality' when facing the Demon King.

"The existence of 'ostrich adventurers' is partly due to selfishness—ignoring matters that do not concern them, closing their eyes to crises, deceiving themselves, pretending not to see; and partly due to insufficient abilities—lacking the capability to handle sudden events, resulting in being at a loss and behaving like a 'head-buried ostrich.' Whether due to selfishness or lack of ability, these are manifestations of adventurers' reluctance to face difficulties, unwillingness to take responsibility!

"Combatting the Demon King is certainly not smooth sailing; we will inevitably encounter hardships. However, for the benefit of the people, for the liberation of the human race, we must not fear difficulties.

“In times of difficulty we must not lose sight of our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage.

“All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. ‘Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.’ To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the Demon King and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.

“ The people are suffering; it is our duty to save them and we must exert ourselves in struggle. Wherever there is struggle there is sacrifice, and death is a common occurrence. But we have the interests of the people and the sufferings of the great majority at heart, and when we die for the people it is a worthy death.

“All the Demon Kings are paper tigers! I believe in one thing only, the power of human will!”

Barrett, Sean, and Stella looked at each other in astonishment. EeDeChi's rapid-fire words had left their ears ringing.

"Hmm..." Barrett wanted to say something, to show either support or objection.

With a loud slap on the table, EeDeChi left a handprint on the oak surface. Pointing at Barrett's nose, she declared, "The organization has decided: this prestigious task falls to you. Tomorrow, you and I will visit the Great Tomb of Nazarick and meet Ainz Ooal Gown!"

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHY ME?!" Barrett protested, waving his hands frantically.

"You've always represented me in dealings with our employer. Now it's time for you to shoulder this responsibility," EeDeChi said, picking up the crimson invitation letter from the table and waving it broadly.

"Meeting adjourned!"


EeDeChi extinguished the oil lamp and lay down, eyes closed, on the bed. Barrett felt utterly dejected, and Sean and Stella were equally conflicted. Each lost in their own thoughts, they returned to their rooms and settled into bed.

Little did they know, their confident captain spent the night tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Only as the sky began to lighten did she finally manage to close her eyes.

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