Road To Redemption Book I

Chapter 1: The Beginning


Disclaimer: I do not own Hazbin hotel, nor Attack on Titan. They belong to their respective owners: Vivienne Medrano Aka Viviepop and Hajime Isayama. Hope you like the story. Enjoy!

A deserted wasteland was all that had been left in the wake of the rumbling. Steam rose everywhere touched. This is the choice made by Eren Yeager for the safety of his loved ones, a choice that his said friends went against and fought him with all they had. It was a good thing though; the rumbling united both Eldians and Marleyans together.


 It was a good life…..


Eren opened his eyes on last time to see Mikasa, with tears in her eyes as she came to finish the job. Her ODM gear sword was raised on the ready, striking down to the base of his neck connecting him to the founding titan body…….


.....And now……


……. It decapitated his head, falling to the floor. The rumbling has come to an end; the battle of heaven and earth; the world is reunited at last after 2000 years, but at the cost of his life. But it was for the best.


……. I can finally rest in peace.



‘It’s dark’


See you later, Eren


‘That voice…….’


We will see again in hell


‘It sounds familiar………’


Eren Yeager, the usurper of the founding titan, the true enemy of mankind will unleash the rumbling upon this world!








Help meeeee!!!!


‘This can’t be right, I never meant for this......’


(BUT YOU CHOSE TO KEEP GOING) A dark thought popped to his mind.


Horrid memories kept on flooding his vision, playing on and on, making a mockery of his failures and past.


The colossal titan peeking his head over the wall,


The armored titan destroying the inner gate of shinganshina,


The death of his mother by the hideous smiling titan,


Him eating his father,


His father killing the Reiss family,


Eldians turning into hideous titans after injected with spinal fluid,


The death of his comrades during the battle to Trost,


Dying recruits at the hands of Zeke,


Visions of the future he had to follow through,


The death of people in Liberio caused by his very own hands.....


 It was getting too much to keep up with but it still kept on playing nonetheless;


The rumbling walking across the world as the colossal  titans stepped on anything its path like insects,


Him hurting his only friends,


He hurt his friends,


He killed millions!


 Bile rose to his throat as Eren wrenched out the last of anything in his stomach.


 What had he done?!


As the nightmares kept on lingering, dark ominous began to appear sudden, each portraying varying expressions; some of pure hate, some despair, while others gleeful laughter; each stating terrible things to the befalling teen.










Eren couldn’t help but listen to those voices. Suddenly the vague faces soon took the appearances of his friends and loved ones, distorted to a watery like appearance.


“Suicidal bastard”; sounded like Jean


“You just had to do it didn’t ya”, the Connie doubleganger said.


“ You laughed when I died, how cruel of you!”, the Sasha clone spoke.


“Why do this to your friends Eren”; sounds like Armin


“Of course he would sell his friends out”; another voice he couldn’t recognize said


“As expected of the devil of all earth”, Reiner said.


More voices kept on jesting him, getting louder and louder and louder and louder and LOUDER !


“Please” Eren begged as he covered his ears, tears and snot  mixed with bile flooding down his face, “Make it end”


But alas fate had more plans for him as the voices kept on talking, wanting him to feel every agony of the moment.


“Haven’t I had enough?” Unknown to Eren that a bright light was shining dimly




Said person gasped and opened his already swollen eyes, craning his neck to the source of the voice; one that he knew far too much by heart.




Amongst the darkness, in the middle of the faces; was Mikasa sitting on the hill they used to run up to all the time. The view was so nostalgic that it left his heart panged with hurt. Mikasa was sitting beside the tree with a tomb beside it?


That’s weird’, Eren thought, ‘There was never a grave stone near that tree’, but nonetheless he kept on looking at the view in front of him.


From the looks of it, she had been crying since; eyes equally as red as Eren’s ; but still she was goddamn smiling, a rare thing to look at really. Her gaze was towards the sky, holding on to the red scarf that had always been on her neck since childhood. Her hair appeared to be longer, like it had been for years……


Wait years?’ Eren pondered to himself ‘how many years has it been for her to look slightly older; more importantly; which future am I looking at’.


It was said that the Attack titan can see through the future by looking into the preceding holder’s memories. But the power of the titans is over, so why was he seeing this?


THANK YOU, FOR WRAPING THIS SCARF AROUND ME” Mikasa whispered to herself.


Eren wanted to tell her he wasn’t done yet; he had promised her he would keep doing it over and over again for her. Suddenly, Mikasa started to fade away; drafting further and further away from the dark void.


 ‘She is leaving’, Eren panicked, ‘Mikasa’s never coming back!’


No! This can’t be happening, he doesn’t want her to leave, he will be lonely all by himself here. Eren desperately stretched his hand, hoping for the image not fade away by sheer will, however that wasn’t happening as a white blinding light came instead and began engulfing the void. Memories began swarming his head again, adding to the dizziness he was starting to feel.


“I never got to tell you…..” The white light finally consumed him.


“….how much I love you” It’s dark again.



At first awakening; rather a rude one; Eren was greeted by sharp light seeping into his closed eyelids. The assault made him rub his eyes to clear his vision. Eren was drained, both physically and mentally.


Looking around his surroundings, Eren realized that he wasn’t in the dark empty void, rather he was greeted by golden illuminated walls, having specks of white and blue that were equally shining. The walls were so clean, it could put Levi's cleaning skills to shame. He snorted at that joke.


Am I hallucinating, or have I been unconscious?’. Eren thought to himself


To confirm his theory, he felt smooth tiles? Concrete? He doesn’t know, but it was definitely a floor he had been sitting on. Picking the latter, he opted to get up not without a bit of effort and dusted his pant legs (Was there a need to? The floor was fucking spotless!).


Eren walked towards the supposed entrance for a while, where he was confronted by a large golden gate, and beyond it; was something gotten straight out from a fairytale; white fluffy clouds with rainbows at every corner.


Eren decided to turn around as there was nothing left to see, he failed to notice a desk posted at the top side of the gate; resulting to him being jostled as a figure appeared from the post.


“Welcome dear soul!”


Eren quickly covered it up with his impassive demeanor; one that he had perfected during his infiltration to Marley. However that impassiveness got slipped into a reflex scowl as he studied the attire of the figure.


Obviously a male; The person had baby blue eyes, a ridiculous blonde cotton candy hair, and a white halo?; but that wasn’t the vexing feature on the person; his clothing looked like a religious attire reminiscing the damn wall priests back on Paradis, albeit the style and color looked more robe-like with blue and white features and a red bow tie.


As Eren kept studying him, he was startled by a pair of wings popping out of his back; resulting in him landing on his rear with a pained grunt.


The smile on the ‘angel’ face changed to a worried expression. “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to startle you like that” He said as he helped Eren back up on his feet, now realizing the height difference between them; a good one and a half foot or so. Yep, he really was short in height.


“Hiya, my name is Saint Peter and welcome to heaven”


Heaven? Wait, does that mean…..


“… I am dead?” Eren thought unknowingly aloud to himself


“Well yes you are” St. Peter said interrupting his train of thought. “OK, now that things are set, let’s get down to business.” Seemingly out of nowhere he brought out a big golden book, already opening pages. “ So can I get your name please?”


His name? What for?.....


‘Oh…’ Eren finally got it. If he remembered correctly, from what the churches preach; apart from the Oh so glorious walls, was that when one died there was a book that recorded all that one did when alive, used to judge if worthy of being in heaven….or a candidate of hell. And in this case, it is most definitely the latter for him. After all, he has done many horrendous this, like….


Suddenly memories of the rumbling plagued him instantly, the deaths of millions of innocent lives.


I killed 80% of humanity


 God he felt sick already, bile resurfacing to his throat.


“Um sir, your name please”.


 Right, the angel was still waiting for his response.


Should I answer?


He felt a terrible tingling sensation at the back of his mind, something telling him, screaming at him not to say it or else dire things will happen.


But I have to face the consequences of my actions, don’t I?


Just thinking of what to do made him mentally exhausted. Fuck, he was too tired to give a damn anymore. So with a heavy breath, a lump in his throat, he processed to say his name.


“ My name, is Eren-”


 Pain raked his head as his vision suddenly turned white .



Eren huffed and panted as sweat dripped from his face mixed with the blood on his injured forehead. There was an arrow pierced through his shoulder ;injuries adorned his features; he kept on running even with damaged legs that were about to give out, but he doesn’t stop to rest, Angels were chasing him ready for the kill .



 “ You can’t run forever Yeager!!!”, Eren dismisses the outrage aimed at him.


 He kept on running, his hand outstretched to a light ahead ……


“sir…. Sir!!! Are you alright?”


 Eren looked down at the divine being.


Was-Was that a vision of the future?!


…… A warning perhaps?


Eren was still clutching his head with one of his hands. He let go of his head and gazed down at Saint Peter with something akin to emptiness.


If only he knew that saying his name would forever spiral the fate of his afterlife forever.


 “My name is…. Eren Yeager.” 

I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of Road To Redemption. Don't worry, it is no - where close to ending. What will Eren's presence invoke to Heaven and Hell? Only one way to find out, in the next chapter. Let me know of what you think in the comment section. Constructive criticism are accepted.

Till next time. 

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