River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Chapter 23: The Beast part 2

The dragon slightly shook its head as soon as it felt the effects of Foin's tea.

"What the?! It truly is quite sweet, and as soon as I swallowed it, I started feeling its effects... I no longer feel the pain in my back, and the effect of the poison is either weakening... Or I just can't feel it that much."

The dragon thought to itself. It was astonished to feel such relief so soon from just a bucket of some sweet liquid. After taking a deep breath, he once again glared at Foin.

"Human, do you have more of this TEA? I am quite thirsty."

"Well... I have a pool by the river, but..."

Foin responded, but as soon as the dragon heard that he had more, he was ignored. The dragon quickly pushed itself up, and with a powerful movement of its wings, it flew over to the river and landed in it. As soon as it noticed the pool, it started drinking. It drank as much as it could, leaving only a tiny amount in the pool.

Meanwhile, the ant stepped near Foin and stopped emitting that strange and annoying clapping sound. Foin, at first, was still terrified; however, seeing how the dragon flew back to its original location, where it lay previously without destroying his fields, Foin sighed.

The dragon licked its mouth as the tea in the pool was much denser than the liquid in the bucket. Once the effects of the tea kicked in, the dragon lowered its head back down. It was astonished; he felt absolutely nothing anymore, no pain, no weakness, no soreness, nothing.

"How long does it usually take to make more of this TEA?"

"Erm... I don't know exactly; I usually let it stay and be mixed for about a day..."

Foin hesitantly replied since he started to feel why he was asked such a question. Although it was much better than being eaten alive, it was still quite scary for him. Also, seeing the size of the dragon, he'd need to extend the pit more so that he could prepare enough tea for it.

Foin quickly looked at his harvestable garden and then thought of a quick way to alter the topic. Maybe if he gave enough food, he could get the dragon to help him survive, or rather, protect him should such a time arise when his life would be threatened. Although he knew that dragons preferred meat, in his current situation, all he could think of was his farm.

"Erm... but since we need to wait for it to get done... would you like to...eat? Though I have no meat, I can offer you some tasty and sweet potatoes and peppers..."

Foin finally spoke up after a brief pause. The dragon stayed silent for a few long minutes; it was sniffing loudly, almost as if it had found some great smell.

"My senses are slowly returning... This smell... The energy of the Green Moon? How could it be present here? Wait... It is coming from the plants and those tiny yellow and greyish things on the ground... Could this Human be some sort of powerful being? I have never heard that anyone would be able to contain the power of the Green Moon like this..."

The dragon thought to itself as it stared blankly at Foin, and then it finally shook its body, completely forgetting that it was being impaled by many things.

"Yes, I am quite hungry, so fetch me something tasty... For example, some of these yellow things... and one of those green ones as well."

"Erm... you mean peppers?"

"Yeah, those!"

The dragon responded quickly. Its tone had slightly changed. It was no longer that cold, but Foin was still not too comfortable. He slowly walked back, leaned down and grabbed a handful of already broken peppers. He used his shirt to be able to bring more with him.

As soon as he got next to the dragon, it opened its massive mouth, and like driven by instinct, Foin started throwing in the peppers one by one. He didn't think of using the bucket as a container. So he once again walked back to pick up the rest of the broken peppers.

"Wow! It truly is filled with the power of the Green Moon... My luck is so good... with this, I could recover from my current miserable state... However, before that, I must see if he really is some kind of big shot..."

The dragon thought as it swallowed the peppers without even chewing them. Of course, it was expected as they were so small compared to their massive size. The dragon could even swallow a whole pepper without a problem.

Once the dragon swallowed the next bunch of peppers, it sighed, greatly surprising Foin. He was about to go and harvest a green pepper but was stopped.

"Wait, before you go, could you remove these metal rods and the sword... They are getting on my nerves..."

As the dragon said that, it moved its large tail next to its head, giving the signal to Foin that he should use his tail to climb onto its back and start removing those metal rods that instant.

Foin swallowed hard and nodded. He didn't want to refuse the dragon as he thought that if it got irritated, it would change its mind and would eat him, so with trembling limbs, he slowly climbed onto its tail and then onto its massive back.

"Let's see..."

He mumbled and firmly grabbed one of the rods. He took a deep breath and pulled on it. He expected the rod to be deep inside the dragon and would be quite difficult to get out. However, that was not the case. He pulled with such force that he almost fell off of the dragon's back. Once he managed to stand back up, he grabbed the next rod and pulled it out as well.

In a matter of a few minutes, he removed all the metal tubes, and all that was left was the blade. He could see that it was still bleeding, and as a result, he grabbed the handle with both of his hands. Since it was in the worst possible location, where the scales seemed to have been formed in a denser area, Foin took a deep breath and then pulled with all his might.

A cracking sound could be heard, and then one loud scream.

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