Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 26

---Several Years Later, Royal Capital---

Hearing my alarm go off, I groaned in annoyance as I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Sandwiched between Lucoa and Roxanne, the two of them had wrapped themselves around my arms and were completely dead to the world. Wishing that I could stay in bed and savor this a bit longer, regrettably, I had to get up and get ready for the day.

“Jarvis...turn off my wake alarm please.”, I yawned, as he began opening the curtains in my room.

<Good morning, sir. Shall I prepare some breakfast for the women and you?>

“Please do...”, I sighed, slipping my arms out of their grasp and sliding out of bed, “While you are at it, have Luxion prepare one of the cars for me. Since today marks the beginning of my tenure at the Academy, I want to flex a bit and keep the riff raft away.”

The riff raft I was referring to are the soulless, cold-hearted women that would be pursuing me. As the most eligible bachelor in the Holford Kingdom, since the prince and his entourage were spoken for, I expected to be bombarded by single women shortly after my arrival. Wanting to only engage with noblewomen who would accept Lucoa and Roxanne’s presence in my life, this meant over ninety-nine percent of the female student body were already out of the running.

‘While most of the women are out, Angelica and Olivia would probably be a good fit for our group. That said, I will poke around the Academy a bit to see if there are any hidden gems among the female student body first.’, I thought, heading into the bathroom.

Walking up to the mirror, a display came up that showed my currently disheveled appearance. After a quick face wash and brushing my teeth, a group of small robots removed my pajamas and got me situated in my school uniform. Polishing my shoes to a matte finish for me, I walked back into the bedroom as the ladies were getting up.

“Good morning, Leon...”, Roxanne yawned, stretching my poor t-shirt to the limit as she arched her back.

“Yeah, good morning...”, Lucoa agreed, her body laid bare for me to see.

“You guys asked me for your own personal rooms, but you still end up in my bed every night. Do you want to move your things in here?”, I inquired.

“Nah, it is nice to have a place for personal things. Besides, your closet is way too small for the two of us.", Lucoa commented.

“You mean your clothing. I do not have hundreds of outfits like you do.”, Roxanne remarked, with a playful smile.

“Uh huh, could that be because you enjoy wearing his shirts and boxers while you are in the mansion? It would explain why your closet consists of only maid outfits and combat gear.”, Lucoa giggled, mischievously, “Before you get all huffy with me, if my chest were smaller, I would do the same thing. Unfortunately, Leon’s shirts tear when I put them on so I cannot do it.”

“It is Victor von Stark now, remember? The Crown approved the name change eight months ago.”, I chuckled, “And another thing, do not even think about shrinking your assets. I happen to love the way both of you look naturally, you cannot top perfection. Now I am going to head down to have breakfast, come join me when you two are ready.”

Nodding their heads, the two women promptly retreated to their rooms to get ready. Heading down to the dining room, several robots flew out of the kitchen carrying my meal. Taking a seat at the head of the table, the robots set everything in front of me while one of Luxion’s spherical drones appeared beside me.

“Good morning, Luxion, what do you have to report from last night?”, I asked, taking a sip of coffee.

<There were no incursions into Holfort airspace last night, but there was movement in the city. Several members of the Principality’s spy network contacted Marie Lafan and Stephanie Offrey during the city guard rotation. As expected, the Principality is still unwilling to make any direct attacks on the Holfort Kingdom. They continue to act in the shadows believing that we are not aware of their activities, but they are sorely mistaken. These New Human mongrels are nothing but cowards.>

<That is because they are terrified of my Charged Particle Cannons!! This sitting and waiting is killing me, why can’t we just take them out right now!! We have more than enough firepower to do it in a few hours!!>

“Calm down Yamato, I promise you will get some combat action soon. I do not want to be the one to start a war because after we leave this place, the Kingdom will not have us here to protect them. My goal is to leave this country in good standing so peace can continue unabated.”, I replied, taking a bite of French Toast, “Besides, the latest group of troops will not be ready for a few weeks. If we are going to start a war, I want as many soldiers as I can to man my ships.”

<Oh alright...can we at least go hunt Sky Pirates? They are piss ants, but it is amusing to watch them attempt to attack me then run away.>

Cracking a smile, I was happy Yamato was on my side because she was way too bloodthirsty to capture. She was the type of AI that would crash herself into the enemy fleet to avoid capture...it was probably why she ended up in Davy’s Locker.

“Yeah, we can go pirate hunting again.”, I agreed, “Anything else of note, Luxion?”

<How should we deal with the traitors?>

“Continue to log their activities and report any unusual activities to me. As they continue to inadvertently provide me with critical information on our enemies, I am inclined to leave them be. That said, should they stop being useful or bear their fangs at me their deaths will be swift.”, I said, taking a sip of coffee, “Before we leave this world, all of the corrupt politicians will be dealt with in short order.”

<Of course, Master, even cowardly pigs have their uses.>

Chuckling at his comment, Luxion switched topics to my many business ventures. Having opened shops that sold everything from luxury clothing and make-up to cheap clothing and alcohol, everything had proceeded as I had hoped. The first few months were slow since we did not have a reputation, but once the nobility and public realized we sold quality goods we began raking in the money.

“I do recall a few employees needing to take maternity leave for the upcoming birth of their children. Please notify their supervisors that I approve fourteen weeks of paid leave with more pending, if needed.”, I told Luxion, as Lucoa and Roxanne walked into the dining room.

<Of course, Master.>

Switching to standby mode, Luxion’s drone continued to float above my shoulder and survey things. Taking a seat either side of me, as soon as their meal was set in front of them, the two began scarfing everything down like it was liable to run away. Giving them a moment to swallow a few mouthfuls of food, I inquired if they had plans today.

“While I am away at the Academy, do the two of you have plans for the day?”, I asked.

“We need to finish registering the three of us as a party at the Adventurer’s Guild, then I was thinking about doing some dungeon crawling here in the capital.”, Lucoa replied, glancing over at Roxanne, “Does that work for you?”

“Of course, I want to stay in top condition for our next adventure.”, Roxanne acknowledged, with a determined expression, “Victor, are you sure you do not need me to accompany you to the Academy? They allow nobles to bring their servants, so I am more than happy to- “

“First of all, you are only my servant on paper. As I have told you repeatedly, regardless of what the nobility says, both of you are my fiancées in my mind. The nobility, the temple, and the public can go fuck themselves for all I care, all I care about is our happiness.”, I corrected her, “Second of all, after what we went through with Rutard, I will not subject you to further mistreatment from nobles. While you are more than capable of defending yourself now, I would rather not put you in a position where you need to. I promise that went I need extra hands for events at the Academy, Lucoa and you will be the first people I ask.”

“Okay, I promise to do my best when the time comes!”, Roxanne swore.

“Hehe, there are other ways we can help him now. I believe I felt something under the sheets last night when we slipped into bed.”, Lucoa remarked, poking a sausage on her plate with her fork, “Do you need us to start taking care of things for you?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, maybe tonight would be a good time to seal the deal. To celebrate the beginning of Academy life, I think taking the next step in our relationship makes sense.”, I agreed, “Since we have never been intimate before, I suggest buying some contraceptive medicine while you are out. I would like to abstain from having children till we are off this planet.”

Taken aback by my statement, Lucoa was in a world of her own now. Having been shot down so many times before, now that I agreed with her, she did not know what to do. Staring off into space instead of responding, I looked toward Roxanne and asked her to make sure she got the medicine.

“Of course, I will make sure it is the first thing we pick up.”, Roxanne agreed, fidgeting around in her seat, “We…we will also get some outfits for you too. I heard from the women in the market that men like it when their partners wear sexy nightwear.”

“Do as you see fit…”, I agreed, already imaging what they might look like, ‘Shit, I need to get out of here before I lose it. My teenaged body is more than ready to take them right now, but I have things to do!’

Quickly finishing my meal, I gave the two of them a kiss on the lips before heading out for the day. Grabbing my briefcase on my way out, Luxion pulled my ride up to the entryway and opened the driver’s door for me. Watching the flying vehicles door slide back along the outside of the vehicle, I was happy I designed this one after the Quadra Type-66 "Hoon" from Cyberpunk 2077. Sliding behind the wheel, I floored it and made my way to the Academy.

---3rd Person POV, Academy---

“Mother, did you really need to come with us on our first day at the Academy?”, Julius asked, feeling a bit embarrassed that his mother was among his entourage this morning, “I am a man now, you do not need to worry about me.”

“No matter what you say, both Jilk and you will always be my precious baby boys. Is it wrong of me to want to see you both off on your first day of school?”, Mylene inquired, with a sad expression, “I have been terribly busy with my duties, and worked long hours to make this possible. Are you embarrassed by me being here?”

“Of course not!!”, the two boys shouted, quickly trying to soothe her.

“We are not embarrassed because you are here!”, Jilk assured her.

“That is right, it is just…well you know…”, Julius said, unable to come up with the right words.

Coming to terms with the truth, Mylene looked out the carriage window regretting her decision to come. All she had wanted to do was see her foster son and biological son off, but both were embarrassed to be seen with her. She recognized that she treated them like children in public and they did not deserve that, but that was simply because she felt guilty about their upbringing. Due to her performing all the Crown’s duties alone, instead of her raising her children, the palace servants had been the ones to do it for her. She took advantage of every opportunity she had to express her love for them, but she felt that now it was too late for her to have a real relationship with some of them.

Seeing the pain in his mother’s eyes, Julius regretted saying anything as he did not like seeing her upset. Even though she was not an active part in his life, he still saw her strive to be there for him…unlike the pig of a father he was stuck with. Julius and Jilk both knew that Mylene was unable to be a mother to them because of their lazy father, it was part of the reason why they resented him so much. Unsure how to correct the situation, the two of them sat there in silence reflecting on what they had done.

Arriving at the Academy Gates a short time later, the three disembarked the carriage and said their goodbyes. Walking away from her before she could hug them, Mylene bit her lip and looked away in frustration. Quickly surprising her emotions, as she had to maintain appearances, she stood beside the carriage regretting ever thinking this was a good idea.

“You guys alright? Why do you both look so gloomy?”, Greg Fou Seberg inquired, as they approached, “Today is our first day at the Academy, put a smile on your faces would you. I get that none of us want to be here, but being gloomy will not change that.”

“Right, my apologies.”, Julius said, putting the last half an hour behind him, “How was your trip back to the capital? Hope you did not run into any trouble out there.”

“It was not bad at all. Sky Pirates are few and far between these days.”, Brad Fou Field remarked, switching to the pressing topic he wanted to discuss, “I assume all of you have heard the Holfort Prodigy will be among our classmates this year? Have any of you met him before?”

“You mean Leon Fou Bartfort, yes, I have met him. My father and him dueled a few years ago to test themselves against one another. He trounced my father in combat in less than a minute.”, Chris Fia Arclight answered, recalling the duel vividly, “My father told me to befriend him and stay on his good side. Having seen what he is capable of, I think it best that we avoid a confrontation with him. He killed his eldest brother in a duel four years ago after all…”

Before anyone could respond, dozens of carriages began showing up with the rest of the alumni. Seeing the five of them together, everyone began rushing over to greet them. Eager to make connections with the next king and his friends, the crowd of students quickly began to overwhelm them. Watching the scene unfold from her personal carriage, Angelica Rapha Redgrave bid her father and brother farewell before swiftly making her way over to them.

Seeing Angelica making her move, several of her followers quickly gathered around her to help make a path. Knowing that they sometimes took things a bit too far in her name, Angelica asked them not to be too rough with their fellow classmates.

“Everyone of them is trying to make connections with the prince, they are simply doing as their parents asked them too. Please restrain yourselves from harming anyone, just nudge them out of the way.”, Angelica told them.

Not hearing her command or simply not caring enough to follow it, her followers began viciously knocking people away. Pulling girls by the hair and kicking boys in the groin, they were hellbent on getting their lady to her fiancé one way or another.

“Move aside, Lady Angelica Rapha Redgrave wishes to see her fiancé!”, one of the girls shouted.

“You are far beneath the prince’s station, begone!”, another girl berated a young man.

Horrified by their actions, Angelica quickly pulled her followers back and ordered them to stop hurting people. Irritated that they had ignored her initial orders, she told them to proceed peacefully or there would be consequences.

“It is unacceptable for you to assault fellow nobles and classmates.”, Angelica berated them, “I told you to politely nudge them out of the way, not to injure them!”

Apologizing to her, they quickly changed their tactics and began using their bodies to gently push people away. Content with their new method of making a path for her, Angelica continued forward toward Julius. Quickly running after her, the fiancées of Brad, Chris, Greg, and Jilk took advantage of the path she was clearing to reach their partners. Noticing the five of them approaching, the prince and his group turned their backs to them before telling the crowd to make a path for them. Just as the crowd began to part, a flying vehicle flew overhead drawing everyone’s attention.

Having never seen a contraption like it before, everyone stopped where they were while the vehicle descended into the courtyard.

“Victor certainly knows how to make a grand entrance.”, Duke Redgrave chuckled, knowing only Victor would show up like that, ‘It is certainly a good way to draw attention to himself. With all the achievements he has under his belt, he is certain to have countless young women after him. If only I had a second daughter, I would have engaged the two of them in a heartbeat.’

Once the car was safely hovering a foot off the ground, the driver side door retracted allowing Leon to step out in a single fluid motion. Glancing over at the crowd of students gathered outside the gate, he shook his head and quickly retrieved his briefcase. Turning to walk toward the school, a voice called out to him as they made their way through the crowd.

“Victor!!”, Mylene shouted, quickly running past Julius and company to greet him, “Is this one of those new flying machines you were telling me about?! It looks so much different from the airships you have shown me before!”

Watching his mother blitz past him, Julius was unable to understand what was happening before his eyes. Seeing the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face, as she ran by, he immediately began to wonder who this Victor guy was and how he knew his mother. Equally shocked by what was happening, Angelica and the other fiancés stood there confused and a bit taken aback.

“Did you repair this or is this one of your inventions?!”, Mylene inquired, looking the vehicle over carefully.

“I built it from the ground up.”, Victor replied, giving her a respectful bow, “It is good to see you, Queen Mylene. Is King Roland with you?”

Stopping what she was doing, she shot Victor an annoyed look which told him everything he needed to know. Figuring he was back at the castle with his harem, Victor apologized to her and offered to give her a ride back to the castle.

“My apologies, I forget that being king of a country means you are busy quite a lot. For asking such a stupid question, would you like me to give you a ride back to the palace?”, Victor offered.

Hearing the offer where they stood, Greg scoffed Victor suggestion. Believing that he had just doomed his entire political career by asking the Queen to ride in his personal vehicle, he was sure this would not end well.

“Seriously, he knows she is the Queen and yet he is asking to give her a ride. How stupid can you- “, Greg said, before Mylene’s response cut him off.

“Of course, I would love to go for a ride in this!!”, Mylene eagerly accepted, grinning ear to ear with joy.

“What the fuck?!”, Julius shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Glancing back at Julius, Victor realized that he might have interjected into their family time.

“Oh wait, did you come here with Julius and Jilk? With how busy you are, I do not want to rob you of your family time with them.”, Victor said, apologetically.

“It is fine…neither of them wanted me to be here because I am apparently an embarrassment to them.”, Mylene huffed, still upset by their earlier comments.

“Okay then…”, Victor said, walking her around to the passenger side of the car.

Automatically opening the door as they approached, Victor helped Mylene into the passenger seat and explained how the seatbelt worked. Walking back to the driver’s side, Victor gave Julius and Jilk a friendly wave as he climbed in. Before closing the door, Victor leaned out and gave them a friendly word of advice.

“Do not worry, Queen Mylene is safe with me!”, Victor shouted, giving them a thumbs up, “You can tell your coachman and guards to head back to the palace.”

Promptly shutting the door, the vehicle quickly regained altitude before speeding away. Watching the vehicle disappear, Julius and Jilk stood there unwilling and unable to process what had just happened.

“Did…did Queen Mylene just fly off with one of our classmates...?”, Brad asked, wanting to make sure he was not dreaming.

“Yeah…she did…”, Greg acknowledged, looking back at Jilk and Julius, “You guys going to be alright?”

Putting a hand on their shoulders to reassure them, the two of them collapsed from shock. Quickly catching the two of them, Brad, Chris, and Greg quickly took them to the infirmary to lie down for a bit. Chasing after them, their fiancées wanted to help any way they could.

“Well, that was certainly surprising.”, Gilbert Rapha Redgrave said, leaning back into his seat, “That was quite bold of Mylene to do in front of everyone.”

“She has been under quite a lot of stress lately due to rising tensions with the Principality and other groups. Victor has been doing an excellent job keeping them at bay and keeping the Crown informed of their movements, but it is still a lot to handle. Add on the fact that Roland has become even more lazy than usual, and you end up with what just happened.”, Duke Redgrave remarked, “She worked long hours to be here today, and it appears Julius and Jilk were less than thrilled by her presence. I do not blame her for leaving with Victor, even though it may start some rumors among the nobility. Given the ones already circulating about Roland, I doubt anyone will genuinely care.”

“That is true.”, Gilbert conceded, “What did you make of prince and his entourage’s response to their fiancés? It was quite cold of them to turn their backs and leave without acknowledging them.”

Nodding his head in agreement, the duke was less than impressed by Julius’ response to his daughter. He understood the arranged marriage did not sit well with either of them initially, but over time he had hoped they would fall in love. While this did happen to his daughter, he wondered if the same were true of Prince Julius.

‘I hope that boy has more sense than his father. If he is unsatisfied with Angelica, I hope he breaks the engagement soon so she can find a husband that will cherish her.’, Duke Redgrave thought, wanting his daughter to experience the happiness he found with her mother, “Alright, we have business to attend to. We should get underway immediately.”

Nodding his head, Gilbert signaled the coachman to get underway. Vacating the area as the other nobles began to recover, the duke was certain Victor was about to shake things up in the capital.

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