Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 161: Who Falls into the Net, Who Rejoices?

"You've gone too far! Allowing high-level seed students to participate in the competition without prior notice is unacceptable!" In the main conference room of No. 1 High School, school principal representatives from various cities gathered, verbally attacking the Tianhai City principals led by Dongfang Cheng and others.

Xu Luo's performance had truly frightened them.

Dozens of starships attacking simultaneously, directly turning a high-level plane world upside down, even dispersing a God's phantom when it appeared.

Could a first-year high school student really possess such strength? It was simply unbelievable!

To avoid discouraging ordinary students, seed students of a certain strength level typically didn't participate in assessments. They would be directly promoted to the next stage by default.

If their strength was truly exceptional, some might even directly qualify without appearing before the public.

Before the final roster for battling alien races was decided, no one knew who would be sent.

The publicly announced qualifiers from the mass selection were just that - public. Behind the scenes, no one knew how many powerful experts the Federation was hiding.

Clearly, given Xu Luo's performance, he was already qualified for direct recommendation. There was no need for him to compete with other ordinary students for a spot.

Moreover, his participation in such a competition was devastating for other students.

The gap was too enormous. For those students with some strength, considered geniuses in their local areas, how could they bear it, especially since they were all the same age?

Zhong Tianyue, Dongfang Cheng, and the other Tianhai principals looked at each other.

Actually, not only were these visiting principals shocked, but they themselves hadn't expected Xu Luo's sudden outburst to be so violent.

He not only eliminated the vice principal's divine projection in one go but also directly turned the entire plane world upside down.

In the end, if they hadn't forcibly terminated the assessment, given his actions, he might have directly destroyed the entire world, leaving no trace.

They also hadn't anticipated that Xu Luo, who had always appeared gentle and very low-key, would react so violently upon hearing those two words. He showed no mercy at all.

Moreover, the strength he unleashed was truly astonishing.

Had they known he was so powerful, they would never have let him participate in this competition. Instead, they would have directly applied to have him hidden.

However, in the current situation, they certainly couldn't say that even they had no idea Xu Luo was so formidable.

"What are you all panicking about? He's not taking up a qualifying spot anyway. Wasn't it just the child wanting to play a bit, to see the strength of his peers? We couldn't stop him, so we let him experience it. Who would have thought such an oversight would occur, even bringing out a God's phantom in the end? You all saw that at the beginning, the strength he displayed was quite ordinary, right? If he hadn't been provoked, who would have erupted like that?" Zhong Tianyue said with a smile, directly pushing all responsibility to the Education Department, letting them take the blame.

This incident was originally due to an oversight on their part. The selected world was problematic.

Having some Gold-tier powerhouses was understandable, but having so many strong beings was unreasonable. Moreover, they had borrowed what was supposed to be an ordinary high-level plane world for training from Tianhai University, but who knew they would throw over a private plane world instead.

That was a God's personal backyard, naturally extremely powerful.

Especially when they even brought out a God's phantom at the end, that was a bit bullying. How could ordinary students possibly handle that?

So he passed the buck without guilt. If these principals had any complaints, let them go to the Education Department. If the Education Department had any issues, let them go directly to Luyang.

To be honest, Zhong Tianyue was a bit dissatisfied. Although Luyang was a True God and they didn't have much contact usually, judging from his phantom's behavior this time, he really couldn't generate any goodwill towards him.

The other principals opened their mouths but finally couldn't say anything more.

At this point, they felt this might actually be a good thing. If it had been at the beginning, Xu Luo would have definitely occupied a spot. But unexpectedly, now that his strength was too great, he could be directly recommended, actually freeing up a spot.

This way, other students would have a chance to appear, which was naturally a good thing.

It forcibly secured an extra spot for their large district.

"Regardless, his strength is too great. He's not allowed to appear in the following competitions. Otherwise, it's too unfair to others," the principals said. Although that was the case, they couldn't possibly let Xu Luo compete again. This strength simply destroyed the balance. If they let him continue like this, how could others manage?

"Alright, alright, alright, we'll report to those above. We won't let him out again in the future," Zhong Tianyue and Dongfang Cheng readily agreed.

In the current situation, it was impossible to let Xu Luo compete again. They were actually eager to hide him away directly.

This strength was really too fierce!

Finally, the group began to discuss how to conduct the following competitions. Although Xu Luo's points were the highest, since he wouldn't be participating in the competition, his points would only be used as a record. This was unprecedented, and it was uncertain if there would be any successors.

Single-handedly destroying an entire high-level plane world was truly unparalleled.

In the end, although the school urgently stopped the competition, by that time almost no one was left alive.

When tallying everyone's points, the results were surprising.

Points weren't just earned from personal kills.

One's units killing creatures earned points, and when cooperating with others, you could get a certain proportion of points from creatures killed by others. If using the power of natives, all points from their kills belonged to you.

There was a rigorous calculation method for obtaining and tallying points, so there was no need to worry about anyone's points being miscalculated.

After removing Xu Luo's ranking, the subsequent rankings were unexpected. Fang Xuefeng, whom everyone had high hopes for initially, wasn't at the forefront.

The top three were: first, Ming Luo. This girl had united most of the plane's powerhouses, almost catching everyone in one net. In the end, she even brought out the God's phantom, killing several of Xu Luo's Leviathans. The points from those Gold-tier demons also belonged to her, earning her a large sum of points. Except for Xu Luo, others couldn't catch up even if they rode horses.

After Ming Luo, the second was Qianqian. This girl would have been the true winner if not for the joint area attack by numerous Gold-tier powerhouses later.

Goblin technology was fully displayed in that battle. Although it performed poorly against Gold-tier powerhouses, it was truly too powerful for Bronze and Silver tiers.

The third was Liu Xiaobei.

If not for the unexpected situations with others, this girl was actually quite impressive. She directly united with the demon race in that plane world, her strength soaring.

Unexpectedly, she encountered several cheating players. One united the powerhouses of the entire plane world, another nearly wiped out everyone in one go.

The top three were actually three girls. Only at fourth place was Fang Xuefeng, whom everyone had high hopes for initially.

This result was truly beyond everyone's expectations. After ranking the top fifty by points, they discussed the following competition procedures before finally dispersing.

But that previous scene was still very shocking to them.

In reality, those who had watched the competition were also discussing vigorously.

Although they all knew Xu Luo was very powerful, they never had a direct impression of his strength because he had never gone all out in battles before.

This time, they finally knew to what extent this strength had reached.

If it was like this in reality, it was even more so on the internet.

Even those who didn't know Xu Luo before, after this incident, many people directly downloaded the battle video, cut out the last segment, and shared it with others to watch. Instantly, his fans surged, discussing his deeds all over the internet.

However, soon, all matters concerning Xu Luo on the internet ceased to have any ripples, as if the previous battle and those discussions had never happened.

Although some people were quite dissatisfied, they also understood why this happened, and instead felt happier.

Because this was the Federation's emergency response when protecting outstanding geniuses.

Too many geniuses had been assassinated in the real world, so when some people with very eye-catching performances appeared, it was forbidden to spread on the internet. Ordinary geniuses were fine because given the population base of human society, these so-called geniuses were a dime a dozen. But for those particularly outstanding ones, spreading was not allowed. This had become a convention in human society, so everyone was basically accustomed to all this happening.

Regarding this competition, it had nothing to do with Xu Luo anymore. People's attention was drawn to another matter.

The sudden outbreak of war.

Especially when they learned that Ying Yingluo had killed an alien True God, ordinary people were very excited. This was particularly morale-boosting.

Although war wasn't a good thing and meant burning money, winning also had many benefits. Most people were quite supportive because humans had always been bullied by other civilizations. Everyone eagerly hoped for a victorious battle to boost morale.

When the war broke out, an announcement of disciplinary action seemed not so important.

Regarding the previous matter of Fang Xinglong and others, the Education Department certainly wouldn't act as if nothing had happened. They were just urgently waiting for a handling plan before.

Now, after urgent discussions, the results were out.

If there were no other matters to deal with, this would definitely be an earthquake-like event.

In one go, hundreds of principals were dismissed from their posts, with related vice principals and directors of education also being dealt with.

Then other people were directly promoted to parachute in as principals.

Not only that, students who were affected were given certain economic compensation. For those students who had already lost their Divine Domains, the Education Department's gesture was also very grand this time. Each person was compensated with a new Divine Domain login qualification, which was actually taken from next year's reserves.

It was being used urgently now, and in the coming time, this quota needed to be replenished.

However, these things were not for ordinary people to know.

Only people in Tianhai knew that suddenly so many principals were dismissed, but it seemed to have no particularly big impact.

Only those students who received compensation knew how important it was for them to regain a Divine Domain qualification. Although they would be several months behind others, it was still better than having no hope at all.

After these two events occurred, a new announcement appeared, but this was good news.

That was, the executive vice president of the Galaxy Group, the old general Xu Xian, had newly established a foundation. He invested 100 billion credit points to help various schools build basic venues needed for Divine Domains.

This was a long-term project that would start construction after certain planning.

It was expected to complete the basic venue layout for all schools within three years. Some students might not be able to enjoy this benefit at this time, but in the coming time, as venues were successively completed, all schools would be able to enjoy the benefits that students in big cities enjoyed.

This was definitely a great feat.

On the internet, everyone was praising Old General Xu Xian's actions overwhelmingly, with cheers all around.

Children from wealthy families could go to good schools, some could even build some venues independently at home. The construction of these basic venues basically had no impact on them. But for ordinary families, basic venues were the best shortcut for children to improve their strength. Having them or not was a world of difference.

Why did Fang Xinglong and others want to divert resources from others to cultivate a few specific geniuses? Wasn't it to rely on their performance to compete for more resources from the Education Department, wanting to build various basic venues in their own schools?

Now they no longer needed to struggle like this. Someone had fulfilled their dream. So although they were dismissed, when hearing this news, Fang Xinglong's people smiled very happily. This meant that their purpose was still achieved.

[21/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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