Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 157: War with the Red-Eye Civilization


NOTE: War God in reference to the Character Ying Yingluo has been changed to God of Valkyrie.

Compared to Ming Luo using witchcraft to manipulate hearts, directly forming alliances to unite all local forces and trying to trap others,

Liu Xiaobei's approach was much simpler. After directly allying with the local demon forces, they merged. The demons' strength greatly increased, and without any more concerns, they immediately launched an offensive.

Previously, although the demons were powerful, individual local forces couldn't match them. But the locals had strength in numbers. Many races united to fight against the demons, beating them quite badly!

But now with fresh forces, they naturally came back to settle the score.

According to Liu Xiaobei, why stupidly wait for others to gather forces to attack them? They should go after them one by one, not giving them a chance to unite!

As a result, all the demons mobilized, sweeping through like a plague of locusts, killing all creatures they encountered. If hungry, they would casually grab a couple to fill their teeth.

At the same level, demons were still very powerful. Other creatures needed two or three to fight against them.

After his defeat, Fang Xuefeng managed to regroup his units but didn't dare to cause trouble for Xu Luo again.

He clearly understood that he carried the hopes of dozens of cities and hundreds of schools. He couldn't selfishly risk elimination just because he wanted to compete for first place.

The current priority was to obtain enough points to ensure his advancement.

Because the points were not transparent, no one knew how many points others had. To advance, they could only try to increase their own points as much as possible.

Unable to defeat Xu Luo and having lost his two strongest griffin riders, Fang Xuefeng's strength was still formidable, especially his flying units. When facing others without air defense, he had an inherent unbeatable position.

Of course, if the opponent had air defense, he would leave immediately without hesitation.

Now he didn't want to waste his forces competing with others.

There were many others showcasing their strength.

For example, Qianqian's goblin gunners, and Zuo Jiaojiao's human crossbow team!

They all showed strong dominance on the battlefield.

They were all steamrolling in one direction.

Their units weren't necessarily that powerful.

But with proper equipment, they could exert terrifying combat power.

Among everyone, Xu Luo was probably the most leisurely.

At the beginning, he did personally command for a while, but after actually getting hands-on, he found he really wasn't suited for this.

So he simply handed it over to the Butterfly General. Let professionals handle professional matters.

He only needed to be a mascot, enjoy the scenery here, and contribute his combat power when needed.

After the Butterfly General took command, the originally chaotic management suddenly became orderly and clear.

The Butterfly General had no notion of conserving strength.

Under the current troop conditions, efficiency was pushed to the limit.

The Butterfly General pursued maximizing effects with minimal battle losses.

Leviathans, worker bees, fairy butterflies, all were put into action.

Moreover, the entire force no longer moved as one unit.

With the Zerg's strength so powerful, there was no need to move together.

To pursue efficiency, they should divide their forces.

Led by other Butterfly Generals, with one serving as overall commander, using the unique Zerg network for communication and contact.

After dividing forces, the Zerg's marching efficiency suddenly increased many times over.

Each species had clear divisions of labor.

The sky was handled by Leviathans, the ground by other Zerg.

As for underground?

Underground was the Zerg's home turf. Anyone wanting to compete with them underground was simply dreaming.

After going all out, Xu Luo's points increased in a straight line upwards.

They were increasing moment by moment.

Sometimes when people turned to watch others fight and came back after a while, the points had directly increased by a lot.

Xu Luo's projection screen had to be divided into many small blocks.

Because his forces were divided into multiple routes, it was impossible to keep track otherwise.

Although the Zerg were very bloody, the audience found such battles very satisfying.

Humans had been suppressed by alien races for a long time. Such exhilarating battles hadn't been seen for a long time.

On the battlefield of top-tier God Fighters, alien races had always held the advantage. Now watching Xu Luo, they felt they were seeing a bright star slowly rising.

Although he was only in his first year of high school now, with ten years of accumulation period.

But what would it be like in ten years when he becomes a God and steps onto the real God Fighter stage?

How terrifying would ten years of accumulation be?

Look at Ying Yingluo now!

After becoming a God, she spent a month consolidating her realm of strength, then faced many alien Gods as a True God.

Right on the God Fighter arena.

As a result, she fought over 1,300 matches, undefeated.

Although it was using True God power to bully alien High Gods, do you have the ability to find a True God who can stay on the Continent of Gods?

Many people hoped humans could produce another human True God, so that when Ying Yingluo ascends to the Star Realm, there would still be someone to suppress afterwards, rather than a gap.

The current Novice Divine Domain already had a gap.

When Ying Yingluo was there, she suppressed the surrounding alien races so they couldn't breathe. Once she left, they directly came to bully.

Now many human geniuses were being suppressed by the alien side.

Although top geniuses hadn't moved yet, humans had still suffered great losses in the past few months.

Constant battles with alien races, and even first-class genius Divine Domains had been destroyed.

The situation in the plane world was turbulent, with students showcasing their talents.

In reality, Dongfang Cheng looked at his personal assistant and suddenly his expression became grave.

"War has broken out!"

"What?" Zhong Tianyue didn't hear clearly at first.

Watching Xu Luo dominate in all directions, he was even happier than when he was in the Hundred Battles Army back then.

"We've officially gone to war with the Red-Eye Civilization!" Dongfang Cheng spoke solemnly.

"How is this possible?" The smile on Zhong Tianyue's face suddenly froze.

"How could it be so fast?"

"Yes, it's too fast!" Dongfang Cheng sighed.

Everything progressed too quickly. The human side wasn't ready yet!

Going to war with the Red-Eye Civilization wasn't a problem, but they feared the other chain reactions!

"Aftershocks from the last incident!"

"After so long, they still haven't let it go?" Zhong Tianyue thought that since several months had passed, the matter had already settled.

"How could it be so easy? Ying Yingluo directly destroyed tens of thousands of Divine Domains in one go. Who knows how many were affected, and how much it would cost to make amends. Moreover, a High God and an Intermediate God fell. With such losses, how could it easily be over?"

Dongfang Cheng shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Besides, the subsequent losses were even greater."

"Is there any movement? How come I don't know?" Zhong Tianyue was puzzled.

In recent years at No. 6 High School, his information indeed wasn't as up-to-date as before.

"The Divine Domain of the 67th seed was destroyed!" Dongfang Cheng's eyes revealed regret.

"This was done by an Intermediate God. Not only that, the 73rd seed was attacked in reality and severely injured!"

"Did the Red-Eye Civilization do it?" Zhong Tianyue became indignant.

"It was clearly them!" Dongfang Cheng sighed.

"Our Pioneer Corps Commander's personality is still too explosive. He challenged the Red-Eye Civilization's Pioneer Corps Commander to a duel, killed him on the spot in a secret realm!"

"What?" Zhong Tianyue thought he had misheard.

"What did you say?"

"You didn't mishear!" Dongfang Cheng repeated.

"The Corps Commander killed their Corps Commander. Because it happened in a secret realm, there was no phenomenon of a High God falling. This isn't a secret, people of a certain level all know."

"So fierce?" Zhong Tianyue muttered.

"I must go back. Serving under such a fierce person, I won't have to suffer!"

"This is just the beginning!" Dongfang Cheng shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"Before the Red-Eye Civilization could respond, Ying Yingluo challenged 'Abradoya'. Their divine true forms battled in the Star Realm. Ying Yingluo directly nailed Abradoya to the starry sky with her God of Valkyrie law. Now that area is polluted by True God blood, divine calamities are rampant, and all life is extinct."

"This blew up!" Even Zhong Tianyue, who always thought himself bold, felt this was too scary when he heard this.

The loss of a High God was just a big loss. Although painful, it could be endured. But a True God...

That really called for war!

"Yes, it blew up!" Dongfang Cheng looked at the competition, feeling it had lost all flavor.

"The World of Gods has already started fighting. Soon, the news should be broadcast. Flights between our Human Civilization and the Red-Eye Civilization have all stopped these past two days and the Shattered Star Ring just had a battle yesterday."

"Reality?" Zhong Tianyue suddenly turned around.

It didn't matter if they fought to the heavens falling and earth shattering in the World of Gods, but taking action in reality?

The destruction of a Level 7 civilization was only two or three years ago!

"Are they so unyielding? Just because one True God died, they want mutual destruction with humans?"

"You're thinking too much. It's just a local conflict." Dongfang Cheng shook his head.

"Even if they want to fight all-out, it depends on whether humans will oblige."

"That's good!" Zhong Tianyue let out a sigh of relief.

If it really came to war, it would be about racial and species extinction!

Not leaving a single one.

This was the iron law set by all advanced civilizations.

Once violated, all civilizations would attack together. The civilization would be shattered, its seeds of fire extinguished, leaving no trace behind.

How powerful was that Level 7 civilization before? They directly went to war, and as a result, in less than a month, all people on all their planets were destroyed, not one left.

When Level 8 or 9 civilizations decide to act, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape.

Now with just local fighting in the Shattered Star Ring, it hadn't reached the level of war yet. At most it was just a border conflict, nothing significant.

Such local conflicts were happening every moment.

Not just on the human civilization side, other civilizations were the same.

In the bordering areas between two civilizations, it was impossible to be peaceful.

After sharing this news, the two fell into silence for a moment.

The impact was too great.

Directly killing the other's Pioneer Corps Commander, and Ying Yingluo even better, taking revenge without delay.

You attack me during my ascension, I directly find you and nail you to the starry sky.

That was a True God!

This should be the first True God to die in natural conflicts in recent years, apart from the True Gods and Main Gods of that Level 7 civilization being executed before!

Especially since Ying Yingluo had only become a God so recently, directly killing a veteran True God was a bit terrifying!

"What's the deal with this God of Valkyrie?" Zhong Tianyue was puzzled.

"How would I know? I'm not a True God." Dongfang Cheng was also confused.

"There was no God of Valkyrie position before. What the God of Valkyrie's divine authority and divine duties are, no one knows except herself."

"Potential to be a God King!" Zhong Tianyue praised.

Being able to kill a True God right after becoming a God could only mean Ying Yingluo's God of Valkyrie law was extremely powerful!

"If we're talking about potential to be a God King, I agree!" Dongfang Cheng's expression was a bit strange.

"But to say her God of Valkyrie law is very strong... I think Abradoya must have died with his eyes open."

"What do you mean?" Zhong Tianyue didn't understand.

A newly ascended True God killed a veteran True God. Wasn't that worth being surprised about?

"She didn't use her own law to kill Abradoya at all." Dongfang Cheng shook his head.

"She first used the Dream God's dream illusion law to deceive Abradoya, then ambushed him. After killing him, she used the God of Valkyrie law to form a spear and nail him to the starry sky to humiliate the Red-Eye Civilization. You can watch the battle video yourself to see."

"Using items in a duel?" Zhong Tianyue blinked.

Although items weren't forbidden in duels, generally everyone relied on their own power and wouldn't use items to assist. Otherwise, the duel would be meaningless. Might as well directly compete in wealth.

"Yes, it was because of the Dream God's dream illusion law. She directly created an illusion of flowers in a mirror and moon in water, causing Abradoya to misjudge and attack the illusion. That's why I said he must have died with his eyes open!"

Dongfang Cheng chuckled lightly.

It could only be said that all's fair in war.

No one expected that Ying Yingluo, the dignified God of Valkyrie, would actually not fight fairly and use an item to kill a True God.

In any case, this was also a great achievement, reducing the opponent's strength.

The Red-Eye Civilization and humans were already at odds. War was only a matter of time. So at this time, directly killing their Pioneer Corps Commander and a True God, although it caused the war to start early, it also weakened the opponent's strength!

The Pioneer Corps Commander was no ordinary person. They were all top High Gods with True God combat power who could become True Gods at any time. This was also why the Red-Eye Civilization was so enraged.

It was equivalent to directly losing two True Gods. Who wouldn't be distressed?

However, initially, the human side was prepared for conflicts in the World of Gods. They didn't expect the other side to take action in the Shattered Star Ring as well.

Fortunately, it was only a local conflict and didn't escalate.

After all, both sides were afraid!

If the disturbance was a bit bigger and attracted the attention of the Interstellar Regulators, wouldn't they directly fire planet-destroying beam cannons?

[19/21 - Chapters Released this week] - Yesterday's chapters todays will be released tonight, got sick for the past 2 days so im playing catch up; Hope you Zerglings are enjoying the story so far.

( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ Thanks for Reading. \(゚ー゚\)

Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+30 Chapters)

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