Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 154: A Bizarre Attack Method

Stepping on the soft soil, Xu Luo was surrounded by a group of fairy butterflies, quietly waiting for the worker bees to scout for information.

Without specific intelligence, he wouldn't act rashly.

This was a high-level world, with an unknown number of powerful creatures. Xu Luo wouldn't arrogantly assume he was invincible.

The area of a high-level plane world was vast, even larger than a large country from Xu Luo's previous life.

The creatures here were also diverse.

Not only were they powerful, but various resources were also very abundant.

The minimum standard for a high-level plane was to be self-sufficient.

At this moment, the more than 400 people who had descended into this world began to take action. Some directly sent their reconnaissance units to look around, while others used spells to explore in all directions.

Everyone had their respective methods.

And their choices were basically the same: when encountering this world's creatures, they killed without mercy.

However, among everyone, there were some whose choices were quite unique, not taking action directly.

When Liu Xiaobei descended into this world, she immediately sensed a demonic aura.

She didn't hesitate and directly led her army towards the direction of that aura.

Although demons were competitors in the inferno, in the material world, they were the most loyal comrades.

So encountering demons in the material world meant they could unite.

The demon race were all powerful warriors, especially high-level demons with even more terrifying abilities.

At first, Liu Xiaobei didn't think her chances were very high. After all, there were too many formidable people. She thought she could only try to get as many points as possible and advance first.

But now she didn't think so.

With other demons existing in this world, she could completely eliminate other people.

Without competitors, wouldn't she be the one to advance?

Advancing as first place and advancing in the top fifty were completely different.

Starting with demonic creatures, Liu Xiaobei was naturally proud and arrogant.

Why couldn't she be better than others?

A group of demons flew directly through the sky, with only birds noticing their shadows besides themselves.

At this moment, Xu Luo was leaning against a tree, deep in thought.

In this world, what should he do to advance?

Advancing by points, without seeing others', he didn't know how many he needed to advance.

Resolving all other competitors was a good idea, but with so many people scattered in various directions, finding them was a problem.

He had the strength and confidence to resolve everyone in one go, but the premise was that they were right in front of him.

After dispersing, even searching was a problem.

The area of this high-level plane world was still too large, and his worker bees were not enough to help him form a tight intelligence network.

Many places were unknown to him.

Now the worker bees had gone to many places and seen many creatures, both native and other students' teams.

However, Xu Luo didn't make a move. He planned to wait until these people converged a bit before taking action.

Taking action now would require dispersing his forces, and running east and west would be too inefficient.

Most importantly, it would cause too much commotion, and it wouldn't be good if it scared others away.

Moreover, there were people outside specifically paying attention to their battle results. At this time, the more exposed, the more targeted they would be later.

This was also why Xu Luo had been hiding the Zerg underground.

[Student Wei Ming from Pinghai City has died and is out of the game!]

A mysterious voice prompt sounded in everyone's ears.

"Someone's been eliminated so quickly?" Xu Luo frowned.

This speed was too fast. It hadn't even been twenty minutes since entering this plane world, and someone had already been eliminated!

He didn't know if it was an encounter with local inhabitants or done by other students. The unknown made people even more cautious.

Although he had Cha Lei's intelligence, it could only be used as a reference. If he completely treated it as true, he wouldn't even know what happened when he suffered a loss.

What others revealed was only what they revealed. Who knew how much was still hidden!

Even if some people revealed everything, who could guarantee they wouldn't specially enhance their strength for such a large competition, elevating themselves to another level in a short time?

So although Xu Luo knew he was very powerful, he wouldn't underestimate others.

At this time, he also wouldn't think that besides himself, others didn't have the strength to resolve an opponent in a short time.

A group of students were uncertain and suspicious. In reality, a student climbed out of the game pod with an annoyed face, said nothing, and went towards where his city's people were.

Although the audience was laughing, they still gave warm applause.

There was no help for it. No one thought there would really be such an unlucky person.

Wei Ming wasn't eliminated by anyone. He hadn't even encountered any opponent.

It wasn't the natives or other students participating in the competition who eliminated him. Strictly speaking, he was eliminated by the world itself.

Everyone randomly appeared in any corner of the plane world.

There was no problem with this, and no one had designed it in advance.

It wasn't just Wei Ming who entered underground; others did too.

It's just that Wei Ming's underground was a bit deeper. He directly entered the earth's core!

The temperature of the earth's core was imaginable.

Although Wei Ming's strength was actually not bad, and he had certain means on him.

But his units were burned to death immediately.

Wei Ming himself flew towards the ground using various protective measures, but he only lasted about ten minutes before turning to ashes under the scorching of the earth's core fire.

It really wasn't that he wasn't capable; he was just too unlucky.

Who would have thought of such a start?

This was also why the audience burst into laughter. It was too funny.

Having watched so many competitions, this was still the most unfortunate one they had seen.

However, with one eliminated, the competition continued for others. It was just losing one competitor. Their opponents weren't just one; they still needed to work harder!

Students in various directions used their own methods to find other creatures and the locations of other students.

At this moment, one person seemed quite strange.

In the forest, between two big trees, a girl had made a swing with vines and was now sitting on it, swinging happily.

A light song gradually spread.

Compared to others, she seemed too relaxed, not like she was participating in a competition, but more like a little girl out for a spring outing.

Whenever the swing swung out, a golden light bird would fly up from beside the girl and fly in various directions.

There was clearly no one behind her, but her swing could always swing out.

Seeing her like this, some people were envious. Such a carefree life was the dream of how many people!

At this time, in the forest, a group of people were slowly advancing. They also heard that light song.

"Princess, be careful. This might be the song of fairies," a young man in armor quickly protected a woman in front of him.

"It's alright!" The woman shook her head.

"Demons are rampant. As the princess of the empire, I need to take on my responsibility, contact various races to fight against the demons together. No matter what we encounter, at least we can try to communicate."

Hearing the name of demons, whether it was the young general or the soldiers beside him, they couldn't help but grip their weapons tightly!

Hearing the woman's order, they didn't hesitate and directly went towards the direction of the song.

In reality, seeing Ming Luo's golden ethereal birds fly in all directions, the audience was confused, not understanding what she was doing.

Others were all looking for the enemy's position, but she was like nothing was happening, swinging there.

The person controlling the broadcast at No. 1 High School was very thoughtful and provided a view of the golden birds.

They saw the birds constantly flying and then stopping in front of a student.

"Hey, hello, are you interested in cooperating?" The girl's gentle voice came from the bird.

"Cooperate?" That student was puzzled.

But after he spoke, a dense fog engulfed the area where he was. That student and his units were all covered in it.

Various sounds of battle and killing came through.

When the fog dispersed, nothing was left on the ground.

That student had been eliminated, and his units had been teleported away.

[Zhou Peng from Ningkou City has been eliminated by Ming Luo from Tianhe City!]

The prompt appeared, but at this time, many people were in battle and didn't pay attention to this.

In reality, whether it was the audience or the principals from other schools, they were puzzled about what had just happened.

Why did the student's units suddenly start killing each other after the fog appeared?

Even in the end, that student's divine avatar directly committed suicide.

Apart from this, not a single enemy was seen.

As audience members, they weren't affected by hidden terrain like fog. But the strange thing was that besides the fog, there were only that student's units before.

Many people became curious about this girl Ming Luo.

They didn't know what her creatures were.

At the same time, they realized that she wasn't doing nothing, but had actually been taking action early on. It's just that her methods were more sophisticated than many people's, and ordinary people couldn't understand her approach at all.

The little birds kept flying in all directions, encountering one person after another, then eliminating them one by one.

Xu Luo hadn't taken action yet. Hearing the constant announcements of who was eliminated by Ming Luo, he was also surprised.

This efficiency was too fast. He didn't know what Ming Luo's units were, but it was really too quick.

Even if he went to attack opponents non-stop, he wouldn't have such a fast speed!

In comparison, Fang Xuefeng, who had flying units, didn't have such efficiency.

At this moment, Fang Xuefeng, who was in battle with enemies, heard the constant prompts. His already cold face seemed to become colder.

But he was also curious why Xu Luo still hadn't made any moves?

Not a single prompt had sounded for him.

Had he not attacked students and directly targeted the natives? Or was he delayed by something?

Just as he was thinking this, a golden bird flew in front of him.

"Hey, hello, are you interested in cooperating?" The girl's voice came through.

"Ming Luo?" Hearing the familiar voice, Fang Xuefeng frowned.

But as he spoke, dense fog directly appeared, engulfing him and his units.

The next moment, intense battle sounds came through.

However, it didn't last long. Several harpies and two griffin riders directly flew out of the fog's range.

Although he still lost a few harpy corpses, at least it was much better compared to others who were completely wiped out.

"Only knows how to use such means to ambush!" Fang Xuefeng snorted coldly, very displeased.

This was also why he didn't like Ming Luo. If you want to fight, fight properly. Why hide behind and play tricks?

Although he suffered a loss, he couldn't go get revenge.

He had no idea where Ming Luo was at this moment.

Rather than spending time looking for her, it was better to resolve other people and increase his points.

There would always be a chance to encounter her later!

"What exactly are that girl's creatures?" Seeing that every time it was the little bird appearing and speaking, and then the fog appearing after the other party responded,

Some people ignored the little bird, and as a result, the fog didn't appear. This meant the little bird went to find targets, and after finding them, it spoke. The other party responding seemed to be a medium.

After the other party responded, it was as if the spell took effect, completing some kind of positioning. Then Ming Luo could directly attack, ignoring distance.

However, how Ming Luo attacked in the fog, and what her creatures actually were, no one could know.

"It seems she's not invincible either. When encountering someone powerful, she can't do anything to them."

"Or perhaps it's not about strength. Both griffins and harpies can fly. Does this mean flying out of the fog's range is enough?"

The spectators were curiously discussing.

A group of principals also furrowed their brows. There were too many creatures in the world, new ones were constantly being born, and there were also mutant creatures, so they couldn't possibly know all creatures.

Just like now, they couldn't think of what Ming Luo's creatures could be.

There were many creatures related to fog, but none had such bizarre manifestations.

Unfortunately, at this moment, there was no one who could answer their confusion.

That girl had already entered the ranks of this high-level plane world's native forces.

Everything went smoothly, unbelievably so.

She was just swinging there playing, then the other party came over, chatted with her for a few sentences, invited her, and she joined them, thus completing an alliance with the native forces.

It was so smooth it was almost unbelievable.

If this scene were seen by some students who had tried every means but were not welcomed by the native forces at all, who knows if they would want to curse, their mentality directly collapsing.

Anyway, the audience watching all this felt quite uncomfortable.

What background did this girl have? Why did everything she did seem so easy?

Some people even inwardly hoped Xu Luo would stand out and teach her a good lesson.

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