Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 151: The Umbrella’s Corporate Culture

After donating five billion in one go, Xu Luo was surprisingly undisturbed,

As if it wasn't five billion, but just fifty dollars.

Mainly because these five billion didn't belong to him from the start, so he didn't feel any pain in parting with it.

Out of curiosity, he still searched for information about Xu Xian.

He knew this person's name and that he was a high-level executive of the Galaxy Group, but he wasn't clear on the specifics.

After opening the search results, Xu Luo realized this was truly a big figure in the Federation.

Xu Xian joined the military in his early years, starting from the bottom. At that time, Divine Domain qualifications weren't as numerous as now, and there was no concept of universal Divine Domains.

Back then, only a portion of people were qualified.

At that time, having a Divine Domain qualification wasn't necessarily something to boast about.

Having a Divine Domain also meant bearing a heavy burden.

Anyway, Xu Xian served in the military, climbing up step by step, and later established... the Pioneer Corps!

"This old man is actually the founder of the Pioneer Corps?" Xu Luo's eyes widened. Who didn't know that the Pioneer Corps was currently humanity's strongest spearhead against external threats? He never imagined it was established by that small, thin old man.

It wasn't until Xu Xian achieved True God status that he retired from the Pioneer Corps and entered the military department, until he retired at 90.

However, after retirement, the old man didn't stay idle. He later worked for both the Galaxy Group and the Star River Group.

During his tenure, he made outstanding contributions.

Even now, he still held the title of vice president of the Galaxy Group.

But in reality, he had started his own company for self-entertainment.

After reading this old man's resume, Xu Luo felt this was truly impressive.

He never imagined their Xu family had such an outstanding figure.

He felt more at ease about entrusting the matter to this person to handle.

This was a man who got things done, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Out of curiosity, he also checked his battle video income. After all, he said he'd donate, but the amount shouldn't be too small, right?

If really no one watched it and there was only an income of a hundred or so, he thought about taking out some more himself to round it up. After all, it was for charity and didn't affect his life, so giving a bit more wasn't a big deal.

Thinking this, when he opened the video stats, Xu Luo was dumbfounded!

Views: A string of numbers.

Downloads: A string of numbers!

Afraid he had misread, Xu Luo checked repeatedly, but there was no mistake.

At this point, he was stunned.

How much money had he just donated?

Once, there was an opportunity to become a billionaire right in front of me, but I didn't cherish it?!

If given another chance... I'd still donate it!

Although Xu Luo loved money, some things were more important than money.

Converted to credit points, every 100 views was worth one credit. The entire battle video had over 130 billion views, meaning just the views alone generated an income of 1.3 billion.

Then there were the downloads. Each download cost two credit points, and the video had been downloaded over 1.8 billion times, with this number still climbing.

In other words, just now, this video's income was already over 5 billion.

Of course, this money didn't all belong to Xu Luo personally.

The World of Gods took a cut, and he had to split with Moloudo. He only got 45%, but that was still over 2 billion.

Moreover, this wasn't the final income; it would continue to grow.

However, Xu Luo was only momentarily stunned before no longer paying attention to it.

It was a large sum of money, but since he had spoken up to donate it, from that moment, it had nothing to do with him anymore.

He didn't open the arena again. Xu Luo knew that if he appeared now, he would definitely be surrounded by people, so he'd rather go bully those lovely alien races!

Although he had slept for three days straight, plus today, a total of four days had passed, and over 30 days had passed in the World of Gods, his Divine Domain was still developing steadily without being greatly affected.

Now the Divine Domain had passed the stage where it needed his constant attention.

Simple tasks had been handled, and some revenge missions had accumulated. Xu Luo directly dispatched Zerg to carry them out.

He was now changing his battle mode.

For these revenge missions, he no longer directly destroyed the Divine Domain cores. A Divine Domain core was the most important thing, and it was also the most valuable!

Thinking about how he had destroyed so many cores before, he felt very regretful.

When a Divine Domain core was seized, the other party lost their qualification, but humans could use these things.

Every year, humans had to spend enormous resources to purchase Divine Domain login qualifications from various alien races. Now he could completely sell these to humans.

Especially for those who lost their Divine Domains due to the schools' decisions earlier, Xu Luo felt they would definitely need this opportunity.

And one expedition force after another, using starships as units, continuously conquered territories. With so many numbers, plus the passage of so many days in the Divine Domain, the results were very pleasing.

Divine Domains weren't connected to each other, and the distances between them varied. Because they relied on starships to fly themselves, even though the specially made starships were very fast, often they couldn't find Divine Domains. Sometimes when they found one, it had already been taken by other members of the Umbrella. Therefore, on average, it took three days to conquer a new target.

Even so, during this period, the new members "protected" by Xu Luo numbered in the hundreds, not counting those recommended by internal members.

Xu Luo chose to gradually surround from the edges towards the center.

His starship fleet kept spreading towards the edges, but those moving towards the center had already approached.

The opponents encountered were getting stronger, and the losses after each battle were also increasing.

Xu Luo simply chose to slow down his progress, not dealing with the center for now, and moving outwards.

At worst, he would deal with the center after conquering all the edges.

Although those opponents weren't unbeatable, the losses were too great. One starship fighting one opponent was becoming strenuous. Although the Leviathan was powerful, without revealing its true form and only fighting in dragon form, it was still very strong, but it did affect combat power. Moreover, the opponents also had powerful units. It was no longer like facing those opponents with only a small number of Gold-tier units of low rank, where they had strong dominance.

After fighting one, replenishment was needed. More importantly, after fighting such an opponent, their own forces were mostly depleted. Wanting to plunder benefits?

Better forget about it!

At most, they would get an IOU.

Therefore, Xu Luo really didn't want to face such opponents.

Unless he had a horde of Leviathans in the future, only then would he deal with these not-so-weak forces, directly saying "Submit, or die!"

A single starship was still inadequate!

Losing in every battle, Xu Luo's foundation was still thin and couldn't withstand such consumption.

In fact, this time, he hadn't come to his Divine Domain for over 30 days, accumulating several million Zerg eggs. It seemed like a lot, but after replenishing a bit for one starship, there wasn't much left. This was still based on battle losses for replenishment. If distributed evenly, each ship would only get a few tens of thousands, which wasn't much use.

This was also why Xu Luo didn't expand crazily anymore.

Zerg eggs were the key constraint to Zerg development.

Having more starships was useless without enough Zerg forces.

Xu Luo wouldn't blindly increase the number of starships in his hands, because with more starships, without enough Zerg eggs for replenishment, it was pointless.

Although he could use breeding cards to refresh the queen's egg-laying, that was only an emergency measure. How could it be used as a regular operation?

Xu Luo could afford to buy them and was willing to spend, after all, it was to strengthen his own power!

The problem was that they had to be available to buy!

This thing was one of the strategic reserve materials, rare in the market, directly occupied by the Education Department, Military Department, various wealthy families, and clubs. As soon as they appeared, they were bought up. They even had people specially guarding to purchase various scarce items.

So it was unrealistic to directly use breeding cards to increase the number of Zerg.

It was fine when there was no consumption, but now he was constantly in battle, Zerg were constantly being consumed. Using breeding cards would just refresh some troops, not playing a decisive role.

It was better to keep the breeding cards and use them at critical moments.

Anyway, one more or one less starship didn't affect things now.

But having a reserve of breeding cards could make others misjudge his strength.

No one would think that using breeding cards could become a wartime measure.

Actually, others' breeding cards were generally used for high-level creatures with fertility difficulties or for those who specifically sold units.

They relied on the rapid breeding characteristic to derive new creatures, then raised them to adulthood and sold them.

Some people specialized in doing this.

Generally, no one would use breeding cards during war, because creatures needed time to grow, and this time wasn't short.

Unless they had precious items that ignored growth time, even if breeding cards were used, they would only get creature cubs or even babies, which were useless.

Comparatively, Xu Luo really had a huge advantage.

Although Zerg also had incubation time, compared to other creatures' growth time, it was much shorter.

Even for Leviathans, it only took three days (Divine Domain time), and other Zerg took even less time.

However, during this period, although Xu Luo's development was rapid, compared to other members, it wasn't that impressive.

Other members might not be as fierce as Xu Luo, but they had numbers!

You develop one downline, I develop one downline, and that number becomes very alarming.

And now these people wouldn't call Xu Luo when they had issues.

Because asking Xu Luo to take action was too expensive.

The Umbrella had a mutual communication channel where they discussed and traded with each other. When there were issues, they would ask those powerful ones to take action, agreeing on a price among themselves.

Only when everyone couldn't handle it would they ask Xu Luo to take action.

This greatly reduced Xu Luo's workload while also promoting communication between Umbrella members.

This was also what Xu Luo wanted to see.

Because he wanted to let them have some contact first, then gradually build a trading platform.

Now he wouldn't directly sell the various resources, weapons, and such he obtained, but would store them, intending to have things to sell when opening the trading platform.

This wasn't something that could be done overnight, nor could it be done by just working hard.

Strong power and vast financial resources were important conditions.

Strong power was needed to protect smooth business, and vast financial resources were needed to support mutual exchange.

Xu Luo was clear about the creation of this platform. Now his Umbrella members encompassed over 70 civilizations, with hundreds of thousands of members. Although compared to the overall number, it wasn't too many.

But this group had potential and would continue to develop in the future.

Now members were spreading like a plague, at an alarming speed.

Downlines developed downlines, resulting in five or six levels already emerging. Becoming a behemoth in the future was just a matter of time.

Opening the star map, one could see more and more star points. A certain corner was very dense, which was their headquarters, then continuously spreading outwards. In the central area, there were fewer star points than at the beginning, but the remaining ones were still tenacious.

However, what surprised Xu Luo was that someone had the same idea as him. Knowing the center was hard to conquer, and their surroundings were basically all their own people, they simply moved their Divine Domain, crossing over the central area to the edge on the other side, developing quite a few members.

This was also the member under Xu Luo who had the most downlines besides himself.

Xu Luo was quite humane. For those powerful members who wanted to break free from their uplines, Xu Luo provided an internal "promotion" method within the Umbrella: defeat your upline in the arena, then pay a ransom fee, and you could rise one level.

For example, if you were originally on the third level, defeating your upline would allow you to become second level. If you didn't want to be exploited by your upline's upline, then continue to defeat them and rise upwards.

This "humane" promotion method was quite popular within the Umbrella. At least it provided a path for promotion and also protected those uplines who weren't very strong, giving them a guarantee that they wouldn't be eliminated by their powerful subordinates.

Although they lost one, at least they could collect a fee in the end.

Now these people were very happy in the Umbrella. At least when they went to bully others, they didn't have to worry about encountering someone they couldn't handle. If they met a tough opponent, they could team up. If they still couldn't win, they could call their upline. If even that didn't work, there was still Xu Luo.

Currently, there was no one Xu Luo couldn't defeat. Even if they encountered such a person in the future, with so many Umbrella members, they could face it together. That promise of the Umbrella protecting its members from being bullied could still be fulfilled.

Within the Umbrella, there was exploitation and oppression, but they could do this internally. If others wanted to bully them, that was not allowed!

This had already become the Umbrella's "corporate culture"!

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