Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 137: The Rebel Organization

After completing the initial training and mastering various attack methods through the xenomorphs' talent, Xu Luo's training method began to change.

At first, he battled others using his Demi-God form. After finding no opponents, he was required to battle others using the same power. Then, gradually, the requirements were lowered, using weaker power than them, and this amount was reduced step by step.

When everyone completely lost the desire to fight him, Zhang Jian began to let Xu Luo seek opponents through the arena.

All kinds of opponents could be found there.

It started with the whole city, then gradually expanded in range. As he defeated more opponents, his ranking rose higher, and his battle experience became richer. In others' eyes, Xu Luo's strength could only be described as terrifying.

A month passed quickly. When Xu Luo came, he spent the first ten days on basic training, the next five days learning various combat techniques, and the following five days battling other students.

For the last ten days, he immersed himself in the game pod day and night, connecting to the arena and constantly changing opponents.

Sometimes when other students were tired from training, they would come to watch his battles.

At first, they thought Xu Luo was a genius. Although Zhang Jian constantly used him to knock them down, they thought they just needed to catch up to such a powerful person, no big deal.

But when he surpassed their training results in such a short time, they could only exclaim that he was a freak.

And when Xu Luo defeated everyone without an equal opponent, and then battled various people in the arena, they could only say he was abnormal.

The gap was too big, completely stifling any feelings of jealousy.

As for those who initially had different thoughts, they completely forgot about it now.

The freak was not on the same level as them, and there was no need to compete with him on this.

On the last day, Xu Luo went to the arena with Zhang Jian.

No one watched; it was just the two of them.

After they came out, others didn't know who won. They couldn't tell anything from their expressions.

But what everyone knew was that the devil was very happy that day. The usually serious-faced Zhang Jian was smiling, making the group of students worry if he had been hit too hard and was mentally unstable.

"Today, I'm giving you all half a day off. Everyone is free to do as they please!" After saying this, Zhang Jian directly left the training hall with Xu Luo.

Only leaving a group of people there looking at each other.

"Hey? Did the devil lose and get shocked?" Someone guessed.

"Where did you see that Coach Zhang lost?"

"Stupid, would a teacher be so happy after defeating his own student? He must be happy after cultivating a student who surpassed him!"

"No way? Coach Zhang is a retired A-level club God Fighter!"

The group was about to argue heatedly, but they couldn't come to a conclusion here.

Sitting in Zhang Jian's flying car, Xu Luo didn't know where Zhang Jian was taking him.

It turned out Zhang Jian was quite wealthy!

This flying car, which looked like a sports car from his previous life, was a luxury item in this era.

Without wheels, flying in mid-air, it could reach speeds of 1,200 kilometers per hour. Zhang Jian's model, the Galaxy Group's Shenhe Eight Series, cost at least 300,000 when new, a price many people couldn't even dream of.

"You've truly surpassed me now, whether in real-world combat, avatar battles, or Demi-God battles, you've completely surpassed me in all aspects. From now on, you just need to steadily improve your Demi-God power, increase your upper limit. At the high school stage now, there aren't even a hundred people on the homeworld who can beat you."

Driving calmly, Zhang Jian didn't hide his emotions at all. At first, he thought one month was too short and felt it was a waste of Xu Luo's talent, but unexpectedly, in just one month, he had exhausted himself.

"Now I have nothing left to teach you in terms of technique. This is a good thing; I'm very proud. But don't slack off afterward. You still need to constantly improve yourself and learn more techniques."

"Coach, where are you taking me?" Sitting in the car, Xu Luo was puzzled.

"Although I have nothing left to teach you in terms of combat, we've been teacher and student after all. Today, let me teach you one last lesson, something you probably can't learn at school."

Zhang Jian's words had a hidden meaning.

The flying car's speed was very fast.

Zhang Jian landed the flying car on an open-air parking lot on the 100th floor of a building, and then the two took the elevator down.

"Have you ever been below the 50th floor?" Standing in the elevator, watching the rapidly changing floor advertisements outside the transparent elevator, Zhang Jian looked at Xu Luo.

"Hm?" Xu Luo frowned.

Without many memories of his previous life, although he had been in this world for several months, his life was basically between two points: his home and school, rarely going outside.

Even when he occasionally went out to play with Wang Xiaoling and others later, he had no impression of going below the 50th floor.

Zhang Jian wasn't surprised by Xu Luo's reaction.

Although they talked about the opposition between wealthy and poor families in God's Domain schools, the poor weren't really poor.

Because the poor couldn't afford God's Domain schools.

In other words, those who could go to God's Domain schools lived at least above the 50th floor. This wasn't discrimination, but because without certain conditions, going to God's Domain schools would only drag down an already struggling family.

"Then today, I'll show you what the lives of the real bottom-level people in this world are like."

As Zhang Jian's words fell, the elevator just reached the bottom, and the doors opened.

Zhang Jian walked out first.

Xu Luo also curiously stepped out, stepping on real ground for the first time.

His first impression was that the environment was really bad.

Unlike the world in the upper levels, the ground here was very dirty, with all kinds of garbage everywhere, and even excrement in some corners that hadn't been dealt with.

In some places, some ragged people were lying alone.

Looking at such a place, Xu Luo felt as if he was in a slum.

This was a world without vitality.

It formed a stark contrast with the bright lights and revelry above.

"This is the norm in this world. It wasn't like this before. Although some people were lazy, as long as they were hardworking and willing to work, they could still make a living."

Zhang Jian's face showed no expression.

"Although they lived on the lowest level and could never see sunlight, they still had hope in their hearts. As long as they worked hard, after several generations of effort, they could also buy houses on the 50th or 100th floor, allowing their children to enter God's Domain schools and have a chance to soar."

Listening to his calm narration, for some reason, Xu Luo suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He couldn't explain where this feeling came from, but looking at Zhang Jian, so different from usual, he suddenly became alert.

"This change should have started a few years ago. A commoner became the head of the Federation, a phoenix rising from a chicken coop. This was a very happy thing. For the sake of ordinary people, the leader wanted to reform, to deal with those wealthy families. Everyone supported him."

Zhang Jian's face bore a smile that was hard to tell if it was sarcasm or something else.

"As a result, when two tigers fight, the leader is still the leader, and the wealthy families are still wealthy families. The Galaxy Group, one of the three pillars of the Federation, collapsed overnight, with tens of billions of people displaced and families ruined. In the end, the so-called reform had no effect, only resulting in many more unemployed people."

Zhang Jian pointed at the numb-faced people around.

"Look at them. They used to be workers in various companies, or middle managers. But now, here, they're just wanderers, looking for a job to make ends meet in the lowest level of the world. Having 50 credit points a month is considered good."

"Fifty?" Xu Luo was confused.

"Don't ordinary people have..."

"A salary of one or two hundred?" Zhang Jian sneered.

"Yes, indeed, averaging with other office workers, there is an average salary of over 200!"


Hearing this familiar word, Xu Luo fell silent.

So this world, having entered the interstellar era, was actually still the same as his original world?

In fact, looking at this living condition, it was far worse.

If this was the price of entering the interstellar era, then this price was too high.

He had always thought his parents were just ordinary space explorers, with a monthly salary of only a few thousand, sending him one or two thousand every month for water, electricity, property management, and other fees, and then his living expenses. He thought they were too hardworking, but now looking at it, was it such a high-paying job?

"There used to be shops all over here. The income was a bit low, but life was quite affluent. They could occasionally eat some original meat and mostly ate synthetic food. Now, being able to eat nutritional substances is considered good. Synthetic food is a luxury."

Zhang Jian kept walking down the street.

"The surveillance here is broken again. Forget it, let's not go further. It's easy to encounter danger otherwise."

Seeing that the surveillance cameras on both sides of the street had been smashed, Zhang Jian stopped.

"What's wrong? The surveillance is broken?" Xu Luo didn't understand.

This shouldn't have anything to do with them, right?

"Now this place has become a hotbed for many criminals. Each street has its own gang forces. Selling bodies, theft, these are very common things here. If we continue walking, we could easily become targets for some people."

Zhang Jian explained.

"With the surveillance broken, the police department finds it troublesome. It breaks every few days. The budget is tight, so they basically let it be. As long as no one dies in these areas, they can't be bothered to come. Even if someone dies, if no one knows... Hmph!"

Xu Luo felt a chill in his heart. He had always thought that having entered the interstellar era, with the mainframe monitoring every corner of the world, where there was surveillance, there was the presence of the mainframe. He didn't expect there were still such places.

From here, one could also see why the polarization in this world was so severe.

He had always thought it was due to the imbalance caused by the wealth gap, but now it seemed that wasn't the case at all.

The wealthy families controlled too many resources in this world, and ordinary people could only accept exploitation, with no room for resistance.

A commoner finally became the leader, but as soon as he took action, he was hit hard by the other side's fierce counterattack, causing countless ordinary people to pay the price.

In such a world, it wasn't hard to imagine that some resistant forces would emerge. Plus, Zhang Jian suddenly bringing him here...

"Alright, there's not much else to see. Let's go back!" Zhang Jian suddenly suggested returning.

"Bringing you here was just to let you see how these people live, to experience it a bit. I just wanted to urge you not to degenerate in the future. Although you have talent, if you don't work hard, you might end up like them. And if one day you're in a high position, I hope you'll remember today's scenes, to use them to spur yourself on, not to become like those people."

Zhang Jian's voice was low.

"Yes!" Xu Luo, whose thoughts had been wandering, quickly came back to his senses upon hearing Zhang Jian's words.

Afterward, they silently took the elevator back to the upper world.

The dark, damp, dirty place formed a stark contrast with the bright, gorgeous upper level, as if everything before had just been a dream.

Xu Luo let Zhang Jian drop him off at a nearby maglev train station and went home alone.

After a message appeared in Zhang Jian's communication device, he changed direction.

In a dark alley, someone was already waiting there.

"Why didn't you invite him to join us?" The person questioned as soon as he arrived.

"Such a good seedling, if he joins us, it would greatly enhance our strength. With his talent, he'll definitely become a powerful God Fighter in the future. This way, we'd also have a spokesperson!"

"We've only known each other for a month. How could I tell him? He has a bright future. You want me to tell him to come be a rebel with me?"

Zhang Jian sneered.

"We're not rebels!" The person growled softly.

"It's the world that's wrong. We're setting things right."

"But now the right to speak is in the hands of the wealthy families. The media speaks for them. In their eyes, we are rebels. Even in the eyes of most ordinary people, we are insurgents."

Zhang Jian took out a cigarette and lit it, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Wait a bit. Let me approach him first. Don't be hasty. None of you should contact him. There are others protecting him. Don't alarm them."

"Someone's protecting him?" The person was confused.

"Isn't he just from an ordinary family?"

"Who says ordinary families can't have protection?"

Zhang Jian's gaze was stern.

"He's a seed!"

"Four-star?" The person instantly reacted.

Then his eyes became even more eager.

If such a genius joined their organization, it would greatly enhance their strength.

"Don't do anything rash!" Zhang Jian quickly warned.

"If we alarm those protecting him, the entire organization could be exposed. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Don't worry!" Having his thoughts seen through, the person wasn't embarrassed. As for what he was really thinking, only he knew.

[21/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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