Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 117: God’s Domain Version of “Mercenaries

In the real world, Bukaduo's appearance was naturally different from his image in God's Domain. Everyone would be careful to protect themselves and not expose their true faces.

At this moment, Bukaduo, who had just gulped down a bottle of soda in one go, felt refreshed.


He let out several satisfied burps, casually placing the empty bottle aside.

"This soda really does make you happy when you drink it, it's just a bit expensive!"

Transporting soda from the human star system to the Mercury star system was too far, so the transportation costs were very high.

As for setting up factories nearby to manufacture it?

Firstly, various civilizations were blockading humans, and the scrutiny of human factories and companies was very strict.

Moreover, things like soda, when manufactured outside the human star system, seemed to lack that special taste.

Everyone still preferred the ones manufactured in human civilization.

Other locally produced sodas were generally consumed by the lower classes, while those with some means were willing to buy the ones transported from the human side.

Bukaduo's family background was not bad, but he could only afford to buy about two cases of this soda a month, and he usually couldn't bear to drink too much.

After all, one bottle cost three star credits, which would be unthinkable in human society.

But for the Mercury civilization, this was a normal price.

"The boss has agreed to help me, so there shouldn't be too much of a problem. As long as I advance in this round, the academy will give me a 3,000 scholarship, and my family can give me some support. Hmm..."

Stroking his pointed chin, Bukaduo felt this was a very profitable deal.

Although he had given the boss a considerable appearance fee, the benefits he would get after successfully advancing were even greater!

Star credits, as an interstellar universal currency, naturally had unquestionable purchasing power.

Then he could buy soda to his heart's content, drink one bottle after another, and even order some human-made fried chicken to go with it. It would be simply perfect.

After receiving the items from Bukaduo, Xu Luo didn't delay too much. After all, facing a competition, if he dawdled, the others might have finished competing, and it would be useless by then.

As his underling, he also hoped that Bukaduo would develop better and better, so that his cut would be higher.

Knowing the name, which civilization they belonged to, and their approximate location, he directly used a search card and then a positioning card to determine the opponent's location.

Without much effort, Xu Luo found Bukaduo's upcoming opponent.

He opened a transmission channel and sent over a large batch of facehuggers.

Now that he was evolving the Leviathan, he wanted to save as much as possible. He didn't send too many Zerg, just directly sent facehuggers to cause some damage and reduce the opponent's strength.

The Xenomorphs would die after appearing anyway, so there was no need to bring them back, saving on transmission fees.

Moreover, because he didn't need to worry about whether the units would return, he opened the transmission channel to send the facehuggers over and then immediately closed it, also avoiding the opponent's reverse detection of him.

However, he still observed that alien through the Xenomorphs' perspective.

He had to see the results, otherwise, if it didn't weaken them enough, it would be laughable.

That Mercury civilization alien was quite nervous when he saw the transmission light pillar descending from the sky.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the light pillar had already disappeared.

Some creatures appeared in his Divine Domain.

Although there were some at the Silver tier, there weren't many, and their strength wasn't high, so he didn't pay much attention and just sent a portion of his army to deal with them.

He was still wondering which idiot was randomly opening transmission channels for no reason.

If it was an invasion, there shouldn't be just this small number!

Little did he know that because he didn't take it seriously, it would lead to heavy losses for him afterward.

The army he sent was easily parasitized by the facehuggers.

Although some facehuggers were killed, the ones that successfully parasitized were enough.

Afterwards, numerous Xenomorphs emerged from the corpses, devouring the surrounding corpses and flesh. As their bodies grew larger, their strength also rapidly increased.

The Xenomorphs could only fuse a limited number of genes, so their genes were fixed at this time, not randomly fusing with other creature genes.

Nine top-tier genes fused together made them the strongest creatures among Silver tier nine-star elites. Without lords or kings appearing, even dragon-type creatures were no match for them.

At this time, they didn't need to fuse genes, they just needed enough flesh to support their growth.

As a result, a group of Xenomorphs went on a rampage everywhere, killing any creatures they saw while also eating almost everything they could.

By the time the Divine Domain's master reacted, many of his units had already died.

The Xenomorphs were rootless duckweed, without subsequent support. In the end, the Demi-God avatar personally took action, cooperating with the power of the Divine Domain itself to kill these invaders. However, the dead units couldn't be revived, and the destroyed divine weapons couldn't be restored.

Thinking about the upcoming competition, this alien wanted to cry but had no tears.

Previously, he could have said he had the upper hand, but now after such heavy losses, the situation was completely different.

He had nowhere to complain about this kind of thing. He could only blame his bad luck for suddenly encountering such a situation.

After using some facehuggers to wipe out about 40% of the opponent's forces, Xu Luo didn't send any more units over. That would no longer be weakening, but trying to destroy the opponent.

This was just right now. With him severely weakened when fighting Bukaduo, it would allow Bukaduo to have a stable upper hand.

Bukaduo compensated quite a bit, including the round-trip transmission fees for the units and some loss fees.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xu Luo barely had any losses, and this compensation was all pocketed by him.

The only loss was just a few facehuggers, and then a bit of consumption for constructing the transmission channel and sending the facehuggers over.

But compared to what he gained, these expenditures were nothing.

Mainly, no one would have thought that he could save so much on costs.

After the success of this operation, Xu Luo suddenly realized that this was also a way to make money!

As long as it was operated well, it was very feasible.

Now he had quite a few underlings, and if each of them asked for his help, he could make a big profit!

Moreover, he shouldn't just focus his attention on this batch of lovely "leeks"; other alien races could also be developed into leeks!

Thinking of it, he immediately acted. Xu Luo quickly came up with a proposal and sent it to all his underlings.

The content of the proposal was very simple.

It was that he was now launching an activity that could help everyone deal with their competitors. It only required a certain fee.

However, transmission fees, searching and locating the opponent, and unit losses needed to be borne by the client.

Internal members could get a 10% discount if interested.

At the same time, all Umbrella members could also recommend this activity to others, and they would get a certain commission for each person they brought in.

Their services could be divided into normal discipline or more direct, completely destroying the opponent's Divine Domain, depending on what the client chose.

To evolve the Leviathan quickly, Xu Luo was really going all out.

Without units that could dominate the field, he didn't have much confidence!

Soul Butterflies weren't weak, but they couldn't play a role in direct confrontations!

Soul Impact was a powerful weapon, but its greater effect was intimidation.

Vivi was very powerful, but there was only one of her.

So he still needed his own trump card units.

Otherwise, when facing others' Gold-tier trump cards, he had no way to counter them.

It wasn't time for him to be invincible yet.

There were many powerful experts among alien races, but he just hadn't encountered them yet.

But wanting to be the Umbrella, their collective influence would grow bigger and bigger in the future. Facing other alien experts was a normal thing. He couldn't have his underlings causing trouble and him, as the boss, unable to solve the problem.

Now most members were forced to join, but once they experienced the Umbrella model, they wouldn't need his threats and would develop their own downlines or introduce others to join on their own.

As the team's cohesion grew stronger, he as the boss couldn't lag behind!

Now the faith power output in the Divine Domain was basically fixed. There were only so many newborn Zerg each day. Increasing their tier with 50,000 extra faith power could increase faith power output, but it would take time to break even. Without increasing, the faith power provided was only that much.

From time to time, he still needed to replenish the number of Mayflies.

If he wanted to get a large amount of faith power in a short time, there was basically only one way: to rob!

But robbing others would have a problem.

It would result in unit losses, reducing his own faith power output, and the returns weren't guaranteed. He couldn't even predict what level of opponent he would encounter.

Exploring plane worlds in hopes of discovering some rare resources was possible, but it required great luck, and the time was unknown. Extraction and collection all needed time, so it couldn't be relied upon in the short term.

Looking at it from all angles, this was still the smoothest path.

Rob once, and also earn from the client. More importantly, the strength of the targets was guaranteed. Judging by these members' strength, their opponents wouldn't exceed them by too much.

After deciding what needed to be done next, Xu Luo began to get busy.

Although the tasks hadn't started yet and no commissions had come in, he still needed to prepare in advance!

Giving a lesson, causing some damage, weakening strength - those were easy to handle. Just send some facehuggers over. But for directly destroying Divine Domains, facehuggers alone wouldn't be enough.

"Zero, do you accept revenge type commissions? I have someone who wants to take revenge on another person."

An email was sent over, marked as No. 52.

"They really think I'm a mercenary?" Xu Luo muttered.

Since he sent out that announcement about accepting orders, many jobs outside of his usual business had appeared.

For example, one wanted him to play the role of a hunter to invade someone, then the client would appear to drive him away, playing the role of a hero saving the beauty.

No, that was a female, so it would be a heroine saving the beauty.

There was also one who thought their neighbor was too annoying and wanted to teach them a lesson.

Now, even revenge killings had appeared.

"Let's see what type it is and who the target is."

Xu Luo didn't accept just any job.

There was a red line before about not accepting jobs related to humans.

But because he also didn't accept jobs for some particularly powerful alien races, other alien races didn't suspect anything.

Generally, as long as it didn't violate principles and wasn't related to humans, Xu Luo's choice was to accept all kinds of jobs indiscriminately.

For jobs like Bukaduo's that only weakened competitors, he could handle many at the same time.

He just needed to transmit facehuggers over and then not pay much attention afterward.

Only other types needed more attention.

Those jobs of weakening competitors were also Xu Luo's favorite. They were generous, and his costs were very low. He could even pocket the transmission fees.

Compared to big jobs, he didn't earn as much, but his own input was also small.

In terms of the ratio of expenditure to return, this was the highest.

With more business, he could later assign tasks to other aliens to handle, and Xu Luo himself would only need to step in for those tricky tasks.

He could completely build a platform. At that time, he wouldn't be an operator but would transform into a rule-maker, doing nothing while enjoying the fruits of other aliens' labor.

After all, he didn't need resources. All resources were converted into evolution points or sold to become faith power.

He was still considering whether to establish a systematic reward mechanism.

Give members certain internal points that could be used to exchange some rare items from him, whether units or whatever.

He plundered others, and all the gains couldn't just be thrown into auction houses and such.

He always needed a platform to dispose of things, so why not consume them within the Umbrella, improving others' strength, which was also indirectly increasing his own gains.

However, this couldn't be done in a short time and needed to be done gradually.

But the preliminary preparation work could begin.

When the internal exchange system was opened, how could he not have anything attractive in hand?

He could also let other members sell things they couldn't use to the platform in exchange for points to buy other things they needed.

He could also use the platform to collect various things humans needed, thereby strengthening his own power and that of humans.

Being a merchant for all races was a very promising thing.

But there was still one problem.

There must be strong power to support it, otherwise, after the platform was built, he wouldn't have the ability to protect his own achievements.

Xu Luo naturally wanted to either not do it or do it to the best.

So the power of the Leviathan was very important and occupied a primary position in his puzzle.

Without these, he couldn't do anything.

Of course, tasks weren't always needed. Now he had just released this intention to other aliens in the Umbrella, and let them spread it around. It would take some time to see results.

[21/21+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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