Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 110: Zhong Tianyue’s Bad Luck

After Huang Yulang briefed everyone about the formidable students from other schools, he had the three classes form three formations, waiting to enter.

This time, there would be an entrance ceremony, similar to a military parade.

This was for the spectators from outside to see, showcasing their strength and preparing for next year's student recruitment.

After all, while schools choose students, students also choose schools.

Displaying the school's strength at this time could attract some powerful students later.

Currently, each school was led by their head teacher, while the principals were all gathered on the school's stage.

Below were densely packed spectators, with an aisle left in the middle.

At this time, spectators were being led by school staff, orderly entering the spectator seats in the large battle room prepared by the school.

It wasn't like a sports meet held outdoors.

"Friends who have come from afar, it's an honor to witness this moment with you today. It's time for our annual review of students' strength. Every time, there are always some surprises," a middle-aged man stood on the podium with a microphone, hosting the ceremony.

"I am Dongfang Cheng, the principal of Tianhai First High. I won't say too many pleasantries, as everyone finds them tiresome. This time, the main participating schools, besides Tianhai First High to Sixteenth High, sixteen in total, also include Tianhai Public Academy, Tianhai Girls' School, and Tianhai Interstellar Academy, for a total of nineteen schools participating."

Dongfang Cheng's opening was very concise, making Xu Luo, who was used to leaders giving long speeches at every event, feel a bit uncomfortable.

With just one pleasantry before getting to the point, this principal had something special!

"Are you surprised?" Huang Yulang smiled.

"The principal of each school basically comes from a military background. They hate long-winded speeches and keep things as simple as possible!"

After briefly introducing the schools participating in the Inter-School League, Dongfang Cheng began to arrange for the students from each school to make their entrance.

"Let's welcome the first to enter, the students from Tianhai First High. Leading at the front is the third-year top student, Fang Shuo, who is also the pride of our Tianhai City."

Fang Shuo's personal information appeared on the big screen. The audience was familiar with him, and some girls even screamed crazily.

Being on their home turf, plus Fang Shuo's high popularity, the atmosphere at the scene immediately ignited.

Those who came from other places and didn't know Fang Shuo could look at the introduction of his personal information on the big screen, learning about his achievements.

Especially at the top, there was information that Fang Shuo had already been noticed by the "Divine Wind" club, a Grade A God Fighter League club, becoming their reserve player. After graduation, he could go there to compete.

Just this alone was already better than many people.

Countless people struggled to get into university just to find a better club in the future, but now Fang Shuo had skyrocketed, skipping four years of time, not needing to go through the university route, naturally making everyone envious.

The big screen didn't just show Fang Shuo's information; there were introductions for others too. The top students from the three grades were placed at the top, but unless they were already famous and had a certain reputation, people didn't care about the others except for these three.

After First High passed, it was Third High, following the same process, quickly introducing basic information, then letting them walk past to their rest seats.

The order of appearance wasn't based on name order, but on strength ranking.

The third was Eighth High, then Fifth High...

Sixth High's strength was middling, appearing ninth, receiving scattered applause.

Huang Yulang and the second and third-year students were already used to this, but the first-year students who had just participated were very indignant.

"When the competition starts, we must make these people's jaws drop!" Wang Xiaoling, hearing the almost non-existent applause, was very angry.

Others, like Xiang Xun and Cha Lei, also didn't look happy.

At this moment, they were representing Sixth High, and others treated them like this. Naturally, everyone's mood was not good.

Xu Luo walked by silently.

At this point, saying anything was useless. Without strength, others wouldn't value you. If you want to get others' cheers, then prove it with strength!

Just like in his former world, when a group of professional players went to compete at someone else's home ground, the audience generally looked down on them, with all the cheers for the others.

At that time, one member said:

"They're too noisy!"

"Use our strength to make them shut up!"

All honors are earned with one's own strength!

First High's combat venue was very large, with rows of spectator seats around. At this time, students and teachers from various schools were sitting at the front, waiting to enter. In the center was a stage-like area, with game cabins neatly arranged on it.

After students went on stage, their projections would be displayed, projecting their battle scenes for everyone to watch.

At the same time, spectators could also use their personal assistants to cheer for the students they favored, even spending money to encourage them.

People watching online could also give rewards and cheer.

After the competition ended, there would be selections.

Such as Best Player, Most Popular, Highest Popularity, and so on.

The students themselves would also receive certain rewards.

Anyway, every time a competition was held, there were many variations. Influenced by the on-site atmosphere, spectators were also willing to generously reward and spend money to support their favorite students.

And students could fully display their strength, not only attracting support from the on-site audience but also possibly attracting attention from various clubs. If noticed by a club, it could be said that one foot was already on the path to success.

After all the school students had entered and sat down at the designated locations, the entrance ceremony was completed, with all schools making their initial appearance.

Although strength hadn't been demonstrated yet, some people had already started to receive support.

"Fang Shuo's popularity is really high!" Sitting below, looking at the popularity rankings appearing on the big screen, with Fang Shuo's popularity soaring, quickly surpassing everyone, Cha Lei sighed enviously.

He also wanted to be the center of attention, but unfortunately, he didn't have that strength!

Fang Shuo was not only strong but more importantly, he was handsome!

Although it wasn't an era of judging by appearance, with people paying more attention to your development in God's Domain, someone with a well-developed Divine Realm who was also handsome would definitely have higher support than someone who looked ordinary.

"As long as your strength is strong enough, you can do it too!" Wang Xiaoling said calmly.

"Me? I'll pass!" Cha Lei was very self-aware. He was slightly chubby, not ugly, but couldn't be called good-looking either, just an ordinary person's appearance. As for family background, he could only say his family's conditions were okay. Not the best, but better than average. His strength wasn't particularly strong either. Everything was just average. He could be called above average, surpassing many ordinary people, but couldn't be called a genius.

"Xu Luo is more likely. He's handsome and strong. Strive to win this year's Rookie King title!"

The first place in the individual competition would be this year's Rookie King.

"Xu Luo?" Wang Xiaoling pinched her chin, looking Xu Luo up and down.

"This young man is handsome, he really has the potential to be popular."

After becoming familiar, Wang Xiaoling's true nature was exposed.

This guy couldn't be judged by appearance. She looked like a good girl, but was actually quite a tomboy.

Xu Luo didn't join in their conversation.

He hadn't paid much attention to this competition.

It wasn't that he was arrogant, mainly because his strength really surpassed too many students. Having Gold-tier units at this time was actually bullying others.

Qualifying wasn't his goal; this was already in the bag. He needed to consider the later regional league, global league, and even the all-race league, multi-race league.

Having experienced the previous battle for godhood and seen the top geniuses from other races, Xu Luo had a positioning for his own strength.

He wasn't the strongest, there were those more powerful than him, but he didn't need to be overly modest. Among those his age, few could match him.

If possible, Xu Luo didn't want to participate in such competitions. He didn't want to expose his information to too many people's view.

Just like those celebrities, living their whole lives under the lens, with every detail of their lives known clearly by others, without any privacy.

His units were a secret. Too many people knowing about them wasn't a good thing for him.

Seeds should be hidden.

The lesson of Zuo Tianyao was still fresh.

However, with the All Races Conference beginning, humans needed to compete for entry slots in God's Domain, so hidden geniuses and seeds all emerged, no longer hiding.

Other alien civilizations were the same.

To compete for resources, each side used every means possible.

It was also because Ying Yingluo had lost her qualification to participate, otherwise, those alien races might have frantically searched for her location in reality to assassinate her directly.

Ying Yingluo's hasty ascension to godhood wasn't without this reason. Otherwise, with only a few months of her last year passed, she could have stayed in the novice Divine Realm for a while longer.

But the human side was worried that alien races would see her as a threat, so they had her ascend early.

This way, alien races wouldn't have to worry about her participating in the All Races Conference.

However, no one expected Ying Yingluo to become a True God in one.

Countless civilizations intertwined in space, competing in mutual confrontation, and integrating in competition.

For resources, no one would give up this opportunity.

Obtaining enough slot allocations, even if they couldn't use them all, they could exchange them with other civilizations for various materials they needed. Even if not exchanged for resources, directly exchanging for star coins would be an astronomical figure, increasing income for their civilization. It was a good thing no matter what.

Xu Luo didn't want to become the next Zuo Tianyao, so many times, when he could hide, he hid his strength.

If the Zerg really recklessly expanded their army, there were actually methods. The more Zerg, the more faith power obtained.

But he didn't want to be so flamboyant. It was better to progress steadily.

Just like how he developed the Umbrella.

It seemed inconspicuous, but if not paying constant attention, who would know that he had raised so many subordinates in secret?

If only calculating the output of his personal Divine Realm, then these submitted protection fees were an extra income unknown to others.

After the entrance ceremony ended and all students had made their appearance, the principals of each school appeared on the central stage. Not only to make an appearance, they were all once powerful God Fighters, and many people recognized them. No additional introduction was needed.

Appearing here was mainly for the draw.

There was nothing to say about the individual competition; it was directly arranged by the system with random opponents. But the remaining two modes needed a draw.

Whether it was the points battle affecting school rankings or the team melee, both needed a draw.

According to the rules, the points battle was a round-robin tournament. The three grades fought within their own grade. As long as one still had fighting ability, they could keep going.

If one person could win twenty matches in a row, there would be additional rewards.

The points battle required each school to fight against each other, so everyone had to fight eighteen matches. It seemed a lot, but because multiple matches were conducted simultaneously, it wouldn't take too long.

The team battle was more interesting.

Because the rules of the team battle were similar to the points battle, except that teams appeared in the team battle, and there was no grade restriction.

This was why many people thought first-years were just there to make up numbers.

First-years had only opened their Divine Realms for a few months. Facing third-years who had two more years of experience, and in a team mode, wouldn't they just be crushed?

This mode was deliberately designed to hit some people, letting them know there were always better people out there, and not to be too arrogant.

Even geniuses had those more powerful than them.

In the novice Divine Realm, because everyone only had ten years of development, the gap could easily be made up by some geniuses or capital. But after reaching the Continent of the Gods, it was different.

The gap between a Divine Kingdom developed for ten years and one developed for a hundred years was huge. As for being a genius, thinking you could dominate someone who just started developing earlier than you given the same time?

Who would give you time to develop peacefully!

There, what mattered was one's own strength, not years of development.

One by one, the principals went to draw lots. Some got good draws, while others got byes and could rest a bit.

Of course, at this time, Zhong Tianyue's face was sour, not looking good.

He hadn't expected his luck to be so bad, drawing First High right at the start. Although they had to fight everyone eventually, there was a difference between fighting someone first or last.

Directly facing First High, he was afraid the students' confidence would be hit, affecting their later performance.

If they faced a weaker school, won, and slowly built up confidence, by the time they faced First High, they would have a morale boost, and the result would be different.

But things being as they were, he could only hope they wouldn't be too affected.

The school ranking was secondary; he was afraid Xu Luo's mentality would be affected, leading to poor performance in the individual competition!

This was the most fatal.

If a seed couldn't even qualify for the regional competition, it would be laughable and might even affect subsequent resource allocation.

But it was too late to say anything now. He just hoped Xu Luo could hold on!

[16/21+1 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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