Rise of the Thunder Clan

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 64. Battle of Dragon Island

After a while.

Lei Dong and his party led a group of strong men on Donglong Island towards the outside of the hall.

Naturally, Zi Yan and Zhu Shi were in the lead. The Lei Dong trio followed out from the side.


Outside, the three major dragon kings and their respective armies have already arrived here, and they are now waiting for the so-called “Dragon King” to appear.

When the three big dragon kings saw Zi Yan coming out, they all had a slight meal. Although Zi Yan was still in her infancy, she couldn’t go wrong with the sense of suppression from her bloodline. The three dragon kings at the same time affirmed that she was the so-called dragon queen!

However, even though they did indeed see the Dragon King, the current Dragon King is not worthy of their fear at all. After all, she is really too weak…

Except for the candle hour, the candle seconds did not appear. Isn’t this the best time to slaughter Donglong Island today?

The Northern Dragon King’s face was gloomy, and he sneered at the two dragon kings: “Have you seen, she is still just a cub, she is really old at this candle time, even thinking of relying on a cub to dominate us!”

“Hmph, as long as you kill her, who dares to say that the king’s blood is impure in the future, let’s go together!”

The Nanlong King felt very reasonable, and if Zi Yan died, then the future Gulong Island, they would be the real royal blood. Therefore, as soon as she saw that Zi Yan was still in her infancy, she had to do it without saying a word.

The Nanlong King jumped up, and the strength of the three-star Dousheng burst out instantly, and he rushed away. Although the North Dragon King and the West Dragon King thought he was a bit reckless. But they didn’t mean to watch the show, and the two of them rushed straight to the candle hour.

In order to give Nanlong King a chance to kill Zi Yan!

Zi Yan and Zhushi just got their foothold, before they even had time to speak, they saw the three dragon kings rushing?

Zi Yan didn’t panic at all, after all, there were Lei Dong and two Lei Clan elders beside her. But the candle time was different. Seeing the three big dragon kings rushing forward, he shouted angrily: “Laughter, before the dragon king’s bloodline, you dare to be impudent too!?”

The Northern Dragon King sneered and said back: “Old man at the time of the candle, Xiu is going to lie to us, there is any Dragon Emperor bloodline here, go to death for me!”

Zi Yan is indeed the dragon emperor bloodline, but she is only in her childhood, even if she is of the same clan, she is not aware of the difference in her bloodline even if she does not enter the Holy Throne. At most, she felt that she was a Taixu Ancient Dragon.

When the candle was furious, he looked at Thunder. He knew that he couldn’t win the three dragon kings on his own. What’s more, the Northern Dragon King is still half-footed into the strength of the Four-Star Fighting Saint. Fighting alone, Zhushi had the confidence to take them down, but in a group fight, it was obvious that even the strength of his four-star fighting sage peak was a bit difficult.

When Lei Dong saw the candle, he asked for help and nodded to Lei Rao and Lei Yang beside him. The two had wanted to fight for a long time. Now that Lei Dong nodded, where could he be like a okay person?

At the moment, the two of them have their own momentum! Then each leaped up to meet the rushing Nanlong King and Xilong King.

With the help of Lei Rao and Lei Yang, Zhushi naturally had nothing to worry about. After instructing Zhuli to take care of Zi Yan, he also jumped up and rushed to the sky.

In an instant, the six fought. In this match, the South Dragon King and the West Dragon King realized the disparity in strength, but now even if they wanted to run, they had no chance at all. After all, they are facing the Five-Star Fighting Saint and the Five-Star Mid-term Fighting Saint respectively.

Even if there is a small gap between the fighting saints, it is quite big! What’s more, the gap between them is more than just a small realm!

In the three or five rounds of the fight, the South Dragon King and the West Dragon King were completely wounded. If it weren’t for their Taixu Ancient Dragon’s physique surpassing ordinary beasts, now they would be dying.

“You…Who are you!?”

The Nanlong King was holding his chest, looking at Lei Rao, who was covered in thunder and lightning with a shocked face, exclaimed.

“Old man, Lei Rao. Entrusted by Taixu Ancient Dragon Dragon Emperor, come to surrender you and wait.”

“Dragon King?” The West Dragon King frowned, and then said: “Did Donglong Island promise you any benefits? As long as you don’t participate, after Donglong Island is destroyed, I will give you a double Times!”

West Dragon King felt that with the current East Dragon Island, there was nothing to hire such a master. Therefore, if he doubles, he may not be able to instigate Lei Rao.

Lei Rao and Lei Yang were both taken aback. Obviously, they didn’t expect that these two dragon kings would feel that they were hired by someone with money? What status are they, even if they belong to the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, is it possible to invite them?



Just when King Xilong and King Nanlong felt that they could instigate rebellion, Lei Rao and Lei Yang saw the thunder in their hands!

Then the two met and shot at the same time, and Lei Rao said: “Rebellious people, also worthy of instigating the old man?”

“Boom !”

Two thunder powers blasted directly on the bodies of the Nanlong King and the Xilong King. Although the two were not dead, they had no combat power in an instant.

The reason why the two of Lei Rao didn’t kill them was just because Lei Dong explained earlier that they were here to help. It can be scrapped, no need to kill.

Lei Rao and Lei Yang defeated the South Dragon King and the West Dragon King, and Zhu Shi also kept pressing down on the North Dragon King. The North Dragon King saw that the South Dragon King and the West Dragon King had lost their combat power, and it was only a matter of time before he lost. At the moment, he looked at the three major legions behind and shouted: “Go together, this Donglong Island colluded with foreigners, intending to destroy my three islands, wait for death?”

Originally, seeing the West Dragon King and the South Dragon King being dethroned in an instant, the strong people of West Dragon Island and the strong people of Nanlong Island didn’t know what to do, after hearing that the King of North Dragon shouted loudly, they immediately regained their senses. .

They are all rebellious following the Dragon King. Now if the Dragon King is dead, can they still live?

At the moment, the fighting spirits dispersed one by one, as if they were preparing for a battle, and although Lei Rao and Lei Yang are both five-star fighting saints, if the three island powerhouses pounce together, the two of them are not afraid, but they can’t fight. run. But in this case, what’s the point of their coming to Donglong Island?

Lei Dong looked at Zhuli next to Zi Yan and said, “Elder Zhuli, quickly announce Zi Yan’s identity. Otherwise, Donglong Island will win today, and the Taixu Gulong clan must also be badly injured!”

How can Zhu Li hesitate, and he leaped up with Zi Yan and looked at the legion of Mishima: “This is the daughter of the Dragon King, the new Dragon King of my clan! The three dragon kings split the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, and there is nothing wrong with it. Forgive me, but you are all bewitched by it, as long as you submit to the Dragon Emperor now, you can avoid death!”

With that, Zhuli looked at Zi Yan again, letting her release her own grudge.


Thanks: Book Friend Condick (Sanlong) 700 book coins reward!

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