Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

72 Demon Clans.

Suggest some clan traits for these. Also, suggest names for the traits (even for the ones already named). I've suggested more than one name for some, so let me know your input. I have a terrible naming sense! So help me out. The most important and needed ones are the first 7 clan traits. This has nothing to do with High School DxD. This is for my own original novel that I will write in the future. So I will appreciate it a lot if you guys could help me out with the remaining clan traits. 

1. Lucifer: Clan Trait- Demonic Starlight

2. Asmodeus: Clan Trait- Sinful Delight of the Sovereign of Temptation. 

Members can dominate others' wills, making them yield to overwhelming desires or fears. This power lets them control crowds, turn allies against each other, and access the abilities of those controlled. It can be enforced through a special contract. The user can absorb and harness the power of others' desires and vices. Asmodeus members can drive individuals into excessive lust or wrath, leading to their downfall and creating chaos by manipulating emotions into self-destruction. The longer they fight, the stronger they get. 

Ability Names: Crimson Allure, Lustrous Dominion, Charm's Embrace, Beguiler's Whisper, Bloodborne Fury, Wrathful Fury, Rage of Asmodeus, Crimson Berserker. 

3. Beelzebub: Clan Trait- Gluttonous Lord of Pestilence and Death

This ability allows members to unleash a devastating wave of acid, diseases, and toxins that can rapidly spread across vast areas. They can summon hordes of demonic insects or creatures to carry these afflictions, causing chaos and panic among enemies while empowering themselves with increased strength and regeneration from the destruction they create. Members can also grant or revoke death, though doing so requires an extreme amount of mana. 

Ability Name: Swarm Sovereignty, Beelzebub's Legion, Insectoid Dominion, Hive Mastery. 

4. Leviathan: Clan Trait- Leviathan's Wrath/Serpent of the Deep Blue Sea/Sovereign of the Sea 

5. Asmophel: Clan Trait- Abyss Severance (An ability to cut through anything).

6. Andromalius: Clan Trait- Silent Water/Phantom Veil

This ability allows the user to bend light, water, and sound, rendering them invisible and silent. In an ethereal, watery state, they can phase through solid objects, becoming immune to physical attacks and most forms of magical detection.

7. Zagan: Clan Trait- Creator's Touch/Life (Power of Creation)

8. Mephistopheles: Clan Trait- Whispers of Malicious Pact (similar to Essence of Contract)

9. Dantalion: Clan Trait- Power of Time Manipulation. 

The ability to manipulate time itself, from slowing down or accelerating time around them to briefly halting it.

Names of some abilities: Chrono Reign, Temporal Command, Abyssal Clock, Eclipse of Time. 

10. Astaroth: Clan Trait- Accelerated Memory Partition/Mind Partition/Thought Matrix 

This ability allows the user to partition their thoughts, creating multiple independent thought processes that enhance cognitive functions and accelerate brain activity. Each partition serves as its own cognitive space, enabling simultaneous processing of thoughts. This skill significantly boosts mental agility, allowing the user to tackle complex tasks, strategize, and adapt quickly in various situations. It is particularly useful for learning and casting complex magic.

To calculate the total number of independent thoughts, the user raises the base 4 to the power of the number of partitions. For example, if there are 4 partitions, the total number of thoughts would be , resulting in 256 different thought segments. With this ability, the user can manage numerous ideas and strategies at once, greatly improving efficiency and decision-making. 

11. Paimon: Clan Trait- Lord of Lightning Destruction

Able to generate red lightning of destruction. Masters of lightning, able to generate and control bolts of electricity with deadly precision. Their speed increases when using their lightning powers.

12. Baal: Clan Trait- Power of Destruction 

13. Agares: Clan Trait- Gaia's Embrace/Terrain Domination/Terrain Dominion

Control over the earth and gravity. They can manipulate gravity fields, making objects heavier or lighter, or controlling the ground itself.

14. Vassago: Clan Trait- Demon's Mark 

An ability that grants enhanced physical capabilities (strength, speed, agility, endurance, mana etc) based on the emotional state of the user, increasing with extreme emotions likes anger or desperation. A demonic mark appears on the face during its usage. 

15. Amon: Clan Trait- Hell Fire

16. Barbatos: Clan Trait- Limits of Flesh 

This power allows the user to transmute the flesh of enemies, weakening their bodies by altering them into less functional or decaying forms, eventually leading to their destruction. With enough mastery, the user can manipulate flesh further, performing acts like flesh crafting, inducing necrosis, or reshaping the body to suit their will etc.

17. Sitri: Clan Trait- Aquaminium

Control over water, with the additional ability to heal using water-based magic. Their powers are strongest when near large bodies of water.

Some Ability Names: Tidal Serenity, Aquatic Resurgence, Waters of Rejuvenation, Healing Tide. 

18. Beleth: Clan Trait- Wind of Death 

This clan trait grants the user the ability to manipulate winds that carry a chilling aura, instilling fear and death in those caught within its path. The winds can sap the life force of enemies, weakening them and causing paralysis or even death. Users can also create barriers of deathly winds that protect allies or obscure visibility in battle.

19. Zepar

20. Botis: Clan Trait- Sword of Betrayal

Botis wields the Sword of Betrayal, a dark weapon that embodies treachery. It can be a sword or any other weapon depending on the person. With it, he can induce feelings of betrayal, causing alliances to crumble and loyal allies to turn against one another. Those struck by the sword become susceptible to corruption, joining Botis's cause.

While the sword is both a weapon and a conduit for his influence, it has limits; the number of affected individuals is restricted, and Botis requires sufficient mana to activate its powers, making this need a critical weakness.

21. Gremory: Clan Trait- My Luck

This passive ability allows the user to experience extraordinary luck, resulting in favorable outcomes and good fortune without any effort on their part. As a result, many positive events occur around them, making them appear quite lazy while still achieving success. They become susceptible to laziness. This ability also extends to those nearby, enhancing the luck of their allies and ensuring that good things happen for everyone in their vicinity.

22. Purson: Clan Trait- Oracle 

This ability allows the user to perform divinations, gaining insight into future events or hidden knowledge. They can locate any object, person, or place, regardless of distance. However, most individuals cannot use this ability at will; instead, they typically receive prophecies unexpectedly when the need arises. 

23. Amy: Clan Trait- Iron Ward (Barrier Magic and Iron Manipulation)

24. Bune: Clan Trait- Necrotic Wealth

Members can pollute gold and riches with a dark aura and control them. They can transform into a powerful hybrid with the upper body of a dragon and the lower body of a griffin, gaining immense strength, flight, and the ability to breathe necrotic flames that decay anything they touch. They also summon and control spirits of the dead, growing stronger in the presence of death and decay.


(i). Necrotic Form: Transform into a dragon-griffin hybrid with enhanced strength and flight.

(ii). Decay Breath: Exhale necrotic flames that wither and decay all they touch.

(iii). Spirit Summon: Command the souls of the dead to fight or serve.

(iv). Death Empowerment: Absorb life energy from death to heal and strengthen.

25. Glasya-Labolas

26. Ronove: Clan Trait- Familiar Link 

Enhances the user's abilities based on the familiar's nature (e.g., increased speed, enhanced magic).

27. Forneus
28. Gaap

29. Furfur: Clan Trait- Tempest Fury/ Tempest Heist/Storm Herald

Furfur possesses the power of Tempest manipulation, allowing him to control and summon storms, including lightning, wind, and rain. He can create powerful gusts of wind that disrupt enemy movements or unleash devastating lightning strikes to incapacitate foes. Additionally, Furfur can manipulate atmospheric pressure to generate thick fog or create barriers of wind. His mastery over storms also grants him the ability to enhance the destructive capabilities of others. 

30. Marchosias

31. Phenex: Clan Trait- Immortal Ember/Phoenix's Requiem/Phoenix Rebirth/Fire Rebirth

The ability to control and manipulate wind and fire, combined with near-immortality through regeneration. They can recover from fatal wounds and even regrow limbs.

32. Halphas: Clan Trait- Crimson Marionette

This ability enables the user to control puppets infused with dark energy. The crimson strings used for manipulation can be sharp and capable of cutting or ensnaring enemies. The Crimson Marionette can create illusions and instill fear in opponents, making them hesitant to act. Users can enhance their puppets with shadowy powers, allowing them to attack and defend simultaneously while remaining under the user's command. 

33. Malphas: Clan Trait- Living Hearth

This clan trait allows the user to create golems from the very essence of the hearth, imbuing them with artificial intelligence and purpose. The user can construct buildings and transform entire structures into powerful golems, granting them the ability to protect and defend their territory. These constructions possess unique properties, enhancing their utility in various situations, with the ability to change internal room layouts at will. The user can perform these transformations instantly, relying solely on their mana usage. The golems created through this trait are resilient, capable of withstanding attacks, and can serve multiple functions based on the user's intent, making them versatile allies in both defense and offense.

34. Vepar: Clan Trait- Flowing Water Reversal 

The user can control water and thrive in aquatic environments. By manipulating water, they can redirect any attack or energy aimed at them, sending it back with increased force. They can also absorb energy from surrounding water sources to enhance their magical reserves or empower their attacks. Additionally, their tears have healing properties.

35. Sabnock: Clan Trait - Weapon Blacksmith/Weapon Make/Magical Blacksmith/Magic Blacksmith 

The user can forge any weapon using magic, provided they have enough magical energy and materials at hand. The materials transform into weapons, and the complexity and power of the weapon depend on the user's magical ability, creativity, and the quality of the materials used.

36. Crocell: Clan Trait- Frost Veil 

The user can lower the temperature of surrounding water particles, including moisture in the air, to create ice for both offensive and defensive purposes. This ability allows them to freeze opponents in place, form ice barriers, or craft weapons made of solid ice. The user can also manipulate the temperature to create an icy mist, reducing visibility and making it harder for enemies to detect their movements.

37. Furcus

38. Balam: Clan Trait- Binding Oath 

Restrains an opponent with magical chains, preventing them from moving or using abilities until the oath's terms are fulfilled. The oaths can be as simple as verbal agreements. 

39. Alocer
40. Caim

41. Murmur: Clan Trait- Damage Reversal 

This trait allows members to reverse damage back to the source with increased power as long as their mana persists.  

42. Orobas: Clan Trait- Whispers of the Dread 

This ability allows the user to instill rage, anxiety, and nightmares in the minds of others with just a few words. It can drive individuals to the brink of insanity and induce vivid hallucinations, overwhelming them with fear and confusion.

43. Oriax
44. Vapula

45. Valac: 

46. Andras: Clan Trait- Master Alchemist

Description: This ability allows members of the clan to manipulate and transmute matter through alchemical principles. By using magical energy, they can transform one substance into another, whether it be metal into gold, stone into living flesh, or poison into healing elixirs. They can also alter the properties of objects, such as making metal as light as air or turning liquids into solid states.


(i). Elemental Shift: Allows the user to transmute elements, such as turning lead into gold or water into fire, by manipulating the inherent properties of the material.

(ii). Living Alchemy: Grants the ability to transmute living creatures, healing injuries, altering physical traits, or even merging beings with other materials (e.g., creating armor fused with the body).

(iii). Blessing of Alchemy: Enhances the potency and success rate of potion-making and enchantment processes, allowing for the creation of powerful elixirs and magical objects.

(iv). Transmutation: The user can temporarily convert their own body or others into a different material (e.g., becoming stone, metal, or shadow) to adapt to various situations in battle.


Complexity and Cost: The more complex the transmutation, the more magical energy and concentration it requires. Failed attempts can result in unintended consequences, such as creating unstable or cursed objects.

Material Limitations: Some rare or highly magical materials may resist transmutation, requiring specific alchemical rituals or ingredients to overcome.

47. Flauros
48. Andrealphus

49. Belial: Clan Trait- Adaptive Mimicry 

This ability allows the user to copy the skills or magical abilities of others for a limited time, enabling them to utilize those powers in combat or other situations. To do this, the user must fully understand the abilities they wish to mimic. Additionally, if the user has a connection or affinity with a creature, they can take on animal characteristics after fully understanding their powers, such as heightened senses or agility. Stronger connections and favorable relationships make this process easier. 

50. Decarabia: Clan Trait- True Aim/Absolute Strike 

This ability allows the user to create a temporary fiery bow, capable of being notched with arrows of their choice, including those generated from the same magical energy. Once released, the arrow bypasses all barriers and cannot be stopped until it hits the target. No matter what obstacles are in its way, the arrow will continue its path until it reaches its mark. As long as the arrow contains energy, it will persist and strike with unerring accuracy.

51. Shax: Clan Trait- Drain Drain 

Allows the user to steal one or more of the target's senses, rendering them blind, deaf, or unable to taste, smell, or feel. The stolen sense manifests as a shadow or darkened version of the corresponding organ on the user. With mastery, the user can also siphon physical, magical, and other vital energies from the target, weakening them over time. The user can even drain life forces and resources from the land, leading to environmental destruction, making this power a force of slow but total devastation. 

52. Amaymon: Clan Trait- Elemental Fusion 

The ability to merge elemental powers (like fire and ice) to create unique and powerful effects, such as steam explosions or crystalized fire.

53. Oswell

54. Bael: Clan Trait- Blood Magic 

55. Mammon: Clan Trait- King of Heavenly Delusions 

This power enables the user to unleash their maximum strength without any restraints for the duration that their magical energy lasts, drawing upon their full potential as long as the magic is sustained. During this time, their abilities are at peak performance, fueled by their self-belief. However, this power is a double-edged sword; if the user loses faith in themselves or falters in confidence, their strength may diminish, leaving them vulnerable.

56. Naberius: Clan Trait- Cerbere

This ability allows the user to transform into a three-headed hound resembling Cerberus. In this form, the user gains enhanced strength, speed, and resilience. Each head can harness a different elemental power, enabling varied attacks like fire, ice, or poison breath. This transformation enhances the user's combat strategy with multi-target attacks and heightened senses. 

57. Valefar
58. Marbas
59. Rimmon
60. Morax
61. Gamigin

62. Seere: Clan Trait- Seer of Catastrophes

Seere has the ability to foresee and manipulate future calamities. They can direct disasters toward their enemies, predicting their enemies destruction before it occurs. But it costs a lot of mana and burdens the body. 

63. Gusion
64. Amduscias
65. Ose
66. Bifrons
67. Haagenti
68. Foras

69. Asmoday: Clan Trait- Monster Lover

He can tame monsters and has the body of a humanoid bird. This ability can also extend to animals. 

70. Beleth: Clan Trait- Molten Matter

The user can control molten metals in their liquid state, shaping and directing the flowing metal at will. They can use it offensively, creating streams, waves, or projectiles of molten metal to overwhelm opponents. The metal remains molten, allowing for versatile and destructive attacks, but it cannot be solidified.

71. Eligos: Clan Trait- Fluid Shift

This trait grants the user a slime-like body, allowing them to manipulate their form at will. They can change size, shape, and density, giving them high versatility in combat and movement. The body emits a disgusting odor that can be controlled or suppressed when needed. Additionally, they can manipulate acidic or corrosive substances, using them for offensive or defensive purposes. Beyond this, they can absorb and use other liquids to enhance their bodily functions, such as increasing speed, strength, or granting elemental abilities like freezing, burning, or dissolving opponents. This trait makes the user highly adaptable and difficult to damage.

72. Buer: Clan Trait- Venomous Tide

Control over poison and acidic substances. They can secrete or manipulate toxins, causing deadly effects on their enemies.

Ability Name: Corrosive Wrath, Endless Venom, Acid Requiem, Venom Strike, Toxic Grasp, Poison Mist, Fumes of Despair, Corrosive Downpour, Acid Storm, Toxin Fortitude, Venomous Vitality, Toxic Alchemy, Elixir of Destruction, Acidic Weave, Corrosive Control, Toxic Spirit, Venomous Wraith. 

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