Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

30. Serafall Leviathan

Omniscient POV

Underworld, Lilith

In the heart of the underworld, where the shadows whispered ancient secrets, Claria Belial, a devil from the noble house of Belial, found herself grappling with a rising threat. The devil hierarchy was structured like a grand chessboard, where pieces were used to reincarnate other species into devils, serving as both servants and members of the peerage. Claria, along with her own peerage, had recently faced a formidable Cluster of stray devils—two high-class and four mid-class stray devils. The classes denoted their prowess, and the encounter had left Claria deeply worried about the surge of strays in her town.

Unable to ignore the gravity of the situation, Claria made her way to Lilith, the bustling capital of the underworld. There, she sought an audience with one of the four Maous, Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall: (musing) "So-tan... I hope she's safe. I haven't seen her in a while. Work keeps me tied up, and I miss her adorable presence. She used to be so enthusiastic about becoming a magical girl. Is she eating well?"

Amidst Serafall's musings, a knock echoed through the office, and after granting permission, the grand doors to her office swung open, revealing Claria Belial in her elegant devil attire. The report typically meant for Serzechs Lucifer, responsible for internal affairs, was delivered personally by Claria to Serafall, highlighting the familiarity between the two. 

 Serafall, adorned in a magical girl costume, looked up from her desk, a bright smile on her face as she exclaimed, "Claria-chan! What brings you to Lilith today?"

Claria bowed respectfully. "Serafall-sama, I bring troubling news. My peerage and I were attacked by a formidable cluster of strays yesterday. Two high-class and four mid-class devils. It was a fierce battle, and their numbers are increasing. I thought it best to report to you immediately."

Serafall's playful demeanor instantly shifted to one of concern. Serafall: (leaning forward) "Oh my! That sounds serious, Claria-chan. Please, tell me everything in detail."

Claria: (nervously) "It was a coordinated attack, My Lady. The two high-class devils seemed to be leading the Cluster, and they fought with a level of skill that we hadn't encountered before. It's as if they had a strategy, a plan that goes beyond typical devil skirmishes."

Serafall's expression tightened as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. Serafall, usually cheerful, grew serious as she delved into the details of the recent strife in Claria's territory. Her mind, however, occasionally drifted to thoughts of Sona, her beloved younger sister.

Claria recounted the events of the recent attack, describing the strength and tactics of the stray devils. Serafall listened attentively. As Claria finished her report, Serafall sighed, her concern deepening.

"It's disheartening to hear about the rise of strays in your town. We can't let such disruptions continue," Serafall said, tapping her fingers on her desk. "We'll need to address this issue promptly. I'll discuss it with the other Maous and see what measures we can take. We can't afford to underestimate the rise of these strays."

Serafall thinks about the main cause of all of this and sighs. Something that was created to help the devils repopulate has also started showing its adverse effects on both the devils and other factions.

It has become increasingly more difficult to foster a good relationship with other factions. She knows first hand as she's in charge of foreign affairs. Only if the devils were smart enough to treat their servants better!

And those arrogant and ignorant brats, always cause trouble for her. If only she could just abandon them and let them suffer. But because of her position, she can't.

Claria nodded, grateful for Serafall's attention to the matter. "Thank you, Serafall-sama. I trust your judgment."

Serafall's eyes sparkled as she stood up from her desk, her magical girl costume shimmering in the dim light of the office. "Don't worry, Claria-chan! We'll get everything sorted out."

Then Serafall started expressing concern about her younger sister, Sona Sitri. Serafall's overprotective nature and fondness for her sister were evident as she recounted Sona's recent disinterest in magical girls, a stark contrast to her earlier aspiration to become one just like her Onee-sama.

Serafall's face fell, and she sighed dramatically. "Oh no, my little So-tan is growing up so fast! I remember when she used to adore magical girls. I hope she's not completely against them now."

Claria offered a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it's just a phase, Serafall-sama. She still loves and respects you a lot."

The magical girl Maou perked up a bit, her enthusiasm returning. "You think so? Well, I'll just have to work harder to win back her affection. Maybe I'll surprise her with a new magical girl transformation. That always cheers her up!"

As Serafall fantasized about her next magical girl transformation, Claria chuckled at Serafall's maternal concern for her younger sister.

Returning to the matter at hand, Serafall continued to discuss the strategic implications of the recent attack with Claria. Meanwhile, in another part of the capital, Diehauser Belial, the current rating game champion and Claria's older cousin, was making his way to meet Maou Leviathan.

There was a knock on the door. With a cheerful "Come in!" from Serafall, the door opened, revealing Diehauser Belial, the current rating game champion and Claria's older cousin. His tall, imposing figure entered the room, and Claria, recognizing her cousin, greeted him with a mixture of relief and joy. 
Diehauser bowed respectfully to Serafall. "Maou Serafall, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. I just wanted to discuss a few matters regarding my upcoming match in the capital."

Serafall smiled, saying instantly. "Diehauser-kun! No need for formalities. You know you're always welcome here. Claria-chan was just updating me on some concerning developments in her territory."

Diehauser's eyes flickered with interest. "Oh? I hope everything is alright, Claria. If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Family comes first."

Claria nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Nii-sama. Your offer is reassuring. I'm sure we'll handle the situation, but your support is invaluable."

Serafall, couldn't resist adding, "Speaking of support, Diehauser-kun, have you met my adorable So-tan? She's been a bit distant lately, but I'm sure a champion like you could brighten her day."

Diehauser chuckled. "I'd be honored to meet her, Serafall-sama. I'll make sure to visit the Sitri estate after my match. Now, if you'll excuse me, I won't take any more of your time. Claria, good luck with the situation in your territory. Meet father and mother before going back. They wanted to talk to you."

Diehauser left after having an important discussion with Serafall about his upcoming Rating Game.

Serafall said once again. "If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask!"

With a final bow, Claria took her leave, leaving Serafall to contemplate both the challenges in the underworld and the mysterious twists of her little sister's preferences. As the door closed behind Claria, Serafall couldn't help but hum a magical girl tune, determined to bring joy and cuteness to everyone in the underworld, one magical transformation at a time.

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