Reverse World of Magic

Chapter 7


And Noah didn’t even resist due to his cowardly and timid nature.

They would leave him with bruises and scratches on his handsome face.

Noah even started wearing full-sleeve shirts going to school and at home so his family wouldn’t notice.

Although, the scars and other bruises would heal pretty quickly due to his magic talent and mana recharging him with vitality.

It would seem he had a great talent and would awaken to pretty powerful elements but he was oblivious to this and thought of it as normal.

Shane and his gang would be surprised how he healed so quickly and would again make him go through pain.

Shane had now gone pretty much astray from his initial goal and seemed to become a bully with his gang.

It seemed that power had corrupted him.

Shane now wanted Noah to drop out of school because he was becoming an eyesore to him.

So, his gang threatened to ruin his reputation forever if he didn’t do as they say.

The previous Noah was quite scared of Shane as he had become a delinquent, he would secretly do drugs and smoke while still underage.

His girlfriend was just a dumb woman who didn’t know what his boyfriend was doing.

A woman was considered to be responsible for her man in this world and his actions.

So, his girlfriend would be seen as a failure of a woman to not even control her man if we go by this world’s standards.

Yeah, the world would be at one end seen as modern with equality but it was the harsh truth was it still followed the basic stereotypes despite being so modern.

Women are the true masters of society while men are born to serve them.

A woman should use aggression and control, violence to get respect and authority, and must always have the final say about decisions in a relationship.

Women value sexual conquests over natural love and intimacy.

Women should isolate themselves and become emotionally withdrawn to solve problems themselves.

Taking help from a man is seen as low for a woman.

She should solve problems on her own without help from others and use aggression to solve problems.

Always act tough and defend their pride and be willing to resort to their physical aggression to do so.

The thing more absurd was the woman born is physically stronger while a man is born emotionally more active in this world.

Being always attractive and show their ‘femininity’, basically becoming an ‘alpha woman.’

It was hypocritical.

As how boys here in this world should be well-behaved and obedient while girls are expected to act out.

Boys should be thin and appealing to girls, there is something wrong with men who don’t want children, assertive men are often termed unmasculine and are ‘bossy’, ‘bitches’, or ‘whores’.

Men are natural nurturers while women are natural leaders, men don’t need equality in jobs as they are supported by their wives, men who reject advances from women are gay, men with children are less deemed for jobs and should take time off to look after children and the elderly.

This world is seriously reversed.

Shivers went down Noah’s spine as he recalled all those things he had been seeing since birth.

And in a world that even has the existence of magic, this is even more so cruel as well as not at the same time.

A man without power in today’s world is as good as nothing while a man with powerful magic or might can’t be looked down upon and had to be respected wherever he goes.

‘Sigh… I just wanted to live quietly… I was happy to be from my hell-like life and got a chance to live again but… no, no, no, I shouldn’t think too negatively of everything. I can still live happily if I just bear a little with a woman, have enough strength to defend my life, and just accept their stereotypes.

In such a situation, any guy from my previous life would be like in the heavens but for me, who already had a bad experience with women, it should be less bad and more endurable… Yeah, I can do it!’

“What are you spacing out for!? Are you ignoring us!?!”

He was yanked out of thoughts as a boy yanked his bag hard.

“O-oh… s-sorry, I was just-… “

He fumbled with his words a little.

“What? You bitch, why didn’t you drop out even after I told you?”

It was Shane who spoke while facing him.

“Well, If I tell mom to change my schools so suddenly, she will definitely ask me for reasons and I don’t have any good reasons considering I was just normally going and out of blue asking her to change my school would arouse her suspicion on me and being a mage, she might make compel me to spit out the actual reason, and you know If I tell her the reason, you and your gang- I mean friend’s reputation might take a hit which might cause you guys problems… so I didn’t tell her…”

Very slyly using his wits and intellect, he made a concerning story and excuse and this even worked as some of the boys in the group became concerned about their reputation, all the things they do are in secret and no one in school knows about it.

If it gets revealed, they wouldn’t be able to get married and would be outcasted by others for being unmanly.

Even Shane had a frown as he seriously contemplated his words.

Indeed, what he said was true, he can’t ruin his reputation, and his family won’t spare him if his actions are known even in the slightest.

It was admiring how he quickly made them conflicted with just a few of his words.

In his previous world, he was not feared by bullies for no reason and he knew how to deal with such people without being violent.

He acted timid just like the previous Noah and acted as if he was scared shitless by them.

Some of the boys from Shane’s gang spoke up

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