Reverse World of Magic

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

[Hello readers, we would like to announce that the first draft for the new novel is ready but upon further considerations, we have decided to release the novel at the start of next WSA competition. Until then, we will try to keep updating this novel as much as possible for now.]


Chapter 18

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a specific object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of calm and clarity. In the context of magic, meditation can be used as a technique for harnessing and absorbing magic by helping the practitioner to focus and direct their internal energy and attention. This can involve sitting or lying in a comfortable position, closing the eyes, and taking slow, deep breaths while focusing on a particular image, sound, or sensation.

Meditation can be used as a way to connect with the magical energy within oneself, as well as to connect with the larger magical forces of the universe. It can help the practitioner to develop a deeper understanding of their magical abilities and potential, as well as to access and channel the magical energy in more effective ways.

Visualization is a technique that involves creating a mental image or scene in the mind. In the context of magic, visualization can be used as a way to harness and absorb magic by creating a specific image or scenario in the mind that reflects the desired outcome or intent of the magic. This can involve using the imagination to create a vivid and detailed image of the desired result, and then holding that image in mind while focusing on the desired outcome.

Visualization can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as meditation or chanting, to help the practitioner focus and direct the flow of magical energy. It can also be used as a way to reinforce the intention and purpose of the magi and to help the practitioner stay focused and committed to the desired outcome.

Overall, meditation and visualization are powerful techniques that can be used to harness and absorb magic in a variety of ways. They can help the practitioner to focus and direct their internal energy, connect with the larger magical forces of the universe, and to bring about the desired outcomes of their magic.

Magicians often use one of them as using both of them combined at the same time is very difficult andmind-consumingg.

It might give better fruits compared to someone using only a single technique but in magic, there are no guarantees as there could be anything waiting at the end as the result and it might even cost one's own life so cultivating one's magic power is a serious and risky task that demands strong will.

But one thing surprised me a lot, from the memories I found how hard-working andstrong-willedd Noah was, he was either a fool or a genius, he practiced both meditation and visualization at the same time!

I am also left with no choice but to use them both together as changing my course of the track might have severe effects on my body and mind.

I would have also used both of them if I was in his place due to greed of becoming strong but as I read more memories, I realized that it was indeed very difficult to do both combined.

It required Noah to remember complex diagrams and magic incarnations as well as formulas in his head all the time to engrave it there.

He had to put it into practice as well daily.

Growing magic power was never easy for him and now I can see why he was slower than his sisters, it was not that he lacked talent but the approach he used to grow magic was very hard and time-consuming as well.

But I can endure this, I am a patient person and could probably endure it.

There are many people with meditation and visualization techniques present in the world.

Magic meditation techniques are highly coveted and sought-after practices that are believed to enhance and amplify one's magical abilities. These techniques involve the use of specific techniques, such as meditation and visualization, to focus and direct the flow of magical energy within oneself and the surrounding environment.

However, despite their popularity and demand, magic meditation techniques are not always easy to come by. In many cases, these techniques are closely guarded secrets that are passed down within certain magical traditions or schools of thought. They may require years of study and practice to master and may be accompanied by strict initiation rites and requirements.

For those seeking to learn magic meditation techniques, the path can be challenging and fraught with obstacles. Many magical traditions are secretive and selective in their teachings, and may only accept students who have proven themselves worthy or who have a natural aptitude for magic. Others may be more open and welcoming, but may still require a certain level of dedication and commitment from their students.

Many magical traditions are secretive and selective in their teachings, and may only accept students who have proven themselves worthy or who have a natural aptitude for magic. Others may be more open and welcoming, but may still require a certain level of dedication and commitment from their students.

For those seeking to learn magic meditation techniques, it can be difficult to know where to begin. There are many different magical traditions and schools of thought, each with its unique approaches and techniques. Some traditions may be more well-known and established, while others may be more obscure or underground. It can be challenging to determine which tradition or teacher is the most suitable or trustworthy.

In addition to finding a reputable teacher or tradition, there is also the issue of accessibility. Magic meditation techniques are not always easy to find or learn about and may require a significant amount of research and networking to uncover. This can be especially difficult for those who are new to the world of magic and are unfamiliar with the various resources and communities available.

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