Reverse world gacha system

Chap 13: Senjaku

Curses were running around causing carnage all over the area, killing people by the dozens. While every humans were screaming for their lives, she was strolling leisurely like a normal day as any. Everything was going as planned, she would swoop in and take it before anyone of the jujutsu society could take notice.

The scene of this event would be easily be faked using the curses as the scapegoat for her. The story goes that curses spirits has senses the finger of the queen of curses, managed to break the seals and snatch away the finger. 

"Hey, girls remember to crash this place as much as possible yeah ?" She said to the lot of curses around her.

All those curses whom heard the order, goes beserk even more and start to violently destroy everything. Soon enough the whole building would fall on these lesser being and crush them all. 

Turning to face one particular curse, she spoke to it like talking to a child. "If anyone that dresses like this, you go and kill them for me. Kay~?" A picture of woman and men wearing black suits was shown to it. 

The curse nod before running out of the store, eager to follow her orders. 

To the normal people, Senjaku might be a crazy person talking to ghost, seeing as no human was around her. Well they aren't wrong, around her was a large army of curses, not humans. 

"Hmm...what's this?" She murmured. 

Heading toward where the finger was sealed, she half expected the curses to break it already. Instead she found an intriguing scene before her eyes. 

There were boys, maybe twins, if their faces is anything to go by. They look much too similar to not be blood related, which would explain the small curse energy they have. 

With such minuscule curse energy output, she was honestly suprised how they can be alive at this point. Through, something does make them stand out in her eyes. 

'Could be their bond as twins ?' She mused over the idea. 

All twins are born will be considered as one entity. So it make sense logicly as that their bond would help them despite their low curse energy output. 

'But in that case wouldn't one be having more trouble than the other ?' 

Certainly they're aren't from the jujutsu high from what she can see, 'they aren't wearing the uniform.'  

Nor do they have any notable mark that could discern them from the big three family. 

Senjaku watch as the asuming twin killed every one of the curses spirit. 

The one with the sword is mediocre at best with the blade, he look as if he hadn't trained in swordship at all, she has seen better work in her lifetime even as a sorceress.

The one with the eye's techinque doesn't have anything special either. Technique revolve around the eye are not common but they are always overshadow by the heavenly eyes.

One trait that she was very interested by the boys was their ability to move with such coordination. 

'Speaking of, where's the current holder of that eye in this era.' She vividly remember someone from the gojo clan have that eyes a century back. 

'Not a good time.' She throught. 

In the time for her day-dreaming about the past, the room has been clear of curses. With one of the boy, the one that use the katana, holding the finger. 

It's about time for her to take what she is here for. 


[Gained: Suzuna's finger] 

Dropping it into his inventory, the system ping him with a new message. The two is near exhausted and are in dire need of a hospital. 

Takune, clutching his sides. Blood still dripping through his finger, coming out from all of the mutiple gashes on the stomach. 

Takichi lay flat on the ground barely able to open his eyes. He has spent most of his curse pool, with so much power used his eye can't open even if he wanted to. 

"My my, what are two cute boys like you doing here of all places."

A voice called to them, Takune turn. Eyes focus on the person that just entered the room.

as if awaiting them. A silhouette step out from the shadow, a woman dressed in a knee length skirt, A-line style, with long black hair. Overall she seemed like a any regular person. 

Then why do they feel a chilling cold rise inside of them. Despite the coy smile being shown in front of him, he can can feel the cold indifference sitting behind it.  

Both Takune and Takichi flinched as she take a step. He had to come up with a plan, and he have to do it fast. 

"Hey hey, don't fret. I'm not here to harm you." She spoke to calm them down, noticing his frantic movement. 

"Can you hand it to me ? The curse object in your possession." She spoke in a civil manner, a harmless smile on her face. 

His eyes trailling to her forehead or rather, to the line of stitching that ran across it. It did not go un-notice by the lady. 

"My name is yorozo." A lazy attempt to make him drop his guard with her charm. 

"That's your real name or the name of the body you using." 

Her mouth twitch, her smile even widen even more. But this time, it held a diffirent emotion. No longer cold, now interest as Takune can see from when their eye lock with each other. 

"Have we ever met before ?" Her eye turn dull for a seccond, her mind go to search of something before gaining their color again.  

"Never, this is our first time meting face to face." He said, technically speaking. It is the truth. 


"Well it seem my reputation has precedes me, alow me to re-introduce myself. I am Senjaku, a sorceress."  

"Now if you can be so kind to let me know you and your brother names." She inquire, still keeping that smile. 

'Brothers ? Ah so that's what she throught.' 

"I'm Takune, and his name is-" 

"Takichi." He'd let the other body finish his sentence. If the idea of them are related can help, then he need to make it look real enough to sell the show. 

He just have to piques her interest enough to let them go. With both bodies in bad condition- no, even if they weren't, they were no match for her. She is a thousand year old socceress that could easily kill them without a problem. 

"You should really give it to me, it's not worth dying over." Her eye track both of them, looking calm but laced with hidden danger that was well kept underneath. 

"I reckon that dying is what gonna happen to me if i do give it to you." Takune said. 

"Oh but i can't exactly let you leave." A fake trouble expresion on her face.   

"Kill us then, why didn't you kill us and take the curse finger right here?" Takune said, letting Takichi body to continue. 

"Because she taken interest in our technique. Isn't it ?" 

"You could say so, you two boys are very much intriguing to watch. So how about this then, i'll let you two walk but you have to leave the curse finger behind."

"How would we know if you won't back out on your words?" 

"Make a binding vow with me." 

At the same time, the system has a notice pop-up in front of them. 

[Make a binding vow with senjaku] 

[YES] [NO]

sorry for the wait, i am back now, hopefully with 1chap/week. I tried to add tension to the meeting, but as you can read. I did not do it, why ? Cuz i suck at making tension. 

Like i have said on my profile post if you follow me, my current goal is to up 1 chap per week, the current posting schedule is on thursday every week at 8:20 Am GMT time. If you want more update you could follow me or don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . 

Also you can pick a random item our mc will get in the next time he do a gacha pull in the poll below.

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