Reverse of the Rain

Chapter 12 | Earth Shake

“It should not be this place. It’s Elatar Earth Python!” Faye exclaimed, her face full of worry. “It should have lived deep underground... Maybe because of the first warning, they moved to the surface—”

“Later for that, what should we do? Fight or flee.” Aria stared at the moving mountain, trying to assess the environment.

Faye opened her mouth, but no words came out. She was still processing. Her hand tightly gripped her sword, sweat beads forming on her face.

“It’s still in infant size. Its power hasn’t fully grown yet. If you three saints can combine all your power, maybe you can do it, but it will be a tough fight. And this place has no water at all. This will be a disadvantage stage for you. I advise we should flee and gather more information, gather more resources, or call another for help,” Faye said.

“Okay, all of you run, I will buy ti—” Aria said.

“No! We fight! It’s just a mere rock snake,” Ella interrupted, cutting through the conversation. “Eeon can use earth element. If he can create a small crack, I will pierce it with my sword and break its bones from the inside.” Ella took her prestigious sword off the sheath. The sword had a triangular shape, with a handle ornamented with a star piece in the sky, a symbol of the church. She turned her head to Eeon, her eyebrow lowered down. required answered from glass mask Saint.

“I can,” Eeon said monotonously, while drawing his rectangular-shaped sword, which lacked a sharp tip and appeared plain compared to the other saints’ swords.

“But Ella, we need to gather more information. Why did it come to this area? How many are there? Or where are the people who went missing?” Aria looked at Faye, needing her help to convince Ella.

Before Faye could speak.

“They’re all gone, Aria. Or they all ran away. We’ve been walking all day and haven’t seen a sign of humans, only small monsters. I will take a command, Saint Aria. On this ground and far field place like this, I have more proficiency. This is the begin of my quest, if just this little monster that I can’t conquest it, I also can’t do the grand quest either.” Ella shifted her sword to the side, aiming at the rock snake monster. Her stance widened, knees bent, preparing for the fight.

“Lady Ella! Listen to Aria. We have to find reason—” Rain said, clenching his fists tightly.

“Stop your mouth, you filthy burden. This is not your ground. Go, run, as far as you can,” Ella said, pointing her hand to the south.

Aria furrowed her eyebrows. “Affirmation, Saint Ella will take the control,” she said, looking at Faye. “Connect us with the link. If you have more information or can provide more advice, send it to us through the link.”

Headed towards the rain, she said, “Do not come, this is more than you can handle.”

“But...Huh, I don’t know what all you think at all.” Rain took out all his water flasks and gave it to Aria, saying, “This is all I have. Is it enough?”

Aria’s eyebrow slightly lifted as she replied, “It’s enough... Thank you.” She swiftly took out her blade and cut the lid off the water flask, combining all the water into a small water ball that floated alongside her.

“Faye,” Aria called out.

“It’s ready.” Faye drew a cryptic spell on the ground, consisting of three layers of circles with numerous letters drawn on it. The innermost layer had a diamond-shaped cut divided into four pieces. Suddenly, a pink light connected the four individuals - Three Saints and the Red Witch. “Do not go too far. It will cut off the link. This is not my type of magic. My limit is 1000 meters.”

They all stated as they ran, forming a flank formation. They sprinted fast, with the sound of the wind scratching through the atmosphere, their bodies bending diagonally, and their hair flying on the horizon.

The stone python sensed the determination of the group and crawled as well.

Rattle! Rattle! land and rock stated moved. The earth shook, and rocks at the corner of the plateau fell.

Ella swiftly jumped left and right to avoid the cracked ground and commanded, “Eeon, take control at the front. Lock the monster’s position as much as possible while finding the hardest ground. I will go for the main attack and find the weak point. Maybe it came this far because it has a wound from fighting a lower underground monster. Aria, support Eeon in controlling its movement from a side. If the situation changes, I will give a commands.”

“acknowledge. confirm the formation. One to two distract formation.” Eeon moved to the front of the group and started jumping, saying, “Earth mother, accept my call. Land of soil and piled trees create a futile rite. EarthLander”


Earth, become a land surf. Eeon landed down at the head of the land surf, sitting half-knee with one hand on top, controlling the movement of the land surf as it moved forward, targeting the Stone Python.

Aria ran off to the right, far away from the surf, while Ella jumped and ran on the surf, following Eeon.

Rattle! Rattle!

The head of the monster crawled left and right, its dark black eyes shining brightly at the small humans its front.

Rattle! Rattle! Python crawled

Crunch! Crunch! Land moved

Both enormous phenomena come closer and closer. Earth around the area, starred trembling, pops up onto the plate. Nor earth rock or big mountain can stope and restrain the moves.

Rattle! Rattle!

Crunch! Crunch!

“Eeon It time! Turn to the left. Send me to the top,” Ella said.

Eeon moves his wrist to the left, his land surf suddenly moves to the left. But Python can’t change the momentum like a Eeon magic does.

Bang! Crash!

The sound of a booming rush of air filled the area beyond the reach of the ear. A powerful gust of wind scattered rocks and dirt far away. A cloud of dust covered the entire area as the earth shattered like a broken glass. The cracks extended far, to where Rain and Faye stood.

The monster’s movement came to a halt. Dust settled for a moment, but then the monster lifted its head, breaking through the fog. Dirt fell in line with its movements, yet its head remained intact, with no damage. It turned its head to look at the land surf that Eeon was riding on, crawling after them.

But in that moment, the air suddenly sucked into the sky. A small white point radiated a bright shine, becoming even brighter with the sun as its backdrop.

“That good! if you fall will that crash, you not worth will my prey,” Ella said, air gathered completely at the center, forming a ring of light around her body. She gripped her sword with both hands. “Light and cruel sky, tear and pierce into the heart. Only an empty heart can survive in this land, Heaven Pierce”

Lay of light flashed point to the head of Python. “Let’s see how tough your head really is.” Then Ella’s body suddenly blurred, moving at the speed of light, not even a tick of a second.

Shhhish, Bump!

Enormous Head of python crashed to the earth, but that wasn’t the end. Ella attacked like a hammer strike. The monster’s head bounced back slightly, and then came the second strike. Ella twirled in a circle and threw her sword with all her might at strike point again.

Breath stop on the moment of crash, light start combine into one, particle of light sways like a crazy, then suddenly burst bright light shine.


Shattered earth expanded, causing the surrounding plateau to crack and the land to slide. A massive landscape that resembled a large frying pan was formed. The dust settled, and there was no sign of any further movement from the monster.

Ella jumped back out of the dusty field, her sword still in hand. She spun her body, sending dirt and rocks flying, then landed back on Eeon’s land surf. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Hand that grabbed a sword loosen a little.

“Did it work?” Eeon asked.

“Yes, but the crack is only at the point of impact. The ground is too soft to fully resonate. Eeon, can you harden the terrain in this area?” Ella replied.

“No, the land is too vast to complete it with a spell. The monster’s size is huge, and even if we only change the landing spot, predicting the exact point of impact is too risky. It would cause a sloppy collision, causing your hand to receive too much recoil,” Eeon explained as he maneuvered his land surf to the right, attempting to create a circle to encage the Python.

Ella nodded to confirm the situation with Eeon. “We need to change the plan. Using only air style won’t be enough,” Ella said, touching her own lips.

“Aria, can you hear me?” she called out.

But no sound responded.

“Saint Aria! Can you hear me?” Ella exclaimed, feeling anxious. She realized the attack has also affected to Aria, considering her proximity to the area. Her hand trembled.


“Stop shouting! Princess! Your attack had a wide range, and it has affected this far land, too. My magic circle was damaged and got cracked. I will send information to Aria through the sky,” Faye said, her voice filled with discontent. “Aria’s skills in finding a safe spot are superior to both of yours. Let’s not lose composure so easily.”

After understanding the reason for Aria’s silence, Ella regained her sanity. “Alright, my last attack can hold it off for about five minutes. We need the Iron Rod around the area. Two, no, we need four. Can you send it? Can you send them?” Ella said and looked around the fighting area. Python stilled in dust field.

“Princess, are you an idiot? I’m a magician, not a warrior like all of you. How can I run around like a bull to send an items like that?” the Red Witch retorted.

“Can’t you just use magic?” Ella Eyebrow knot, displeased with the Red Witch’s tone. She sounds more aggressive than usual.

“Ha! Magic, magic, all of it not finish just by word. Why does everyone think it’s as easy as peeling a banana? I can only send two to you,” Faye said. “Which place do you want? Left or right?”

“We are on your left. Wait! Why you can only send two?” Ella, confused, She looked towards the south, where Faye was supposed to be standing by. A tiny spark of light appeared, and then a metallic pole flew in her direction.

“Eeon, continue to close the circle around the monster. If you’re ready, I’ll give you a sign,” she said, bending her knee and jumping off the head of the land surf, running along its tail. Her hair fluttered beautifully as she put her sword back to sheath, making her run more comfortably.

She gazed at the sky, calculating the position where she could grab the metal pole. bended her knee, moved hand back, land cracked. Whoosh! She jumped swiftly, her body becoming a blur. Suddenly, she appeared precisely between the poles, grabbing them with both hands.

She spun her body, creating an air box, and landed softly on the ground. She continued running towards the center. “Faye, why can you only send two?” she asked, swiftly maneuvering left and right to avoid the bumpy terrain.

“Is that a question? Tsk! He already took another two,” Faye replied.

“What!” Ella halted for a moment, confused about what had happened, but she quickly gathered her senses and continued running. “He? Who? How?” Ella asked, determined for an answer.

“Who could it be? Rain! He took it.” Faye said sound noisy with this dragged conversation.

“It was that filthy burden! He stole our things and ran away!” Ella exclaimed, tightly gripping the pole.

“It was because all of... Tsk! Ask him yourself. He’s already somewhere in the fighting field. He said he needed it to make a ski pole or something like that,” Faye said.

No sound out of Ella. her hand trembled. Her tip of hair fly. Lips closed crush together.

“That Filthy Bastard! He wants to make a fuss over me,” Ella said angrily, her eyebrow knot. every step of her ran, ground cracked beneath her, she jumped left and right, creating momentum. She firmly grabbed the pole, landed on her left leg, and stood firm on the ground. She bent her body skew, holding the pole over her shoulder with her right hand. Veins bulged out of her right arm as air sucked into her hand.

“A Ski pole, right? I will make him be meat on pole!” Ella Shouted. With all her strength and the momentum she had created, she threw the pole like a javelin.

Swoosh! Pole flew fast, piercing through the air and creating a hole in the dust as it scattered away. She could see the head of the earth python in the distance.

Crash! Boom! Pole hit directly at the target Head. between the cracked line that she struck for the first time, it has light shine out like Porcupine quill.

Meanwhile, Ella was furious to the fullest on the opposite side of the impact. Rain was sliding along the ground with proficiency, bending his knees and controlling his movements left and right. He had ski poles in both hands, helping him navigate the rocky terrain.

“This is funny, Right Rocky? I improvised, but it really works... What Rocky?... I know it is hard, but we have to help her, right?” A smile shone on his face as he continued sliding on the ground, carrying a lot of bags on his back.

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