Reverse of the Rain

Chapter 10 | Moon Ring

“Aria! Aria! We are so lucky! We found it! The black gems of the forest,” Rain said, grinned from ear to ear.

A dirty boy stood proudly, his hands and legs stained with dirt. He spread his legs, pointed his nose to the sky, and placed one hand on his hip, while the other hand show dark and ugly bag that contain dirt balls to her.

Aria squinted her eyes and looked at Rain. “What is that... Didn’t I tell you to go wash yourself?” she said.

“I already washed myself. Everything is clean,” he replied, still showing his dirty hand.

“Then why are your hands still dirty like this?” she questioned.

“Ah!” He took back his hand and wiped it on his shirt, but it only made things worse, spreading dirt on both his hand and shirt. He slowly lifted his head, gazed at Aria with a wry smile on his face, and touched the back of his head, “Hehe~”

“Huh~ My head hurts.” Aria grabbed her water bottle, opened the lid, then controlled her mana, causing water to float out of the bottle and form into a water ball. The water ball circled around Rain’s body, collecting dirt and dust.

“Wow! Your mana control is very proficient. Aria, wash this bag too,” he said.

“What is it?” she asked, while controlling the water ball to wash Rain’s hand and the dirty bag.

“Ho Ho, on my way back, I found this mushrooms, it called Truffle. It is really precious. It creates a rich aroma that enhances the taste of food,” he said.

Water ball carried all the dirt and floated towards a nearby tree trunk before returning to its normal water form. Rain’s bag filled with lots of black bumpy mushrooms.

“Is it edible? Not poisonous? Did you randomly pick some animal droppings or something?” Aria inquired as they continued walking.

Rain followed suit, saying, “That would be a shame. Chefs all over the world admire and recommend dishes made with this mushroom. Its aroma elevates the dish to a whole new level.”

“Ah, chefs from all over the world, huh? I see, but I’ve never heard of it,” Aria said, continued walking, used her hand to touched a large root at her front and jumped over it.

“You’ll see. Just a tiny slice, on top of any dish, and you’ll get a taste of the forest. If only my tongue and nose could experience all the flavors, I would soar with delight.” Rain exclaimed. He climbed large tree root and jumped along.

“Okay, okay, just a small slice, right?” Aria said, pushing aside a large leaf with her hand.

“Yes, just a little slice. By the way, Aria, the water by the riverside is so clear, and there are lots of fish...” he trailed off.

“Yes, yes, lots of fish...” she said.

“Aria, that tree is so beautiful...”

“Um, yes, it’s a beautiful tree...”

“Oh, look, That ChupaChupa...”

“Oh, let’s take that one...”

Both of them chatted along their way back.. Occasionally, they would stop and wait for Rain to gather some herbs or seasoning plants. They would also take breaks to catch their breath when they came across a picturesque landscape. Finally, they returned to camp just as the sun was about to set.

Ella noticed their presence come close. She approached Aria and asked, “Aria Here! Why did it take you so long—” she noticed someone unfamiliar standing with Aria. “Who is that Gi—”

“Ah, sorry, Ella, could you help me bring the pot from my tent?” Aria asked.

“Eh? Ah Okay!” Ella agreed and hurried to get the pot

Aria Aria then turned to Rain and said, “You too, we were late because of you. Go and lit the fire.”

Rain saluted and replied, “Yes, sir!” He set down his belongings, tip tap jump go to fire pit, he gathered dry twigs and straw, took out some oil and scrap wood from his sachet, and placed everything into the pit. Using his volcanic rock, he snapped it together to create sparks and ignite the fire. He fanned it with a bark sheet three times, and soon the fire was burning brightly. Not even a minute. Fire is ready to use.

Aria blinked her eye. “So fast,” amazed at the speed of his.

Rain then walked back to his bag, grabbed a truffle mushroom, and hopped onto a nearby stone with a playful smile.

Aria wry smiled, He really like a kid, talking all day long, after satisfy speaking, just random grab and go play around.

Ella returned, carrying a pot in her right hand and a water container in her left. Her small body looked comical as she struggled to carry something so big. She handed the pot and water to Aria, smiling at her. “Here, you Pot and water Aria.”

Smiled at Ella, “Thank you.”

Ella eyed wilder a little when she saw Aria smiled. last rays of the sun touched Aria’s face and hair, a radiant light illuminated. The edges of her hair sparkled with rainbow colors, and a warm sensation stirred in Ella’s heart.

Her lips parted, and blushing, her cheeks turned as pink as a flower. “So beautiful.. I’ve never seen you smile like this before...” Ella murmured.

“Could you please set the pot for me?” Aria asked.

“What happened to her...” Ella murmured.

“Ella?” Aria said.

“Eh Ah!? Have you wanted anything more?” Ella said.

“Are you all right?” Aria said.

“I’m perfectly fine. Set the pot, correct?” Ella flustered, grabbed the pot, placed it on the fire pit, and poured water into it. Some of it leaked out, but Aria controlled the water and made it fly back into the pot.

“Sorry” Ella said. Looked at Aria, smiled, still on Aria’s face.

“Don’t worry, help me with these vegetables, okay? You’re good at chopping, right?” Aria handed her some potatoes and onions.

“Um,” Ella’s tiny, cute hand grabbed the cooking knife and skillfully peeled the potatoes without biting or ripping into the flesh. “Did you get the boar?” Ella asked.

“Yes,” taking the boar meat out of the bag. She put the pork ribs into the pot and sprinkled some seasoning.

“Is that greater boar meat?” Ella looked at lean red meat with curiosity.

Aria nodded and placed the meat on a wooden board.

“Was it difficult to defeat it?” Ella asked.

“Um, Lord boar black fur is a strong one. He even reflected our blank point attack. I had to use Crescent to finish him,” Aria said.

“Oh... Even Aria uses Crescent, Wait... He?, Our?, Lord boar—” Ella said.

Aria concentrated her mana and changed the water into the shape of a cooking knife. Gently, she grabbed the knife and sliced the meat into cubes. The water blade cut through the meat easily, with the blood from the meat flowing into the blade. As the process continued, the blade grew darker and darker until it reached its limit. Aria threw in some concentrated cooking dust, transforming the water knife into blood cube and flying it with the meat dice into the pot. She then gathered mana to create a new water blade. The process of her cooking repeated over and over again, steady and beautiful.

“Are you finished?” Aria asked, pointing to the last piece of potato in Ella’s hand.

“Ah, give me a second,” Ella rushed to peel and cut the potato into dice, and poured it all into the pot. “Good?”

She Nodded, “It’s good. Let the fire do the rest.”

Only one last problem remained. She looked at the black, bumpy mushroom. Could it really eaten? Could humans really eat this? She turned her head and saw Rain setting rocks again, this time arranging them into a cultic magical circle. He sat with his knees and elbows adjusted precisely, placing the mushroom at the center. His eyes sparkled with excitement.

Aria shook her head, grabbed a mushroom, sniff a little, like an earth and tree, at least let try some, sliced a little piece.

“Aria, what is that?” Ella said.

“Eh, it’s called a truffle,” Aria said.

“Delicious? What flavor does it have?” Ella said.

“I think... something like a forest,” Aria said.

“May I try it?” Ella said.

“Are you sure?” Aria handed her a slice.

“Yep,” Ella replied, taking it without hesitation.

Aria Looked at Ella Chewed the mushroom, “Is it good?” She asked with curiosity.

“Um, the taste is regular plain, but it aroma is like you said, like a forest. Let me think, I am really familiar with it...” She closed her eye, tilted her head slightly, a second, clapped hand “Ah! It tastes like a dish at the royal palace, the kind they often serve during ceremonial events. Mother and father really like it.”

“I see,” Aria said, sliced one for herself. Um, it has a rich aroma, great for lifted dish flavor. He told the truth.

“Good?” Ella said.

“Um” smiled at Ella. Ella beam smiled back.

In the distance, Rain danced around the circle where a ritual was being performed. At the center, there was the tusk of a lord boar and the truffle mushroom. “Do you like it, my friend?” His mouth lifted slightly. “Haha, my monkey dance is good, right?” Suddenly, he stopped dancing, his eyebrows and arms down without weight. “Is it really time?” Tusk shines a little. “Um... Ok... Farewell My Friend... Wish your have a good life... in the next cycle.” The tusk’s glow faded, returning to its normal appearance.


The sun has already set, and three saints sat around a campfire. The sound of crickets filled the air, and the wind gently swayed the trees. Sometimes, the sound of animals ran through the forest could hear. The air grew colder.

“In fact, I can tell you that this dish is good,” Eeon said. sat by the campfire, an empty bowl in his hand.

Aria nodded at him, grabbed his empty bowl. Then walk to the washing area.

Ella stared at Eeon and said, “I told you we should take a break here. Finally, we have a wonderful dish, supplies, and clean water.”

Eeon stared back, and the only sound between them was the crackling of the fire and the silence of the night.

Aria stepped in, interrupting the tension. “Ella, do you want more?”

“Ah! Thank you” gave that her half-eaten bowl.

Aria received it, scooped more soup into it, and handed it back to Ella. “Have you prepared for the quest?”

“Um, I will do my best, but I’m a little nervous. Did you ever feel fear on your first quest, Aria?” She rubbed her hands with the warm soup bowl.

Silence for a second. Fire cracked. “Um... at that time, I wasn’t as strong as you, nor brave like other saints... I was fear for a lot,” Aria said softly.

Ella looked at Aria, her ears twitching slightly. “Really? Are you fear?” Ella asked.

“Yes, I’m also human. I know fear too,” Aria said.

“What happened? Was it a monster or a dangerous situation?” Ella said.

“No, not that. It was something very common. I just got lost and didn’t know the way back,” Aria said.

“Are you kidding? That doesn’t sound like you at all,” Ella said.

“I was also crying like a kid at that time,” Aria said. Smiled at Ella.

“Oh, you also like me... wait... Ah! You’re teasing me! I’m not a kid and lost the way anymore. This journey, I also prepared and read all the maps,” Ella pouted, puffing her cheeks.

Aria stood up with a smile, dusted off her knees, and said, “Okay, take your time, Ella. I’ll do the cleaning and check around.” She walked away from the campfire and silence fell once again. After a moment, Eeon spoke out of the blue.

“As you already be a saint, I have to tell you this information,” he said, crossing his fingers and resting his hands on his knees.

No word out of Ella.

“Her first quest was to investigate about winter. All of her and Saint Traler’s platoon died or got lost. After a winter passed, corpses and carcasses were found. Saint Traler’s corpse was beheaded, and the investigator concluded that. He did it himself with his own blade and skill. Aria’s signal was also lost for the entire winter, with no intel of her whereabouts. She returned alone in the spring, safe and sound, without any wounds, wearing the same clothes as the day she left. All the information recorded in the sacred book was also lost. The information she provided from her mouth was muddled, missing, tangled, and incorrect,” Eeon said.

“I know, I read all that information too!” Ella replied.

“Central Tower examined her body and found contaminated mana in her blood, showing signs of a curse. So when the time comes, you will have to—” Eeon said.

“Stop!” Ella Stared Eeon, Shadow cached all her face. She stood up and walked away from the campfire.

“... That time will come, princess,” Eeon said.


After finishing her chores, Aria approached the rock from a distance, carrying two bowls of soup in her hands. “Have you finished talking with your friend?” she asked.

“Yep, they all went to sleep after seeing the moonlight,” Rain said. He sat on the rock. Nearby him have rocks with varies size, they all have blankets made from a leaf on top of it.

“Here’s your soup. Be careful, it’s still hot,” Aria handed the soup to Rain.

He took it with a smile. “Is it okay? Can I really eat it? Will your team freak out if they find out that I’m eating from the same bowl?” He didn’t touch the spoon, as wait for her to ask to take the soup back.

“It’s okay, it’s my bowl. I made your portion separately, but the taste might be duller. I just dumped all the ingredients into the fire,” Aria sat on a nearby rock, pressing the soup on her lap.

“... Thank you,” Rain said and took a spoon. “Oh! Sweet! Delicious!”

“I only...” However, the picture in front silenced her as she saw Rain eat soup with deliciously. She lightly tapped her thigh. “You truly love sweet,” she said softly.

“Yep! my tongue can only taste the sweet flavor,” Rain explained, taking another big spoonful into his mouth.

“Hue~ Such a kid,” she said.

“I’m not a kid, I’m 18, I’m already a big man,” Rain defended himself, placing a hand on his chest.

“Okay, okay, big man,” Aria chuckled.

“Today, the moon is beautiful, right?” He said.

“Um, pretty one,” she said, gazing at the sky.

A tall woman in a red dress emerged from the shadows. “Aria, you’re here!” she exclaimed, walking towards them. Rain greeted her with a sweeping hand gesture, and Aria nodded in acknowledgment.

“Have you seen the moon?” Faye asked.

“Yes, we saw it. This place can see it clear.” Aria said.

On the distant horizon, the radiant white moon shines brightly, adorned with a blue ring that is split in half. Sparkling like magical stars, the split part of the moon has an enchanting glow. Its moonlight touches the surrounding sky, creating the illusion of a hovering lamp.

“It is truly beautiful, but cruel at the same time. This year, it comes fast, too fast.” Aria said.

Everyone turned their gaze towards the sky. Suddenly, in unison, the trio spoke.

“The first warning.”

“The first warning.”

“The first warning.”

On the Moon ring, on the split part, suddenly emits spike light on both left and right. now moon looks like an eye that always watching you.

“We have to survive. This cruel Winter.” Aria said.

“ the way, Aria, have you seen Rain?... And who is the girl beside you?” she tilted her head and asked.

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