Chapter 4: Chapter 04
Why was Jessica breaking Jim like this? Why on earth was this happening? How on earth had he let it happen? These were the thoughts that plagued his mind as he tried to make sense of the situation.
The more he looked into Jessica's eyes, the more he realized just how far gone she was. The spark that used to be in her eyes whenever she was with him was no longer there and it was all because of that stupid man. He felt humiliated in his own home.
Jessica had brought in another man into their home and possibly bed.
He hated to admit it but it was what it looked like. The strange man had not only been half naked but he'd also been staring at her as if he wanted to devour her right there and there but was restraining himself.
He wanted to kill him,wanted to beat the man to a bloody pulp for daring to touch his wife in his presence.
"Is that why you've been so distant lately? Why you barely want to cuddle or be around me?" He asked. He was aware of how pathetic he sounded but he didn't care. His wife was leaving him.
"Yes and no." She answered quietly, refusing to look him in the eyes.
Atlas stood staring at his wife, pain searing through every part of his body. He felt like he was being ounchrd in the stomach over and over again by an MMA fighter.
His gut and stomach twisted painfully at her hurtful and degrading words. Every word she spoke felt like salt was being sprinkled on an already open wound.
"You don't mean that…" Atlas managed to choke out as he stared at her with glistening eyes.
"I do Atlas. I'm divorcing you. We just no longer want the same things in life. I'll always love you but it's time I moved on and you should too. You have a week to sign the divorce papers."
"No." Atlas shook his head, "I'm not signing this, I'm not giving up on us." He said with a determined glint in his eyes.
All his words did was to annoy Jessica even more but she kept her cool. She'd after all accounted for his stubbornness.
"You have to. I doubt you can afford a lawyer anyway."
"Please, Jessica. This isn't you." Atlas said, taking two steps closer to her, "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend in the world and that you deserve this things but you can't just drop this, we've shared too much to simply break up. Okay, okay, how about this, I promise to get another job, hell, five more jobs but just don't throw us away."
He pleaded, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't lose her,he couldn't stomach it. She was all he had in the world, all he's ever ever known. He couldn't afford to lose her.
"I'm sorry, Atlas but It's over."
She said to him, her eyes going stone cold, "it's been over for a while, you just didn't want to acknowledge that it was."
"Jessica this is ridiculous…." Atlas tried to reason with her but was swiftly Interrupted by her.
"I don't expect to see you here once I get back, Atlas. Goodbye." She remarked before walking out of the house.
"Jessica, please, wait !" Atlas called after her but she was already gone.
Atlas stood in the middle of his living room for what felt like a lifetime trying to collect himself. He didn't know how to react to everything that had just happened. All he knew was that his wife was leaving him for another man, a man she'd had the nerve to bring to their home. Granted, she paid most of the rent but it waa still their home.
His hands balled into fists as he remembered the man asking her if she wanted him to throw him out.
Atlas thought about staying and waiting for his wife. Maybe they could work something out but his pride wouldn't let him.
He had nowhere to go but anywhere was better than waiting to be humiliated again.
He left the apartment ten minutes later with a few of his clothes and work tools.
He'd rationalized that the best option was to leave and go back to his mother. She lived in the worst side of town and it would take an hour and half to get there but he didn't mind. He needed to cool off and think properly.
An hour and a half later, Atlas was finally at the front door of his mother's house. It was a small cottage house, one he'd lived in with his mother since he was a toddler.
Glad he was finally here, Atlas opened the door without knocking, glad that his mom had still not changed the locks from the last time he visited.
He opened the door and sauntered into the living room. He had no idea how'd been able to make here with all of those emotions fighting against him but he was glad he did.
"Mom!" He called out but he was met with no answer.
"Mom, are you home? It's me, Atlas!" He called out again but was met with no answer.
He wondered where the hell she was. Was she in one of those church meetings again?
He wondered where the hell she was. Was she in one of those church meetings again?
He didn't want to think about it. All he wanted to do was fall asleep and pretend that today didn't happen.
He decided to go into the kitchen to get himself some water but as he rounded the small kitchen counter, he almost tripped on something.
Glancing down to see what had almost sent him to the ground, his eyes widened. When he saw his mother lying unconscious on the floor, several shards of glass scattered around her.
"Mom!" Atlas screamed, crouching to the ground to help her up
"Mom, wake up." He shook her by the shoulder but she just laid there unconcious on his lap.