Revenge Fantasy

#16.5 - Wronged (Interlude)

"W... What? Am I hearing you correctly, Oliver...?"

"Yes... you are. My sincerest of apologies, Charles. I'm going to have to withdraw from our arrangement."

Charles Ashford... the late Charles Ashford. A conversation that came upon his summons to an office, indulging in a tea cup of business as he sat across the table from a business partner of his. Disbelief on his face, with shock and dismay at this withdrawal.

The partner in question was a dear friend. Sir Oliver [REDACTED], a wealthy philanthropist that has invested funding towards one of Ashford's subsidiary charities. A dear friend who has visited countless times, who has worked with Charles on countless business projects and affairs, and one that had a rather beneficial impact to the cause itself.

On paper, funding was to be distributed to funding homeless efforts, constructing soup kitchens that could provide shelter and financial security in exchange for service to the community. Those poor folk with nowhere to go would have had a place to call home, a place to accept help and assistance... a place to reintegrate into civilized society. Charles sought to carry out this endeavor, feeling it would create a sense of community.

With Oliver's withdrawal, however, a substantial amount of this funding is no longer present, leading to the proposed objectives being unable to be fulfilled. Thus, Charles was utterly tense at this, feeling... wronged, somehow.

"... may I ask for your reasons, Oliver? You were quite charmed by the idea at first."

"I was, Charles. But this charity focuses on an issue that, on second thought, is admittedly narrow and limited in terms of benefits. I cannot, in good faith, lend my money out to a charity that does not have our best interests in mind."

"On what grounds is this not in best interest? A high population of people on the streets, sleeping on streets rather than a bed... a number that grows higher with each year, Oliver. Your funding could save hundreds of thousands of impoverished citizens."

"Charles... the homeless is not a pressing issue. You are speaking of men and women whose financial decisions brought them into that life of suffering, something they could change on their own... but choose not to. A charity proposing your ideas is just... I find no purpose, no point to it. Nothing to gain whatsoever. I sincerely apologize, once again... but..."

Sincerely apologize...


Charles tuned out the rest of the conversation. Losing the specifics of the words that came after this, only retaining the general main idea. The charity was not an idea that Oliver intended to support any further.

A decision he must accept in that moment to maintain pleasantries... but, after some time, Charles departed from this office, and made his way back to the car, unable to accept it. Sitting quietly in the car, with a tense scowl on his face for... a long while, after that.

Charles could not get those words out of his mind. In truth, it deeply frustrated him, irritated him, those reasons that sounded absurd and nonsensical to him. Charity is not something that you gain from, it is something that you do from the goodness of your heart. And Oliver simply spat on the very concept of societal altruism. Disregarded its high morals, abandoned the cause all for meaningless profit.

For lack of a better term, Oliver has disgraced their partnership...

Charles... sat, as he quietly thought... rethought about the entirety of that conversation. As he was mildly lost on what to do after this, as he struggled to figure out how to approach this major setback. Without Oliver's support, without his funding, connections and expertise, their projected costs would not be met, and - ultimately - the amount of constructed buildings will not be substantial enough to have meaningful impact. The charity was already on dying legs before it could even begin.

... and it sickened Charles, this failure.

Charles... needed to get his mind off of this. He needed to distract himself from this distress, from this deepest of setbacks. Needed to get this- this... this indignation out of his mind. Needed to focus his mind on other distractions.

And his most recent of distractions sat adjacent to him.

Charles looked to his side, looking to the child right by his side. Seated right next to him, the recently adopted 6 year old Chouko, just quietly having her face buried in a book. During the entire meeting, Chouko had been quietly sitting outside under the chauffeur's care, brought along to handle two metaphorical birds with a stone.

After the meeting, they were now headed to a boutique to go clothes shopping for proper lady's attire. Seeking clothes fit to turn a ragamuffin into a fashionista, hoping that Chouko would find... an interest... in wearing the finest. Something to expand past her passionate interest in books, of which the orphanage had briefly given him slight knowledge on.

It's a heartwarming sight, truthfully, to see her reading. One who is well read is truly an asset... but one who is unwise, who makes the foolish decision to risk motion sickness while reading in a car, is... unsatisfactory.

"... Chouko. It is unwise to read in a moving vehicle. You will feel nauseous and sick afterwards."

... no response.

The girl completely ignored him.

Charles... narrowed his eyes, briefly. His eyebrow raised at this lack of response, his wisdom possibly lying on deaf and defiant ears. Was Chouko refusing to accept his wisdom? Or was she so deeply lost in this novel of hers that she could not hear him? ... he safely assumes it's the second possibility. Ignorance rather than rebellion.

It's a heartwarming sight, truthfully, to see her indulge in such works. One who is well read is truly an asset... and he can't expect a new heir to be perfect on the first week. Charles quietly tapped her on the shoulder, acting to get her attention.

It is only then that Chouko noticed him, looking up to Charles and raising a hand to her ear. Seeing her hair brushed aside, Charles... curiously saw her pull an ear plug out. Answering his puzzling question of why she didn't respond to his inquiry, having the sound blocked out... only now listening.

"... o... oh... yes? What is it, Father...?"

... Charles got a closer look at the earplug itself, staring at it curiously. Soft foam plugs, a vibrant orange, standard noise-cancelling brand. "... hm. And this earplug, this is in good quality..."

"... y-yeah... the- the orphanage bought me these ones, personally... they, uhm... I find comfort in wearing these... I'm sorry-"

"It's quite alright, Chouko..." Charles responded, just... clearing his throat. "I was briefly- speaking to get your attention. Just a small, brief statement that you should not be reading while in a moving car. You will get sick."

"O-Oh, I- I know... that's- why I had the earplugs in... makes it easier to not be sick..."

Charles raises an eyebrow. "... re... really, now? Does it really help?"

Chouko idly answered with an explanation, her red eyes sheepishly blinking at Charles.

"Well... y... yeah. I overheard one of the c-caretakers mentioning it... see, it is caused by feeling two different things. W-While one's eyes stare at something still, b-bumps in the road make your ear feel- weird, makes it feel sick... s... so, with earplugs, you stabilize your ears..."

"Huh... then the effects of motion sickness reduce significantly..." Charles calmly finished the thought, looking at the girl with a delicate smile. "Well. I shall let you continue then... I would not want to interrupt your dive into the whimsical, whimsical world of..."

Charles took a peek at the cover.

"... Lord of the Flies, by William Golding."




Charles was absolutely bewildered at this sight, immediately recognizing the novel that Chouko has in her hands. Amazed and perplexed by this sight, watching Chouko just... reading a secondary school level novel. Something she wouldn't need to read for years. "Chouko... you've- you have been reading Lord of the Flies this entire time?"

"Y... Yes. I- I have...?"

"... I... I see." Charles sits back in the seat, just... curious. Outstandingly curious about this. For the first few days after her adoption, he's given Chouko free reign of the manor's personal library, and expected her to find an interest in the assortment of various children's works- and yet, here she was. Lord of the Flies. To his knowledge, it wasn't a children's work, but a work of children. Not for a child, simply featuring child characters- the contents of which are far too grown up, far too advanced for a six year old to read and comprehend.

And yet- Chouko has been reading it. The ramifications of a child reading it, aside, Charles... is astonished at this new information. "Interesting... how... far have you gotten into the novel, Chouko?"

"U-Uhm... C... Chapter 4... it's a fascinating-"

"Chapter 4?!" Charles asked, bewildered, leaning forward. "Y-You've managed to read that far?!"

"U-Uhm- y-yes??"

"That's- that's..." Charles mumbled, covering his mouth at this. Astonished, amazed, astounded. Three chapters she's either skipped, or- understood, somehow. A six year old that has not been frustrated by lengthy, pictureless works?! He leaned back against the car door, completely- utterly astonished.

"... i-is- uhm- is that bad? I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"...?" Charles raises an eyebrow, seeing Chouko start to nervously and timidly silence herself. "Oh. No, no, it's- I just... I did not expect you to be so... versed in literature, so soon. Lord of the Flies is a teenager's novel, intended to be read far later than your current years, Chouko."

"... o... oh... I... I see... I just... saw the vivid imagery of the cover and thought it looked nice... r-red books and all..."

"A fine choice..." Charles quietly responds. "Very fine indeed. It is a suggestion to not judge a book by its cover, solely as a metaphor to indicate a person is more than their appearance or mannerisms... but a cover is often the best hook to gather attention. The contents of Lord of the Flies are hard to get into, but-"

"W-Why would it be hard? I think William Golding is a proficient author that conveys- ... a... ah, uhm... s-sorry, m-maybe I shouldn't, uhm- bore or upset you a-any further than you already are..."

"Upset?" Charles asked. "You believe that you could make me upset by speaking about a book?"

"Y... Yeah... a-after all, p-people do get annoyed and upset when I t-talk about books. T-They tell me to shut up and stop, and- well, uhm... y-you did seem really upset when you came back into the car... I- I don't-"

"Chouko, that's..." Charles began to speak, smiling warmly at her. "... that's utterly preposterous. As your father, I could and should never be upset because of you. Fathers- no, caretakers, they are meant to raise a child, cultivate their interests. How would a child ever show interest in things they are told to be silent about?"

"... I... I suppose- they would not..."

"Exactly. So, I welcome you to- converse with me about the works you read," Charles offered, smiling wonderfully. "Given that you provide me time to handle my other affairs, I shall be ready at any moment if you wish to discuss in detail."

"R... Really?"


"L-Like, right now? A-Am I able to-"

"Yes!" Charles exclaimed, visibly beaming.


Chouko gave a subtle nod, starting to mimic Charles's smile.

From then until they reach the clothing store, the two of them engaged in an in-detail conversation about Lord of the Flies. Chouko more or less summarized what she understood from the book's beginning, leading to a complete literary analysis. The Ashfords dove into the symbolism between the characters, how civilization and savagery combine together, the inherent idea of societal ideologies clashing together with neglected responsibilities combined with wasted priorities...

Charles then listens to Chouko elaborately speak about the events of the fourth chapter, looking in utter astonishment and amazement at Chouko proving to be an outstandingly sufficient distraction from Charles's earlier conversation.

Yet, she has also become the closest thing possible to his dismay and disagreement. The subject matter of Lord of the Flies is, inherently, a reflection of Oliver's... decisions. Chapter 4, in particular, has a character neglect his and his hunting group's responsibility to keep the fire lit, leading to a distant ship completely passing by the stranded island. The dismay from Ralph and Piggy when the hunters return from- their hunt... and the argument transpiring from it, it... it connects too deeply to Oliver.

By withdrawing from the charity's efforts, by- denying his involvement over self preservation, Oliver... is Jack. The savage pig hunter, overly focused on his "savagery" enough to neglect the responsibilities of the civilization.

Thus, Charles had mixed feelings about this... most gracious of academic wonders, as he actively, actively listened to Chouko. Deeply connecting his own concerns with this work...

"... F... Father, a-are you upset...? U-Uhm- I- I can stop talking if-"

"No. No, it's not you, it's..."

... Charles took a deep breath, sitting back and looking out the window. An exasperated expression on his face, pure frustration as he stared off into the distance, gazing out the window and watching the passing buildings go by. His voice trailing off as he retreated from the topic, just...


Charles- in this moment, remembered something. He made note of the fact that Chouko had no disciplinary or behavioral issues... that none of the staff have reported her getting into trouble for anything. Yet, here she is... stating that the orphanage - the children and the staff - had problems with her. That people told her to shut up, to silence herself. To subdue her own evident- almost advanced passion for literature, for the sake of their own feelings.

As if she were speaking about a charity...

He immediately... immediately shifted the topic, changed the subject and asked for his own curiosity. "... Chouko. You mentioned that... people got upset when you talk to them about your books. Have you ever had a... disagreement with one of your fellow... orphans?"

"I... I have, y-yes..."

Charles... nodded slowly. "And how have you handled these very emotions? Or, rather, how have you been told to handle them...?"


A pause of silence between the two. Charles continued to look out the car window, while Chouko pondered and pondered, thinking of an answer.

Eventually, after this lengthy pondering, she answered:

"... I get upset... and I just leave them alone. I don't try to talk to them anymore... and... soon, I just stop being upset."

... and Charles stared at her after this. Briefly surprised by this. "... r... really, now? That's... that's interesting."

"... well... they- told me it's h-how the world works, right...? Y-You get upset, then y-you let it be and move on... s-so, uhm... uh..."

"Hmm..." Charles... thought about this answer for a bit. Is that how the world works? When one is upset, when they are wronged by someone, do they retreat and cut off all contact? Does one let time pass to rid oneself of negativity, to disregard the turmoil and distress that comes with dissatisfaction?


"... no."


"No. You don't," Charles responded, a glare in his eyes as he looked out the car window. Feeling that answer be... incorrect, blatantly wrong in his eyes. Letting his own personal bias go into his wisdom: "There are things that you don't let go, that you shouldn't let go. I find that... often... adults tell you to move on, to let it not bother you, because everyone has other things to tend to. It is a cruel thing to admit, but... people care about their own emotions above all else. If one does not protect oneself from others, then one ends up deeply hurt... running away from all their problems, cowardly retreating. Simply avoiding it all is- unfavorable."

"... o-oh... t... then, I just... what... what exactly should I do, Father, when I am upset in such a way?"

"You take action, Chouko..." Charles ultimately answered, resting a hand atop her shoulder. "... a normal six year old should not be bothered with this ideology- but, as an Ashford, it is best to learn early a simple truth..."

Charles stared forward as he visualized Oliver's face in his mind... his free hand gripped into a fist, conviction building up in his mind. Even without Oliver's funding...

"... people often do what their hearts tell them to do. People keep their upset emotions with them forever, and- act. They act on their emotions, and the smartest of us consider rightness. Whatever is right, and whatever feels right. People will disagree with your definition of right, but... as long as you believe with your heart that you are correct... then... then you can stand proudly, awaiting all to come. Both the benefits and drawbacks."


"Yes, Chouko..." Charles responded, taking a deep- deep breath. His heart and mind clear of doubt, the man listened to his own answer and formed his own advice to take. "... and that, ultimately, is how the world works. Adults stand by their convictions, their motivations in life. We think about what is right all the time. Something that you will- have to deal with later down the line. Something you will need to learn when you are grown."

"T... Then... what should I do now, as a k-kid, if I- if I don't know what is right...?"

"..." Charles looked at Chouko as she asked this, briefly hesitating before answering. "Then... then, you- simply look to someone for guidance. Later on, there will be people that you seek help from, people who know more than you do. Advisors, business partners, staff, friends-"

"A-And you?"

"..." A brief moment of quiet, before Charles- answered with a smile. A warm smile. "Of course... Chouko. You... you will always have my guidance. In fact- you will receive it, even if you decide you don't want it. You- you are a new heir to the Ashford name, after all... it would not be right if I said no."

Chouko- smiled faintly at those words. Holding her book to her chest, hugging it gently as she stared up at the man... calm, and content.

Charles, after the conversation and chat... after speaking at length, following his dismay at the prior meeting with a partner, felt his own conviction strengthened. Returning a smile to Chouko as well, both of them silent for some time- before eventually arriving at their next destination.

"... ah. We're here." Charles opened the car door, and stepped out of the vehicle. "Come along now, Chouko."

Chouko- gets out of the car, standing alongside Charles. Reaching a hand out to Charles's, clinging to his guiding hand as he walks her to the boutique. For quite some time, this conversation resonated with Chouko deeply... a memory that sinks deep into her heart. A memory that remained on the forefront of her mind. A kind, warm memory of when she felt the safest.

And it was the guiding memory that drove all of her actions to come.

"O-Okay...! S-Sounds... sounds good..."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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