Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 360: – Link, Start! – IV

*Idiots! You think you can beat the crap out of me? I've survived being hunted down by the worst yakuza in existence, and you think you can catch me just because you get a bit of special powers by being in a game? Hah!*


Alphy giggled as she watched Asako's stream. 'Asa-chan seems to always get into a lot of messes, doesn't she?' After settling into her chair to get a bit more comfortable, Alphy took a quick look around.

A sleek crimson sports car headed back to Roppongi. One that Betty recently bought for her private use after getting the first paycheck from Ars Nova Productions' newest game.

As responsible as always, Betty had volunteered to drive and was focused on the road.

Alphy was sitting in the passenger seat.

And then in the back...

"Hmph." Meggie crossed her arms and pouted. "I still don't see why we can't just take the train. It's only like five minutes."

Yudi shook his head and said, "Granddaughter, your elder sisters have already explained it. For such beauties, mingling amongst potential degenerates and deviants is too risky."

"Risky my ass!" Meggie smacked a fist into her open palm and said, "I'll show any pervs what it means to mess with me!"

Betty rolled her eyes and then said, "Risky your ass is correct in multiple senses of the word, Meggie. Believe me when I say you have yet to see the depths of depravity certain men and women will go to when confronted with a naive young child like you."

Meggie growled and said, "I keep telling you, I'm not a kid!"

Betty glanced at Meggie in the rearview mirror and said, "And no one will believe you with that attitude, my cute younger sister."

"Tch." Meggie huffed and then crossed her arms, sinking into her seat. After that, she grumbled and said, "Nothing happened when I took the train by myself last time."

Alphy's eyes widened and she immediately turned back to look at Meggie. "You did what?!"

Meggie blushed and said, "H-How else was I supposed to get to Akihabara? I don't know how to drive!"

Yudi covered his face and he muttered, "By the heavens... Like mother like daughter." He shook his head and then put on a serious face. "This Esteemed Self must make preparations to prevent another scoundrel from entering the family- Gah?!"

Meggie smacked Yudi again and said, "S-Shut up, Gramps! I know better! Nothing will happen!"

Yudi rubbed his arm and said, "Has your mother even told you the story of how she met your father? That scoundrel turned out to be a half-decent son-in-law after countless eons, but you expect to find one in a mortal realm such as this filled with so many degenerates?"

Alphy quickly nodded with Yudi and said, "Grandpa is right! And do you know how worried Papa is going to be when he finds out? And what about Mama?"

Meggie's face turned red and she pulled up the hood on her sweatshirt, hiding beneath it. "W-Whatever." After that, she pulled out her phone and put on a pair of headphones, pointedly ignoring everyone.

Yudi huffed and then said, "Unfilial Granddaughter! We are simply concerned about you, and yet-"

Betty glanced back and said, "Save your energy, Grandfather. Meggie is simply in her rebellious phase."

Meggie glared at Betty and said, "It's not a phase, Betty!"

"...And she has been watching too much American teenage television."

"I have not!"

Alphy looked at everyone and then laughed.

Meggie turned to glare at Alphy and then said, "What's so funny, Onee-chan?!"

"Nothing." Alphy hid her smile with her left hand and said, "I'm just happy to see us acting like a family."

Yudi let out a deep sigh and then said, "If this is how a family is like for mortals, it is no wonder their lifespans are so short. I feel like I have shaved off centuries in the last day alone from my granddaughter's antics..."

Meggie gave Yudi a sidelong glance and then muttered, "Hate you too, Gramps."


Alphy giggled again and then turned back around to go back to watching Asako's stream. But then she got a text message notification on her phone. "Hm?"


>Riri-chan: Alphy-senpai, is it okay if we use the VR stuff in the Studio?


Alphy blinked and then sent a quick response.


>Alphy: Of course! Be careful though! Papa said it's fine to use it to play normal VR games, but the experimental ones are a bit scary.

>Riri-chan: Got it! Thanks! <3


Alphy closed the messenger app and then tilted her head, thinking about the message. '...I wonder what our kouhai are up to?'

They had their first big collab coming up soon, right? Maybe they wanted to do somethign in <World Line> like Asa-chan?

'Either way, it should be fun?'

Alphy smiled and then went back to watching Asako's stream.

...Where Asako was currently running around in the middle of a crowd of players wreaking havoc like a Demon Lord with a bloody crimson aura.

Seeing that, Alphy let out a happy sigh and mumbled, "I can't wait to play with Asa-chan again..."

Betty glanced at Alphy and then carefully said, "Should I tell Father to prepare your dowry?"

Alphy blushed and then quietly pulled out a pair of headphones to put on, pointedly ignoring Betty.

Betty chuckled and then went back to focusing on driving.

"Dowry?" Yudi looked up from the back and said, "What dowry? ...Granddaughters? Are you listening to me? Granddaughters? ...T-This Venerable One apologizes, so would you please answer me? A-Anyone?"


A dark room, illuminated only by the light from a drawing tablet.

Hunched over a desk with dark circles under her eyes, Chihiro cackled and said, "Permissions? Copyright? None of that matters when I make it myself."

The copious amounts of paperwork that had to be filled out in order to use someone's art, video game, or music in a stream. The long delay between asking for permission and receiving it.

That was too much for Chihiro. And to be honest, she was of the mindset that fair use should allow her to use anything, but Japan didn't have anything like that...

"Hm." Chihiro paused and then twirled her drawing stylus around in her right hand. "Should I bug John about that? He's got enough money to push some legislation through, right?"

John and Myth Incorporated were already starting a revolution in the indie scene with the tools they put out. A free art generator, royalty free streaming services and support, then all the fancy VR and AR tech coming out... Wouldn't it be smart to start nudging those politicians to stay out of it then before they decide to be dumb and crack down?

"Meh." Chihiro shrugged and said, "John's probably got people working on it."

After all, John was definitely a secret alien overlord, an isekai returnee, a timelord, or an eminence hidden in the shadows. If not, how could he have gotten those legendary secret service people and the grumpy Uncle Kai to work as plain security guards?

Chihiro reached up to stretch and then said, "Anyway..." She looked at the thumbnail she sketched out on her tablet and said, "Time to start a revolution."


John paused just before walking through the door to the office room where they would be meeting Fony's Board of Directors.

Hana noticed and then looked at him, tilting her head. "Are you nervous, Mister John?"

The man leading them to the room looked at John as well and smiled. "Would you like a moment to gather yourself, Mister Smith?"

Sincere words, but one tinged with a hint of mockery behind the man's eyes.

John let out a sigh and said, "It's fine. I just remembered something troublesome I have to deal with after this."

That was a lie, but there wasn't any point tipping his hand to the opposing party in these negotiations. Not to mention that it'd be hard to explain why he suddenly felt like he had to scold Chihiro and tell Kai to sort her out.

"Anyway." John reached up to smooth his hair. After that, he adjusted his suit and looked over at Hana. "Ready for your first big meeting as an idol, Hana?"

Hana took a deep breath and then smiled. "Yes!"

John looked at the man and then nodded. "Lead the way."

The man's smile twitched a bit, and then he walked forward to open the door, revealing the conference room where the meeting would take place.

And when John saw what sort of place it was and the sorts of people sitting there, he had to resist the urge to let out a deep sigh.

'Goddammit. It's gonna be a faceslapping session today, isn't it?'

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