Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 207

Chapter 205 The first good

The youngest concubine in the Forbidden City, Shang Qinglan, who is only 18 years old, has been named “Shou Fei”. It is really ironic. Shang Qinglan doesn’t like the title of “Shou” and complains in front of Wei Caiwei, “Too old-fashioned.” “, Mu was sullen, as if she was going to lie in the coffin.

She is obviously at a young age!

However, in view of the fact that the old emperor had made her father a general Hussar and the chief governor of the Youjun, Shang Qinglan still accepted this title-it should be noted that the highest-ranking concubine Wen in the Forbidden City, his father was only sealed. This commander is one level lower than that of Shang’s father.

Emperor Jiajing felt the coming of death. He was afraid of death. This dragon chair has been sitting for forty-five years. He has not yet sat on enough. The title of “Shou” is actually given to himself. Called, as if wishing him a long life.

The Emperor Jiajing was afraid of death, and even more afraid of imperial power. He ordered Jin Yiwei to strengthen the surveillance of the Yu Prince’s Mansion and demanded to report every day.

Except for the actions of Wang Yu’s family, Wang Daxia even wrote the secret report about the supper eaten by the school lieutenant guarding Yu Wang’s mansion, and sent it to Lu Ying for review.

Lu Ying opened a thick stack of secret papers, and there was a list of vegetables and vegetables from Prince Yu’s residence today posted on the back. It was a headache to look at it densely, “You don’t need to write so detailed, it will take a long time to read these running accounts.”

Wang Daxia said: “The more this time, the more you have to avoid suspicion. Wang Yu has put himself under house arrest in the palace, and the door is not open, and the second door is not open. I am afraid that someone will be framed.”

“Take it to Commander Zhu.” Lu Ying hurriedly flipped through and closed the secret report. “Wang Yu has his own way. He has never argued for anything. On the other hand, Prince Li, you have to keep an eye on it. Don’t let it. The gambling ghost rebirth. Don’t reappear the Yaozi of Yuguanyin last time.”

Wang Daxia said: “Our people are in Li Huang’s house. We change three shifts every day. We don’t want to’protect’ Li Wei day and night, and go to the toilet together.”

Lu Ying said, “Thanks for your hard work. After this period of work, I will give you a long vacation. You can go back and get married with Dr. Wei at ease.”

Emperor Jiajing was in very poor health. Not only that, but he refused to ignore the advice of the Taiyuan Hospital. He took the “immortal medicine” offered by the Taoist priests every day, taking the elixir as medicine, and aside the decent decoction.

The imperial doctors tried to persuade them to be useless, and they were reprimanded by the emperor, so they shut up and dared not prescribe medicine-in case they were eaten to death, they would give the Taoist priests a scapegoat.

In order to deceive the old emperor who was afraid of death, the Taoist priests made various kinds of “auspicious auspiciousness” and glued a piece of yellow Lingzhi to the palace pillars. The Jiajing emperor renamed it “Yuzhi Palace” and made sacrifices. Taimiao-He didn’t even give names to his grandchildren.

The Taoist priests put elixir on the desk and bed of the old emperor, falsely claiming that it was a gift from heaven. Shang Qinglan didn’t believe in these ghost tricks, but the old emperor was convinced that he still wanted hundreds of officials to come to congratulate his watch. When Shang Qinglan saw the old emperor’s madness, she didn’t dare to touch the dragon scales and listen to the sage, and the Taoists toss.

The imperial power, such a highly centralized behemoth, when the controller is only willing to believe what he believes, see what he wants to see, hear what he wants to hear, and treat all opposing voices as “someone wants to harm me.”

Then, everything around will follow his heart and only show what he wants. And these prove that his approach is “correct”, using lies to prove fantasy, fantasy becomes reality.

Emperor Jiajing took the throne as a feudal king. He was firmly seated on the throne at the age of sixteen. He could still control the emperor firmly without going to the court for more than 30 years. Everyone was his pawn, but he was like a fool at the last moment of his life. They were fooled by Taoist priests, believing in clumsy lies such as Ganoderma lucidum and godsend immortal medicine, avoiding illness and avoiding doctors, and believing in superstitious pill, not only could not live long, but also accelerated their own death.

Therefore, except for Emperor Jiajing himself, everyone felt that Emperor Jiajing’s fate was soon over and there was no cure, and they were all waiting for that moment to come.

Wang Daxia is also waiting, but he hopes that this moment will come later. The wedding date between him and Wei Caiwei is still on December 27, but it was postponed for three years because of the three-year period of filial piety.

Wang Daxia folded her hands and prayed to the sky, “I hope God bless, the emperor will be able to pass this year at least.”

Otherwise, after keeping the family filial piety and keeping the country filial piety, when can we get married, he is 21 this year, and Wei Caiwei is 25 years old!

I have been looking forward to this day since I was fourteen, and it was too difficult for me.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, it is the day of sacrifice for brother Lu Bing. Emperor Jiajing was in a bad mood and was sad at Lu Bing’s portrait. He was old and weak and sick, and refused to be treated. He took the pill as a meal. After taking the medicine, he was excited, his skin became red, and he looked like a fairy, and seemed to have recovered.

But as soon as the effect of the medicine passed, he immediately languished. When he was lying on the bed, even the quilt felt heavy, which made him difficult to breathe, so he took the pill again.

Repeatedly, the body was hollowed out, leaving only a pair of skins.

With the lessons learned from Lan Daoxing’s death, all Taoists were afraid to offer medicine on Lu Bing’s sacrifice day. Emperor Jiajing sat quietly in front of the portrait, reminiscing about the past years with Brother Nai, only the sound of the north wind whistling outside the window.

Emperor Jiajing meditated on the futon. He couldn’t even sit still, and he felt pain everywhere. Taoists did not dare to offer medicine on Lu Bing’s Sacrifice Day, but Emperor Jiajing still had a lot of “stocks.” He opened the medicine box and took a pill with cold water. After a while, I felt that it didn’t help much, it still hurts, and I took two more pills.

The medicinal properties of the three medicines radiated, and a stream of heat injected from the pubic area to the internal organs to drive away the pain. The Emperor Jiajing felt feverish on his body, so he took off his outer robe. With disheveled hair and long gray hair hanging down to his waist, he was finally comfortable.

In a trance, the Emperor Jiajing heard the sound of horses’ hoofs and opened the door to look into the distance. A man dressed in a poncho and a red felt hat, riding a lightning-fast, sweaty BMW galloping.

It is the nanny Lu Bing. Before the Emperor Jiajing called him into the palace to discuss matters, no matter what the festival, weather, time, or even midnight, only the emperor called, Lu Bing would definitely arrive immediately, rain or shine. As long as the nurse comes, any tricky things can be solved, and all crises can be overcome.

Regardless of the wind and snow outside, Emperor Jiajing ran out. At that moment, the aging and illness disappeared. The white hair, wrinkles, hunchback, old cold legs, loose flesh, etc. were also gone, turning into a black hair and red lips. , Green young man with hydrated skin.

He is still the fifteen-year-old feudal lord of Anlu, Hubei. His biggest dream is when he can leave the domain and see the world outside.

The two met under the snowy palace road, Lu Bing stretched out his hand on the sweaty BMW, “His Royal Highness, I will take you home.”

This is a dream. The Xianwang Mansion in Anlu, Hubei Province was the place Jiajing Emperor always wanted to escape when he was young, but in his twilight years, it was the place he most wanted to go.

Go home, back to the original beauty (Note 1)

Emperor Jiajing held Lu Bing’s hand, his body rose into the air, and sat behind Lu Bing, as usual, tightly around the waist of Brother Nanny.

Lu Bing was riding his horse and riding his whip. The sweaty and **** BMW ran like a whip. The icy snow under the horse’s hooves slowly turned into Anlu rice fields. The air was faintly fragrant, and the snowy days turned into summer nights. The fragrance of the rice flower says good harvest, and when you hear the sound of frogs, there are glowing green fireflies everywhere.

Emperor Jiajing stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the fireflies gleamed in his fist, revealing a green light from between his fingers.

Lu Bing asked, “How many fireflies did your Highness catch?”

Emperor Jiajing released his hand, and three fireflies flew out of his palm. The young Emperor Jiajing and Lu Bing jumped off their horses to chase the fireflies, chasing after them. They turned from teenagers into two young children, muddy each other’s faces, and became two clay figures…

For a long time, the **** Huang Jin, the **** of the eunuch’s palm seal, didn’t hear the Jiajing emperor calling someone inside, and didn’t dare to bother. When it was noon, it was time to eat, but there was still nothing.

Not allowing the emperor to be hungry, Huang Jin dared to push the door in, and saw that Emperor Jiajing was wearing only a single coat, with a disheveled hair, and even his shoes and socks. He was lying on his back on the futon as if it was summer.

This scene of Huang Jin is commonplace. After taking the medicine, the body becomes hot, the skin is sensitive, and it is painful to the touch, so he needs to take off his clothes and send it out to spread the medicine.

Huang Jin quickly helped Jiajing Emperor, “The emperor, the ground is cold.”

But this time, Emperor Jiajing did not respond. Huang Jin realized that something was wrong, and quickly called the imperial physician.

The imperial physicians were at a loss for the Jiajing Emperor’s condition, the oil was dead, the gods could not be saved, and they dared not let go for treatment, fearing to take responsibility.

The cabinet chief Xu Jie locked up all the Taoist priests who offered medicine, and comforted the educated doctors: “You can let go of the treatment, the emperor’s body is damaged by these evil ways, and it has nothing to do with you.”

With the assurance of the chief assistant of the cabinet, the imperial physicians used their abilities to rescue Emperor Jiajing. There is merit in curing the life, but there are Taoist priests responsible for the death.

Xu Jie wanted to save the life of the old emperor because the country could not have a king for a day. The emperor was in a coma and Wang Yu, as the de facto prince, wanted to start the post of supervising the country.

Once King Yu supervises the country, he can justly issue orders, grasp authority, and allow the imperial power to smoothly transition. Therefore, Emperor Jiajing cannot die yet.

King Yu entered the palace under the **** of Jin Yiwei.

Afraid of mistakes, Wang Daxia ordered his subordinates to keep King Jing Gong’s birth mother Lu Jing (yes, she is still alive) firmly, just like guarding the gambling ghost Li Wei, even going to the toilet to ensure that King Yu is in the Forbidden City. Security.

I’m getting married in eighteen days, old emperor, you must hold onto it!

However, Wei Caiwei of Tianshuixiang remained calm. Since Concubine Shang Shou told her that the old emperor started to abuse the pill, she knew that this generation of Emperor Jiajing would repeat the same mistakes and would not survive this year.

Fortunately, as a courtier, Guo’s filial piety is one hundred days, and the wedding is about to be postponed for three months. Three years later, I waited for another three years, and it is not bad for these three months.

Forbidden City, Xiyuan.

“His Royal Highness, the edict has been drafted, please read it.” Xu Jie, the chief assistant of the cabinet, showed the edict of Emperor Jiajing to King Yu.

Emperor Jiajing hadn’t died yet, and fell asleep like a living dead. When he was in a coma, he did not make his only son, King Yu, as the prince. He was afraid of dividing his imperial power. Of course, he did not leave the so-called legacy in advance.

Emperor Jiajing is now a doll to be fiddled with, and he can’t be the master of what is written in the will.

King Yu opened the first draft of the “Edict”, “I used the ancestor to join the Datong, and was awarded the Fengzong Temple for 45 years… The prince Yu Wang, benevolent, filial and wise, succeeded in following the precepts of the ancestors, and follow the sentiments of the community, Emperor.”

This is a will to explain one’s orthodox status and point out who the heir to the throne is, simple and clear.

However, for Yu Wang, this is not enough. Seeing the emperor Jiajing who was weak and helpless like a baby on Longta, Wang Yu had endured 30 years of grievances and anger sprayed out. The emperor scolded harshly and wrote:

“…In pursuit of longevity, the treacherous people took the opportunity to confuse… The ancestors of the Jiao Miao were not married, and the rituals of the courts were abolished for a long time… Every thought was given regret…”

After the scolding, Wang Yu wrote: “Since he took the throne, he has suggested that he has offended the ministers, the survivors are called in, and the deceased are recorded. Those who see prisoners are released and reinstated; the alchemists, etc., check their sentiments and commit punishments. Chapter: The things that do not take care of the people, such as the purchase of fast foods, etc., are all stopped.”

This means that after Emperor Jiajing’s succession to the throne, all the wronged prisons will be released and the officials must be restored to their posts. Rehabilitation must be done; all the stinky Taoists will be executed; all the projects related to immortality and monasticism will be stopped.

After finishing writing, Wang Yu gave the revised edict to Xu Jie, “Follow this and polish it up again.”

Xu Jie opened it and saw that his son scolded Lao Tzu in order to vent his grievances for many years. But the following three new policies are powerful. The first is to rehabilitate the snow, use the old ministers, and buy people’s hearts. The second is to severely punish Taoist priests who have done evil for many years and conform to the people’s will. The third day is to abolish all Taoist temples in the Forbidden City to save money.

These three things come out, and the world is back! This King Yu has something.

The author has something to say: Note 1: Go home and return to the original beauty-Jay Chou “Scent of Rice”

The title of the chapter where Lu Bing left this book is “The Original Oath”. When Emperor Jiajing left, it was “the first goodness”, which could be echoed in the distance.

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