Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 176

Chapter 174 An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

Wang Daxia hung the head of King Ming on the Ming banner that he had prepared for a long time, and then set three red fireworks against the sky, indicating that he had succeeded.

Seeing the signal, people responding outside shouted: “The King of Ming is dead! Rejuvenate the city!”

Even Luo Longwen, who was tortured by gout, chanted in the streets and alleys, lit the altars of the White Lotus Church, set fire everywhere, and a handful of old bones were also boiling with blood, as if he was back in his youth.

This time, the Japanese pirates in the city were like the defenders of Xinghua City last time. Hearing the news of the destruction of the city, they all retreated without fighting intentions.

Wang Daxia raised the flag with the head of Ming Wang to the highest point of the arrow tower, and lit the sea lamp below. Under the light, Ming Wang’s eyes looked down on Xinghua City with his deadly eyes, and his bald head shone brightly under the lights.

King Ming is dead, Bailianjiao Iron Bull is dead.

The real Japanese pirate and King Ming had only a short-term cooperative relationship. Seeing that King Ming was dead, they didn’t love fighting, and just wanted to escape from the siege, but this time it was not that simple to run. After a Japanese pirate hit the double walls of the empire, no one survived.

The faithful followers of the White Lotus Sect rushed towards the arrow tower like moths to the fire to **** the head of King Ming. Luo Longwen lent the guards of Wang Daxia’s Santong Escort to shoot to protect the Daming flag.

However, these believers who were brainwashed by cults were not afraid of death. One row of people fell, and the other row continued on the corpse. Whether they were bows or bullets, they were hit by rain.

The believers came to the arrow tower with a rain of guns and bullets, armed with their weapons, and fought hand-to-hand with the guards. These believers are like wood, they are not afraid of pain or death, and even knowing that their stomachs are broken, they must rush to firmly hold the weapons and embrace The dart master, so that the companion can stab the dart master.

These believers are just human-shaped moths. Knowing that they will die, they still rushed into the fire without hesitation. After several rows of believers fell, the thirty guards guarding the arrow tower also died heroically.

Seeing this scene, Wang Daxia at the top of the arrow tower was shocked!

Now it’s too late to escape by jumping off the building. If you jump from such a high place, you will fall to death.

But the believers have rushed forward. He may be able to beat ten people, but if a hundred come, he will be beaten to death.

How to do?

At the critical moment, Wang Daxia had an idea and thought of a way. He tore the skirt into strips, tied his hands and hands and feet, and then lay down beside the sea lantern, shouting for help!

The believers rushed up, Wang Daxia cried with her nose and tears, and pointed her chin at King Ming’s head, “Leave me alone! Save King Ming first!”

A good couple has a deep love (adulter/wife)!

Some believers went to save their heads, and some pointed at Wang Daxia and yelled: “You are the confidant who killed King Ming! You treat these escorts as good people, promote them and use them again, but they cut off King Ming’s head. The pro-little man, the far sage, the king of Ming was deceived by you as a bitch, separated from the Japanese, and alienated us from the north to the south to seek life loyalty. It is all your fault!”

The mountains and rivers are broken, and they are used to finding a woman to condemn the king of the subjugated kingdom. The emperor is good, but women are not good. What Su Daji, Bao Si, Zhao Hede, Yang Guifei, Wang Daxia are all coquettish **** who confuse the emperor!

Wang Daxia didn’t argue, and cried: “This is the end of the matter. Just hit and scold you. I won’t resist. I should have killed King Ming with my body. But, I have the flesh and blood of King Ming, so what is my fate? , I haven’t given birth to a son for King Ming! When I have a baby, I will die.”

The believers were surprised and delighted. No wonder King Ming was so fond of this married woman. It turned out that she was pregnant and mothers depended on their children.

When Wang Daxia met her head and wept for the ground, the believers quickly untied the ropes on his hands and feet, and helped him up, “Be careful of hurting your fetal gas. You are not a pity for your life. If you can’t even keep your child, we will burn you.” Now, go underground and serve King Ming.”

Wang Daxia cried and nodded, “I am also deceived by the traitor.”

A believer said: “It was this miserable husband and that doctor who tricked the gate of the city. How can I know that miserables are not the same with them? Tie yourself to deceive us?”

Wang Daxia cried, “Don’t spit people with blood. My husband is so jealous by nature. On weekdays, my outsider and I took one more look, or said a word, he didn’t say anything on the surface. It’s a common thing to beat up hungry food after returning home. , I was tortured until I met King Ming.”

“The King Ming asked me. If my husband dares not follow him, King Ming tells him to sit and die, he dare not fall asleep! He saw that I was favored by King Ming and was burned with jealousy. He went outside to ask for medicine and attracted the court army. I broke up with him. Now I am pregnant with King Ming’s child, he will definitely not let me go. How could we be in the same group?”

When everyone heard that it was true, they escorted Wang Daxia to evacuate and escape from Xinghua City.

These people stuffed Wang Daxia into a carriage and escorted the carriage to break through Beicheng.

In order to save his life, Wang Daxia had to push the boat along the river and was regarded as the “biological mother” of King Xiao Ming.

Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang killed the Japanese bandits. Lu Ying’s goal was to destroy the White Lotus Sect, and none of them could be spared. Across a long distance, they saw the White Lotus Sect followers crowding Wang Daxia into the carriage. They thought they were taking Wang Daxia hostage. The commander went down to intercept and set up roadblocks at the end of the street to prevent carriages from passing through.

Lu Ying and the believers began a fierce rainy night street battle. The rain kept falling, the fire/powder and fuse were wet, the fire/arms failed, the arrow feathers were wet, and they lost their aim. Everyone wrestled with cold weapons.

Wang Daxia heard the voice of soldiers outside the carriage and wanted to rush out to join the battle, but there were five strong men in the carriage protecting him, and the child in his stomach, and he was not allowed to go out.

In such a small space, Wang Daxia couldn’t beat five brawny men at once, only outsmarted.

Wang Daxia faintly fanned the wind with her hand, “It’s so boring in the carriage, I can’t breathe, you two, or let me go out to breathe.”

The brawny man said contemptuously: “It’s not bad to leave you a fate, but I dare to be picky.”

vomit! Wang Daxia got stuck in her throat and started to retching, “It won’t work, I’m so uncomfortable, I feel sick and want to vomit, and a woman has morning sickness, and I can’t help it.”

“Don’t vomit in the carriage.” The strong man said, “You have to vomit.”

Wang Daxia clutched her chest, walked out of the carriage, closed the door firmly, put the door bolt, and then pulled out the short knife tied to her calf, fought with the coachman, stabbed the coachman to death, then shook the whip and drove the carriage. Crashing all the way, finally rushed to our camp.

When the believers saw Wang Daxia’s proud look, they realized that they had been fooled.

When Wang Daxia came back, Lu Ying was not hesitating, and she waved her hands, “Fire!”

Several wheelbarrows were pushed by him. On the wheelbarrow was Qi Jiguang’s improved tiger squat cannon. The sound of artillery broke out, the stumps splashed, houses on both sides of the street collapsed, and believers who hadn’t died were also beaten to death.

It was a good time and place, and the battle with the Bailianjiao Iron Bull ended so neatly.

The first sentence of Wang Daxia, who escaped from birth, was to ask Lu Ying: “Where is Wei Caiwei?”

At the same time, Wei Caiwei went to the small building where Luo Longwen rented. Luo Longwen was worried about a box of gold. The guards of the three-way **** were all killed. The people who broke Xinghua City were Yu Dayao and Qi Jiguang. Personal background, one is the cabinet scholar Xu Jie, and the other is the lecturer of the Yuwang Mansion, that is, Zhang Juzheng, Yuwang’s teacher, and Zhang Juzheng is a student of Xu Jie.

Only Hu Zongxian was Yan Shifan, who belonged to Yan Dang like him, but the two generals who had attacked Xinghua City belonged to Xu Jie, and Xu Dang and Yan Dang were in the same situation.

Now how to do? I can’t protect five thousand gold by myself. What Dong Weng told me to do, I didn’t even reach the destination, and I became a lonely person.

Luo Longwen scratched his white head even shorter. Hearing movement at the door, he immediately set up a fire/gun for defense.

“It’s me.” A familiar voice sounded.

It turned out to be a quack doctor, Luo Longwen put down the fire/gun and opened the door.

It was Wei Caiwei, who was in the dust, and the sound of fighting was heard from time to time outside. When she entered the house, the door was locked. “I will bring in the troops of Qi’s army and General Yu. The two most powerful generals will surely annihilate the Japanese pirates. ”

Luo Longwen asked her: “Where is Mrs. Simon? Why didn’t you hear the boss and Mrs. Simon go home next door?”

Wei Caiwei said: “Mrs. Simon is okay. Boss Simon is protecting her.”

Luo Longwen handed her a gold bar, “Take it away, and I will run away with Mrs. Simon in the future. I cannot protect myself now and cannot arrange for you to run away. Fortunately, if I have money, I can push the ghost. Spend the money.”

Wei Caiwei looked at the familiar gold bar and refused to accept it, and asked, “Why? The **** has died in the battle, but aren’t there still us? Anyway, we have to go to Hangzhou, everyone together.”

“You don’t understand.” Luo Longwen said: “Tomorrow morning, you followed the boss of Simon’s caravan and immediately boarded the Merchant Ship Shunfeng to leave Xinghua City. I can’t be with you, it will hurt you.”

Wei Caiwei knowingly asked: “Why? I don’t understand.”

Luo Longwen pointed to the two beams on the roof and said: “Two beams fought against each other, and one collapsed. It seemed that the beam was lost, but there was a patch of ants under the beams. They died quietly, the so-called The fire at the gate of the city caused the fish in the pond. That’s the truth. I just drove you away and won’t become the fish in the pond.”

At the critical moment, Luo Longwen was still thinking about her own safety, which made Wei Caiwei more determined by her secret decision.

She stuffed the gold bar into Luo Longwen’s hand, “No, it is you, not us, who should be running away with the gold bar. If you don’t run now, it will be too late.”

Wei Caiwei said: “How can Qi Jiajun and General Yu believe in the words of a businessman and a traveler? In fact, we are all Jin Yiwei people, we follow you all the way, you are not Zhangshan, your name is Luo Longwen, you are Yan Shifan’s doorman, You brought Yan Shifan’s five thousand taels of gold to the south. We have not yet figured out what your purpose is, but this is no longer important.”

“Xinghua City is the territory of the Japanese pirates. Yan Shifan’s five thousand taels of gold will appear in the Japanese pirates’ lair. It happened to be discovered by General Yu Dayou. Yu Dayou will tell the cabinet scholar Xu Jie about this matter. Xu Jie will use the topic to give it to Yan Shifan. He was charged with a crime of Tongwa.”

Luo Longwen’s golden slam dunks in his hands, “You…no, it’s impossible, how can Yan Shilang get a lot of money by selling officials? How can it be possible to make money with Japanese, even if it can be through smuggling/smuggling. To make money, it is better to make money faster, earn more, and less risk. It is better to sell officials. Shi Lang Yan can’t do this kind of thing.”

Wei Caiwei said: “The strict party has controlled the court for many years. No matter how many people are impeached, they will remain unmoved, but the flowers will not be worth a hundred days. I think it can be done this time. To be honest, my relatives have taken bribes because of the strict rules of the world, and offered advice to the bad guys. □, causing my relatives to be killed indirectly, and the death is so miserable. It is still unforgettable. It is my nightmare. I have been staring at Yan Shifan for a long time, and have been looking for opportunities to trip him. I will never let it go this time. Chance.”

In the previous life, Yan Shifan was accused of being “Tong Japanese” by Xu Jie Luo and became the last straw to crush the camel. The imperial court was still a violent wave of persecution, which uprooted the Yan Dang that had been in the imperial court for more than 20 years.

In this life, things went wrong, Wei Caiwei and others personally created new opportunities and advanced the “Tongwa” by about a year.

Luo Longwen said: “You are blatantly planting.”

Wei Caiwei laughed and said: “Yes, Yan Shifan used the same method of framing and framing my father to ruin his fame and to bear stigma after death. My sister became a servant of the government and was trampled and bullied. An eye for an eye is an eye for an eye. It’s Yan Shifan’s turn to have a taste of what it means to eat a tooth for a tooth.”

Wei Caiwei picked up the fallen gold bar and stuffed it to him, then handed him a new set of household registration documents, “You help me, and I will help you. You go, find a place to hide your name, and don’t interfere with the government, lest the beams of the house will collapse. , Hit your ant.”

The author has something to say: This is why the core plot of the content of the fifth volume is clearly written in the extermination of the Japanese pirates and the Bailian religion, but the name is “Down Yan”. Yan Shifan will be out of luck from now on.

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