Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 172

Chapter 170 My wife

As soon as Wei Caiwei’s voice fell, Ding Wu and Wang Daxia both felt that □ □ a cold: Pinellia is still great! And, no one can offend her.

Wei Caiwei always brings “surprise” to people. Lu Ying asked, “What is the name of this medicine?”

Wei Caiwei said: “I named it ecstasy, and after ecstasy, it dissipated.”

The name is the same as the medicinal effect, both…simple and rude.

Wang Daxia said: “Next time, give me a strong dose of medicine to kill him. This guy has deceived men and women and has done many things that hurt the world.”

Wei Caiwei shook her head, “No, you will be suspected on the one hand, and on the other hand, the people of Xinghua City can spend money to avoid disasters at least temporarily if he controls the White Lotus Sect. If he dies before the city breaks, these Japanese pirates will not be restrained. I’m afraid I will kill all Xinghua City and grab it all.”

King Ming had the idea of ​​raising golden chickens and laying golden eggs, but many of his men, especially true Japanese pirates, returned to China or ran away just to make a fortune.

When Wang Daxia heard this, she did not act rashly.

On the other side, Luo Longwen was trapped in the den of thieves, with a huge amount of gold, worried about being targeted by the White Lotus Cult and Japanese pirates, and it was difficult to explain to Dong Weng Yan Shifan, so Fei Ge passed the book to the anti-Japanese general Hu Zongxian for help.

Hu Zongxian also belonged to the Yan Dang, a generation of famous generals. It was really helpless to take refuge in the Yan family and his sons. The Yan family has maintained the government for more than 30 years. If he does not close to the Yan family, he will not be able to preside over the protracted war against Japanese in the southeast coast. Now that the two great pirates, Xu Hai and Wang Zhi, have been eliminated, and no more successful Japanese pirates have appeared, and the mistress is in the process of finishing, he is not greedy for power, and has supported Qi Jiguang, a rookie mistress.

Hu Zongxian received news from his old friend Luo Longwen. Of course, Luo Longwen didn’t explicitly mention five thousand taels of gold, but only said that the South was serving Yan Shilang.

Hu Zongxian hurriedly dispatched troops and generals, first took in Fuxinghuacheng, and rescued his old friends.

Anti-Japanese general Liu Xian was the first to receive the order. Originally, Xinghua City was killed by Japanese pirates when eight of his men went to the city to support. He took the clothes and military orders and pretended to be the Ming army and tricked the soldiers into opening the door.

When Xinghua City fell, Liu Xian had to pay the main responsibility.

It was heard that Liu Xian led troops to crusade, Ming Wang Tie Niu personally took the place and led troops out.

Tie Niu got up early in the morning and stood in front of the toilet for a long time. It was obvious that the bladder was inflated, and it felt like urine, but the urine was not lined up. It was like milking a cow. It went out a little bit, and the pipe looked like It was blocked and the water flow was not smooth.

Tie Niu raised his pants irritably and kicked the toilet over.

It has been ten days since the last time I was happy with his wife Simon, Tie Niu felt that his body was weak and excessively indulged, and there would always be a few days of discomfort, so he lay down and rested, but afterwards he was still a little weak.

He called the doctor, and the doctor took the pulse and said that he had a bad kidney, and he had to make up for it. During this period, he must abstain, especially not touching female sex. After taking a bunch of warming medicines, Tie Niu felt energetic and was able to take care of all things in Xinghua City normally. However, when he woke up in the morning, the little Tie Niu usually vigorously vigorously. Since then, the little Tie Niu has not gotten up. After that, I can’t stand it anymore.

After Tie Niu recovered from his illness, he never forgot Mrs. Simon’s coquettishness, and almost ordered someone to give Wang Daxia a gift, but he was like this, and he couldn’t eat it. It’s better not to watch it, and lose face in front of the woman.

Tie Niu looked for a few remedies, eating roasted lamb loin, copying leeks, and steaming oysters three times a day, hoping to regain the power as soon as possible.

But after taking it for more than ten days, it didn’t help at all. Instead, I ended up with frequent urination and incessant abdominal distension and pain.

Tie Niu felt a mid-life crisis, but Liu Xian came to attack him again. He could only hold back his physical discomfort and talk about it after the war.

Tie Niu violently kicked over the toilet, and went out in a uniform. First, he smelled a strong western perfume. Following the smell, Wang Daxia was wearing a red jacket skirt with cherry blossoms in his hair and holding him in his hands. The sent tokens ran over.

He ran all the way, his towering chest flicked, and the iron cow couldn’t help licking his lips, but the **** little iron cow didn’t move at all!

Wang Daxia shook the veil in his hand on the iron cow, “Dead ghost, why didn’t you find the slave family after that day? You have a new love. The slave family has no choice but to let go of the restraint of the woman and take the initiative to find King Ming.”

Not really! It’s not that I don’t want to, I can’t. Tie Niu grabbed Wang Daxia’s hand, “You wait for me to come back from the expedition.”

Wang Daxia glared and seductively said, “Just take the slave family with them. The slave family knows how to fist and fire/gun. The slave family will not drag you down. The slave family only wants to be with you.” I just want to get some information from you. To Liu Xian’s crusade army.

Tie Niu refused, “I have more soldiers and more firearms than Liu Xian. I don’t need a woman’s help. You stay, don’t mess around, and wait for me to come back.”

Tie Niu left, leaving Wang Daxia alone.

Wang Daxia went back and pulled out the two cotton bales on her chest as soon as she closed the door, “I’m so hot! This time it won’t work. Tie Niu resolutely refused to agree to follow me. The beauty plan failed.”

Wei Caiwei squatted in the yard, playing with the medicine dregs she secretly brought back from the county yamen. This is the medicine that Iron Cow has drunk recently, and it’s all aphrodisiac.

It seems that my medicine has worked. Wei Caiwei expressed satisfaction, “Don’t worry, Tie Niu’s body has lost its body, and it is not tonic. Recently, I have eaten so many tonics, and I am anxious to regain his strength. In fact, the more he makes up, the more he loses. His body will collapse quickly. The pain will slowly torture him, but it will not cause death. The lower/body pain is more uncomfortable than gout. It is estimated that riding a horse is difficult, which will affect his strategic judgment.”

When Wang Daxia heard this, she couldn’t help covering Xiao Xia, “Sure enough, female **** is a big taboo. The 28-year-old body looks like a crisp, and the sword is cut at the waist. Although the head is not falling, the bones of the emperor are withered, and he is slowly consumed to death. ”

Unfortunately, the day did not fulfill the people’s wish. King Ming went out and set up an ambush. Not only did he not fail, he also won a big victory. He commanded all the kills, occupied Pinghaiwei, expanded the territory, and more Japanese pirates came to Xinghua City to seek refuge with Ming Wangtie. Cattle.

King Ming returned to Xinghua City in a boat. He dared not ride a horse. The little Tie Niu couldn’t stand the impact of the saddle, and it hurt every day.

However, the celebration banquet still has to be attended, and the opportunity to invigorate the military and to show off is not to be spared.

King Ming toasted and drank. Under the influence of alcohol, he temporarily forgot his pain and fell asleep. The next morning, he was awakened by urine. There was a tiger under the bed and he was sitting on the bed while he was still in a hangover. , Closed his eyes, caught the little iron cow with a tiger’s mouth, just peeed out.

This time, not only was it slow to urinate, but it was also painful! Every time a little bit was squeezed out, like a knife scraped, the pain drove away the hangover, Ming Wang raised the tiger irritably and slammed it to the ground!

With a bang, the porcelain tiger shattered, and Ming Wang felt that the smell was not right, and when he looked down, he actually had blood in the urine!

King Ming was so scared that he hurriedly ordered people to call all the good doctors in Xinghua City to see him.

More than a dozen doctors tremblingly looked around Ming Wang’s little iron cow. The swelling became a sausage that had just been poured in and had not had time to dry, and even two eggs were swollen into big goose eggs.

The doctors agreed that it is a disease of anti-yang, the kidney qi is exhausted, and the body is too weak—simply put, the body is hollowed out.

“I–” King Ming couldn’t speak, “I haven’t touched a woman for almost a month.”

The doctors asked: “How about before? Drinking?”

King Ming stopped talking and lived a life of licking blood with a knife. Only a woman’s body could comfort him. As long as he didn’t fight, he would sing songs and count women every night. As for drinking, the water was wet. Water to drink.

King Ming said: “I drank two jars at the celebration banquet last night.”

The doctors all told me not to touch the wine, the meat and fishy seafood were not touched at all, just drink some congee, and wait until the swelling is relieved before eating others. Female **** don’t even think about it!

The doctors all have some abilities. After bleeding, puncturing, and prescribing medicine, the swelling disappeared a little at night, but it was still painful to urinate, but it was even more uncomfortable to urinate.

Finally, he urinated. King Ming’s clothes were soaked in pain and his body was weak. He needed someone to help him when he walked.

It was a secret that King Ming was ill. He kept hiding from the Japanese pirates, but he couldn’t hide from Ding Wu’s insight. He saw a group of doctors haunt him and stole the medicine dregs secretly to show Wei Caiwei how well Ming was sick.

Wei Caiwei fiddled with the dregs of medicine with chopsticks, frowning, “Weird, his condition deteriorated so quickly. Judging from the powerful medicine given by the doctors to clear away heat and detoxify, he should have hematuria now.”

Wang Daxia patted her head in annoyance, “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t use my own shoes to drink wine for him. My big shoe was filled with half a jar of wine, and the shoe leaked. I added wine to the shoe halfway through. He drank too much and was poisoned too deeply.”

Everyone looked down at Wang Daxia’s big feet, they were indeed big enough.

Lu Ying asked, “From your perspective, how many days can King Ming live?”

Wei Caiwei shook her head, “I’m not sure, some people are hard-hearted, and they simply cut off the bane, and maybe they can still survive. I can’t bear to leave the bane, as fast as five days, or a slow delay for one or two months. ”

Ding Wu pointed at the medicine dregs, “Can’t you take medicine?”

Wei Caiwei said: “I know the poison I prepared, not to mention that Wang Daxia fed too much, and after the King Ming ate and drank tonic, it more and more urged the poison/drug to corrode the whole body, and it was not saved.”

Lu Ying said: “Prior to the city is broken, King Ming must not die. King Ming is seriously ill, and the anti-Japanese army does not know about it. We will pass the information to the Qi family army.”

Ding Wu said: “I have a plan…”

The next day, Ding Wu recommended Wei Caiwei, a quack doctor, to King Ming, “…My old problem of lumbar muscle strain was treated by Dr. He, and the antique dealer who was with me had gout and was also treated by Dr. He, although gout cannot be cured. But in this rainy season, antique dealers rarely have gout.”

Wang Ming was sitting on the toilet this morning, and he experienced the pain of a thousand arrows piercing a chicken. Life was worse than death, and he went to the doctor for a sudden illness. Wang Ming also ignored being a quack and asked Wei Caiwei to see him.

Wei Caiwei finished the pulse test and mused, “The medicine the doctors prescribes is symptomatic and impeccable. The students dare not superfluous, but the students have seen an ancient prescription by chance, saying that the Tianshan snow lotus that grows in the crevices of the ice is good for Tuoyang. There are miraculous effects for terminal illnesses such as the disease. But this medicine is too cherished. It should be available in a prosperous place like Yangzhou in Yangzhou, and it is difficult to find in Xinghua Town.”

When King Ming heard it, it was like grabbing the straw, “I will send someone to send you out of the city, and you will find it quickly.”

Wei Caiwei said: “There are court officers and soldiers outside, catching Japanese pirates everywhere. I am afraid that I will not be able to come back when I go out. It is better to let the boss Simon and her bodyguard go with me. We are all good citizens with household registration. Come back. It’s just that, as soon as Mrs. Simon left, Mrs. Simon was alone at home. Mrs. Simon was afraid that he was worried.”

King Ming hurriedly called Lu Ying and said, “Lord Simon Fragrance followed Doctor He to ask for a panacea for me, so you can rest assured, and your wife will raise it. You send her here, and I will treat her well.”

Ever since, Lu Ying and Wei Caiwei went out of the city to inform Qi Jiajun. Ding Wu and Wang Daxia stayed in the enemy camp. As soon as the Qi’s army began to attack the city, they chopped off King Ming’s head, keeping the inside out.

The author has something to say: Cao Cao: Is the tortoise sun talking about my lines? At the end of the month, Zhou routinely asks for comments and nutrient solutions. Although there is still more than 50,000 votes short of the finalist… But, in case, I still feel that I can save it.

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