Resequencing DNA

Chapter 5

The pair began to make their way back out of the lab, with Wesley carefully checking if anyone was around as they left. The building was almost empty when they arrived, so luckily for Wesley, this was still the case. He was confident that the only people left inside the building by this time, are those that would be too busy in their labs, working on their own projects to be out in the corridors.

“Wait here Aar…erm Ashleigh,” whispered Wesley before he made his way through the revolving doors to the main reception, checking for any sign of Beverly. He approached the desk and scanned his thumb on the device as he had done on the way in, before returning to the revolving door to wave to Ashleigh, signalling the coast was clear.

Once the pair got to the main doors, they noticed that not only was it dark outside, it was now lashing down with rain. With no other option, they made a break for it.

“Jesus…this is hard work,” thought Ashleigh, quickly realising that without the support of a bra, she had to place her arm across her chest to support her breasts as she ran. She quickly found that without doing so, was a somewhat eye-opening, painful and uncomfortable experience to say the very least.  

After what felt like an eternity, to Ashleigh at least, the pair were back inside the car. The sound of the rain pelting the car, was now merely background noise as Ashleigh tried to piece her thoughts together.

“Holy shit…my head is still spinning…I still can’t comprehend the fact I’m…I’m actually a fucking woman right now…not only that but I’m back to only being 22…what the fuck,” thought Ashleigh, glancing at her reflection in the rearview mirror. “Man my nipples ache so bad… I’m guessing it’s because of the cold…get me the fuck home,” she thought, as she tried to fix her drenched hair into a position where it was comfortable and she was able to see. She then put the key in the ignition and started up the car, causing the overhead lights to come on and Ashleigh heard Wesley begin to chuckle.

“What the fuck now,” thought Ashleigh, glaring across at her best friend in the passenger seat. “How can you laugh…this is all your fucking fault, Wes… if you weren’t my best friend…honestly…I’d murder you where you sit.”

“What are you laughing at?” asked Ashleigh, with a glare that could turn a man to stone in the blink of an eye.

“Erm…your erm…” muttered Wesley before diverting his gaze out of the window.

“WHAT? Just spit it out will you,” demanded Ashleigh, she could feel her cheeks beginning to flush with both embarrassment and anger at the same time, helped in no small part by Wesley’s childish giggling.

“You’re wearing white Ashleigh… that T-shirt…doesn’t leave much to the imagination when it’s wet,” Wesley finally admitted his face turning bright red as he continued to stare out of the window.

“Holy fuck, Wes,” snapped Ashleigh, glancing down and noticing that the T-shirt she was wearing was now in fact almost completely see-thru as it clung to her skin. There was her breast, almost as clear as if she was wearing no top at all. “Fuck!” she exclaimed, “My jacket…I left it in the lab…I took it off just before…just before you did what you did…I always keep my car keys in my jeans so I didn’t realise,” she went on to explain. Covering herself up as best as she could with her arms, she noticed once again, the stiff bulge in Wesley’s pants before she realised he was still looking at her reflection in the window. After noticing this she slapped Wesley’s arm as hard as she possibly could.

“Sorry…I just can’t…I just can’t help myself…you’d do the same…you’re just so…so…” muttered Wesley.

“Just stop…right now…just stop right there and do not say another word,” barked Ashleigh, her cheeks still feeling somewhat flushed.

After a few brief moments of silence, Wesley glanced back over his shoulder,

“Well you are incredibly hot…” muttered Wesley nervously.

“I told you not to say another word,” snapped Ashleigh, as she began to slap Wesley on the shoulder repeatedly before her anger turned to amusement and she began to giggle herself.

“I could honestly kill you right now Wes,” she continued to giggle as the slaps continued a short while longer before Ashleigh finally relented.

“So…what do you want to do… about your jacket I mean?” asked Wesley.

“Well I don’t fancy going back out in that…do you?” answered Ashleigh, glancing at the persistent rain still cascading from the sky. 

“Not particularly,” replied Wesley, taking off his own jacket and handing it to Ashleigh, “Here…I know it’s not ideal…and it’s a little wet… but at least it’ll give you some modesty,” he added with a smile before turning on the heater.

“Thanks…that’s…that’s really kind of you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile as she put on Wesley’s jacket before she began to back out of the space to begin their journey home.

“Shit…what about this?” asked Ashleigh, stopping the car rather abruptly, holding up the visitor’s pass she had been given when they first arrived.

“Just approach the gate…I’ll sort it out,” answered Wesley, taking the badge from Ashleigh. “On the way out… the security hut will be on my side of the car, Frank won’t see you because it’s dark.”

Ashleigh continued to drive and pulled up just before the gate. Frank stuck his head out of the hut before opening the barrier to allow them to pass through before stopping once more slightly ahead of the hut. Wesley, noticing Frank was about to leave the hut, took off his seatbelt and jumped out of the car, carrying the badge with him and met Frank halfway.

“No point in us both getting wet,” Ashleigh heard Wesley say to Frank as he handed him the lanyard.

“Take it easy Mr Ashton-Burns, I’ll see you next week,” said Frank as Wesley jumped back in the car before they pulled off.

Once again an awkward silence filled the car as they made their way home, with Wesley continuing to stare out of the window, into the darkness of the night apart from sending the odd text message and Ashleigh focused on driving in the wet weather.

“So…” started Ashleigh, trying to make small talk.

“Yeah…” replied Wesley.

“So…I guess my camping trips off huh?” said Ashleigh with an awkward giggle.

“Yeah…look…I’m sorry about that…about this…about all of it,” Wesley stated once again, turning back into the car and looking at Ashleigh.

“Look…Wes…I told you before…I was angry…I can’t lie…more so I’m just…upset and disappointed,” explained Ashleigh.

“I fully understand…” replied Wesley.

“I think…I think it’s more…how you went about this…and how you did it…rather than the situation itself…as strange as it sounds…I would have helped you Wes…in any way I could…I mean yeah this is a little extreme, you must agree but still…I have dressed in drag before…remember that…in college,” giggled Ashleigh, trying to make light of the situation.

“Yeah…I remember,” laughed Wesley.

“But this is a lot more than that,” giggled Ashleigh, “You must agree with that.”

“Yeah…it is…and like I said I’m sorry Ashleigh…well…it’s to Aaron I have to apologise really I guess, I hope…I hope you can forgive me…and I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship…but if it does…I fully understand…I’ve overstepped the line and took advantage of your trust and for that…for that, I will never forgive myself…and trust me I will find a way to try and make this up to you…I promise,” explained Wesley.

“Well…that’s really sweet…thank you, Wes,” replied Ashleigh, “And damn right you’ll make this up to me… believe me…you owe me in a big way,” she added with a giggle, “In fact…the debt you owe me…right now…you’ll be repaying this for the rest of your life, my friend.”

With that being said, Ashleigh pulled the car into the car park of their apartment building. She found her eyes continually scanning around to make sure nobody else was around as she switched off the car.

“I don’t know why you’re so nervous Ashleigh…it’s not like anyone would recognise you…even if they did see you,” stated Wesley.

“I know…I just can’t help it,” replied Ashleigh, “Are you staying here all night?” she asked as she climbed out of the car, followed closely by Wesley.

Ashleigh locked up the car and the pair made a dash for the doors, getting inside, Wesley pressed the button to call the lift. As they patiently waited, however, they heard somebody else approach behind them just as the lift arrived and the doors opened. Ashleigh quickly stepped inside first, standing in at the back of the lift as Wesley got inside also. The third person who was waiting for lift the pair knew as Mrs Goodwin, an elderly lady who lived on the floor below them. She was a lady of 84 years old who had lost her husband of 62 years the previous year. However, no matter how lonely she must have felt, she always had a smile on her face and always welcomed a chat.

“Why hello there young Wesley,” said Mrs Goodwin.

“Hello Mrs Goodwin, horrible weather outside isn’t it,” replied Wesley with a smile.

“It really is, glad I don’t have to go anywhere,” stated Mrs Goodwin, “Who is your pretty friend you have here Wesley, aren’t you going to introduce me?” said Mrs Goodwin.

“Oh…erm…Mrs Goodwin…this is Ashleigh…Ashleigh this is my neighbour from downstairs…Mrs Goodwin,” said Wesley nervously.

“Nice to meet you,” said Ashleigh with a smile, shaking the hand of Mrs Goodwin.

“Nice to meet you too Ashleigh, that is such a pretty name,” Mrs Goodwin replied with a smile. “You are such a pretty young lady,” she continued, “I was about the same age as you when I met my husband. 62 years we were married…make sure you both treat each other right and you could be lucky enough to have the same, wonderful life I did,” Mrs Goodwin explained.

“Oh…we’re…” started Ashleigh as the lift pinged and the doors opened.

“Now young Wesley, you look after her and I’m sure we will see each other again soon my dear, take care,” said Mrs Goodwin as she stepped out of the lift with the doors closing behind her.

“Wow,” exclaimed Ashleigh with a giggle, “that was…intense.”

“Where do you see yourself in 62 years Ashl….” Started Wesley, quickly interrupted by Ashleigh.

“Don’t even mention it Wes…not a word,” giggled Ashleigh as the lift pinged and the doors opened on their floor.

No sooner had the doors opened than Ashleigh stepped out and walked ahead to the front door of the apartment, unlocked the door and headed inside straight to the bathroom.

“Oh my god this is…going to be strange,” thought Ashleigh, closing her eyes as she unbuttoned her jeans before pulling them down and doing the same with her underwear.

“And oh my god…yeah it’s…really not there anymore…this…this is the weirdest thing ever,” she thought, looking down for the first time at her lower half without being clothed and seeing with her own eyes that Aaron’s penis was no longer hanging where he had left it. “Oh boy…this is different,” she said to herself as she sat down to pee. After finishing up, however, she quickly realised that she could no longer shake it off as she usually would, instead, reaching for the toilet tissue in order to dry off. She took the tissue in her hand and paused for a brief moment,

“Oh…here goes nothing,” she said to herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before reaching down between her legs as she had seen past girlfriends do before.

“Wow…that’ll take some getting used to,” she muttered, quickly disposing of the tissue and standing up to redress herself. Slightly alarmed at the fact her finger had pierced the tissue and slipped inside her new genitalia without so much as a warning.

“That feels so much different when it’s to yourself,” she muttered before washing up. It was then that she caught a full-length glimpse of her new body in the mirror.

“Holy…fucking…shit Wes,” she thought, staring at her own reflection, unable to comprehend that the girl staring back at her was her own reflection and no longer Aaron who was usually looking back. Before she knew it, Ashleigh was standing gazing in the mirror, she once again let her jeans fall to the floor as she removed Wesley’s jacket and the white t-shirt she was wearing.

Oh…my…god…that…that’s me?” she thought as she stared at the reflection.

The reflection looking back from the mirror was a young, tall woman who most definitely looked to be in her early 20s or could even pass for late teens with ease. She had a tiny, cute button nose, she had rather high cheekbones that looked sharp enough to cut diamonds. Her lips were rather wide yet sweet and plump. Her eyes were rather elongated and slightly upturned in the corners, they were the most piercing shade of blue, which stood out even more due to her pale, flawless complexion. Her long luscious locks of red hair flowed down across her narrow, slender shoulders and stopped just below her rather delicate-looking collarbone.

She then couldn’t help but turn her attention to her somewhat slim yet curvy body. As she had noticed when she was fully clothed, her breasts were rather large, rounded,  voluptuous and somewhat heavy with two rather rosy, relatively large and puffy nipples that sat staring at her. As her eyes ventured lower, she gazed upon her tiny waist, her well-rounded hips and behind, along with her incredibly long and shapely legs. Legs long and shapely enough in fact that she was sure that she could make catwalk models green with envy.

Just then, however, she was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.

“Hey…erm…Ashleigh” called Wesley’s voice from behind the door.                                 

“Yeah…what is it?” she replied as her hands glided over and explored her new soft, pale, silky soft skin.

“Pippa’s here to see you… she’s willing to go along with the plan…I’ve explained everything and she said she will help,” explained Wesley.

“Oh shit…erm…I’ll be out…just give me 1 second…okay,”  replied Ashleigh as she began to pull her clothes on once again.

“Oh shit…am I ready for someone else to see me like this…do I have an option…ah fuck it,” Ashleigh thought to herself as she gave herself a once over in the mirror before taking a deep breath and unlocking the bathroom door.

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