Resequencing DNA

Chapter 36

Ashleigh was awoken by a knock at the bedroom door,

“Miss Ashleigh,” called the voice from behind the door.

“Y..yes,” muttered Ashleigh, slowly opening her eyes as the door swung open and Rose walked in.

“C’mon Miss Ashleigh, I have been sent to fetch you, it’s time for the evening meal,” declared Rose in her rather broad, northern accent.

“Wh…what… it's evening already…I only closed my eyes for a moment,” thought Ashleigh as she sat up on her bed. “Oh…really…already,” she mumbled.

“Aye Miss… most of the guests have gone home…” declared Rose, “Are you changing or staying in that dress miss?” she asked.

“Erm…black…dress…I think,” mumbled Ashleigh, still trying to process how she had managed to sleep so long.

“She’s wearing navy blue for the daytime and a LBD for the evening…” thought Ashleigh, recalling the conversation Pippa had with the lady who had done their nails the previous evening.

“Yes…LBD…is that…right?” Ashleigh muttered.

“Aye Miss…Little black dress,” said Rose with a smile as she opened up the wardrobe door, “This looks to be the one,” she added, pulling out a rather short black dress on a hanger, to which Ashleigh nodded in agreement.

“Same shoes?” asked Ashleigh, looking down at the pair of black heels that were still on her feet.

“Aye Miss, they’ll do…no need to take em’ off either, just slip outta that dress and slip this one on,” replied Rose.

Ashleigh stood from the bed and Rose quickly helped her unfasten the dress she had been wearing before Ashleigh allowed it to drop to the floor and stepped out of it. Rose then wasted little time in helping Ashleigh slip into her fresh black dress before doing up the zipper on her back.

“Wow…it’s just as short as it looks,” thought Ashleigh, tugging at the hem in an attempt to make the dress sit lower than her mid-thigh but to no avail.

“Tis’ a bit short ain’t it Miss Ashleigh,” chuckled Rose.

“Erm…indeed it is,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, “And it certainly doesn’t do much to cover up top either,” she laughed, referring to the plunging neckline that showed off her ample cleavage.

“Usually I look at girls and think the shorter the better,” thought Ashleigh, unable to stop herself from giggling ever so slightly.

“Well Miss, I have to say it looks gorgeous on you,” stated Rose with a smile, “But I tell you what m'love, by ‘eck do you av the figure for it…makes me jealous it does,” she added with a chuckle.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, however, still continuing to tug at the hem.

Rose picked up the dress Ashleigh had just taken off, whilst also noticing she was still tugging at her dress.

“Stop faffin’ wi yer ‘air, it looks fine,” said Rose with a chuckle, whilst tapping Ashleigh on the hand, to try and discourage her from continuing.

“I…I…I’m sorry,” mumbled Ashleigh in response, “don’t you think it’s a little too short?”

“Nah Miss, like I said before, you look well good, now be off with ya, before they start without ya,” stated Rose, whilst harrying Ashleigh out of the door, closing it behind her.

Standing out in the hallway, Ashleigh adjusted her dress one last time before heading out into the main hall. She closed the door behind her and made her way towards the staircase.

“Ashleigh…” she heard a familiar voice say.

Looking down the stairs, she noticed that the voice was that of Warren, who was now making his way up the staircase towards her.

“Oh boy,” thought Ashleigh, smiling at Warren, “He seems to follow me everywhere right now.”

“Here, allow me,” said Warren with a smile as he met her at the top of the stairs, reaching out his hand.

Ashleigh reciprocated, placing her hand gently inside his, as he carefully guided her down the stairs.

“I must say…you look incredible this evening,” he said with a smile as he looked her in the eyes.

“Oh…thank you,” replied Ashleigh, with a smile.

“I’m not saying you didn’t earlier…I’m just saying…forgive me,” chuckled Warren.

“It’s quite alright,” replied Ashleigh as she finally placed her foot down in the main hall.

“No…I must apologise for my behaviour this afternoon…I assure you I have sobered up a little since then,” Warren said nervously with a smile. “I was a little…out of line and a bit forward,” he added.

“As I said, no need to apologise at all, it’s quite alright, really,” stated Ashleigh.

“I did mean everything I said though…about you being beautiful,” stated Warren with a smile, “May I have the pleasure?” he asked, turning his body and offering Ashleigh his arm.

Ashleigh smiled and placed her arm around his before the pair set off in the direction of the dining room. As they arrived, Warren opened the door and held it for Ashleigh to enter. Upon entering the room, it was quite evident that they were the last to arrive, with the exception of Pippa and Edward. Already seated around the table, were Alistair and Vivian, Jude and Elle, Jasper and Bridget, Tiffany and Rose, Lawrence, William and last but not least, Eloise.

There were five seats left at the table, two clearly reserved for the bride and groom and of the remaining three, two were opposite Eloise, the other beside her.

As Ashleigh approached the table, still arm in arm with Warren, Eloise glared at Ashleigh before turning her back to her and proceeding to talk to her mother.

Warren pulled out the chair for Ashleigh to sit, before gently tucking her in at the table.

“Nice of you to join us, Ashleigh dear,” Bridget said in a rather sarcastic tone, looking up at Warren as she did so.

“Sorry…I fell asleep,” Ashleigh replied with a nervous giggle.

“I bet you did dear,” quipped Bridget, her eyes fixed on Warren who took his seat at the table, directly opposite Ashleigh.

“Is…Is James not coming?” asked Ashleigh, scanning around the people who were currently in attendance.

“No, he said he was tired after ferrying everyone home, the poor lad,” replied Vivian.

“Oh…I see…” answered Ashleigh. “I wonder…is it me…have I made him feel that way?” she pondered.

Just then, the door to the dining room opened and in walked Pippa and Edward. Everyone at the table got to their feet to applaud the newlywed couple as they made their way to their seats.

As they got to the table, Edward pulled out the chair for Pippa to sit down in her seat, whilst Edward remained standing.

“If everyone would like to take a seat,” said Edward with a smile.

As instructed, everyone sat back down in their seats, their eyes all looking at the head of the table, where Edward was still standing.

“So…me and my wife would like to thank you all once again for coming here today. You few who remain are the ones who we class as our nearest and dearest,” explained Edward, “You should be honoured,” he joked, causing everyone at the table to laugh. “All jokes aside, we would like to say a huge thank you to Al…to you, Mum and Dad,” started Edward. “Not only have you opened up your beautiful home for us to be wed…but also…accepting me into your wonderful family…to Mum and Dad,” announced Edward, lifting his champagne glass from the table and toasting his new in-laws with everyone following suit in raising their glasses.

No sooner had everyone put down their glasses, than Alistair got to his feet, smiling at Vivian as he did so.

“You are most welcome, here in our family, son,” said Alistair, “But you may want to sit down for this.”

“I suppose I had better listen to my father–in–law,” said Edward with a smile, taking his seat beside his wife and placing his hand on top of hers.

“Well now…first of all…a huge congratulations to the bride and groom on their wedding day,” Alistair started, a huge, proud smile on his face. “You have always been and will always be welcome in our family Edward, you make my little girl happy…and that makes me happy,” Alistair continued, fighting back the tears as he did so. “However…that brings me on…to what I want to say…”

The whole table fell silent, hanging on bated breath anticipating what Alistair was to say. The look on Vivian’s face, however, told that she already knew what was to come, as she smiled so happily at her daughter sitting beside her husband.

“Now you see…I see a lot of me and your mother in the two of you when we were younger…much younger,” laughed Alistair, “Well…your mother and I… well we had no idea of what to get you for your wedding present…and…well…after talking it over with Jude…well…we have all these rooms and nobody that fills them anymore…now that my baby girl is all grown up…and we thought…well…we need somewhere smaller to live…so…Pip…my darling daughter…this house…in around a month when the paperwork has gone through…this house will be perfect for the two of you,” Alistair explained.

“Oh my god…thank you,” exclaimed Pippa, getting up from her seat to hug her father before kissing her mother on the cheek.

“We just feel that…why not set you off with the place in which you were raised…no better place for you two to settle and someday, maybe, have a family of your own,” said Alistair, visibly wiping tears from his eyes.

Edward got up and shook the hand of Alistair,

“Gerard my dear boy, let us begin,” stated Alistair, signalling for the food to be served, which it was promptly.

The next few hours went by, rather slowly and rather awkwardly for Ashleigh. Not only was she sitting beside Eloise who was quite evidently disgruntled with her, keeping her back to Ashleigh almost the entire time, whilst giving her the silent treatment. Ashleigh was also sitting directly opposite Warren, who did nothing but make eyes at her for the entirety of the evening.

“How do girls eat wearing corsets?” thought Ashleigh, as the deserts were brought into the room, “I can’t eat another bite.”

“Are you not eating your pudding, Ashleigh?” asked Warren.

“I…I feel like I’m about to burst out of this dress,” joked Ashleigh.

“Oh…” exclaimed Warren.

“Yes…I thought I had better look after my figure,” giggled Ashleigh, before realising what she had said. “Better look after my figure…what the hell am I saying,” she thought.

“Well…you definitely look fine from where I am sitting,” replied Warren with a wink.

Eloise had overheard the exchange between the two and glared at them both, before turning away once more.

“What the hell have I done to upset you?” thought Ashleigh, taking a sip of champagne, “Fuck this.”

“Have I done something to offend you, Eloise?” asked Ashleigh.

Eloise turned and looked her up and down,

“Oh…not at all Ashleigh,” replied Eloise, “I have just enjoyed spending these last two days with you…I don’t want to miss you too much come Monday…you know…when I won’t ever see you again, that is all,” she quipped.

“Really…this is what this is about?” thought Ashleigh.

“Oh…right…yeah…after Monday I’ll be…erm…moving away…that won’t be too much of an issue though, we can still keep in touch,” Ashleigh answered.

Eloise rolled her eyes before looking Ashleigh in the eye.

“Well…as I explained, I would love to come see you off and all that,” explained Eloise, “It may give me a chance to…you know…follow a dream of mine.”

Ashleigh looked baffled,

“Follow…a dream….what the hell do you mean by that?” pondered Ashleigh.

“Oh…you’re leaving on Monday Ashleigh?” asked Warren.

“Yes…I am afraid I can’t stick around after that,” answered Ashleigh.

“Oh…that is a shame…I was getting to like you,” laughed Warren.

Eloise muttered something under her breath, before turning away once again, Ashleigh was almost certain that she could hear Eloise’s eyes roll as she did so.

 “Erm…may I be excused?” asked Ashleigh.

“Of course…is everything alright my dear?” asked Vivian.

“I…I think I’m going to call it a night,” said Ashleigh, “I couldn’t possibly eat another bite,” she giggled.

“Oh you poor girl, of course, you can be excused, we shall see you bright and early in the morning,” responded Vivian.

Ashleigh said goodnight to everyone at the table before heading over and giving Pippa a hug.

“Is everything alright?” whispered Pippa in Ashleigh’s ear, to which Ashleigh nodded.

“Yeah…I’m just stuffed…that’s all,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“I shall see you in the morning before I depart for my honeymoon,” stated Pippa.

“Of course…I wouldn’t dream of not seeing you…Mrs Goldman,” said Ashleigh with a smile, before exiting the dining room and swiftly making her way back up to her room.

Once in her room, Ashleigh kicked off her shoes,

“Oh my god…heaven,” she thought as she wiggled her toes after finally freeing them from the confines of high heels.

Ashleigh then began to fumble with the zipper of her dress. After what felt like an eternity, Ashleigh managed to unzip her dress successfully, letting it drop down from her body and onto the floor, before setting about unfastening her corset.

“And…breath,” she thought, after escaping her corset.

Ashleigh made her way across to the wardrobe,

“Red, silk, negligee it is for tonight,”  she thought as she withdrew it from the wardrobe.

As she made her way across to the bathroom, Ashleigh unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor as she entered the bathroom wearing nothing but her black, lace knickers, with her negligee in her hand. She quickly washed off her makeup and brushed her teeth before sliding the negligee up her soft, smooth, shapely body. Ashleigh looked at her reflection once last time in the bathroom mirror.

“Soon…this will be all over,” she thought before heading back into the bedroom, turning out the light and climbing into bed.

Despite Ashleigh's best efforts, she was unable to drift off to sleep straight away. Once again, her mind was replaying the events of the past few days over and over again. Wesley, James, Warren, Eloise, Pippa, how each of them had made her feel in very different ways. Not to mention the situation she was in, becoming Ashleigh, her old life which she will be returning to on Monday.

“Back to working in a bar…such a crash back to reality after living this high life,” she thought to herself. “Nothing will ever compare to this…people have treated me…almost like royalty…holding doors, waiting on me…helping me get dressed…bless Rose…” pondered Ashleigh.

As everyone else was turning in for the night, she had been hearing the sounds of people returning to their rooms, the sounds of doors closing, etc. Ashleigh turned over on her side so that she could check the time on her phone. In the midst of her turning over, she suddenly felt the sensation of her breasts moving freely and without restriction, an experience she was still trying to get used to. It was now a quarter past midnight.

“Well…my last full day as Ashleigh…roll on tomorrow…I guess,” thought Ashleigh as she rolled back over and closed her eyes.

However, a short while later, Ashleigh heard a gentle tap on her bedroom door.

“Who the hell knocks on my door at this hour?” thought Ashleigh, “If I ignore it, they might go away.”

But sure enough, the tapping continued, this time it was followed by a voice.

“Ashleigh…are you awake?” whispered the voice.

It was just loud enough for Ashleigh to hear but too quiet to make out who it was. With such a low whisper, Ashleigh couldn’t even make out whether the voice was male or female.

“What if it’s Wes…” pondered Ashleigh from beneath her bed sheets, “But then again…how could Wes have got in the grounds, then into the house and up to my room without being noticed,” she reasoned.

Tap, tap, tap once more went the door, “Ashleigh…” whispered the voice.

“Fuck it,” Ashleigh thought, pulling back the covers and making her way to the bedroom door.

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