Resequencing DNA

Chapter 10

From the bistro, the girls got back in the car after Pippa had advised James about their next destination. Ashleigh spent the entire short journey silent and deep in thought, contemplating what had taken place thus far, as well as what was to come, specifically the upcoming weekend as she was almost awaiting Monday with eager anticipation.

The car stopped and the girls stepped out once more, looking around, Ashleigh realised they were outside of another big department store. However, to the right-hand side of the huge store was an alleyway separating it from the smaller building that was lit up with a neon sign that read “Luxe Nails.”

“The plan is to get the last few bits that we need for you, namely makeup and perfume, okay honey. Then after that, it’s a trip to the nail salon…for us both,” stated Pippa rather excitedly with a huge grin on her face, as she once again took Ashleigh by the arm and began to lead her to the store. Ashleigh looked around as the pair approached the doors to the store, she quickly noted that this store was located at the very end of Regent Boulevard. This end of Regent Boulevard was very different to the other areas they had visited. Unlike the other areas, this particular area looked a lot more run-down, to the left of the store was a crossroads that separated Regent Boulevard from buildings that looked dishevelled and rather beat up with some buildings closed and boarded up.

“This area doesn’t look a particularly safe one,”  thought Ashleigh as she observed a shift in James’ behaviour also. Contrasting to how he had been previously, where James had stood patiently by the car and waited for the girls to return, now James followed closely behind the pair, right up to the door, which already had two rather burly looking security guards who looed the girls up and down as they approached.

The girls walked inside, leaving James outside. A large bronze sign indicated which department was on what floor: Ground floor cosmetics and fragrance, 1st floor home, 2nd-floor ladieswear, 3rd-floor lingerie and 4th-floor menswear. Walking past the stairway and lift, the girls entered the second set of double doors. Once inside, Ashleigh was overwhelmed by her senses as she entered, the flooring was that of a white tile which was clearly polished as it glared under the bright, fluorescent, overhead lighting. A mixture of both sweet and musky fragrances hit her all at once. All around were various counters, each displaying a name of a cosmetics brand, in front of each were ladies all dressed in smart attire, their faces made up perfectly.

“Would you like to try a sample of our latest fragrance?” asked a lady as the girls walked by.

“Sure,” replied Pippa, coming to a stop.

The lady sprayed two, small white cards and proceeded to hand one to each of the girls.

“Oh,” stated Pippa, as she held the card up by her nose, “This smells absolutely divine,” she added.

Not knowing what to do initially, Ashleigh copied the actions of Pippa, holding the card to her nose and taking in the scent. Her nostrils were filled with a somewhat, warm, musky, earthy scent that she found rather overpowering and did not like that much. Even though she did not say a word, her face almost instantly gave away her thoughts on the fragrance.

“I guess that is not for you madam,” said the lady with a smile, “here, try this one,” she added, picking up another bottle and repeating the process.

Ashleigh promptly placed the small card up to her nose in order to smell the second scent which she found to be much different. This second scent was much more delicate and rather sweet Ashleigh found its soft, floral aroma to be more of an elegant, feminine fragrance.

“I guess you like that one Ash?” asked Pippa with a smile.

Ashleigh nodded before Pippa turned to the sales lady,

“We will take one of each, but ring them up separately,” stated Pippa.

“Very well,” said the lady with a smile, picking two boxes, before going to the till point.

After the boxes were placed into a bag and Pippa had paid for them both, they then began to head towards the makeup counters. However, out of the corner of her eye, Ashleigh thought she had seen a woman watching them closely, as it appeared she was following them. As Ashleigh looked in her direction, however, the woman looked away.

Ashleigh gave no more thought to the strange woman as the girls began to peruse the makeup that was on display, a voice then called out to them,

“Hey Pip,” said the lady's voice full of glee.

Pippa turned around to locate the source of the voice before heading toward one of the smartly dressed ladies who stood by one of the counters.

“Hey Tiff,” replied Pippa as the pair approached, “Ashleigh, this is Tiffany, she’s been my best friend a long time. Tiffany, this is Ashleigh, she’s now dating my brother,” Pippa explained as she attempted to introduce the two girls. “You are still coming tonight…right Tiff?” asked Pippa.

“What a silly question honey, of course, I’ll be there, I wouldn’t miss my girl's wedding or the pre-wedding celebrations,” replied Tiffany with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Ashleigh,” she added.

“Good,” stated Pippa with a huge grin, “it’s gonna be fun,” she giggled.

“So…Pip, Ashleigh, what brings you here, can I help you?” asked Tiffany.

“Well…” stated Pippa, “Ashleigh here has never worn makeup before but she’s said she wants tomorrow to be the start,” Pippa explained.

“Oh…okay, well take a seat and we will colour match you, honey,” stated Tiffany, gesturing towards a seat that was placed in front of a well-lit mirror.

Ashleigh sat down as she was instructed,  Tiffany took a long look at her face before picking up a bottle. Once more Ashliegh caught sight of the strange woman, who now appeared to be making gestures towards an equally strange looking man who was not far from her before Ashleigh’s view of the pair was obstructed by Tiffany.

“This should look good on you,” stated Tiffany, emptying some of the bottle's contents onto a small tray and picking up a brush and going to work on Ashleigh’s face as she began to massage a cold liquid onto her skin using a brush.

Tiffany and Pippa continued to chat as Tiffany worked away on Ashleigh, yet Ashleigh seemed to zone out, unable to make out what the pair were chatting about, she remained almost transfixed on her reflection. The next thing she realised was when Tiffany spoke to her directly,

“Blink for me darling,” said Tiffany as she put what Ashleigh recognised as mascara on her lashes. “Now…what colour lip are we thinking…” asked Tiffany, “I personally think this one,” she explained pulling out a vibrant, blood-red lipstick.

“I would agree Ash, that would look stunning on you, especially with your hair colour,” explained Pippa as she nodded in agreement with Tiffany.

“Erm…sure…. whatever you think will look best,” said Ashleigh with a nervous smile.

“Okay then,” said Tiffany with a smile as she then set about painting Ashleigh’s lips a deep shade of red.

“All done…what do you think,” stated Tiffany a few moments later.

Ashleigh stared at her reflection in the mirror, her face was now made up absolutely perfectly and she was now in complete disbelief that the beautiful young woman staring back at her was even herself. Looking at her reflection, she looked more like a girl that Aaron would have pursued in order to date, let alone the fact that she had once been Aaron himself 24 hours prior and that in less than 100 hours, she would no longer exist and she would be Aaron once more.

“I feel so…so…so beautiful…” thought Ashleigh as she continued to admire herself. “I said this was going to be a…weird experience…but I guess it’s a bit of fun…I never thought I’d get to experience life from this angle…but hey…I’ll soon be Monday…that’s all I gotta tell myself…I’ll soon be be Monday and I’ll be myself again.”

“You look….breathtaking Ash,” stated Pippa with a huge grin on her face with no response from Ashleigh who was mesmerised by her reflection.

“So tomorrow…is it just your makeup I’m doing Pip?” asked Tiffany.

“Well…it’ll be me, my mum and Rose…then obviously yourself too,” giggled Pippa, “Why?”

“I was just thinking…the wedding is at 1 pm…right? And we’ll be getting ready from 7 am?” asked Tiffany.

“Yes,” replied Pippa.

“Well…it won’t take me too long so…if you want…because you’re my best friend…I can squeeze Ashleigh in too at no extra does that sound?” said Tiffany.

“Oh my god, thank you Tiff…how does that sound Ash?” asked Pippa, placing her hand on Ashleigh’s shoulder to get her attention as it was obvious she was taken back by her reflection.

“Erm…sure…if that’s okay with you both…” replied Ashleigh.

“Great,” exclaimed Tiffany, “So are you wanting to buy all the items that I used today?” she asked to which Ashleigh began to nod. “Lovely…let’s go put these through for you my darling,” stated Tiffany as she began to round up brand new boxes that were the same as what she had used.

Once again Pippa settled the bill and collected the bag of products.

“I shall see you both later and it was lovely to meet you, Ashleigh,” stated Tiffany.

“It was great to meet you too,” replied Ashleigh as once more Pippa took her by the arm and led her towards the doors of the store.

“Ready to get your nails done next Ash,” stated Pippa enthusiastically with a huge grin on her face.

“Sure…why not,” replied Ashleigh.

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