Report To the Lord: Your Little Heart is Acting Like a Spoiled Child Again

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Extra: Rong Xiuyuan Vs Lu Yunmiao

When Lu Yunmiao met Rong Xiuyuan, it was the golden autumn and October.

She frowned.

Afterwards, a pair of slender and beautiful hands picked up the fallen leaves, and she looked up along those hands, and finally met a pair of peach blossom eyes.

She pursed her lips and looked at him, “Sir, I won.”

Rong Xiuyuan looked down at the chessboard and nodded, “It’s the lady who won.”

Then he stood up and walked out.

The people watching chess all sighed, they all thought that this son could defeat this devil.

Some people muttered without shyness, “This witch is so fierce at chess, no wonder she can’t get married.”

Lu Yunmiao didn’t mind at all, after thinking for a while, she chased after Rong Xiuyuan’s back for a long time, “Young Master!”

Rong Xiuyuan turned his head and saw Lu Yunmiao biting his lips and looking at him, “Why did you let me?”

He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to meet her eyes, “I’m new here, don’t want to be too ostentatious.”

Lu Yunmiao was not particularly happy, “I don’t like others letting me.”

Especially in chess, even if you win, you will always feel frustrated.

Rong Xiuyuan laughed, “Okay, then I won’t let the girl down after that.”

She walked up to him and raised her eyes to look at him, “My name is Lu Yunmiao.”

“My name is Shen Xiuyuan.”

Lu Yunmiao hesitated for a long time before opening her mouth, “In the future, can I play chess with you often?”

Perhaps today’s wind is too sultry, or maybe the girl’s eyes are too pure and sincere, Rong Xiuyuan unexpectedly said, “Okay…”

From that day onwards, the two often made appointments and played chess together. Their chess skills were not equal to each other, and they often took a day. Not only that, the relationship between the two was getting better and better.

In the beginning, I just played chess without saying a word. Later, I began to discuss chess.

Rong Xiuyuan never mentions his family affairs, but he likes to listen.


When she is not playing chess, she is always gentle, she speaks softly, and when she smiles, there are two sweet dimples on her face.

She didn’t look good at first glance, but as time went on, she felt more and more beautiful. Gradually, Rong Xiu went far beyond just watching chess, and occasionally looked up at her.

She was always watching chess when he looked up at her.

She regards chess as her life, and everyone in Beijing thinks she will marry chess in the future, he knows this.

One day, Rong Xiuyuan came to meet at the appointed place, but found Lu Yunmiao leaning back on the chair, head up, looking up without moving.

Rong Xiuyuan followed her gaze—there was nothing.

He did not disturb her, but sat quietly.

It wasn’t until many years later that he knew that Lu Yunmiao was looking at the “chessboard” above.

After watching it for a long time, she turned her head to look at Rong Xiuyuan with a frowning look, “Mr. Shen, will your family force you to marry?”

Rong Xiuyuan remembered his father and mother. His father said that after the age of eighteen, everything he does is up to him.

My mother doesn’t seem to care much about this kind of thing. Cheng Yanqiu’s mother has already married him, and her mother seems to have never cared about her.

He shook his head.

Lu Yunmiao lowered her head, “Your parents are so nice.”

“My sister is going to marry the son of the prime minister’s family next month.”

She pursed her lips, a little unlovable, “My mother comes to me every day these few days, and wants me to marry soon.”


She bowed her head gloomily and stopped thinking about those things, “playing chess…”

It seems that only when you play chess, you can concentrate and stop thinking about other things.

Rong Xiuyuan nodded and played chess with her.

Today, she was in a very bad state, and she suffered repeated setbacks and became more and more annoyed. She lowered her eyes to look at the chessboard, “I lost…”

She reached out to collect the pieces on the board, “One more game.”

Rong Xiuyuan raised his hand and grabbed her wrist to collect the pieces.

His hand was a little cold, and it felt almost like a chess piece, making Lu Yunmiao stunned for a while.

“The girl is in a bad mood today, and her state is not good, so don’t let it go.”

Lu Yunmiao withdrew her hand and nodded glumly.

Rong Xiuyuan smiled, “Don’t be sad, girl, there are other things you can do if you don’t play chess.”

“What to do?” Lu Yunmiao couldn’t help asking, “I can’t think of anything else I can do besides playing chess.”

“I can’t play the piano and draw…”

Rong Xiuyuan listened to her self-defeating words, and only thought she was cute and tight.

He looked at her with those bright peach eyes, “Don’t be afraid, girl, even if you don’t know anything, we can still eat it.”

He stood up and stretched out his hand towards Lu Yunmiao, “Do you want to eat with me, girl?”

Lu Yunmiao thought for a moment, but decided to follow.

Rong Xiuyuan introduced her as he walked, “There is a street in front of it, and there are all kinds of delicious food in it.”

Only around him, except Cheng Yanqiu, there is no friend who likes to eat and drink with him.

Lu Yunmiao followed Rong Xiuyuan to the street. Sure enough, just standing on the street, you can smell all kinds of fragrances.

whetted appetite.

She followed behind Rong Xiuyuan and walked with him.

The next moment, Rong Xiuyuan shoved an oiled paper bag into Lu Yunmiao’s hand, Lu Yunmiao opened the oiled paper bag, and inside was a roasted pig’s trotter.

She took a sip and it was delicious.

She followed behind Rong Xiuyuan while eating roasted pig trotters. Not long after, there were some cakes, candies, and various snacks she had never seen before.

She held her in her arms, no matter how much oil got on her clothes.

Rong Xiuyuan has been a child who loves to eat since he was a child. He has a thorough research on eating. He buys all the things he thinks are delicious to Lu Yunmiao.

Not long after, Lu Yunmiao’s bosom was full of food.

She smelled this and that, and she didn’t know which one to eat.

But luckily, Rong Xiuyuan took her to a dark teahouse to drink tea and eat.

The big men around are discussing state affairs, and several aunts are discussing the marriage of men and women.

There was a lot of noise around him, but Rong Xiuyuan didn’t mind at all. He liked to come to this kind of place to collect news and hear what the people were most concerned about these days.

Lu Yunmiao nibbled on pig trotters while drinking tea. After nibbling for a while, he looked up at Rong Xiuyuan, his peach blossom eyes were all focused, not good-looking.

This kind of boy should be liked by many girls.

As long as he wants, no one can escape those beautiful peach eyes.

When she finished eating the pig’s trotters and drank tea, it was already late.

Rong Xiuyuan stared at her hand for a while, then took out a handkerchief and wiped the oil stains on her fingers.

The tentacles still felt slightly cool, her fingertips trembled slightly, but she did not withdraw her hand.

She couldn’t help but secretly raised her eyes to look at him, he lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes cast a small fan-shaped shadow on his face.

After wiping off the oil stain, he put away the veil, “Girl, it’s too late, I’ll take you home.”

She gave a “um”, feeling a little down for no reason.

It was late at night, and there was only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the leaves on the roadside. She walked in front of Rong Xiuyuan, holding the rest of the food in her hands, and took two steps to Looking back at Rong Xiuyuan for a while.

He is wearing a white coat today, and under the moonlight, he is elegant and out of the dust.

When Lu Yunmiao looked back at him for the tenth time, he suddenly smiled, “What do girls always look back at me?”

“I’m not going to disappear.”

Lu Yunmiao blushed, and said stutteringly, “I…I think the son is good-looking!”

After speaking, she couldn’t help lowering her head, how could she tell the truth?

“Okay, that girl needs to take a second look.” Rong Xiuyuan said with a smile.

Lu Yunmiao nodded.

He took her all the way back to the door of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, Lu Yunmiao wanted to wave goodbye to Rong Xiuyuan, but he couldn’t do anything, so he could only keep looking back at him.

Fortunately, every time I look back, Rong Xiuyuan is there.

She shouted at him loudly, “Young Master! See you tomorrow!”

“Okay, see you tomorrow!”

Until he entered the mansion, Lu Yunmiao couldn’t help but look back at him.

He didn’t turn his head and left until he saw that she had completely entered the house.

Lu Yunmiao returned to the boudoir with the food in her hand, only to feel her heart beating “puff-puff”.

Everyone in the mansion was very busy. When she returned to the room, she suddenly realized, “Where is the second sister? Why can’t I see the second sister these days?”

The maid’s eyes flickered and she felt a little guilty, “Second Miss may have been busy with her marriage these days.”

Lu Yunmiao nodded. Although she and her sister have feelings, they have different interests. She has nothing to do and doesn’t pay much attention to her.

She didn’t take it seriously, she just lay down and went to sleep contentedly.

From this day on, when she goes to see Rong Xiuyuan, she will deliberately dress up and put on rouge before going.

Rong Xiuyuan was looking for her more and more frequently, and he always went directly to the Ministry of Household to look for him.

On this day, Rong Xiuyuan went to court in the evening.

The ministers suggested that the emperor accept the harem and spread the branches and leaves, but the emperor refused. He listened to the two sides arguing in the court hall for a day, only to feel exhausted.

Before he became an official, he never thought that this kind of **** could be noisy for a day.

I finally returned home, lying on the bed, thinking of Lu Yunmiao’s face again.

Even though it was already dark, he still went to find her.

The Second Miss of the Ministry of the Ministry of Housing is going to marry the son of the Prime Minister recently, so the Shangshu of the Ministry of Household has been beaming recently.

Rong Xiuyuan suddenly chuckled as he looked at the red cloth floating over from the roof.

Marriage is such a beautiful thing just to hear and see.

In the mansion, Lu Yunmiao listened to the message from the maid as soon as she took a bath, hurriedly dried her body, put on her clothes, combed her hair, and hurried out to find him.

The girl behind her shouted, “Miss! You haven’t dried your hair yet!”

She didn’t care at all, she just ran towards the door happily.

Rong Xiuyuan stood in the dim light and looked at her, only to feel that the chaos in the hall seemed to be of little importance.

He would come to Lu Yunmiao every time he was bored with the intrigues of the court.

She is simple, only loves chess, and doesn’t have so much thought, and with such a person, she will always be very peaceful.

“Come on, there is a lantern festival today, I’ll take you there.”

Lu Yunmiao nodded and walked side by side with Rong Xiuyuan.

But he didn’t think about it. After two steps, Rong Xiuyuan suddenly stopped, and in Lu Yunmiao’s suspicious eyes, he took out the handkerchief in his arms.

Then—began to brush her hair finely.

“It’s already autumn. If the girl always comes out without drying her hair like this, it will be cold.”

Lu Yunmiao was fortunate in her heart, fortunately it was dark at this time, otherwise Rong Xiuyuan would have seen her blushing.

He wringed the water out of her hair and wiped her carefully with a handkerchief.

Then pursed her lips and said, “I’d better take the girl to a warm place.”

Not long after, he brought Lu Yunmiao to a small building. The small building was very lively. Lu Yunmiao looked up and saw that it was actually holding a lantern riddle conference.

It was indeed much warmer here, but the crowd was crowded. She was afraid of losing Rong Xiuyuan, so she could only follow him closely.

But he didn’t think about it, the next second, Rong Xiuyuan wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her forward.

Her waist was so thin that she couldn’t help but hold her, Rong Xiuyuan couldn’t help but hug her tightly.

She was caught off guard, blushed again, and looked up at him quietly.

“Come, come, hold a lantern riddle conference today, whoever guesses the most lantern riddles correctly will win a thousand taels of silver!”

The man at the top shouted.

Everyone immediately participated enthusiastically, and Rong Xiuyuan also took Lu Yunmiao to get the sign for the competition, and went with her to participate in the lantern riddle guessing.

Rong Xiuyuan guessed lantern riddles very quickly, and he had already guessed seven or eight in a short time.

After all, Lu Yunmiao is also very smart. Not long after, she also picked up the pen and wrote five or six articles.

The two went all the way and came to the final game together.

In the last round, ten puzzles, Rong Xiuyuan guessed all the answers at a glance, but when he was writing, he thought for a moment.

Rong Xiuyuan submitted the answer first, then Lu Yunmiao. Soon, the organizer shouted, “Today, the winner of this lantern riddle competition is—”

Lu Yunmiao glanced at Rong Xiuyuan, the champion should be his, Rong Xiuyuan is much smarter than her.

“It’s Miss Lu Yunmiao!”

After he announced, Lu Yunmiao looked at Rong Xiuyuan in disbelief, she was obviously slower than Rong Xiuyuan.

Rong Xiuyuan smiled at her.

She took one thousand taels of silver bills, but on the way back, she was holding the silver bills, but she was not very happy.

She doesn’t like people letting her.

Rong Xiuyuan saw her lonely look, suddenly turned around and explained to her seriously, “I didn’t let the girl.”

“The last lantern riddle, I saw the girl’s fascination for a while, and accidentally wrote the answer to the girl’s name.”

Lu Yunmiao was stunned.

Rong Xiuyuan laughed again, “Now that I think about it, I really feel a little annoyed that I lost a thousand taels because of this.”

Somewhere, as Rong Xiuyuan said, it suddenly melted away, Lu Yunmiao couldn’t help blushing, turned her head and didn’t look at him.

Rong Xiuyuan laughed and continued to send her.

He sent her home, and before parting, he took out another bag from his arms.

“This is a cake that my father brought to me from his hometown and made by himself. I don’t like sweets, girl, let’s eat it.”

Lu Yunmiao took the cake, she took a few steps forward, and then she suddenly thought of something and waved to him.

Rong Xiuyuan also followed her example, stretched out his hand and waved it.

He still waited until she had completely entered the House of Ministers of Ministry before leaving, and when Lu Yunmiao returned to the mansion, she held the cake tightly in his arms.

She thought about it carefully, if she could spend the rest of her life with Mr. Shen, it seemed…not bad?

Besides… Young Master Shen, should he like her too?

She thought so, and saw a maid hurriedly rushing over, “Miss, you are finally back, the master and wife are looking for you!”

She came back to her senses and hurriedly went to find her parents, only to see that all her parents were frowning.

Hubu Shangshu Lu Zhongque sighed and looked at Lu Yunmiao, thinking for a long time, but he didn’t know how to speak.

Mother Chen Yan also cried with red eyes and choked for a long time before speaking, “Yun Miao, your sister…she…”

“She ran off with the wild man!”

Who would have thought that Lu Yunluo would run off with a violinist a few days before marrying the prime minister!

Lu Yunmiao looked pale and asked quickly, “What should I do? Did my father send someone to chase him?”

Lu Zhongque sighed, “I chased it, but by the time I found out, the person had already run away, and we will get married in seven days, this…”

“The most terrible thing is that the Prime Minister’s mansion somehow got the news of your sister’s escape…”

“What did the Prime Minister’s Mansion say?” Lu Yunmiao asked quickly.

Chen Yan’s face was a little pale, she looked at Lu Yunmiao, and she became more and more guilty, “The Prime Minister’s mansion said that what they want is the young lady of the Shangshu mansion, if the second miss does not marry, the eldest miss is fine too. …”

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