Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 421 Judgment is coming

In the underground base, the entire command room was filled with the president's shouts of shock and anger. Looking at the world map covered with dense red dots on the satellite image, his eyes were red at this moment, almost tearing up.

As a presidential republic, the president of the federation has absolute power in the nuclear missile launch procedure, and now, without his authorization and consent, there has been a grand event of nearly 10,000 nuclear weapons being launched.

This major accident happened, no matter what the reason behind it is, in short, he is definitely responsible for it.

On the other hand, if the target of these nuclear bombs is really the federation's homeland, it is not just a simple matter of taking the blame.

After the nuclear explosion, even if the underground base's protection level can theoretically withstand the frontal bombardment of large-yield nuclear weapons, it can only provide shelter for a while.

Even if he barely survived this time, he was destined to leave the base and face the terrifying doomsday of nuclear radiation and scorched earth everywhere on the surface.

It can be foreseen that in such a harsh living environment, their death is only a matter of time.

He was not the only one in the room who realized the seriousness of the problem, so almost everyone, including the president of the Federation, showed more or less fear on their faces.

In the corner of the room, Representative Trask, still wearing a black suit, was looking at everyone in the base with a cold look. Unlike the others who were full of panic, this Asian youth was always calm, and even had a faint smile with a hint of irony at the corner of his mouth.

Restraining the disdain that inadvertently appeared in his eyes, he slowly stood up in silence and said:

"It's not Professor X who is in danger, but Apocalypse. His attack on Kiyo Island yesterday was just a small test, and now he has really shown his fangs. I reminded you before..."

"Everyone, it's just the beginning now. Don't worry about these nuclear weapons. Apocalypse only hates modern technology. The reason he does this is just to prevent us humans from being desperate and destroying this world that should belong to him."

"Gather all the forces that can be gathered. The war between humans and gods has begun. We have no way out!"

After the words fell, everyone present was silent, with only the heavy breathing sound constantly echoing. The scene in the memory of the dust turning thousands of sentinels into dust once again appeared clearly in the mind.

After a moment, until a staff member shouted, the stagnant atmosphere in the room was broken.

"Mr. President, we have determined the final target of the missile launch!"

"Where is it?!"

"Up, in space!"


Outside, chaos is still spreading.

As the strange images in their minds continued to advance, everyone soon realized what would happen next. Some people began to frantically look for shelters, while others walked out of the door.

Since they were destined to die, they would rather face the brilliant light after the nuclear bomb exploded than hide in the dark.

When they came to the open space, the people who were slightly closer to the launch point could just see the dense white gas columns in the air gathering into a forest, reaching the sky.

Looking up, I saw countless flames at the end of my vision, and they were finally completely swallowed up by the misty clouds.

After a few breaths, the clouds in the sky dissipated, and first dozens of light spots lit up on the sky, and then these light spots suddenly bloomed, turning into a mighty and dazzling light that surged outward.

In a flash, the entire sky was stained with a blazing white, and even the scorching sun seemed to be dimmed by three points at this moment.

At the same time, when the sky was flooded with light, the ocean below also raised huge waves.

A huge fireball rose into the sky above the blue sea, and below it were broken aircraft carriers and warships being swallowed up one by one by the surging sea water.

What Tianqi wanted to destroy was not just nuclear weapons, but also a large number of artificial satellites in space, the International Space Station, aircraft carriers in the ocean, nuclear-powered submarines, etc., all of which were covered within the scope of destruction.

Although these weapons actually posed no threat to him at all, the symbolic meaning behind them was extraordinary. They were the symbolic representatives of the highest military power of human technological civilization.

If Tianqi wanted to rebuild civilization, it was far from enough to just destroy its material. He had to break the backbone of this technological civilization.

So following Ah Fu's advice, he decided to use the method of mind live broadcast to show the whole process of destroying civilization to all the existing humans in this world step by step in detail.

So that they know how vulnerable this prosperous technological civilization, which seems to have taken thousands of years to create by humans, is under the power of the gods.

Only in this way, those people who survived to the next era will lose all their resistance and become truly docile lambs.

So, when the white glow of the sky slowly dissipated, everyone just recovered from the emotion of escaping death, and the cold voice of Apocalypse appeared in their minds again.

"Stones, spears, swords, catapults... and now all kinds of weapons, you humans are always keen on this... But these are just gravel in the wind and reflections in the water..."

"But they will be blown away!"


The voice of the Apocalypse became louder and louder, making the listeners feel cold, and as the announcement continued, spectacular images appeared in everyone's mind.

It was a large piece of sunken aircraft carrier debris in the deep ocean, tens of thousands of unexploded nuclear warheads in the void of space, and many artificial satellite debris that had become space junk.

Apocalypse disdains to use mind manipulation to slaughter the people, so the casualties caused by the weird global nuclear bomb collective launch were not serious.

He just used the most intuitive way to explain to the world how fragile the so-called civilization of mankind was in front of him.

"Countless attempts, countless failures, you can continue to climb up the Tower of Babel to challenge God."

"But you will never be able to defeat God!!"

The high-pitched voice in the ear continued, and after the words fell, the various images of space debris disappeared, and a large city with tall buildings appeared instead.


Sounds of surprise rang out from all over the world. As the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa, Cairo is also well-known worldwide, so there are many people who recognized its identity at the first time.

Looking at this prosperous city with thousands of towers, people far away from Cairo were just surprised, but the residents in Cairo were completely terrified at this moment.

Since the aircraft carriers and satellites were all destroyed not long ago, no one would think that the other party would show the goodwill of the ancient city of Cairo. Maybe the next city to be reduced to a tragic state of wreckage will be the Egyptian capital with a permanent population of more than 7 million.

Sure enough, the next second, under the common gaze of 6.5 billion people around the world, wisps of yellow sand began to emerge on the periphery of the ancient city of Cairo, and soon evolved into a terrifying sandstorm that swept towards the center of the city.

Wherever the wind and sand passed, all materials were blown away, whether it was the scattered cars and debris, the majestic high-rise buildings, or even the tiny figures mixed in them, they were all forced to rise from the ground under the tearing of the hurricane, and quickly decomposed and disintegrated in the grinding. Metals, rocks, and even flesh and blood were all disintegrated into fine sand and merged into the flying yellow sand.

In just a dozen breaths, the raging sandstorm completely encompassed the entire ancient city of Cairo. As far as the eye could see, the original grand scene of tall buildings and hundreds of temples and thousands of towers shining in each other no longer existed, replaced by the miserable scene of everything disappearing where the yellow sand passed.

The picture projected in everyone's mind had no sound, but all the beings who witnessed this scene seemed to hear the violent roar of the building collapsing and the shrill screams of flesh and blood being torn.

So, the whole world was silent.

Under the gaze of 6.5 billion stunned eyes, a large city covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers was reduced to charred debris in an instant.

A few minutes later, the raging yellow sand finally slowly dissipated, and the entire Cairo was completely turned into a ruin. Whether it was the prosperity of the past or the ugly sins hidden in the darkness, they have now been completely buried and no trace can be seen.

Without the cover of the yellow sand, the bright sunlight also poured down from the smooth sky. Looking around, the Nile River was devastated and deadly. In the center of this vast ruin, a giant pyramid more than a few thousand meters high stood between heaven and earth.

The golden spire glittered in the sunlight, with countless mysterious inscriptions running through it. It looked mysterious, but facing this magnificent building that far surpassed the Seven Wonders of the World, all the beings who witnessed its formation process felt a chill all over their bodies.

That was a bloody temple built with all the materials of more than 3,000 square kilometers of Cairo City, and decorated with the flesh and blood of more than 7 million people.

Although the power of mind manipulation is vast, it is ultimately illusory and cannot be seen directly. This exaggerated method of destroying an entire large city and using it as consumables to cast a giant tower is the most intuitive and naked display of power.

Under this power, the chaotic atmosphere that quickly spread to the world due to the use of nuclear weapons not long ago was also destroyed in an instant. Whether it was ordinary people in the market, high-ranking government officers, or mutants with various special abilities, they were all silent now.

You know, Big Ivan's maximum killing radius is only about 60 kilometers, which is completely insignificant compared to the full 3,000 kilometers.

If Cairo collapsed at the touch of a button in the hands of this mutant who calls himself "God", then even if it was replaced by the capital of a more powerful country such as the Federation, its fate would probably not change much.

In fact, this level of power has seriously exceeded the scope of understanding of modern technology, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a legendary god.


On the other side.

Cairo, on the banks of the Nile.

Apocalypse did not care how much shock his series of actions brought to the world, just like humans never count how many ants are hidden in the grass at their feet.

Often when standing too high, you will unconsciously ignore the low and weak distant sound at your feet. If humans are weak, how much more so is Apocalypse, who claims to be God?

Looking down at the magnificent temple in the distance, his brows were full of coldness. Cairo has a very special meaning to Apocalypse.

Thousands of years ago, this was his most important territory, and at the same time, it was also the place where he was betrayed by humans.

And thousands of years later, he will return this place to the highest position in the center of the universe after his return.

Of course, before that, he must first erase all traces of those betrayers, so as to serve as the first sacrifice after his return.

And the next one to step onto the altar is the entire human civilization.

The raised arm slowly lowered, and Apocalypse's sight was retracted from the magnificent pyramid in the distance. With the light wave of his open palm, the enchanting purple glow instantly expanded outward with him as the center, and soon included all the people on the riverside boulder.

When the glow dissipated, there was no one on the boulder, and correspondingly, a purple light suddenly bloomed in front of the giant pyramid in the center of the ruins.

At the same time, the mental connection picture that appeared in the minds of all beings in the world also changed. The original high-altitude overlooking scene suddenly zoomed down, and a tall figure with white eyes was seen walking out of the opened purple portal.

No need for too many words, just a glance, everyone can be sure that he is the god who calls himself "God".

The pale eyes slowly raised, obviously just looking into the void, but 6.5 billion people in the world all have the illusion that the other party seems to be looking at themselves.

Feeling the various gazes from all over the world, Tianqi looked cold. There was fear, hatred, and even envy and worship in these gazes. Even though thousands of years have passed, the human species has always been like this.

The coldness between the eyebrows became heavier, and the corners of the tightly pursed lips gradually cracked. After a moment of silence, Tianqi's low voice began to sound again around the world.

"Humans, you have lost your way without guidance, but now I have returned."

"Wrong civilization needs to be corrected, past sins need to be washed away, so judgment is coming!"


As he spoke, a series of muffled rumbling sounds suddenly came, and the Nile River not far away suddenly boiled and rolled, and inexplicably raised a hundred-foot river wave straight into the sky. Soon, a blue water curtain covering most of the ruins of Cairo was created in the air. Looking closely, you can even see a large number of fish, shrimps and shellfish swimming through it.

Even the bright sunlight in the sky turned into colorful neon after passing through the water curtain, illuminating the ugly charred ruins below beautifully. However, behind this extreme beauty, what is hidden is an absolute deadly danger.

The next moment, a huge water curtain weighing more than a thousand tons crashed down from the air. In an instant, the earth shook, white waves surged, and the charred ruins all over the ground were swallowed up in an instant. With the giant pyramid as the center, the area within a radius of 10,000 meters became an ocean.

At the same time, outside the ocean, the earth began to shake more and more violently, until several magnificent metal veins broke out of the ground, tearing the entire continental plate into pieces like a raging giant snake, and the flooding vibration slowly weakened.

This ocean churning is undoubtedly the work of Apocalypse, but the tearing of the land is the ability of Magneto. After receiving the Knight's enhancement, he can now easily destroy the world with one hand.

At least disturbing the earth's magnetic field and forcibly tearing the continental plates is not a difficult task for him. In terms of the destructive power to the planet, Magneto, who has completely let go, is even slightly better than Apocalypse.

The natural disaster doomsday in the periphery continued to expand outward, and in the magnificent pyramid surrounded by the ocean, Apocalypse with satisfaction retracted his gaze towards the metal veins in the air, then raised his eyes and slowly said:

"Escape to the heights, lambs, in 24 hours, the flood will submerge everything, the earth will be shattered, and your civilization will come to an end completely..."

"Another era is about to begin, only the strong can survive the disaster, you will share the world with me in the next era!!"

"Of course, I will give you another chance to challenge God. There is still one day left. I will wait for your final resistance in the temple. Defeat me and your civilization will be preserved."

"As for those cowards, run away, this is your only chance of survival!"


After the words fell, the spiritual connection that stretched to the world was immediately severed. At the moment of severance, Professor X behind Apocalypse also rolled his eyes, and then fainted directly.

First, he was forced to raise his ability limit, and then he was forced to act as Apocalypse's "human mind amplifier" for nearly ten minutes. The huge loss caused by these operations was a serious overdraft for the professor's old body.

On the contrary, Apocalypse, who dominated all this, always had a steady breath, and there was no sign of fatigue on his face.

Even though he did so, the mutant god who was active thousands of years ago still behaved unfathomable. His strength was like a bottomless abyss, making it impossible to know how many means were hidden behind him.

At this moment, the vast ocean outside had receded. Glancing at the ground that was flattened by the flood, Apocalypse calmly turned around and picked up Professor X who was in a coma, and walked straight towards the huge temple gate behind him.

This is not the first time that he has done such a thing as flooding the world. He is very experienced. Now with the reversal of Magneto's magnetic poles, even if humans have various technological means to rely on, under such a natural disaster, only one in ten can survive.

As for the one day reserved for humans to resist, it comes from Alfred's suggestion.

He must seize Professor X's ability, but the process of seizing the ability is also his most vulnerable moment. Even with the protection of the Four Horsemen, it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. Otherwise, he would not have fallen into eternal sleep thousands of years ago.

So before holding the seizing ceremony, it is necessary to attract all the beings who dare to resist him, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop, so as to ensure that the same mistakes will not be repeated.

Thinking of this, before entering the temple, he suddenly looked sideways at the gentle figure standing beside him with a respectful expression.

"Alfred, follow me in. Eric, you lead the others to guard the temple."

Soon, the two figures gradually disappeared into the darkness inside the temple, and outside the temple, Magneto looked at the magnificent temple in front of him with a deep gaze.

A moment later, he rose from the ground with a majestic magnetic force lingering around him. Psylocke and Scarlet Witch on both sides also left quickly at the same time, guarding the three sides of the temple.

At least so far, the four of them are all loyal knights following Apocalypse, so they naturally have to complete the orders given by the master with all their heart.

Gradually, the sun sank in the west, and the entire ruins of Cairo became dead silent. Only the giant pyramid in the center squatted quietly in the dim sunlight, and the deep shadow it cast was like a huge evil beast that wanted to swallow the world, trembling slightly.

Outside Cairo, an unprecedented riot is sweeping across the world at a crazy pace. Since the end of the world is approaching, the last carnival before dusk will naturally be extremely grand.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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