Reincarnated with the Country System

Chapter 79: Aboard the Luxurious Vessel

The Bernard Empire sent a luxurious ship to transport the nobles

The nobles, who were still dumbfounded, boarded the white ship; as the nobles set foot on the ship, they were once again surprised to the point it started to give them a headache.

"I think my brain can't take any more of these wonders. What kind of person would even put a pond on the deck of a ship when it's already surrounded by water?" Marquis Sam exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Maybe that's just the supply of drinking water, look at it. It's very clear and clean so that means it's for drinking." Duke Gorge replied to Sam.

"Drinking water? That would be impossible," Sam countered, his brow furrowing. "We are in the ocean! Leaving drinking water exposed like that would be sheer folly."

"That is a swimming pool, you can swim in it or relax on the beach chaises."

Nobles looked at the one who had spoken and saw Joseph standing with a man in a white uniform.

Duke Gorge said, "Thank God you are here, Imperial Diplomat. We were about to start an argument about this..this...this swimming pool you called."

"Well, that is understandable, as it is your first time onboard this kind of ship. I guess I have to do a tour for all of you." The man in white said

The nobles regarded the man with curiosity, their eyes narrowing as they tried to discern his identity.

Joseph realized this and quickly said, "Let me introduce you to him. He is the captain of this ship, Yusiru."

Yusiru said with a smile, "Nice to meet you all. You can tell me anything you need during this trip."

Duchess Milana, her eyes sparkling with intrigue, said, "That would be delightful, Captain Yusiru. I am quite captivated by this magnificent ship."

Joseph then said, "Then I am leaving now." Saying this, Joseph left the ship, leaving the nobles in the capable hands of Captain Yusiru

Captain Yusiru said, "Why don't I show you to your rooms, so you could put your stuff away."

Captain Yusiru brought each one of them to their respective rooms. Marquis Sam was the first to be brought into his room. The other nobles were also able to see the room of Marquis Sam. This made them able to get a glimpse of what their rooms might look like. This made the nobles quite astonished to see that the ship could be fitted with luxurious comfort.

As they enter the room, everyone, except for Captain Yusiru, is immediately amazed by the well-decorated room that will almost make you forget that you are on a ship.

The nobles immediately noticed the king-size bed in the room and the sudden decrease in the temperature when they entered the room.

The nobles started to touch the things that were very unfamiliar to them. If you will look at them they look like children who have any questions about the things they are currently seeing and touching.

Yusiru cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "Let me explain some of the features in your room. First, this device is a telephone. You can use it to communicate with the room service crew. Simply press this button, and someone will respond to your request, whether it's for drinks, cleaning, or food. They are also here to address any complaints you may have."

The nobles exchanged glances.

"Next, this rectangular appliance is called a refrigerator. It keeps drinks cool and preserves fruits, meats, and fish for extended periods," Yusiru continued, gesturing toward the sleek, metallic unit.

Duke Gorge's eyes widened. "This can preserve meat and fish? This is an incredible invention! The kingdom would surely benefit from such a device."

Yusiru nodded, "Indeed, Duke. It would be invaluable for merchants and business owners in the food industry."

Duke Gorge's mind raced with possibilities. "I can already envision a decrease in the need for smoking, salting, and drying meat and fish for preservation."

Captain Yusiru said, "Now that you mention it, salt is quite a valuable item, which makes its price quite high in your country; now I see why you are interested in the fridge. As much as I want to talk about the fridge I still need to talk about a lot of things."

Captain Yusiru continued his explanation about the room; he showed the bathroom, which made the nobles amazed by the comfort the shower brought. The clean toilet which was very new to them, as they were used in using a bench with a hole in the center with a bucket under it to catch their waste.

As Captain Yusiru was about to explain another thing, Duchess Milana suddenly kneeled and hugged the toilet. Captain Yusiru and the other nobles were surprised and speechless to see a noblewoman hugging a toilet.

"Where have you been all my life? It must be fate that we met today! I will cherish every moment with you!"

"Cough... cough...cough... Duchess, are you okay? You do know that you are currently hugging something where people drop their excrement." Yusiru stammered, trying to regain his composure

Duchess Milana blushed from embarrassment and spoke, "Sorry if I suddenly acted like this. It's just I have never seen something that made me feel this much amazed about something. Maybe it is because a lady like me just saw something that could be revolutionary to the proper hygiene etiquette of women."

"If the kingdom has these toilets, the woman of our kingdom wouldn't suffer from the smell of excrement; we women wouldn't even have to put our asses on those benches. We don't even know if someone used it properly; there was this one time where I caught one of the servants in the castle, smelling it and licking the bench after I used it."

Marquises Aqua recoiled in horror. "Good heavens, Duchess! What kind of person would even consider such a thing? Only a beast would stoop to that level!"

Yusiru, meanwhile, was grappling with his thoughts, wondering about the peculiarities of human behaviour, {Well, it can happen if Duchess Milana's servant is a certified masochist and scat lover.}

After the brief interlude, Captain Yusiru continued the tour. The nobles were entranced by everything, and Yusiru took the opportunity to explain the various amenities available to them.

Captain Yusiru brought them first to the bar where soft jazz music was being played live. A bartender was also there cleaning shot glasses.

"What is this place, Captain Yusiru?" Asked Marques Aqua

" This is the bar where you can order liquor and booze, this is also a place to relax. To order a drink just ask that kind gentleman over there cleaning a shot glass."

Marquis Sam nodded appreciatively. "It seems this ship truly has everything one could desire, even a tavern."

Captain Yusiru then brought them to the 3-D interactive theatre. As they enter the theatre, the nobles are immediately scared as they see giant men talking to each other on the wall.

Yusiru immediately calmed them down by telling them that what they were seeing was not real."

The movie being played in the theatre was an apocalypse movie.

The nobles immediately got interested in the movie as they managed to see a scene where the main characters were caught up in an earthquake and were trying to evade collapsing structures. But the movie got boring again so they moved to another part of the ship.

Yusiru brought the nobles to a well-decorated dining hall. The nobles were very impressed with what they saw. But Duke Gorge was more interested in something that he smelled.

Yusiru immediately noticed Duke Gorge and spoke, " Looks like they are preparing our dinner, and it smells like a speciality of this ship's chief."

"Well, I think I am looking forward to dinner, but lunch is also near."

Yusiru answered, " Do not worry about that, Duke. We will be going next to the conference room, where they have brought our lunch."

After a brief walk, they arrived at the conference room, where a sumptuous lunch awaited them. As they dined, Yusiru briefed the nobles on the rules and regulations of the empire, as well as the notable figures they would meet during their visit.

Three hours later, the nobles emerged from the conference room, their minds buzzing with new information. Yusiru then led them to the ship's spa, where they could indulge in massages and relaxation treatments.

The nobles were enjoying the massage therapist services and chatted about the rules of the Bernard empire.

Duke Gorge said, " I was surprised by the traffic law they have, it is amazing to know that the country doesn't have carriages and horses. They have cars which are very amazing and dangerous, as I remember that Yusiru told us that it could kill you if you got hit by a speeding one. The other thing is that you can't suddenly cross the street anywhere. There's always a designated spot for you to cross. If you disobey that rule you will get a severe punishment."

Marquis Sam also gave his thoughts, " I am more amazed about the organization they created, especially in defence. There is a separate organization that protects the internal security of the Bernard Empire which is called the police. This helps their military to focus on the defence and security of their country. This also helps them organize their military easily as the military doesn't have to worry about two things at the same time."

"Indeed," Duke Gorge added, "Also, littering on the streets is strictly prohibited in their country, and violators face hefty fines. If we could implement such a law in our kingdom, it would transform our streets, freeing them from the blight of garbage and creating a cleaner, more dignified environment."

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