Reincarnated Into A Hell Hound Bl/Yaoi

Chapter Twenty-one

And breathtaking it was. We weren’t inside of it yet, only in a stone path that went up to it. From here we could see an enormous construction right on top of a waterfall, and behind it, curving in arcs, gigantic trees with other contractions on them.

As we start to walk again up the path I see wooden stairs leading up the trees, as well as many bridges above intertwine them, making the ground very inter-ligated with the sky up constructions, so much that you could turn a wrong street and end upstairs.

 But, even more, what surprise me the most were the quantity of magical creatures roaming around, and not only deer, but lioness, griffin, owls, unicorns, etc, in less number than the deer, of course, but there nonetheless.

“They are not… contracted beasts are they?”

The one leading the group laughed, getting off his mount and taking off the reins, letting the deer simply walk away, since it was without a cell from the very beginning.

“Is not… in the way you may think it is.” He answers, standing beside me, but he is not the one who completes it.

“Every elf may have a companion in adulthood, some search for their entire lives without finding it, but don’t mistake it, it’s a companionship, both parts want and chose the bound. We do not force any magical creature to stay here, as we are the Guardians of the Forest, and it would be against everything we believe in to do such a thing.”

The person in question had white hair and deep blue sea eyes, his long ears had three pair of earrings, and his face was filled with tattoos, one cupping his chin and others going up his neck.

“Elder” The one beside me bowed, smiling at him and going away, leaving us with this elf. He walks the last steps down, staying in front of us, giving my brother a small smile and a nod for me, to which I give one back.

“My son talked about you two, and how a pup went against an entire camp of humans only to save his brother. I was impressed, even if it didn’t work.”

“You are Aeglos father them?”

“Yes. Please, follow me, let us meet up with him.”

As we walk I could notice more tattoos going up his fingers to his hands. “It goes all over our body?” My brother asks, of course his curiosity winning against his good sense.

“Is the mark of an Elder, given to us by the title. It’s an honor and a gift given to few.”

We walk farther and farther in, passing through white marble buildings that took full advantage of the moon light with many windows and crystals, and had few fire light sources, mostly inside rooms were people were reading or writing.

At some point we went a little downwards, passing through more and more elves as we arrive at another marble building, mostly square, but with many details on the edges and entryways to compensate that. At the front, two big horse-sea statues were with their hooves up, curving their backs and standing on their fishtail, their snouts pointing to the sky and their mane made as if staying underwater.


There were arcs upon arcs, framing beautifully the passageways, the layers giving a wave motion to the marble. A lot of crystals shaped like a drop were hanging around the celling, receiving the light of the moonlight and passing to the rest of the room, reflecting like platinum waves.

At the main room we went left as the women went right, though there was a third straight option for mix.

“A bathhouse?”

Are you calling us dirty? Where is Aeglos?


“Yes, sorry for this, we weren’t expecting your company, but he should be inside. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to prepare the place for you two.”

He gave another little smile, and with the flustering of his clothes turned around and left us in front of the bathhouse.

My brother, of course, without thinking twice went straight ahead. Wait, you little shit- I thought as I followed him. And…


Where should I start describing first?

The bathhouse was like a lake, full of natural rocks and spring trees forming an arc on top and covering the water with their petals, letting the silver crystal liquid look even more celestial. There was a part of the room to leave the clothes on, other to take a quick shower or to clean ourselves before going in the bath.

And the… well, the many elven naked torsos showing all around us, some talking and smiling, others relaxing and drinking something by the end of the bath. That much naked skin was blinding me and turning my brain to puddle.

Have I mentioned that I haven’t see one-single-ugly-elf this entire time?

Oh gosh.

One might think; but they are male, and so are you, so don’t worry about it, but the point is not if it’s a male, human or not, is just that beautiful things are beautiful, and gorgeous elves are much more than that.

Is just appreciation for the handsome, ok?

My brother goes trotting as if in his natural habitat, and when he find Aeglos he goes barking:

“Aeglooos~~~~ Remember us?? I missed you~~~”

Aeglos was inside the bath, wearing a high bun so not to wet his white hair and was talking to someone, but the moment he hears my brother’s voice he turns with a smile that reach his green eyes. He opened his arms and my brother jumped straight at him. “Hunthor! Thilgon! What have you two been up to?”

I tried to ignore all the nakedness around me and went closer to him, sitting beside the bath while my brother was sitting on his lap inside the water and passing his snout on the curve of his neck.

“Brother, you will dirty the water” And don’t sit on the lap of someone who is na-

“Why you two don’t wash yourselves too?” Says Aeglos as he starts passing his nails on the back of my brother, taking the mud off.

Hey, we are clean!... most of the time, is just that we have been travelling a lot to get here, and now that I mention it, my legs are tired from all the walking, soaking on a bath could do me good… but not all this naked bodies around me.

Though it would give me a good excuse to stay longer to appreciate the view- I mean, the beautiful moonlight and trees, yes.

My brother has fun in the bath, using as a pool and swimming back and forth from Aeglos, even warming the water with his tail for him.

I put my paw in the water, feeling the temperature, and it was warm enough to be confortable. I wiggle my talons and put the other one, going for the shallow part so I could stand; without anyone’s lap.

Getting confortable I lay down and support my snout out of the water on top of the rock, closing my eyes for a little and naturally warming the water around me; I’m filled with fire after all.

So much skin on site… elves don’t have much hair on their body, which gave me a clear view of those strong hill of abs, and those wide swimmer shoulders, the strong arms, not to mention the-

I feel someone approaching as my brother goes receiving pats from the others elves, and I look beside me only to see a child with big blue eyes and bronze hair staring at me.

“Can I touch you?”


“Can I clean you?”


“Can I help you bath?”


“Can I-“


I close my eyes then, but I still feel his eyes on me. Annoyed, I open one of my eyes only to see him staring at me without blinking. I take up the challenge and stare back.

Annoyed that he won’t give up I scow and snort away, closing my eyes again.

“… and now, can I touch you?”

Ahhhh-soooo-annoyiiiing! I look back at him with an eyebrow raised as he looks at me and smiles, showing his missing tooth. Damn it, even the kids are cute. 

“…Does that work with your parents?”

“Like a charm.”

Damn kid.

“…Only a little.”

I didn’t even finish talking when he comes closer, fighting against the water to go quicker, and sits right beside me. One of the elves; I think one of his parents, brings a bucket for him, smiling apologetically at me.

The kid takes it and from inside brings off a soft brush, a metal brush, some shampoo and crèmes?  “Now, remember what I taught you?” Says his parent and the child nods.

He starts reciting something and I look carefully at them, feeling the water move around me. “There! Now the shampoo won’t go to the rest of the water.” The father says when I look down at the spiraling water that wasn’t mixing itself with the rest.

The kid then takes the shampoo and starts to spread on my back. From now on I just doze off; never thought a bath/massage could be so relaxing. The kid is having fun, but couldn’t keep the water spell for long, as his father took his place on cleaning the water from the shampoo and putting on the bucket.

It was late when they finish, and I’ve never felt so clean and fluffy, like a rich lady lap dog. My fur shinned on the moonlight, and I smelled of berries.

Ugh, how I’m supposed to hunt like this? Going to rub myself in some soil later on. The kid had fallen asleep beside me, so his parent had taken him out long ago.

When we got out; and my brother calmed down; the place was almost empty. I was relieved that I finally could look around without staring at someone’s abs.

But of course I forgot Aeglos, right? He stands with my brother on his arms, asleep, and everything comes to view at once.

Those abs, those toned legs and thighs, arms like hills, all in all in perfect synchrony and still not bulky, giving him a slim figure and…



“Hum… lets go back?”

I nod quickly, getting off from the bath and drying myself, rising my body temperature, as Aeglos passes a towel over my brother and starts to get dress.

Now that I can look without having a heart attack, we finally leave the bath house in the direction of his home.


Author: *whispering* Hey girls and boys, did you like this chapter? *wiggles eyebrows* It was a surprise attack right?

Author: What? Why I’m whispering? Well, you see, someone discovered that someone looked at other’s people abs and started to freak out and…Shhh.

ML: Author-san~ Where are you~~Come out, come out~~ Wherever you are~~

Author: *still whispering* him playing the sweet one? OH NO, mayday, mayday, call the cops, reinforcements, someone, anyone, help-Aght-

Big News! Big News! Fictional character threatens author for letting his wifey have contact with other man when he himself has-not-appear-yet!

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