Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

220 Terrible provocation


"how can that be?!"

When the black-red energy dissipated, the upper body of the Dementor disappeared out of thin air, and then turned into black mist from top to bottom and completely dissipated.

Just as the "Patronus Charm" in today's magical world only drives away dementors, what appeared before their eyes now "killed" the dementors.



Overlapping appeared in the hearts of the officials, but soon, due to the so-called experience of adults and the superior position of officials of the Ministry of Magic, when they understood that their lives were not in danger, what they thought of was——

[The dementors given by the ministry are gone, what should I do? 】

"It seems you have to go back with us." An official immediately thought of a way to "kill the guards of the Ministry of Magic for no reason."

Pot throwing is a game in adult society, and the outcome is whether you are eliminated or not.

After all, it is better for others to suffer than for themselves to suffer. Moreover, they dare not say that the dementors are out of control. Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic will be widely reported as "unable to control the so-called 'guards'", which will disgrace the Ministry of Magic. And the ministry was embarrassed, and they were the ones who suffered.

"They are obviously out of control, right?" Ans didn't care about the ugliness of the so-called adults. "Aren't you very distressed just now? If you knew the Patronus Charm, you wouldn't need me as a student."

blah blah blah-

The sound of messy footsteps came from behind, and the Ministry of Magic officials in the front carriage walked over quickly. Like them, behind these officials, there was a girl with long blond hair.

Ans and Cassandra looked at each other, and they knew who had unleashed the previous attack without any special explanation.


The two parties met, and one of the middle-aged men, who looked full of majesty, looked at the person behind Ans, the guy who had taken him to the ministry for tea before.

"Captain, this student killed the dementor."

Although he is surprised, since he has decided to take the blame, he must be straightforward, even if it is a junior. Besides, the captain must have found a student to take the blame.

After all, the golden light just now was as conspicuous as the male student's magic. The man named Andrew and his captain looked at each other, and they both understood the other's choice, and they both made the same decision.

"Well, I'm sorry, classmates. Although you are still students, your actions have indeed caused losses to the Ministry of Magic. So even if Principal Dumbledore comes, he has to come with us."

In fact, it was a lie. When Dumbledore came, they really couldn't make the decision. They could only trick the students into taking a trip with them. Going to the Ministry of Magic 'voluntarily' and being taken away by force were two different things.

The former can be misinterpreted to mean that the person involved knows his mistake and has a reasonable way to throw the blame. Therefore, Andrew and the captain will emphasize "go with them" and just catch the child to bully them. .


Ans clapped his hands and shook his head, feeling wonderful.

Perhaps people in the Ministry of Magic are like their Minister Fudge, who think they have power and ignore what strength is.

In front of someone who can destroy the dementors, he actually threatened him. Is it because Fudge was not beaten by Dumbledore?

"no need to worry……"

Andrew thought the boy was scared, and just when he wanted to comfort him, he noticed the indifferent expression on the other side, and when he looked at him, he actually... raised the corners of his mouth.

? !

This is mocking.

This is a joke.

How dare he!

"It's nothing if you don't have a high IQ. What's scary is that you don't have any self-knowledge."

The blond girl with her arms folded across her chest stood beside Ans, looking at the Ministry of Magic official in front of her with the same expression as the young man, as if he were watching a clown show.

"This magical world is filthy again."

Under Fudge's leadership, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will naturally become crooked. People like this group of people, even students born in Hogwarts, have been infected by "power" and are no longer pure.

"Don't look at so many weird things." Cassandra patted Ans's arm, interrupting the opponent's "Abandoning Emperor" mode, then raised her chin and looked coldly at the stunned officials in front of her, "Okay, now, you guys It’s time to leave.”

Now that the Dementors were almost gone, there was no reason for the Ministry of Magic to stay.

"and many more……"

The captain was about to say something else, when he saw the male classmate wave the magic wand in his hand, and then his eyesight went dark and then light up, and he felt like he had landed under his feet. After a trance, he realized that he had connected with all his colleagues and landed beside the track. .

As for the Hogwarts Express, only the tail of the train could be seen at this time.

"This... is crazy."

Reason strangely prevailed, and Andrew, the captain and others felt a sense of fear. They asked themselves, they were trembling in their hearts when facing the dementors, let alone raising their wands against them, but the man and woman could kill a group of people by themselves.

It can destroy Dementors, and even if they are not protected, they can be annihilated with one shot.

"Let's... let's go? Go back to the ministry."

One official was shivering. He just wanted to go back to the office and drink a cup of fragrant hot cocoa. It didn't matter if he was fired the next day. He just wanted to drink something hot.

"Go back and remember what you should say if you still want to work at the Ministry of Magic."

No one would refute him. Although he was just a captain, his surname already showed the aristocratic power behind him.

clap clap-

Everyone apparated back to the Ministry of Magic, and the captain and Andrew went to report to Fudge.

"Oh, Roel?"

When they were about to enter Fudge's office, a sweet and artificial girlish voice came. Andrew and Roel's faces were twisted simultaneously with their backs to each other, but they both regained their composure when they turned around.

Unlike Andrew who was trying to smile, Captain Loel looked calm and didn't pay much attention to the pink lady holding the coffee in front of him.

"Ms. Umbridge."

"Oh, Roel, don't be so cold. After all, you Yaxley and I are related."

If the pink lady was similar to the blond lady on the train, then Loel could guarantee that he would smile at her. As for the relatives, Loel curled his lips secretly and didn't care.

In this small British wizarding world, there is no one who is not related to us. Even Weasley, who has always been despised by Malfoy, are they not related to each other?

And the Yaxley family and the pink frog in front of them?relation?Maybe, but is she worthy? She is just trying to please Fudge, a fat pig in the Ministry of Magic.

[Don’t mention it, the two pigs are quite matched. 】

A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, he smiled, turned around, opened the door, and knocked, not caring whether Fudge responded. What he did more was to inform.

Notice - I'm coming.

He doesn't seem to take the Minister of Magic seriously.

No, to be precise, he doesn't take Fudge seriously.

"Minister, the dementors were destroyed by students on the Hogwarts Express," he raised his chin slightly and walked into the office, ignoring the embarrassment on Fudge's face, "This is provoking us... provoking you... Mr. Minister."

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